\|'HH l |\*- 22¢ Chgago :e: at \ pus l“ v31 REAPPURTIONMENT BILL FOR STATE OF ILLINOIS. Map Showing the Assembly Districts as They Hpve Beer}: Decided Upon by the Legislature in Extra Session. ' Party Plurallue- in (he anloll Counties. According h) the Vote in the Year lamâ€"The Figures tor the Twenty-Three DI-trlct- in Cook County Given In a Separate Tnblc. ' The nmp herewith shows thv‘ assvmbly districts of Illinois. outsith‘ ofthose in (‘onk county. under 1119 new rmppnniomnent made by the state Ivg‘isluturv. The ï¬gurvs {\‘h()\\' the part)" pltlrulitivs in the different distriots. awarding m the \ute of wan; n‘\:.l.,~ , _ \â€"B«_’mnp M1: 11~n1\, I Irv Kankakee Iroqums lhâ€"VVO Mford L11 ineston 1- HM. ZILâ€"Putxnum Marsha“ Stark Knox 0“ \I.:1,pan Taz~xv:11.. Pmrm . . . 2.11“" .11 1111121: W \Varrvn. )[Lfknuugh Fulton“ Faurih .. Fifth Sixth . Srventh . Ninth one day the duke of “‘01â€" nking with the dogmatic oker. who contradicted him flatly about sonwthing which had occurred at Waterlnn. The illuke. knot- 11111 fed quietly: but 11in long aftenwrd Eroker again became ofl'ensively assertive in regard to per- “My dear kaer." sa'id unrufï¬od good humor, su-pci'im‘ informa- At a (Hum-1' lington was 1 John “Wilson Cr ing his man. sub cussionâ€"cups. the duke. with “I cam yield to your tion on most points. and you may per- haps know a great deal more of what passed at \Yaterloo than 111')'?<01f: but. as a sportsman. 1 will maintain my ' :nn.n!\nsâ€â€˜â€" rSun ‘r-x.u . “A“ â€â€"BJPI‘FPF. Hwhviprson. Hancock ............. ï¬â€"De Kalb†Kendall. Grundy .... 31L (‘hampaigm Piatt._\1~mltrio. KI#\Vhitt-siz‘m. I.t-<-, Bureau ................ , Ribâ€"Mason. Menard. Cass. Schuyler, Brown 31‘1â€"vRork Ishnnl, [Ionrynwuwu ‘ .. Makinrzan, Scmz. Pike. 35â€"~\'crmi1iun. Edgar ............... 36â€")Iavmmin, Gréem‘. Caihoun, Je yv,“ 37-Adams ‘ ., ..................... {ivâ€"Madman. Bond 313" Sanaamun .V uklmuglua (“0105. Fla. k. “Almzan. Dr Win. Macon H 2~â€"Faynttv, [iï¬inghanL Mhnun. 43â€"Christinn. Montgomery. Shélby ..... 44â€"(‘In§““'ayne. Edw'ds.“'ahash. Law (1-, 477“(‘“111ht"'1f1nd, Jasgwr, Crawford, Richl‘d «UL-Jeffrrwr. Hfimilxun. \tho ............ . QT‘Wash‘hm. Perry. Franklm.“'i11inmson 4Q~.‘Iv}n!‘0‘u landolph.Jackson ............ nulm ....V. ‘ passed at \Yaterloo than as a sportsman. 1 will 1 point about the percussim Francisco Argonum. 51-~Salm (‘mmiir-s, Mcihm'y “gm. 1 ‘r ‘vmxign'a' . ’f’iiiaski, Ma Pup», Johnson, Hardin His 14 33,179 0119 Paint 'v. r Lana“... - )lph. Jackson. ‘ llir'f ’Pliiï¬ki: 'iiix'ém¢ â€7'5'1 2 jimson, Hardin. Gullatin.70,640 $28 THE DISTRICTS l‘ COOK COUNTY. complexiun of the newly apportioned C ~eâ€"‘(l 0n the presidenï¬al election of 1896, w a republican landslide, would be as folk vote. Dcm.\'0tc. I’lur. District. ‘. 12,443 I Eleventh 11.17†Thirteenth . 15.92:. Fifteenth _. 3 12343 Seventeenth 3‘ 12.737 Nlnewemh ..... 