She wanted to be a fairy, w'nh. the 1m my name of May. ‘ Then a young man came and Wedded hrr â€"m a year his name was pa: He took away the “y." and made pour Mary ma, Her Christian name was Mary. bu‘ 3hr tuck the “r" away; ' “aw-v v- t""“I'“"‘.' “At the competitive drill at the Academy this week. the Colonel Sliurly medalwas won by Sergt. Wissing. Honorable mention was accorded to-private Chidister. Spec- ial attention is being given to Bay- onet and Sabre exercises. Fencing and Military Athletics. A year ago Tuesday last. Feb. 9th. n vcaz aau Lu\11\l1§y “aw. _ J 0118b Steers died. He was a genial hopeful, inspiring kind of a man: clouds were lifted or rifted in hi5 annoan and it seems to 115 no man présence, and it seems to 'us no man could leave him without being light er hearted. more hopeful and girded with new strength for the work of life. This place hard not been filled in community or church. 1 August Peters. who disappeared last. summer while working for M. Moses and Son. and found later in a breakwater at Port Sheridan was struck by a Chicago and Milwaukee train. last SunduV night at EVanston. His nose and left leg are broken and he IS badly bruised. He has been taken to the Cook count} hospital. Just who is responsible for this IS not yet positively known. To show just how our late epidem ic of anonymous letters is regarded ' by a business man one of the best known and honorable in this city. 11nd one whom all classes respect t11rid esteem verV highly we equote 11 single exhact from 11 note received from him this week. “Any person who 1 would do Hueh 11 111111111 lou' lived thing as that should be shunned 115 the Asiatic ( hole r11 " That'i '8 exnet' ly the 11 11V ~zen-'ihle honorable people feel about it: they havenpoken to llh h) the seoie of it and their indiu nation in Home ('Hh‘t's knou~ no bounds. v Tï¬ANSFORMEp nARv. LOCAL ITEMS. a fairy, w'nh. the lm «13‘ name ‘i We make a Specinhy of com- I pounding prescriptions, using only i we pmest dru'qs. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. FREE W. SGHUMBHEH. Prescription ' The Highland Park Real Esau:- 3, If You Want to Sell or Exchange for Highland Park Telephone No. 44. Chicago Ofllce. I305 Chamber 01 Commerce. k Goods the Best. We also have FANGY GROBERIEs; DRY GOODS; CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES. Highland Park. III HENRY K. GOALE. J. F. Learning 8L Co., Stationers 150 Washington Street, Chmggo .1. Cash Customcgs . For Genuine Bifgaihs'. " irests,Monograms,AddressDies Engraved ‘ Wedding and Society Announcements . Druggist. MRS- A- BOOK. tlw sole itï¬Ã©iï¬W Fruits and ngQtablcs Ruth/Q4 Duly. Good, Delivered Free of Chargc. Man. qucyhonc 6?. FLETGHEB LUMBER Present Prices .0! Best Lehigh Valley Coal. Nut . . -. $7.00 per ton Egg . . . 7 .00 . Grate . . 7.00 Range. . . 7.0†Office and Yard in Lumber District. GIESER BROS. Fresh and Salt Meats, POULTRY. FISH. BUTTER “up 2635;“ “v V. CannlAvQ - Highland Pgrk, Ill. TELEPHONE ‘2. umber’WOOd ’ and Kindling. The Leading Market, Nut . Egg Grate Range COMP Prices Reasonable. Dealers In DEALERS IN TELEPHONE 54