Policeman Kline attached two wheels on the sidewalk last Week. As they Were children on taudems up toward. Highwmd, they Were let utf hy paying-Wists 5“,", the “mm: :mcu that the next time it would be at least $3 and costs. City Marshal Sheahen has been making it lively {or violators of the bicycle ordinance. He has the names of several parties who have been taking things in a g()â€"as~ym1-please kind of a way. He is no respector of persons or sexes and now they seem to understand that if they do so some more they will have to call at the cap‘ns ofï¬ce. Colonel Bradbury of the Wank. egan Patriot, is calling on the Dem» ocratic mayor to appoint Democrats to oflice. Tut, tut, colonel; call on him to appoint the best men, and let your party politics go to the dogs; They have no place in municipal af- fairs. Come to the Park and learn to do things right. A friend of ours bait loaned $2000 on a mortgage on a farm sold at $4,400 thirty years ago. He has re- cently foreclosed for principal and interest and now is trying to sell the farm for $1000. That’s one reason why so many young men come west. That was a mistake last week about Driscoll doing the tiuwork on the Waldo house. That hustling New Yorker, D. C. Pï¬rdy did it, and he is. putting in one of his“Trimnph" furnaces toward Glencoe this Week. D. A. Driscoll is doing tho furnace work at Waldo’s. One year ago last F riday June 11 we ate the first green peas, Notts excelsior, from our own garden Note. the difference in the seasons. Judge Hibbard may be found the ï¬rst day s of the week at Raffen Baker’ s Ofï¬ce: Frk 11ys and Sutur- days he will be at home weeding his garden. W. J. Bryan has been down east lecturing on the beauty of silver. That’s all very guod, as far as it goes, but what we want is not the beauty but the silver itself. Give us some of that and we-will be content. ‘One year agd Monday June 14th? Captain 0. H. Morgan’s son William, died in Asheville, N. C. ‘Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers of Evanston, addressed the King’s Daughters at the academy,June 9th, and so u‘ly as to awaken a much keéner interest even than has here- tofore been taken In such work. Order a box of firecrackers at Dale Sweetland’s. LOCAL ITEMS. 1 Tin. Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. C. A. KUIST, All our lumber is thoroughlS' kiln dried and we guarantee our mate- rial to be equal in quality and workmanship to any made. Send for estimate. Doors, Blinds, Glazed Sash, Braickets, Mouldings, Screens. smaeaaaiesssseees sag-‘2‘ ‘ "km" on" L m“,§mlh_,l,’remi¢r memer- -. “WE". . -.- a, HIT BOOKLIET TRIBE. the Smith Premier typewriter ($0., smfx‘m, a. 3;. first In Improvements. Honest construction and all High-grade Typewriter Essentials. v v v Best‘ Value Writing Machine. Haviu" secured the agency of the celebrated Chase Sanborn Coffee We are prepared to sell it to you in any quantity. All Grades of Flour, Hay, Feed, Oats, Bran; Com Meal,_ autismâ€"Meal»; Middlings, Straw; EVANS BROS, Fancy Groceries, Tea, Coffee, . Fruits and Vegetables. Branch Office: 154 Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. JAMES WARREN, SR., INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS“ Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. DEALER MANUFACTURER 0F TELEPHONE NO. 46. R IN HARDWARE, Dealers In St. Johns Avenue. HIGHLAND PA RK.