8.31 H.453 ‘ Twenty-ï¬rst ....17.1 6,170 TwemyALhird ..13.2~ 1 “ill maintain tt\ “5 â€" 3rcussim1- «a Lak 63.859 76.911‘ 67.117 pulu lion. fl“ H m 31. ‘(58 Q0 T9\ 60.325 70‘ 73.114 The Queen Dislikes Tobacco. A funny little story is going: the 'round regarding Queen \‘ictnrin and one of the members of the cabinet. ller majesty' does not like the smell of to- haccot and the princes. her sons. have always been Cdréfu] about smoking in any poi‘tion of thelpalaces where their mother is‘likely to become aware of what they are doing gr have}r done. A few (lays ago some dispatches were sent to Windsor and an hour or two :ifmrm'nrd they were returned by the, (“men‘s private secretary. who in- férutml the cabinet minister that by her mnjesty‘s request the papers would haw to be puriï¬ed before she could poruw them. as they “.l‘nwlt villainous l_\' of tobacco smoke."~«'1‘r0y Times. MS J4†Re p 1x92 3.3% 3915 )rtioned Cook county iegislm of 1896, which, it must be re- ‘3 I339 2,941; m7 2,152 610 H13 466 5 follows Rep. vote ‘ ...M.6‘23 H TAN) . 8.336 {301 17.161 13.2599 R911. 1., w SN? K345†4,007 7.294 4.75") 3,611 1.444 4,933 13*] 3.460 1,413 432 391 711‘ m mo pOHH1‘S 1.4!)“ 2.340 1,344 9,027 in)»: 1‘9“ L'Nii H2 705 931 3,3:19 2.8K? 133 “.134 4,312 : 1 1n the cu}; is worth two in the nest. Mâ€"eggicago News. CALENDAR FOR 1898. 1304 10 17 John A. Salzcr Seed Co:- Laicroue (“'1-.) Great Free Exlnbluon Cur. These famous seed growers are out for a third annual trip thrpugh “’iséonsin,North- ern Illiiiuis and low"! with the Free Exhibi- tion car of aeéd products. They stop at all print-1m] stations in the rural districts and thereby give farmers opportunity to see what handsome things can be grown with 509d tscods. Be} gu‘u-e Innd yisit the car when 15i 22» 291 it is in \ our neighborhood. 19 Mrs. Brokeâ€"~Some money must have dropped out of this letter. 1 ' Friend-“'hy? ‘ “My carpet dealer wnteq that if I will pay my bill promptly he will give me 20 er cent“ axid I don’ t see the mopey.’ -â€"N. World. Moves the bowels each. (131.; In unï¬t to be healthy thins necessary. Acta‘gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Pace 25 and 500. Nothin makes é worthless husband ob ject to ivorce as quickly as a decree for alimony.â€"-W’ushington Democrat. To Cure I. Cold in One Day 'lake Laxative Bromo Quipine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The under do in tï¬e ï¬ght may be right; but the upper 0g doesn’t care a snap i he ls.â€"-Chicago News. ' VAuw. \ v. Honey of kioRhB-L-xid' rind Tar. ‘- Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in cm: minute \I“‘1(JS... .................. ......‘ § POTA ES (pm hu). .. ‘ POR Mos“, May. ‘ LAHD â€" May ....... i F1 LUURâ€" I’atems. .’ Straights .................. . GRAINâ€"W he :,\t December.. Com, Cash. ‘ ()als. No. 2. 1‘ R59. No > Earle), Clgmice to F anm :. \II] “AX KER. ‘ GRAIN~Whezu Nu Qpl mg 5 Corn, No 3. Oaxs 1\_‘o R\(‘ . 1%nr)r10"\ N PORK â€" Me. .. LARD ............ DP‘TROIT. GRAINâ€"Wheat. No 2 Rcd, Corn, \‘u 2 ..... , ........... Oats No. ZVVhSte. .. £36,. N9 . 2 .................. ST. LOUIS. ‘ CATTLE-Natiygï¬lgers ..... 3 ‘Ve wish somebody iwoul'd invent suspend- ers that never wear out‘.â€"~VVashin‘gton Democrat. Very few people rvead a hew boqk until itha pears at the public library.â€"Atchison o e. * LIVESTOCKâ€"NaUVeStcerS' s; 40 @ Shevp ...................... Q1 Hogs ........................ 3 g FL()URâ€"~.\[innesma l’ultms 5 1 Minnesota Bakers'..‘,..... 4 25 i1 VVHEATâ€"Nu. 2 Red ‘ 1 02%6‘1‘ May ................. “~17 (u <1Px’b:> CORN;N0. ‘1 S 151 I‘TLR H reamery. 