The graduation exercises were heldfriday evening. June 25th. in the Presbyterian church. which was ï¬lled so they had to take in chairs, quite a change from the earlier days, when a small audience occupied a large worn. Six'young indies had essays, utter prayer by Rev. L. A. Gould. Miss Lulu M. Bell. one of our old pupils, discussed in a very pleasant and instructive way on the Shukesperian problem of what’s in a mime ‘3» Geftrude'M'. Dickinson told of the famous Visitors from abroad to America. as LaFayette, Dickens :mda‘soure or so of others; what they thought and said of us, etc.. a very interesting paper. Miss Elvey told of the' advantages, uses and heautyof trees and our duty of pre- seri‘ing then). lMiss Freie discussed the leading national hymns of the world: their merits and demerits; while Miss Gray of Highwood show- ed there were heroes who never; saw a battleï¬eld or naval, engagement. Miss Streiber closed with resume of the chief results of the revival of learning. ,7 As a class of essays they were fully up to the high school standard. though [nest people buck of the mid. 5:015: :7;Jr; uLirmil BWdï¬â€™y asmal! part. ' - President Daniel Pease of the board proposed two conundrums of what to do with 80 pupils . in a school room that will accommodate only 60, and the school increasing in size every year. Of course the only thing to do is, build a new school house. he said. on 25') year bonds and the average voter will pay only about $1.00 per annum for high school tax. The money now paid for rent would partly pay int~.~rest charges. On this school house matter we enter our protest against building it up there in the Woods, where it will be afraid to stay nights. With steam and electric cars, the building should be down here among folks, where teachers and pupils can get soda water and slate pencils easily. There are two or three good lots, and such a building should be where it will advertise the town. Go slow about! location, especially in the Woods. P. S. There were lots of posies; every girl had her hands full. Rev. Mr. Ross of Toronto, Cana da. gave a very interesting talk on Goren at the Baptist church last Sunday evening. He expects to sail in Sep- tember to that country as a mission- “Ty. Mr. N. Clmupitt is about again after being conï¬ned to his home since last Nnvmnher. THE HIGH SCHOOL. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. MRS A BOGK, Fancy (iroCeries, Dry Goods and Crockery. BOOTS AND SHOES. Fruits Ind Vegetables Received Dally. the Smith Premier typewriter. "W3“??? 33 (MSIMPrmmtvamcrflo..mnv «51!. BranchOfliu: 154 Monroe S(.,Chica.go,fll Doors, Blinds, Glazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. All our lumbm‘ is thoroughly kiln drie‘tl and we guarantee our mzmh rial to be equal in quality and workmanship to any made. Send for estinmte. C; A. KUIST, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. Beat Value Writing Micki". ï¬rst In Improvements. Honest (instruction and all High-sin“ Typowfller Essenflals. v v ‘ Goods the Best. ' Prices are Reason able. RI'I' BOOKLET TIBE- INTERIOR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Stoves, Ranges, Housekeeping Goods. DEALER MANUFACTURER OF WARREN, SR., "‘1‘ HARDWARE, Hardware We are tht Park 12:11": for the nicknamed Sunshine Stov'és and Ranges I). Gg-PURDY, 1: Gardeh City Lawn Mowers. Call and examine tlicm. Also foe BLUE FLAME OIL STOVE. Hi bland Park, Illinois. Te cphonc 54. TELEPHONE 28 Goods Dellvered Free 0! Chi-rye. ..AND ’03... HIGHLAND PA R“. 5t.;-~.;ggng Ave, O...