[AW u. uuluul uuu .Jonu r mum were all tlw east sidv real estate owners present. “hilv probably nintktenths of tho voters who are not rt-al estate owners Were there. That is, the nmr property owners made the nominzr tions tho tapove-r rs remained at honu- and vault complain and We tlont want to hear any complaint from thorn. The-r9 worn "54 ballots vast: two HI. Irs ago at tlw vlm tion there' worn 562 Hitt‘s. That is. about one half Second , Did the caucus represent the town.†Yes. and no. “Yes." in that all parts of the town and same of classes were there. F‘NU.†in that the big tax-payers. as a rule. were not there. Major Vail. Colonel Davidson, S. F. Knox. (7. G. Phil- Vlips. W. E. Brand. Cyrus Green. K. R. Smout and John Finney were all the east Hidt' real estatp nwnuru " First It was :1 credit tothe town. in that it was orderly. quiet- and good- natlired. We heard nota Word ofprofanity or low speech of any kind and so felt proud at East Deerï¬eld. All sorts of folks usually get into a town of our size but there Were no loud- mouthed coarse and \ulgar- talking men there, or ï¬lm kept quiet. We emphasize this as a matte-r of local pride. ’It was [0:45 Saturdu) March 13, 1897. -wheu w home from the East Deer zens' Caucus. Since that had several reflections un 1 orderly gathering some we jot dmvn me‘ thé NH our fellmvs. Advertising rates made known on uppflutlon at this ofllce. Lwas B. HIBBARD H. F. EVANS Published in the Interests uf Highland Park, Highwood .and Ravinia, every Friday afternoon by H, F. A. H.7Evans. Iintcrcd ‘ux xhc- Inst-office at Highland Park. Ill.. as second class matter. Terms, Shoo per year, 55 cents for six months, 30 cents for three months. The Highland Park News. ()[ficc Avenug FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1897. AFTER THE CAUCUS. McDonald 5 Buiiding g. St. I Highland Park Illinois ‘atlwring some of which wn for thé ediï¬cation of 3 Saturday evening. '. -wheu we reached East Deerï¬eld Citi- - - â€" EDITOR, BI‘SINESS MANAGER. that we have un that quiet, ohns With this tnwu caucus of HUT East, Deerï¬eld has passe-d success- fully unotht‘r crisis in fllt' history 0f its (‘levelopment and there-in we r0 JUK‘Q. ’ Constable Grant. of liavinia is a line young man and will get “brok- enin,"as they say of colts, and make a good otlicer. It is very dc- siralilv to haw- thr- village marshal of Fort Sheridan and the constable of that and of East Deerlield one and the» same person. We- say that aftervight years' expvriem't- as a justicv. The other Illt'n wv don't know personally and can't speak of their qualifications. The othg-rs. the people haw tried, both justicm and constables, and are satisfied. I the voters were at the caucus. and of I course it half of those who were at home had been there they could haveAchanged the result in every case. There was more talk about the assessor than any other ofï¬ce. ‘ before the caucus. but the taxpayers said nothing and did nothing; some of them will come up there in June and kick vigorously. This is a free country. let them kick. but not re . bate a single cent. .“e came from a state where a taxpaver for neglect I 1 ing his primary duties 111 this mat- ‘ ter. was liable to have his rates dou. ,3 bled and then have to hem it. If .‘ the taxpayers had done half the ‘ viork either Messrs Brand or Palme tier did, they could have had an‘ ‘ other man. if they had wanted him. as we have heard some say; Now we. do not think any other any other man would run; we certainly would not. it We knew in advance we should be elected. Everything was fair and square and above board at that cau~ cus and We propose to stand by it. The NEWs had the honor of b1ing~ ing out Peter F Dooley for the new justice of the peace and is glad of his nomination. He is not a law Ver: lawyers are liable to be dangerous as justices. But Mr., Dooley has a natural taste for the law; he. loves it. has some familiarity with it, is leveLheaded. somewhat judicial in his mental and moral makeup. and above all is fair and honest and not carried away with conceits and prej udices The NEWS extends the right hand of fellowship to “Judge Doo- , ‘ THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS . but ,not re-~ 3 came from r. for neglect- iu this mat- Secuml. w» huvr (-mnrihutt-d mun,- tu thv incumpetvm-y‘ of nmny «)1 the juurm-ymen lnechunim. We- emcxent, they havenot the mam-r “dowuï¬na.†How much there- is in that, we dont know. but we do know that Mr. (310w. unc 0f uur lcadintr carpenters ths cumpuhdl successful†at Lake Furest “ith all thc world and the 1‘ orcst folks arc snpposmi to know gum! work uml want it too. \mnt haw anything clsc. in fuct. u I. First the: contractors themselves un-not as expert in figuring on the little (letailsof a job as tlwir Chicago rivals. The Club folks tell us there is one weak spot in lllt‘ Park contractors. Running owr two sets of bids and you will see the Chicago fellows are experts at every step while ours are not so efï¬cient, they havenot the matte-r But this is not the trouble. Some \\ 11V 31 Chicago contractor takes :1 .six to ten thousand dollar contract from Iflmiltlt11$2ltlltl less than our own will bid for. Why is it? it takes just so much uniterial to do that job. \\ hv that difference in price. We think it lies 111 one of twodireet ions. if “,9 are in error We want the mechanics to study it. out it. is cer~ tainlv for their interest to doso they are losinfl from two to fourthous'dnd dollars for labor on that Exmoor (3111!) house and ought to bestir themselves and know the reason why. in our mind the reasons are either: We have once called attention to i the fact that Chicago contractors come here and get jobs away from our local contractors and asked the reason why. We want our men to have this work, they can do as good work as any one, that is some pf them can at least. We are not will» ing to admit on any evidence yet in hand that the. Park has not for all ordinary and practical purposes Hh good and competent. workmen as an) other place. Of course there are specialists 1n the large cities. It is also true that In a city like Chicago there are contractors of larger hnan- cial resources than most of our con tractors. jllh‘t HS llllnlOllflll‘PH ill't‘. more numerous there than in the Park. WHAT'S THE MATTER. in figuring on of a job as their The Club folks [3 weak spot in :tors. Running