1' aczon ............... CH EESEMI igm Skims EGGSâ€" Western. CATTLEuShimxmg 815‘ Texas Sirens ......... * Slockers .. ...... Feeders ‘ Bulls ................. HOGS â€"-1.ight... ........ . Hang!) .......... . SHEEP .............. BUTTER â€" Creamery FEBRUARY 14 :21 ms How to cure Rheumitism? Use St. Jacobs Oil. It subdues. It cures. Hobs; SHEEP 7 2] ‘3 9110 1617 CATTLEâ€"Native Stews Check Coids» and ï¬rquhitis with Hale's Tevls .. S( ken and Feedï¬ Time counts, health gains. A quick, sure Cureâ€"St. Jacobs Oil for sprains. _11| 2! 6 13 14 13 13 '20 21 '7" ’3 .4...“ MARCH APRIL 12 19‘ Dgh‘y étxaierQ-ith-d Feedr‘fs 28 2960!: J ENE MAY Lane’l Family Medlplno. 23 415 9101112 16171819 23242526 130311..1.. A Generous Merchant. j 3 4; 10111 ‘14 121 THE MARKETS. 10"»11 17:18 24325 12 ;26 CH [(‘AL? NSAS. CITY 16 23 30 13314191 201-21122 2712812 ‘ 11 12 13 14 15116 17 183195 20 21 22%~ 2“ ‘24 25 27§28i29 30 31 SEPTEMBER ew York, D90. 29‘ 0}‘ M gl‘. NOVEMBER DECEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST ‘10 11213 1:31 14115152117 -.< lanln11}1l 23 30‘ 4|. ,, full? 518 mi 26‘ 13‘ ‘27 sl 4 10111 17 18 24 ~25 92% (I 2-“ L: (I! 115 22 29 C343< .05 93 0005) 271415, .040204 I. ’I‘ry Grain-0! Try Gui-01 Ask yum- ï¬cer to-dny to show you -a package of G [N0 the new food drink that takes ,the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in'ury as well a: the adult. All who try it ike it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure gmim, and the most delicate stomach; receive it without distress. 1-4 the price of coffee. '150 and 25 eta. per packnue. Sqld by all grown. Power 0! Pour-ya]. "Why, man, I've had whole audiences {all t their knees in terror at m description 0? the day of judgment.†be other ex» hotter smxled xtymï¬ly. “Ah, fey: be re‘ plied. “But t e ot er night portrayed the dgstruction of the world with such power‘that a man came up after she service; and asked me whom he should see About the kinetoscope rights.â€â€"-Detroit Journal. Tréhudoul Exodus to the Klondike; Despite the warnings of those who hnye been on the spot, an redgct suï¬ering m the Klondike region, _' ounpds of adven turous Americans are wendmg their way thithegward. A“ of thgn ahould be pro- vided with that medicinal safeguard, Hoetetv ter's Stomach Bitters. which warm: and nourishes the system, and prevents malaria, rheumatism, kldney trouble, besides reme- dythg liver complaint, dyspepsi: and constr pa Ion; ‘ There is nobody who can spin e equally with a. lot of boys from a Ema country town when they come to a bxgger one.â€" Washington Democrat. He that bath a faithful wife should take good care of henâ€"Faun Journal. For Homeseeker’ a Excursion dates via the Missouri, Kansas and Texas By. and infor- mation of their tourist shire arrangement, address H. A. Cherrier, PasaAgt .,316 Marquette Bldg†Chicago. A writing teacher is no account fix any- thing akaâ€"Washington Democrat. Don’t snap in two: Limber up.‘ St. Jul cobs Oil will curelumbago sure. during the winner month! about the larm lands of Nebraska. Iowa and M15- sourl. POST YOUR- SELF bowm getacheap home in a rospemus, healthycommuni ‘. Them Belt. ’8 monthly paper. handsome y Illustrated. 