(Shades H. Baker has been added tuour list of Notarys Public. and yon‘can swear before him. not at him, to any document you like. at the regular for. x You can} afford to take the NEWS. “Awful poor" you are: just cut off two cabbage leaf cigars a month and" it is done. or some other useless or injurious superfluity. ‘ The Bluff (iit‘v railway company secured the right of way through Lake Bluff Monday night. and will soan have it through Lake Forest. Fort Sheridan. etc.. and be at our doors. With characteristic thoughtful- nesswnd generosity the Highland Park Club will give a reception to the ofï¬cers and their ladies of_ Fort Sheridan at the club house next week Thursday evening. Dec. 3|. The many friends of Robert C. liatien will regret to learn that he is still kept at home on account of illness. He has been out but twice duringr the last two and one half Weeks. liuthavingthe best medical care he hopes soon to be at the otlice~ at his duties. R3111e111lx1r that Evans Bios. has 11 ï¬ne line of nuts. candies. figs, dates fruits etc. for the holiday trade. if you want to make vour familv 21 valuable and enduring holiday pre- sent bear in mind the NEWS (oats only one doflar 21 your. Therekvill be a C. E. prayerâ€" nieeting at the new Evangelical church. Christmas morning at 9 o’clock. A All are cordially invited; Prof. W. H. Russell took his kids and their- luggage to thé Wednesday afternoon train. so the boys can apend the holidays at their homes The 'Military Academy cadets hcaL the Evanstnu boys at a game 0f ball Saturday evmxing in the drill hall L") m l l. Good for the cadetï¬! The Roman Catholic Church" held its Christmas festival Tuesday even- ing. with a large attendance and a good time. Full particulars next wce-k. Roscoe Conkliu Fletcher is home from Rucinu and thv colts will get some exercise. 0010le Davidson's cadets wiil not return till Wmlnmday awning. Jun. (3. 1897. Andrew Bock llas raised the walk in front of his store and the old Git-- set meat market. Pastor Johnson‘s subject {01‘1th Sunday nlpj‘hiug is “zj0 World as (â€print Found‘lt." .. LOCAL BREVITIES. sonnlly. he has been one of the, tru- (‘$t.llld best nf friends. . Mrs. Chev- erton needs no’ intnxluction to the people, of Highland Park. She, is well known as n cultivated. high~ minded. earned and eminently prac» ktical Christian woman. The n'iem- hers of the Baptist Church and So- ciety know her worth. and what an addition she will he to them. as well as to'l’ii'rk moiety in general, to say nothing of the home to which she will carry such sweetness and light. We extend our most he'rirtv mid Hill- THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS ‘ The NEWS takes great pleasure in announcing themgagmnent of David M. Erskine. Jr.. toMrs. Maud Chey- orfon. ExMayor Erskine is one of the first citizens of this city, a man in H11»- very prime of his Vigorous manhood. and one to whom we look for public service and personal usefulness these manv \'edr1-;:,HHehzb-n1d(ly '11 hue recoul how a ’ a citizen. 11 busino'Ss’ 1111111 and public ofï¬cial To us. per- The Highland Park Club met Sat- urday evening last and elected offi~ ten for the yPar 1897 as follows: President. James H. Shields; lst vice president, George D. BOulton; 2d Vice president. Edgar M. 'Snow; treasurer. George L. Sites: directors. in addition to those otï¬cers, Daniel Cobb K. R. Smoot. Charles Ma Grew]. E. H. Brown and P. A. Montgomery. Daniel Cobb will he plop-ted secretary. ‘ (-vro (-nngruhllutinns. One of those little nlissives. so abundant at this season receiV ed bV' the NEWS, reads thus: “Arthur LV- man Dubois Amanda MelVina Roi) bins Married Tuesday. Dec. 22nd. 1896, Ypsilanti, Mich." The groom is our electric light man. He and his bride haw gone east on their wedding tour Congratulations froin the NEWS force. Among the leading business men iW ANTED A position by experi» 0f Chicago‘who are. writing a series i enced man. coaching or general of articles 0'11 “How to Succeed"m ' work about house. Terms rea- the Record our friend and neigh» sonalzle. Inquire at News of- lior W. A. Alexander had a column lice, McDonald‘s block. article Wednesday morning, and of 7 course it 11 (1s 21 capital one fur Mr. Alexander IS a practical man i Telephonc 67. Look over Dale Swmtland’é line of Christmas Goods before buying els-‘Whem; He has a ï¬ne line of Albums. Pocket Books, Shaving Ar- ticles, Cigar Cases‘ Dressing Cases, Imported Jewel Cases, etc. etc. .l‘udge Holmns is out “again. care- fully bundled up in wraps furs etc But he wont he himself again till Lhe hot weather of dog days makes the wicked grippe relax its grip on his constitution The grippv can hold on almost 01115211 to 21 sewing 111111 lune avent ‘ty m gmwral, to say 1101119 to which she- mve-g-nwss and light. most Infarty and Hill- $2M“ f ““5“ First Class Work é» Office and Yard in Lumber District. [FOR SALE A Ne'w Elgin, '96 model, drop-frame bicycle; will sell at half price. Alsnoue sec- ond-hand Victoria. chezip. luâ€" quire of (l. Boll]. box ,I3. High: land Park. Ill. TELEPHONE 25 HIGHLAND PARK LAQNDRY. A. (l. ORTLUND, Manager. General Teaming \ and Excavating, BEST LEï¬iï¬H VALLEY EOAL FLETGHER [UMBER Lumber, Wood ‘ ’ and Kind’l’mg: \VANTED‘va~n(n-iitiou by u thor-V ough coachlnan of 10 years‘ ex- perience in England in one place Address Mrs. Daggett. Ruvinia, Ill. Groods sont fur and delivered to all parts of the city. Orders by post or telephone- promptly attended to. Nut . Egg (irate Range WANTED, FOR SALE, Etc.~ 3:4 Central Ave.. Highl-nd Plrk. COMPANY, At Reasoflable Prices. WM. TILLHAN, JR., Present Prices of Dealers In . 7.00 per 7.1m -- 7.00 .. 7.00 C -- tun