There was a young man on â€11' golf grOunds a few days ago who handed his top coat to a (-addiu who laid it down on tho grass for a fmv moms-nts. “'llllt‘ ho ran for a hall, and on his return the coat, was gone. vThe only porsons who could lw sus- pvctt-d was a rather stout Woman and two children. a little! hoy and girl. who had lm-n hanging ahout lhvodgv of tlu- grounds. Inquiry being made of them, the mother waa very indignant. but a search was mado and the coat found out in the wood); up a two. tho contents of tho pockets, HUIIH‘ tickets and a littlv money gono. ()ur informant has a taroful dosvription of tlu- Woman and lwr (-hildron, so the-y -an be itlvntiliod. l The children who had the drills Friday night did admirably. We tried to get the names of them all and failed, but they deserve the highest praise for the way thvy per: formed their difï¬cult part. “The ho_1'~aâ€â€˜0 gave 1 hay ruck ride out into the countr_1- one niUht last week, and the society young 11901119 with recruits from Fort Sheruhm. had one Monday nitrht. Just the 11e11ther for such things Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Merrill of Galeshurg, Ill., uncle and aunt of Mrs. F. C. Clark are visiting here {hr a .few days. after which they will continue their journey to Ohio to visit relatives there. The (lruggists of Wuukegun are safe as well as enterprising fellows. They guarantee their medicines'to cure or~~ kill. Thats what most medicines do when the doctors don't interfere, too much! Among the dignitaries and out of towners at the baby SllUW Friday évening were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Chandler and Mrs. J. R. McQuiston of Chicago and Rev Mr. Ham-h of {he Bethany church. Judge Fullerton suggested to us the other day. that We ought to learn gait while perhaps he ought to take up the wheel. We opine that he would make a better cyclist than we should golfer. Mr. and Mrs Ackeunun. with Mr. and Mrs. Moseley wvnt to Luke Fur est last Saturday afternoon to “it mess the polo game. Tlu-y found it new exhilerating and txcitinw at times. George L. Wronn has just returned from a trip east. He reports having met the brother Of the (-ditur of the NEWS in Boston. Buttericks patterns for sale at Miss Erskine‘s. OF LOCAL INTEREST. difï¬cult part. “young man on flu- u few days ago who 1) coat to :1 (-uddiu who The NEWs is in receipt of the usual courtesiesof the Lake County Fair association through the thought ful kindness of Secretary Woodman. We shall he on hand and take in the show so far as possible. It will witlr out doubt he one of the best. if not, the best, in the history of this phe nomenal association. lf you win a premium you get it; they never do fault or sham their awards. Some of the papers have an- Iiouneod that our electrical expert. G. Willis (lunnnings. was “engaged". We presume that. like other young men, he may have a tender spot un der his jacket, but that don‘t, prove that he Would be guilty of sueh an indiseretion as becoming “engaged." especially to an out, of town girl. He will he at the head of our loeal “Baehelor's Cluh" for some time. The man who filled the Presby terian pulpit Sunday morning not only tilled. but he had magnetism enough to charge his congregation. The lieadle did not have to go around and wake sleepy hearers; the preacl.- er did that by his preaching. That's tl.e kind to have. “I like to hear Uncle Jireh preach." said the boy. “because he goes licketysplit." We hear of much complaint of some of our shabby sidewalks. Now that the sidewalk ordinance has been revised, amended and crystalized into permanent shape, We trust the plank walks will be put into good repair all over the city. A good plank sidm'alk is a good thing. but a poor one is a curse to any commu- nity. Let the curse pass on to the next town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siumnds of Columbus, Ohio. visited Mrs. M. R. Hammond 21 few days this week. They left. Tuesday for Benton Har- horto vinit Mr. Simouds' parents, Rev. Mr. Simonds, formerly pastor of the Baptist church in the Park, and Mrs. Simbnds. Mrs. John C‘. Hand of Chic-210011115 been 111 the Pmk 21 few days: this week, the guest of Mrs. Mum-Icy at Ruvinuok and of Mrs. F. W. White in the Kirk cottage. Being 21 Bus~ ton woman of culture, she appreci- ates the beauty of the Purlz. um, mur mu: to augment very largely their form of clerks and may haw to build am annex or another story to their store. 'I‘lw gulf play. 01's have good appetites. Evans Bruthers g1 uccry trade has increased so much this svasou that they haw had to augment \erv When Miss Erskine has 21 good run 0f trade she ï¬lls it big paper bag with pears and treats the printers. Please go and trade with her some more this wevk; we like pears. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS TELEPHONE 5| Frank Siliestrum, PURE WISCONSIN ICE. H. MILLS, General Meat Market. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL To or from any Part of City. HANDS AND FURNITURE MOVED. Baggage St. Johns Ave. DUFFY BROTHERS,‘ City Expresss , Fruits and Vegetables. 'resh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Fancy Groceries, Tea and Coffee. EVANS - BROS., Trunks Parccls Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attention glven all orders. Having secured the agcm‘y (If the (‘clg-hrzm-tl Chum: 6: Sun- lmrn Cuï¬'re wv :lrr prepared to 5r]! it to you in any quantity. All grades of Flour. Hay, Flil‘ll. Oats. Bran. Cum Mvnl. (Hun-n Mull. Middling‘s and Straw. Poultry, (lame and Fish imSeason. Dealer in All Klnds of TELEPHONE 56 and Dime Parcel Delivery. DEALERS IN TELEPHONE 24 HIGHLAND PARK. Telephone 46. 25 Cents. l0 Cents.