7W WWW ,, 7 , -~ H1 G H LAN D PARK, The MoSt _8eautifu1 Subufb qri < HIGHLIFD Put: in an? hour’s ride from Ohicng-n, on'the Chicago Milwaukee Railroad, an} is delightfully situated on the high hiufl's which at this point rise aimoal perpendicularly m 21 bright of one hundred fleet. above Lake Michigan. The grounds am undi'laï¬ng, and lruvermd with dH-p, picturesque ravines, which add a (-himu and divuraity to the beauty of the scenery, and afford fmc natural drainage, and coustqueutiy mid toihe hulthfulnens of the place: Tile Highland Park Building Company, the propriv-tors, have éxpfnded money in a iqvhh and “hard main"; have laid out and gruded more than twenty miles of streets, whose serpentige wintliugs‘form the most’attructive drh'es ti) be found in the country, comprising, :5 they do, a variety of fea- tures pecnl'mr to the ioc'ality: sometimes running through the deep rayines when: the shade is so dense that the sun cannot penetrate, then along the broad, Inve} beach, and gradually ascending: m high bluffs, giving, and far as sails of Commerce constantly passing and regaining. . m vThe outward and natural advantages of 9 maidence at Highland Park are éï¬déntto guyoue who iirvealiguigau as to the comparative maid†of the difl‘ertm suburbs of Chicago, and on this there is no necessity for ry’mark, but an examiutiou is invited. _ THE’ HIGHLAND PARK BUILDING CQMPANY.’ fl .3 its name implies, is a Building Company, and for'tlie last six years have continuvd to build and sell houses on easy germs, to parties desiring to gecure a hnmein Highland Park, of uny‘cost, from the simplest cottageb‘lo flielmo'st eleganymunsion, the Company having ample means, amounting, above all liabilities, 1.0 $700,000. I ï¬versge better gs to quality and cost than any other suburb gbouï¬ ChicaA go of its BIZ", many being substantial brick structurés, and of elegant and ,attractive design. ' " ‘ ' ‘ Among the advantages presented by Highland Park, that have been created by the investment of capital, inay be mentioned the ' " ELEGANT HOTEL; which hoida a recoggl ized place as one of the most com- plete and best furnished hotels for summer resort 1n the United States contains one hundred and twenty ï¬ve rooms, exclusiVe of public rooms, .IIJ elegant billiard-room und ï¬rst class tables, bzth rooms, 5%, and is kept by a very popular landlord, Mr. Charles Duï¬ield. Last 'seasOn was the ï¬rst, and proved very successful and satisfactory touall interested. i: by†nun rem-h, a magniï¬cent View of Lake Michigan, with the white W. W Bo yington, Samuei Jeffery y, Edward B. ï¬ambo John M. Platt.‘ ï¬iodman' Curler, J Imea W. Dan, C. R. Field, Capt. 'G. H.†Hummer, Whh’um Q‘Bï¬'eh, ‘ Arthur F.- Allen. Williun B. Hues, June; h}. Swish, , min B. Sings. null’lfï¬ï¬‚gwkins. E. PwR.‘Shnrlqy.4 Geé. B. Cummings“ Hugey B. gregn, Frederick Fischer. ( Thomuvafl Smear. . John“ M acneton, John Mum; - ‘ Vin mien Dcnalow, P. Doolo , - Eduard Beebe“ Andrew J. On, ’ Dr. 1!. H Bukei', ‘ Elinhn Orly, ‘ C {Ford Wiflmnï¬.’ iosinh W Patton, Mm Lucy Aiflen, THE HIGHLAND PARK HOUSE The/following Eiregthe nam'es of’é‘ome of the residents of flighland'Pa'rk 2. THE PRIVATE RESIDENQES Rev. Dr; Robt. W. Putter-son, Harry Obee, C. Grnnville Hummond Rev E. L Hard, D. D. J 01m 0. Potter, 'R. H Gillett, . _Henry 0. Busye, Jomphflny. . ' . . M. Moms, f Hit-Mn Mosier, W. 8. Downs. Eng-Emma. ’ chkisa. Lunson, W. H Luther. T R. Willard, Col. W. A. James. M1141“ H Wcodworth, Prof. A. Phelps. JohnvDufly,,. Albert Dixon, ‘ EC. Biker, 'Dr‘ Edwin Cross, E. H. Plummer, 8. 6. Btreeter. gap}: 6.. H. Schroede/r/ A. O. Alférd. Edwagd Pfumis, B B Willinms, Thomas Fakes, The Compmy last on thousand feet. in lung! , “To beats of I“ kinda wd fxoquen P-rk from Chicago hue been In tales 1nd econ lmi~ea the cost. 1-! Luv vvu-r-UJ up: -7- thousand feet. in lul\'g!{\,"|-ï¬'o ng Irxrpleâ€" lmding nccounuodll'inun for beats of I“ kinda wd froquen lusure excursions by Lake to Highland P-rk from Chicago lme been m o the p ‘3! seam The pier Ilsa {mili- talee 1nd econ lmi~eu the cost. 1-! uildmg. ECONOMICAL ADVANTA( J ()F A RESIDENVE AT HIGH- - ‘ LAND PARK REDUCED TO FIGURES. Ii: Cbicugu, 50 1W1 of ground ut ï¬rm (9 price wm ('Ual ................. $10,000 In Highland Park (100 ("m-l of grouufut $15.00) ...... 1,500 L‘hicamw'l‘nxm nu $10,000 .......... Highland Parkâ€"Taxes on $1,500 REAL ELEGANCE. ESTATES FOR THE WEALTHY. To those who hnve ample means, pnd :tu‘e for elogtnt md spncioua grounds, the Highlmd Park Com-any an olfer property such , u cannot be bought in any other locality in the vicinjtr of Chic‘go, he- cau4e it does not exist (‘his stltement“ may seem to be (slugger-tron; but we invite In examinatiOn as to its literal truthfu'ness. ‘ SCHOOLS. ' The school prizileges me of a superior 0rd: r, there being three schools in the place under ï¬rsticlass mnmemem. and all -the people feel ng n Iiée'ï¬xi'éér'éstin their euccess and'rrelfar’e , TAXES , - B: ing just over the Cook County line in Lake County. the taxes are less than one quarter what they are in (100k Countys CHURCHES. There urethree churches in Highland Park Ilready builtâ€"the†Bap- tist, the Pres wyterian, the Catholiceall buildings of I superior cl: 3. Several thousand do‘Hars ure air ady promised toward the erection of an Episcopal church, there being a flourishing society of this denomination here, ‘ v . Vt . INVITATION TO COME ANDSEE. All persons contemplating a residuum in the suburbs are cordially invite, to come and investigate the advantages of Highlanl-quk‘ Free tickeui will bé provided for such, and an escort,,0ycf'thé‘grounds of the Companys on appllcation me ~ , ' > FRANK I’.‘ HAWKINS, Agent, †,- 125 Deatborn Streel, Room 1. Interest on $10,000 at 10 per cvnl " “ 1.500111 10 “ “ Total saving of principal and int/crest the ï¬rst year Total saving. Saving in ink-rust Luke D. Phillips. 0. H. MorganI Volney E. Rum, William 0 Han“ .1110 J. Austin, Alfred Willem, ‘ Jonas Steers, John C. Clark. Jacob S. Curtis, E. H.- Dennison, Williams, Dnvis, Rev. J. 0.0m, ‘ Chum Mutton, '- 'Georg’erLeslio, _ 'W:H.- Plummer, a J. McDonald Edwud .11 lim, Chulel Dumeld, G. Doutc, D- R.vCImeron, uThamu H. Beebe, S, R. Binghnm, F.‘ I“. French, J. 8. Edwards, Dr Pour wars' F. Stupy, W‘llinm Steely, John Moonoy‘ _ Nchon mum, John Finney. R G. Evnnx. PIER. mod to be buik asubsfnntinl pier one Cluéago. “12:3 $236 30 $1,000 1.3†3 F34) 3 5,500 39,5»5 1,05,