.We clip the following from an ex- change: “Mrs. ~ asked her hus- band to nail up some []. When he. refused. she beat him with her 2+?“ until he saw *fl‘. We believe this case is without a He now lies in u .tose state and may soon be. sulr 'ject to a dis§. He must have been an * his life thus and almost put a . to his existence. The board of trustees passed the. sewer contract last Tuesday. it pro \‘ides that in return for a sewer out» let on Waukegan avenue. to eonneet with a sewer laid in the bottom of the ravine behind Lawrence ()lsen's. the villaée shall pay the eity of Highland Park $2000 on the first cost of the sewer. then one-third of the eost of obtaining right of way. and thereafter one-third the cost of maintaining the seWer. No other iuumrtant business was transacted. Did you see that Judge- Hihbard inserted a want ad in last week's NEWS? Now let 115 Which the result of judicious advertising. We have now a fair test‘ of the NEWS as a 1110. (1111111 and no wonder if we must say, ‘Tried, and found wanting. " We sincerely hope that Highland Park get}; another baby. Garrity 6; Brown will lmild a new meat market this spring just north of the post Ofï¬ce, on Waukegan ave- nue. It will be a two-story and base- ment building. Mr. Garrity will occupy the second floor as a dwell. iug. The new house in Hoyt's Huh- division is rapidly nearing comple~ tion. The sub-division and the Fort Sheridan artillery, are the only things in this vicinity that are boom- ing. There will be a dance of the Y. M. C. at their rooms next Tuesday. We understand that the children of William Whalen have the mea- ales. John V. (iu‘rrity ruffled. off. his cart Saturday night. It wab won by a laQy 7111111711qu Mme. Roche. Prof. Sam'uels‘ entertainment at the I. 030. F. hall last Tuesday was not. well attended. Therefore. though the shuw was good. the gate receipts were small. Emma Undem was sick the fore. part of the week. Everts Olsen is down with inflam- matory rheumatism. HIOHWOOD HAPPENINGS- THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Ethel Aldrich has tukon to writ~ ing poetry. So also haw Isabel Clark and Mildred Mihills. They are threateningr to send sonn- of their productions to the NEWS. During the first part of the week if u person uskvd (‘worgv Millard 21 question he Would say. “Shinncr's Hilt"il( !" It was easy to see where his thoughts Wore. He thinks he could have beaten the thxhrn-hrg mun anyway. It takes some little determination to come to school under difficulties some of the scholars encounter. Malwlle Appleton gets up at Seven and walks a mile to take the train. A small party (lrivoa over from Dc-vrtield every day. Ten young Mabel Gray says she is going to college to study agriculture. She is going to elevate the farm. The grip has kept Miss Douglass at home part of last Week. so her classes were heard by Prof. 'Wilson. We had no holiday on Washing- ton's birthday, as the scholars agreed to do without that holiday if they wore given Lincoln's birthday. The Grammar school had both. Mr. J. C. Que celebrated the 7lst anniversary of his- arrival on this celebrated globe on last Monday. A large party of friends gathered at his home to surpribe him, but not ï¬nding him there, they sent in great haste to Mr. Hesler’s. where he had gone to take dinner. The evening was fall‘Uf erijoynieTRTor all. ‘Muéic and refreshments. were plentiful, to the great credit of Mrs. Lucas That birthday party will not be soon for “rotten either by Mr Coe or his vis- itors. The Epworth League holds its monthly business meeting and social at Mrs. Comstock's house on Friday evening. An“ interesting program has been prepared by Mrs. Kellogg and a good time is anticipated. The ï¬rst telegram received over the Willuughbywoodyard telegraph line was. sent about 10:15 last, Sun- day morning. The boys are ready for business. Telegram blanks fur. uished on application. ‘ It is sup posed that they will supply messen» gel; service when it is desired. †- Mr. Boyd, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Evanston, addressed the men at the Home last Sunday after- noon. George Jones made a call Monday. man SCHOOL NOTES. RAVINIA ITEMS. truth-con: '25 PIANOS ‘AND FURNITURE MOVED. All bids to be sealed and endorsed upon the outside of emelope. Bids {m 'Iown Hall Site." and addressed to A. W Fletcher. Super v59; at Highl‘algd Park. .111.‘ Highland Park Laundry, Bids are hereby invited forJnoposals to sell to the town of East Deerï¬el (for town hall purposes; a site of about ï¬fty 150) by one hun- dred (100) feet. more or less, at a price not to exceed 81.500.00. DANIEI PHASE. ~ Justin: of Peace. DAV II) A. HUI MES . Justine of Peace. Buard of 'lxmn Auditors for East Deerï¬eld. Illinois. First Class Work . At Reasonable Prices. If you are troubled with oil that leaves de- posits. does not burn bright and coats the chimney, try our oils and We Will guarantee to satisfy you. Address - Bids musi'all 18m. To or from toy Pth of City. Sovereign Lubricating Co, VAUKEGAH, ILL., City Express. BAGGAGE AND nme PARGEL neuvamr. DUFFY BROTHERS. SOVEREIGN LUBRIGATING 00’s H lGHLAND PARK, ILL. Bjds are happy inyjted 101; j Goods sent for and delivered m all parts of the city. Orders by past or n-luphouc promptly attended to. _ nri‘: 30.1“- Trunks Purccls And we will see lhat you have a good all and gasoline. Atrial will con- vince you. A. G. ORTLUND. Manager. Goods handled with greatest can. Prompt attention given I“ ordeu. Are the best brands of burning oils on the market. Crystalline Penn Oil Silver Cross Oil Florine Oil 740 Gasoline A. W. FLETCHER. Su )ervisor. H. L. PALQI ITIEVR.‘ LE 7 ié’céi’ved u .2 â€,3 WE 33 Wk“; Earth? Town Crlefk. 25 Ccnts. Io Cents. by March 2nd. wsï¬mfl