ann the north . . . 12.47, 3.14 p. m. From the smith, 7.30, 111- 111., 1.2.07, 3,25, 5.37, 7.29 p. 111. ‘ , vxuanx 1m 1h: south, 0.59, 9.30 a. 111., 12.47, 3 14, 3.33, 7.20 p. 111. For the north . 9.12, 11.3921. 111., 7.291). 111. Mail pauchcs close 1'5 minutes before the 3.33, 720 p. m. For the north . 9.1: Mail puuchcs clo departure of trains. CITY BREVITIES. Miss E. L. Erskine has been on a vacation this weekat Waukegzm. E. V. Chamberlain and daughter Grace and Mrs. B. Brewster are spending the. summer «months at Mr. George L. Sites' residence. Acrying need of this city are some public fountains 111) here in the business sections of the city. where perspiring, heat oppressed and tired horses can drink and if dogs had a chance the danger from ‘ahies would be greatly reduced. Can‘t our Street and Alley conr mittee provide some means for scrap ing or otherwir c cleaning oil the mud from Prospect avenue, erpeciaily in the (leap out against Mr. Boniton and, the Doctor Babcock place? Central avenue is now a perfect street, let 'Some attention be given to the other paved streets: Helium: "Mack, 3231‘ "Fii'pér‘ié‘iiééii hukei‘ and cunlectioner will open a first class restaurant. in the old Hein- richs stand in the new Highland Block tomorrow. Everything per- taining to such an establishment will be ï¬rst class, bakery goods, ice cream, smlus etc. Years of expen ivnce in all departments f the trade lit him todo all he promi'es. SPRINKLINO. To the residents of Central avenue and northrr‘ ()1) June l5th. William Tillman and I appeared lmforv the Fire and \Vatelr committee of the city council and it was there agreed and decided that Contral avenue was to be the dividing line of the two districts. Mr. Tillman having all south and I having Central awnno and all north. Therefore I am the proper street sprinkler for Central avenui- and all north. ’ay only the one who gives the service. ‘ Trusting you will givenw your patronage and support, I am, Yours truly, ALEXANDER FALK. NOTICE. Tho Bnrhvr Shop corner (‘vntml avenue and Sm-uml sh‘m-t, which has lwvn ocoupiml by W. S. Warn-n, will lw l)})l,‘llt‘(l hulny by 21 first class lnu‘lwr from Chicago. Jnh‘ Wh. 13‘. HIGNLAND PARK POSTOFFKIE. AquVAh. Chnrlm H. \Vnrrmx H7 w'. M. DUDLEY. Postmaster. Announcement THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Ice Cream The number of bunks in the lilmi~ ry on May 31st 1896, M115 2219; ,éidLled by push-claw «56; mlzllï¬mby' donation, 4; Showing the, present number of books on our shelves for circulation, 2309. No books have been lost (luring the year. The few volumes We have purchased have been carefully- selected, fund the board have the satisfaction of know» ing that all the books in tho library are of the highest standard. Herman Mack, The circulation for the your past. has been .3120 volumes, divided in the following ratio: 41 per cent. were fiction; 4‘.) par Cunt jlquIlllf’, S) per cent. history and travel. 8 per cent science, poetry and miscella- ricous. Bulnnvc (m hzmd Jum- 1st, mm: Rum-hm! from tux levy ....... Cntulugucs 501d M Fim‘x’. . “(mks‘ purchased ........ Rehmd‘mu . V Librarian s sdl' ,. I’uul fur imlvxm" V .. I’rhmng and shmuuor)‘ Humlri‘ 815150.05 Leaving thv 'llmw balance on hand win (1 the total tux lmy for the pus‘t year has been paid 111. The good tliut is wrought by our library qzunmt he uvm‘vstimaled, and each your is lmcoming more appre- cintvd by our citrizvns. Some: plan should bu :ulnptml by tlw vouncil to prm-nrc morn snituhlv ucvmmnmlu lions, that will gin: Hulliciunt mom for our lmoks and rnfcrum: Thulmm‘d were unable to pur‘ Chum-many hnnlm (luring Hw past LIBRARY REPORT. in the old Heinrich stand. Ihave had 12 years’ experience in this line of work in Chicago and am thoroughly competent to conduct everything-in a first-class manner. Will conduct a first-class bakery. Everything about the restaurant will strictly clean and proper. ' «iv be. A I solicit a share of your patronage, assuring you prompt and polite attention and reasonable prices. XI’I‘INDI’I‘I'R ES A First Class Bakery and Restaurant ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. JULY lo, I WILL OPEN Furnished to Private Parties NEXT DOOR T0 POSTOFFICE. 10mm 88.28 22.“) Mum 1.5m 17.00 8| “Mi: :ifuum 11 «m n u†First Class Soda Served The attention of the council is called to the act of the legislaturv. passed this season, which provides that a two mill tax can be assessed for library purposes in udditiuntn the present limit under the statute fur Mich purposes. year on account of the lack of funds and as for sever a] y ears the council have made vexv inadequate appro- yriations .Iur .114)“an ~1%:"333'71, :3 it; hupvd that an amount of $800 will be granted for the coming year. CARD 0F THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laing wish through the NEWS to thank tho. mdny'frieuds whose tender and thoughtful kindness. (luring tho i1hmss,death and burial of their mother. Mrs. Davis, has been such uconstunt solace and support to them. Butterick's putturns at, Miss Em kiuus. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. N0. 9 St. Johns Avenue. Poultry, (lame and Fish In Season. Denler In All Kinds ol W. 0. HIPWELL, Pres. Public Library. TELEPHONE 24.