iii up um 15; The Highland Park News. Published in lheï¬xtercsls of Highland Park, Highwood and Ravlnia, every Friday afternoon by H. F. 8: A. E. Evans, Terms, $1.oo,pcr year, 50 cents féur six months, 30 cents for three nmmhs. Ofï¬ce Avenue‘ En la red Advertising rues made known on nppliutlon It this office. LEWIS B. Hmnmn H. F. EVANS FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1896. ONE veal/49,0 last Sunday. Dec 13th; Milton (. Lightner died. and them passed out of the businws lifv of this citv 0110 of its ablest 1111911. But life has gone on 111th most of 11s as though nothin" had happened. B1 and 111 19211191, V011 and [ 11ill drup out and the world will (m 011 in the same 1121}. ONE year ago†yegte‘iflay. De-(-._ Nth/"President Cleveland issued his Venezuela message». which thrmv two ugmfixiouts into wild (‘omumtiou and all thi‘iin/gwes in thr- land "sun-it })0\VdM‘"()f a gruat war ha tween England'and America. Today. thv Venvzuvia qribn‘tiun of 40 yt-arh‘ standing is settled; peacvful arbitrar tiou sex-urml. and the two great Eng» lislrspvaking nations arv hvttvr friends than PW‘I‘. That is statw mauship. A MAN .«aid to us a \Vt't'lx‘ or more ago, that Mr. So and So might suv him. if hv \Vishod; llt‘ ('oulli mil" (ml lc-ct anything. That wasarlkmuvh as tn say hv nwwi lllt‘ hillfhul hv in- tended in boat him nut, it if 1w (wild. in other words“ lu- would pav his bills 01in when the law cmmikllml him to do 50. He would run hills anywlwrv hv could. and thou uni pay thvm un s the law cumpvllvd him.‘ That 1m y (in for thI- worthless, pro» fossional' doml-beatflmi an honest man. out- who proposos to livv . how many yéars, can't work that game successfully: A reputation fur h0u~ vsty and solvrioty is all thv capital somv men haw. hm it is wurth much to than ed at the pml-nfï¬ce 211 Highland Park. 111.. as second class matter. McDonald‘s Building, St. juhns Highland Park, “Ennis. Brsmnss MANAGER. EDITOR. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. V\ 1111::111111111 0111* 11111111 the 111011101- 1- 1st per mile for" Uradiuo' 111111 011111,] i110r a street with Half (1111' 11111111 urave} after th’e lDilllDt‘X' 11f Hig1111111xi ut the experiment 1111 th1*r1* has. proved successful S1) far; in most places '11 01111111 511011-955 The 01131 is 1'1*r_1 I011 compared 111111 our Park nun-111121111 1112111. \\ 1* 11151111111t 1111* old Mihvaukvv 1111111 81111111 from 1111* Citv Hall to Doerï¬eid 1111*. 111' 1*1'011 First street from (11111111191545 u111'111*1 t11D1*1ri11*l(I 2111‘. c MM 1111 1rr111l11l 211111 paralleled 111111 let us in 1* i1 111* cunt haw fiuv ï¬rm-ts 11111111111 hunk 1'1il1ti11g 1111 NW 111'11111V'1i1 1111111153 1 linv suri \‘Vi'kl \V<-11wun grudv l A thv punlfln thm'o w impmvvd.’ 213‘ sonw Tlu- bud _(-(m(1itinn (if Pi‘usimvt uvvnuy vspvcizilly iwzirtim). 1). Hunt tank and Dr. Bulwm-k‘s (h-nmuds s-umuv (-onskh‘rutiun. Thi- inning (if 1 that strm-l was nut :1 Slk'm'sm'. But‘ what 51:4!!! 1:9 (1011(- an2 when is thv ht-s't. Chaim-gt and mmt mnhu‘ing ‘ rum-(13'2†Tiw stn-vt was gmdmt (lawn too low in t‘hns'v plan-M as vim» where» so that thu lwrmmwnt water V linv in hard clay is up too [war tlw >surfucv of tlw Qtrm-t and in hvnvy rim or pmtruvtvd smmmq of wvt weather. the wutvr liiw is :ihm'v thv , lvvvl 0f tlw street. hvncv thv strm-t 'in thnwplaces is wot and muddy and the gran-l is soft and sliï¬igy under thv macadmn. an the nvniL able rmnudy is to put a threw inch ‘ (1min tile in the cantor of tho Htrvvt, 0r hvttvr two drains. one five fwt on (’Elt'll sidv of tho m-ntvr lino 9x- and gravel win-n :mt Hmsw stun-tr. nf‘ thmn (In mm. tending east, and west some six or eight rods and at least twu feet be- low thesurfaw. “Have ,thQ stgrtiug meant “liroudt-ning" purlwndiculzir 1; up and down: up to' n {\highvr faith in untl low to God and. Christ. to higher idl‘ill‘i of Hull-sacrifice "'zi'n‘l St‘l‘ViL‘é‘ to (loll un mun. nml (lmvn tn» :1 (l96}l(‘l'51)il‘llllill life and humility. all right; that 1min ol' ln'o'rnloning will (lo tlw church ï¬rst good. lt it nil-nus broadening from e-zmt to “1-71. horizontally. “1? should say. in ll)!“ words of tln- immortal (‘iu-ro. "Milki- husti- Hlo\\'l_\z" The- chum-hos hun- nlrvzuly too many proph- wlm haw rvligion enough. but um) (lt'h‘llilllt' nil pivty. Thv)’ utte-ntl \(‘lllll‘t‘lL how tlwir hoanls in prayvr. (‘ontrilmtv for chum-l1 :nnl missionary pili'posem. but I thv)‘ ilI‘U (lvstitutv of pit't)’ or (iotlli llt'h‘h‘. lilH Min-lim-an his Yilll‘ lu- _ turcs (-uilsnttvntiun to this peril of ‘ tlw nnnlvrn (‘lllll'l‘lL thuif'Iu'tK’M‘n Hm umwr and low-rmillstonew of n rug 5 ing svnsutionulih‘m :intl n-cchwiustivnl worhllinons. tho ('hnn'h sinks into n nn-rt‘ theological club. or sot-ivty for social rt-forni. l’nul l’mnrg‘vt. tlu- From-h vritir. says our AlJlt‘riHlll (‘hurclws uro zilri-udy only "pray-r i ll-luhs.†That is e-wvorv. hut lilt’l‘t‘ l l . . », muv lw somv truth in It. I . THAT $500 fund hut-k 4) Sheridan ofï¬cial. who ho]? tlw Marshal our cvlc‘hrutvd Ordinance is “N. UN" is the l of American \thvlim-n. Inr L." lh' the LL‘IUHP whm-n. hundrmls H‘VC FUN Ms