15 full 0! infor- mation concerning western farm 11min. Send as mun: (m a rears subscription to “m Corn paper. handsomely Illustrated. 15 n mutton concerning western farm la ‘25 cents for a year's subscription to Belt," 209 Adams street. Chicago. WANTED (PI-em McKinley‘aMe-me to hilaymg Human") LATIST POPULAR ‘OIO‘A‘nh Wand. glah arm Von-e. Prlce IBM. Stamps tubal. . . flcCALI‘P, Columbus. 0.. Author 3nd Pullman tor-cm mi: W"; “Tell Mother, ru WNW-T McKinley“: Magma to hudylng Homer-3‘) A , _ . , ., m . “ DON T HIDE YOUR LIGHT UNDER A ‘ BUSHEL.†THAT’S JUST WHY WE TALK ABOUT SAPOLIO IIIEDIATELY~Ladles and gentle- men an anesmen and con-envondenu. m mum: 2*r-mrnmem‘ .3..- 1 rmntmw‘" 90‘ hm‘mgw “I The railroads are conï¬dently expecting 3 big rusb‘of travel to the Klondike in the spifig. It is estimated that fully 100,000 eo- ple will attempt to reach the gold tie! it as soon as she \viqter is over, and. With a de- sire to him a nimble penny at every oppor- tunitv trunk lines are bginning to prepare for the upected rush. me of the ï¬rst in the ï¬eld is the Baltimore Ohio Railroad, which lie; alifpgdy bggun t‘lie naming of th u n-.,, A. thrb touriR cnr from New York City to San rancinco Without change by way of Philadelphia, Washin on, Parkersburg and Cincinnati mehinz t. Louis Wednesday evenm '1‘ arm Thursday afternoon, bl Pm, an, ‘dny evening and San Fran clsoo Sunday morning. This aerviceis in ad- dition to the one rovided by the Baltimore ._0l_lio Railroad rom Pittsburgh by was of Cmcxnn 1‘ and the Illinois Central to New Orleans nd the Southern Paciï¬c through to the coast, the Pittsburgh car leaving every Wednes‘clay. ï¬e New York car on it: re- turn leaves 80 Francisco BfomÂ¥e\iwing, and the Pitts!) rgh car leaves on bur-day. Speak- wlth Autism-Hy. “Depend upon it, where there's smoke there’s ï¬re." _ “\Vhy do you say that?†- “I’ve proved it. It in: against the rules to smoke jn our ofï¬ce. I smoked. and was ï¬red.â€"-Phxladelphia North American. Flt: sto ped free and permanently cured. No ï¬t!) tetjmt day’ahusegfl DI-I._K_lj{:e’3 nu u». an»... u.u- .._, ...-- ., 1. Great Nerve Restorer. I'Free $2 tn‘ai 501116 treatise. Dr. Kline, 9§3 Arch at; l‘hila,. Pa. You are always meéting peo Ye who claim that they save you money. \ 'hat ‘wcoynel oi ,gbe money they save you ?â€"â€"Atchason Glass; Al'ways [Hays the leading attracu'ons. Jan upry 2, Kelly, the wonderful Magiuian‘ be [ms an .engagement. Everybody shouéd go The only thing you own afger you die is what. you have glven away.â€"l'anu Juunmi. Cngtcheu and cruel pains from Sciauca From St. Jacobs Oil ghe cure of it: ' WHEN wnrrn‘o To anvsn'rulzu pie-u flute Ihal you law an Advert“.- i not: In I- I p-per. Seaflle FREE INEQRMATION Klondike Alaska SEATTLE. WM. Iuonul n F . 0 00 31:! Alaska “mam: “x Beanie, Klondike. Alt-kn. W‘ In?“- Rune. Seattle. 05.000 vow-Inflow†:1 road Commercul. Ilium um A nuulmrp Cemre; BE>f OUTFITS-1. 1.03:2; A '3}! Longs 1 Ex 142nm. “u... .. arr I‘Txk\' nun... ..... Luzon cm , sum Kaila; For Satisfactory Results â€"[x._. I. I. Kellogg Impaper co†m? ,Mcvacker'l Theater, Chicago. Rush to the Klondlke. um YOUR 03923. To an Longer Ex flcnnr Addre SEC TTAKY 11 an WJHM m, Chic-to m.