Win Ellis left Wedneï¬day m‘en- ing for Quinchll. The ball club of § that city willgive him _a. txial and if i mun . The citï¬ clerk and police judge got out their wheels this “wk and then pra<tice>d picking themsvlws up out of the mud In connection with the evening service utthe First United Evan- gelical church on Sunday evening the pastor will give a statistical re- port of the work covering the past year. Many of our Park ladies are at. tending the Moody meetings ixi the Auditorium. Mrs. J. McDonald. Mrs. Hibhard. Mm. Bingham and Mrs. Jonvs 2m- amnng those who have been. Alex Robe-“son and mun 'huw- put, a ï¬rst class shingle mu! an the J. F. Rice house. and the Burgess huusv un old Port Clinton is being thnr- uughly repairPd for rent or sale. new {(iundatingg and, an imprm'nmnfa. IVIII§I Lab}, wu:_l_5|vc llwl‘lll fl. til“. dll‘l 11 i Kenpw'mmoni "Enough {Fm “12215.? .L in the western asmx-iatiun this .s'um- § mer. Some of our eniorprisiug éli’iltlrt-u have imported the measlvs into town and half a dozen or more families are enjoying the luxury. Generally speakiugun 8 to .12 year old boy revels in tlw measles more than in anvthing else except teaqimr tlu- (- It nr shaking the sawduyzt stnï¬â€˜inv out of his sister 3 doll. Mrs. Susan S Jones of Austin is spending a short time with Mrs. S R Bingham and â€Grandpa." Mrs. J. F. Rice and children, ha Vina: spent a couple weeks in the.- Park in her Prmpet avenue home. Ivft ur Philadelphia W ednwia) for a mu of some two months. How house is for rent, a good eight mom house with all modern imprm‘ments and one of the ï¬nest lots in the city. Call on Judge- Hibimrd. We see. from the last meeting uf the Superviors that our Mr. Fletcher had cut down the expenses very much and he tools pains t4; tell the board lmw he had been enabled to (In so much by way of eeunomy fur the town and county these hard times. It was because the Ladies Relief and Aid society so ably and wixely managed by Mm. Col. David- .wn and her mun-inter; had taken hold of the work of relief for the needy: of helping them to help theum-lves. And me, Mr. Fletcher told these things tn the ,lmard.’ the members were so greatly pleased and became so thurciughly enthuued uver the Work of the Park ladies that they passed a puhlie vote of thanks: to thmu. LOCAL ITEMS. ~15 :7 at The International Cyclopedia.» a NEW YORK, - ; CHICA GO. \ DODD, MEAD COMPANY, Publishers, C. A. KUIST, THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Tin. Sheetrjron and Furnace Work Done to Order. All our lumber is thoroughly kiln dried and We guuruntve our mate- :ial tn ll‘ equal in quality and yvorkmanship m any made. Send fur pshnato. Subscribe for Highland Park News -- $1 Per Year. Doors, Blinds,<ï¬lazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. OFFICILLAY ADOPTED FOR USE SOLD ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN . JAMES WARREN, SR., INTERIOR FINISH 1N PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. Get Our Special Offer. 158 ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO. DEA LER REVISED EDITION. IN THE SCHOOLS 0F MANUFACTURER OF m HARDWARE, ,‘ PHILADELPHIA, / BOSTON. TELEPHONE .53.