plrgctory of Stuck Societies. A. O. Fay Lodge,’A. F, and A. M. Regâ€" ., his: uxcgtim' qiszhtsï¬t and third Monday in . “my 4' ~ ' ' , , _. ~ ‘ ' 'eaéh momâ€?- ma Mal: [C hall. wg’ï¬angr Son’s store. . Independent Order Foresters, (‘ourx High- land. Meetings ï¬rst and third 'l‘hursdays of each mouth in Forester’s Hall. ' Modern'Woodmcn of America, Meetings lirstvarfl third Friday of each month in 'For- csters’ hall. Jno. ‘anney, V. (1.; Fred Greenslade. Secretary. From the mirth . . . 12.47, 3.14 p. m. From the south, 7.30, 9112, 11.39 a. 111., 12.07. 3.25, 5.37, 7.29 p. 111. ‘ DEPARTURE. For (he suulh, 6.50, 9.30 a, 111., 12.47, 3.14, 5.33, 7,29 p.-m. For the north . 9.12, 11.39 a. 111.. 7.29 p. m. Mail pouches rclqse 15 minutes before the departure of trains. 'w 31.000113 Highland Park Council No. 1066. Royal Arcanum. Meet in Foresters‘ hall second and fourth Mondays of every momh, chem. Charles H. Baker; secrelarv, Frank B, Green, Among cultivated. intelligent people. the genuine Automatic Vt ill cox 6; Gibbs machine is most pop ulur. Harry Mills Hent us some of the best and sweetest honw-umde sauâ€" sage We ever ate. for our breakfast the at her morning. D. C. Purdy is lniildiug n burn for his 2:4†horse and vehicle. He has sense enough to build it iwu stories high. with u gqud hay loft. Butter is always on the scales: “11911"th price- noes down in Elgin it gum up t‘1H('\\'1l(~'H‘ That's why it is 27) vents 119w who†N 50111 at 111- giu Monday for 151 cents. ? Arthur P. Dunn is generally 8111M posed to be an Englishman, but he is exactly like that girl down in New Hampshire who went alone to get married. He not only want alone. but he returned alonv, and stays alone. All, we see it now, the party of the second part. in taking the bridal trip alone, as thrifty fling im-n am sometimes said todo. LOCAL ITEMS. E. Brand would be pleased to insurance- for yml in rvlialfle AINVAL. Postmaster. ..: Thugaatgmmmï¬sm ï¬lth? I???" e‘r's' Reading Circle will hold its next meeting at Waukegall, Saturday, January 16, 1897. Elmer Palmetier is in charge of the local expre‘w delivery wagon, and he makesa very capable uud‘ courteous one also. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. 4 Evans Bros?grocery trade has tak- tgn a big boom since their ads up- .xed in the N ws. The ads and fa: Yaifliéé ï¬béishumn in (ï¬Ã©â€™féï¬re getting a big pull. The Springï¬eld (MassJ Republi- can has: sent us a business dalendur for 1897. just exactly like. in ’size.‘ shape kind general make-up of the ï¬rst one back in the sixties. For the bvneï¬t of poultry raisers. one of our amateurs reports from M hens during†Decemben 1.32 eggs gathered. 108 sold. the balance. used at home or give-n minty. P. S. W9 don't practice giving away eggs! The unprecedented warmk Weathervl of the last few days of Deéemlwl‘ l superipdlfm} .ru great deal of sick. ) ness and kept our poor doctors 01x ‘ the g0. night and day. This cold} 51ml) stops all that and uuw tln-y can. ‘ rgst. < Pumping-engine†Laiug reported a total of 4.(‘l4*$.83l') gallons of water pumped in Decemhemlaily average of “30,609. Flwl oil used. 3.72") gallons; daily awrage. 1'le gallons. Noi‘thwestern railroad folks "sud 77.3.00†gallons. Ex- lwstumstvr Brundhtowed z’mzn lots of “Hiding and ()tlwr presents in a big trunk 111 the attic of the un- occupied Stm-rs cottage. 2-20 them: would no 0wain thmn. Aud‘ï¬n one did. till thv admit burglars (-auw ulung u fe-w nights ago and SCHOPPd the whole lot. We saw a novelty in Mayor R. Gr. Evan’s house, down On Central eve- nue, which R. D. Hill will soon oc- cupy with his bride. It is a large ï¬ne toned Mason Hamlin parlor organ, run by a water motor in the basement. This, we venture to af- ï¬rm. is the ï¬rst- water motor set up within our city. It works like ma- gic; you touch the button and the water motor (loot-3 the rest. “ BEST LEHIGH Tglcpbon! 67- FIETEHERIWBER Office and Yard in Lumber General Meat Market. Fresh, Salt and Smoked-Meats. GIESER BROS†Fresh and Salt Meat’s, W. Central Ave., - Highland Parkflll. A! I RI ht Price. Your: tor Inuructlon on me Mundo n or Mandala ..... umber, Wood â€and «Kindling. *9" , «.4 '3 "W0 ,‘ The Leading Market, will sell you anything In the ..... COMPANY. Nut . Egg Grate Range POULTRY, FISH, BUTTER Present Prices of Musical Line Poultry, Game and Fish In Season. Dealer in All Kinds of . MILLS. TELEPHONE Peter F. Dooley. beater; )1! AND EGGS. DEALERS IN VALLEY GOAL ,(m .(m ,m) .UH TELEPHONE 24. per ton District.