Did you see th'osa photo ographs that Brand makes on buttons. For mortgage loans on real estate, call on D. M. Erskine, J'r., Co. Mrs. David Fritsch of Deerï¬eld, who 18 suffering greatly with cancer of the hver, is not expected to re- ï¬ve: ~-- â€" m Our High School correspondent is at his home, Gleumoore, sick, hence literature from that altitude us want- ing this week. ‘ W. F. Edwards, after 18 years service as constable, ofl'ers himself againto the public for re-election. Mr. Edwards knows his duties thor- oughly and is a perfectly fearless of- ï¬cer. Mrs. William Tillman expects to leave for Missouri next week, where she intends staying with her uncle for a few months. The\ EWS wishes her a happy journey and full restor ation to healuh. Mrs.,,,MQ£erd, 9f, Himdale, deliv- ered a very interesting and instruct- ive lecture on , ‘fArt in the Public Schools,†before the Ossoli club yes- terday afternoon. The Hinsdale la~ dies have made great. progress in ‘JPDS Hue. We had a stool for our desk made and upholstered ï¬ve and twenty years ago. The other day ,we had Alex Norlein overhaul it, and now it is better than when new; the cush- ion is easier and it is more satisfac- tory in every respéct. The list of jurors from East Deer- ï¬eld, given in the NEWS last week. was incorrect. We copied it from some of the county papers. It did not contain the name of John Stu- pey and did contain Mr. Burke, 3 name of Warren. We like to have these little things correct. even if no one is hurt. We are happy to state that A.1’.i Dunn contemplates another trip to ‘ Europe for one of his unique collec- ‘ tions of foreign curios. His former trip was so immensely successful that lie .anticipates large results. i Meantime he has a choice collection of plants from all quarters of the globe which he is happV to show his , friends Strange state of things not a man or woman wants any work! Not a family wants help of any kind. Hap- py place, everyone has all he wants. and no desire for more. Surely this is Arcadia and Utopia combined, with Eldorado annexed. P. S. If anyone should at any future time want work or help, let th_e_ NEWS know it, and it will help you. LOCAL AFFAIRS. TRY ‘ THE NEWS TWANT ADLETS THEY ARE FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. All our lumber is thoroughly kiln dried and we guarantee our mate rial to be equal in quality and workmanship‘to any made. Send for estmate. DOOI‘S. Blinds, Glazed Sgsh, Brackets, Mouldingsyscregns, 3. Goods the Best. FANBY GROBERIES. DRY 80008, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES. C. A. KUIST, mama-m Park. m, Tin. Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. Subscribe for Highland Park News -- $1 Per Year. JAMES WARREN, SR., INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. MRS- A- BOOK. Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. Fruits and Vegetables Received Dally. Goods Delivered Freq of (heme. DEALER MANUF‘CTURER OF IN HARDWARE, l ; RAFFEN 6: BAKER, i iCoal, Building Material, and Ice. Prices Reasonable. TELEPHONE NO. 34. TELEPHONE 54 TELEPHONE 5.1.