The Highl‘m‘d“ Pax‘k 'Ncws": Published in the interesxs of Highluud Park, Hi ghwood an“ aninia, every l‘riday afternoong by II F. A. E. Evans Advertising rates made known on uppllutlon at an: omoe. Ierms, $1. 00 per year, 50 cents for six months, 30 cents for three months. Ofï¬ce: McDonald 5 Building, St. Johns Avenue. Highland Park, Illinois Entered at the" post-office at Highland ., Punk, mum; «memldaswmancr. 3:. THE DIRECTOR of the Philadelphia mint says this country produced in 1896, $51,500,000 in gold. From the amount that found its way‘igo us we did not suppose it was over half that amount. wars B. "HIBBA‘RD H. F. EVANS Tuneditor of the Springï¬eld Re. publican has been living on tradition- al Boston diet Witness this one of its latest utteiances. “Half baked beans on Job, Psalms or Revelation are not the material for an interest- ing sermon." THE prrogof the NEWS has no deâ€" sirg to “scoré†anyone. Hi3 business is to get the best thought of the best men of the city. and tell/ the uldermen and everybody else what that thought is. Doing just that. in spite of some ‘mistakes. has made the >Londo‘n Times ‘ the greét’est paper in the world. The NEWS is- following in its steps. WE .HYST MADE a startling dim-ov- «rry, toâ€"wit: that at tho late olevtion in this county. for trustws of the University of Illinois, there were only 28 Republican women voters, while 30 Prohibition women went to the bal- lot, box for home and country. If it has come to this that these Prohibit- ionists are going to carry Lake County, where are we at? THE SCHOOL QUESTION is always at, the front, but not always the ’same phase. The recent state teachers association had up the high FRIDASP, JANUARY 8, 1897. - â€" EDITOR. Busmnss MANAGER. school for pretty ~shaY‘p discussion. Themgh Sehooquaims $9.!» a poor boye; college, but the trouble here has been, our peor boys have passeal thisuoollege by on the ‘other side. Is the fault in the college of in the boy? Our theory has been foi‘ some years that it was in the boy, the state association seems to think it is in the college. This ‘subject will “bear ventilating'a‘ little. , \Jrnin w .. .w- "'“I'r owhrs'to’fls' that" thiébhiwï¬â€˜s method of “holding up†the month- ly payments to the Electric .Light Co- for street lighting, “is not a very business like performance. The council practically obnfessed, at the last meeting, that it did not know whether the lights and the little in- candescent'lamps were up to candle power or riot. But the alderman were dissatisï¬ed, and so are some other folks. In other words, the Council had a lot of half formulated complaints. more or: less, opinione about the quality of the light fur- nished, and liome notions about de- fective are lamps. but nothing clear, deï¬nite. and positive: nothing they could go into court and sWear' to: hence no evidence of violation of contract. Now. we hold that as bus- iness men. the aldermen kick all they like, but pay then-bills promptâ€" â€1y as due. and go about legal re. dress, if entitled to any, like busi. ness men. This holding up the Company’s pay is not business, unv (let these circumstances. so our'good business men think. i THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Possxmu'm-zs, by J. Gr. K. McClurqy D. D.. Chicago. Revel! Company. This little Hi um. m6]: is‘ by Dr. McClure. tlu- able and popular pas. tor of the Lake Forest church. and it is one of the best books we ever read. It is thoroughly Christian in spirit, but not one trace of sectarian- ism in it; no one could tell from the book his denomination. We wish it could be in every family and Sunday school library in Lake county and the country, too. It is wonderfully stimulating; and inspiring to young men and women, and so perfectly healthful in tone in every respect; He cites so many cases of men and women who have blessed the world; tells how they did it. what ()listaoles LITERARY NOTES. they overcame, how the young of“ our day and community may go and do Iikeivih'é; There are eight ‘c'ha’p- ters in the book, entitled Finding, Asserting, Protecting and Develop- ing’our Possibilities, the Possibili- ty of Being Like Our Heroes, of Living Right Everywhere, of Our Time and of a New and Blessed Life, here and hereafter. Sommof those chapters are of thrilling inter est and power; all are good and ex- cellent. indeed. They are not ser- Inons, nor yet lectures, but plain ' went... frank taleeuftzi very aide, linuaually level- headed man; for Dr. McClure’s broad Chi-is- ‘tian common-sense is-a marvel. He is one of those Scotch men whose name begins‘with ‘fMac,†and that is enough. Young men and .wo- men, buy this book and read it, re. read it, and then read it again; that is, keep it Where you can snatch it up for ï¬ve to ten minutes at a read-r ing and let its lessons permeate your whole being. ' - THE HOUSEHOLD 13 the best monthâ€" ly for the woman’s side of the house; we mean for practical women, we know of. It' 15 different from the Ladies’ Home Journal. ’and better for the practical woman, perhaps not as acceptable for the fashiona- ble woman. It is published by the son-indlawof the proprietor of the Youth’s Companion, and has the same spirit, commonsense and en- terprise which has made that such a phenomenal success. It smacks New England life and ideas, the fragrant aroma of the old Puritan virtues are on it; and we love it We have met iteverywhere, in the homes of New England, this great Central West, in North Dakota's happy homes; and in the old Creole mansions of Louisiana. ,We will club this or the Journal with†the News at $.75. T he aldermen‘ had not been to- gether for a month and they were in for u frolic and so strung out an hours work ‘till about I [:30 p. in. Some former council did not do its work properly when they changed the location of the Lake Place dowri by the Club house, and Tuesday night S. M. Millard was present and helped through two ordinances correcting the old errors. Then he, L. G. Yoe, J, W. Wakem and, J. L. Stockton put in la strong petition for the res- toration of the old are street light which the council took away. ' As it now is. that corner-lea very'~danger- THE CITY COUNCIL. deg? euna ,couh then and Stre‘ tow: is ac stree The! 0:1th “KR 918 a £01k: wen‘ mitt his ( grox Cusi peri streA suc.‘ city of ‘ 'tha ing VI] rel» d us her tl‘er hm by ‘ cou thii .11) l‘ ï¬g? ï¬n: vc; up I)†A?“ bit lia