Frank Warren Everett, son of l resident Eierett of our public schools, graduated with honor at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, Boston. Tuesday. The In- stitutv stands at the. head of«- the technical schools of the country and Mr. and Mrs. A. Antisdel are spending June at Ruvinook. Mr. Antisdol is the general managor of the Anwricun Express Company and has spent the summer here before. HP finds the Park has improved since his formvr stay with us, especially is this noteworthy in some of our HtrN-ts. He speaks in high terms of tiw Slwridzm road south to E 'ansâ€" ton. and is: justly enthusiastic over its prohuhh- completion north. His threw hora-ms and carriages find good quarto-rs in I’rofs-Rsor Gray's hams. a diploma therefrom means some~ thing in the scientiï¬c world, and we congratulate young Everett’ on his possession so honorably and sue-cos» fully won. The public school closing exercises for adults only, will be held Thurs- day, June 24th, in the school audi~ torium and be repeatetl the next morning for the bimefit of the child xen , This isa canital 01311-38 it giws all the children a fair chance and no (-1 ule The K. L. C. E. of the First U. E. church had echtion of ofï¬cers on Tuesday evening with results as‘fol- lows: President, Miss Mabel Brand; \‘lCP president. William Noorenberg; s¢.-cretary. Miss Alma Streiber; cor. swretury, Miss M. Brand; treasurer, Charles Kuist; librarian. Frml Boat kef. There 16 a great social buhbub over the fact that a niece of Presi- dent ‘McKinley is to be married. Why a cousin of ours was married last month and it created no social stirfwv did not know of it ourselves in?: keveral w‘eéks. ‘\Vbat's the'mat ter? ' The High' School commencement wilt-take place Friday the 25th at the Pmshyterian church when six 'rraduates will stir up the public mind and heart and receive boquets. Bishop Dubs preached a 11nwerful sermon in the F irst' United church 1Treciative audits/nee. For mortgage loans on i‘eal estate call on D. M. Erskine Jr., Co. City Attoxney Smoot and Johnson S. Prull went to Waukegan \V ednos day. _ « C. W Kirk spént Sanday 1n the Park and found as many friends as usual. ABOUT TOWN. THE 11101114551)" may: NEWER! Tln, Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. C. A. KUIST, Fruits and Vegetables Recelved Dilly. All our lumber is thoroughly kiln dried and We guarantee our mate- rial to be equal in quality and workmanship to any made. Send for" estimate. Fancy Groceries, Dry ï¬aods and Crockery; BOOTS AND SHOES. . Dobi‘s‘, Brindsfmaied Sal‘gh, "ï¬â€˜ilacké‘téj Mouldings, Screens. . Gdods the Best. Prices are Reasonable. Having securedthe agency of the eelelxatml Chase Sanborn Coffee we are prepared to sell it to you in any quantity. EVANS ‘BROSg, St; Bran, Cain“ M€31, “Gluten†Meal Middlings, Straw. Fancy Groceries, Tea, Coffee; * Fruifs and Vegetables. JAMES .. WARREN, SR., INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Stoves, Ranges, HouSekeeping Goods. DEALER MANUFACTURER OF TELEPHONE N0. 46. IN HARDWARE, paler: In Hi hland Park, Illinois. Tc cphone 5'4. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. HIGHLAND PA RK. Avenue. .5‘