Protect nut Mm; ch my brll Write 1 En! WEDDIRB In! a CO. mu. WuMn n, D. 0.. for their .1 and new “it 0 one Hammad Inna“. A hard times party was given by Mrs. (‘. 0. Gail at her homo last Saturday. What a harm-st fur a rag,r man! ()1in um: cent in the party. and that was lost! The prizes werv wai hard times two. First. a ft-aput. awarded tn M rs. Turnvr. and then a wading glass tn Weary W. Hogan. and as cunsulatinns. Mrs. P. E. Wood ruff re-juiced in a package of cudï¬sh. whikx DufT [tide-m hid a bottle of catsup. Thr- rvfreshmeuts \\'Prt' “out (if sight" in no timv. About 30 ware wantedsâ€"An Idea present. Mr. Ham-y. of Chicago. who is a graduate of Northwestern Univers- ity. was out Sunday to look over his property, the old Holden home west of tho track. After it is thoroughly refitted and Pnlurgml. he intends to move out here- and owupy it with his {avail}: were circulating a petition to nom- inate him for justice of the peace but he promptly sat down on it. He said that he \msxsatisï¬mi by the de- cision of the cum-us Saturday even» i112. ‘ One of our city fathers. commonly known as being well to do. has come to such straits that in a voyage to Kenosha last'wee‘lr,“ l1?I was compellâ€" Hl to ride in an aristocratic freight var. A meeting will be held soon at the Oddfellows Hall to form -a lodge of Knights of Pythias. The promoters are, W. F. Hogan. Dr. Turner. ‘J. A. Bledsoe, and J. C. Brown. Lucius J. M. Malminl visited rel- atives over Sunday. It may be rem- eémbe'red that he was a classmate of W. J. Bryan in the Union Law Col- lege in Chicago. The mother ‘ f Fritsch Bros died at her home in eerï¬eld last Sun day. of cancer of the liver. The store “ as closed \\ ednesday for the funeral. Julius Laegler ha’é sold his home to Harry Clampitt, who will occupy it some time in.the spring. Mr. Laegler’s family’is bound for Chi- cage. ()11thestreet Fi1stcitize11,"\\l1_v is this winter like 21 kid with the grip? ' Second citizex1.‘,‘Aw you re easy! It blow,s it snows. ' Extra!!! We have just heard from W. McLaren that “Fitz done Corâ€" bett." » Olney Mooreis still under the weather. Several friends of HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS. Who on think I n ea of ions “mph den ch ybrl "u “wwï¬'fl' vnonxnï¬ï¬ng’ c c “3 ’ 0.. hum Attor ‘0“. D 0.. [of BM? .m mg one, one "Imam! mutation- muted. Brady .W- Cantu] Ava, - Highland Fuhm. TELEPHONE 42. GIESER BROS. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., NEW YORK, CHICAGO. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Branch Office: 154 Monroe The Leading Market, a: The International Cyclopaediaaé POUL TRY. FISH, BUTTER AND EGGS. nvncuu. u. v OFFIC IA LL Y ADOPTED DEALERS IN Get Our Special Offer. IN THE SCHOOLS 0F Sb, Chicago, Ill. REVISED EDITION. ’ICTONIhL CATALOGU I: "NW5. "Iâ€... LU!" (ml/k, for 813;. cloth, or $1.15. oards. THE BENN Pl'l‘MAN SYSTEM has {or 43 years been the standard. Called by lhc U. S. Burmu of Education “ The Amer- ican System." First prize, World's Fair. Full information and complete catalogue.~free. THE PHONOURAPHIC INSTITUTE CO.’. (â€IX(‘INNA'I‘L ()Hlt) EbeSmitb premier (typewriters? «pnovmmr me mesa or mt M153 _\ PHILADELPHIA, I BOSTON. FOR by mail, with t); [3115;10- graplut Read" and the Pï¬onogmplï¬c Cap} Rout, P/IUIH’A’I'H/‘bl’, l)_\' Benn Pinnan and Jerome H. Howard. .1\ perfect self- inslructor. Over 300,000 sold. Sold by all book- sellL-n, or wv will send it I,‘ Publishers, HOW ? Study Ila/m USE Study the .MMqu/ 0/ by Benn