r“ S1 h I) up;|~‘ \1 nantewl I" um «1: d Luiu \l “V71 11' U11. :lu ll :13 A _look of sadness oversprcad zhe plain features of the youth. but before he could reply to this aspm‘sion upon his veracity. the bund)e under his coat summed his attention. as we)! as that of everyone else, by observing in reso- nan! tones: “tuna-cmta-cuna-cut-cudaw - w “cut. “DIMW vnuxrvtofunlwiflmnm. That hxr UH1KFN(HH"Dflt." Hr' “-4ng ha fore-ï¬nger at the 1)“ ï¬x “inch prkuxpfl33rcspouded: ‘Wwvmmuwawwwumfl “‘Hx that hrlfl"suhlthe boy.{nacid1y. “X M Night her ailing 50's 1 would get a hw\hw.fl mg Mn'mylunchf '[he QJURYKCI avross the :ï¬sle burst ihin huxghivr.nnxlxhe shurp-nosedtnan SHITC mflxb-butconunwhenflvfly. â€lhuï¬x you let hhn fï¬ghten you? snuixhe bru“1pcyed girlencourngingâ€" 1» :u the b0} [he bcneuflem nk‘ mm “as 59 sur- prisrd at the b0} . sXaleuxent that her gknsrs fell oï¬'ugnim and as she groped for [hrlu she said in rather nxvestruck (ones: m n {y thl~~ lime all the pe-ople in the car “ere (-mnilrf: their necks toward xhe sent owuplml by (he boy. The old lluly put on hm- glussvs to see better. and ihf‘ slurp nusv of the disvontented man fairly 31““ ml “ith indignant surprise. lle pulntul a bony ï¬nger at the place whence the hen language seemed to prm‘m‘tl. ‘ "Look here! ‘ he said. “Do you mean ‘5) s cunt Celt! "('luckvcluuk. cuIâ€"luck‘ CHIâ€"luck. ont- mmulu‘xwruti" “as a highly adequate reply. Cu K' "Ht-us ain't cattle.“ suggested the 01d 1m!) wit! Hidunly paciï¬c intent: but I-tl'ungzr In my this vuraciuusand sooth- ing Mutcmt‘nt fullrd to mitigate the cmnp‘.umux:t‘s wrath. "Might just as \n‘H be.“ he said. “( mhl mk muck. chit". ' ‘cumein pro- “M m um siniement. Say. ymx'.“ wig-d me man again. 1111mm}; In; {nu/1m] forpï¬ nncr at the .nmxh. “\Hmt d'_\oi1mcun by bringing a lwxv in“) mi; cur?" "\Hm: hum?" us '0d the boy, inn0~ The sharp-nowd man‘s proboscis spre'ml ih' gluw mn-r his other features. "It's an infernal shlunef" he cried. " \i‘.:' it?†exvhximed the benevolent oh! lady. bestowing an approving glance Upon him. "I wouldn‘t wonder a mbite if the poor thing: smothered.“ “ham thv pour thing!" c’jzu-ulated the mun whh such vmphasis that the old lady‘s g1: sses frl} off in consequence of the >hoch lo hm‘ SASXem. "I ain't kh-king on I‘m‘ heustly chivkeu's ac- count. \tht I ohjvct (u is that young idiot making a mule train out of this ‘1 mMm-k (-udznvcut‘.†in rather tart n nvs from bum-Mb th? 00;†seemed to indicate Hm! â€H“ good hen was tired of brim: gum} and wanted to get out and fl} around the var awhile for a chungv. “Shutmxpi†Fail thv buy. yoking (he bum‘h “‘1ku no great gemlexmss, a per- fl rmunm- “hinzh brought forth a “ram- in: can-Me in the car. These were a†sharp- nosetl man who dixidml his time be~ t\\ can glaring discontentedly out of the window and asking the conductor why the train didn‘t go faster; an elderly and benmulent-looking old lady who nut across the aisle from the sharp- nosmt main: three or four men who loutLgt-tl hut-k in their seats and dozed. and a quartet Lt young people, two men and tom girls. who were :ttiuising them- sclu-s ll§ singtng college ongs. A: thr- train pulled out of one of the snuntt'y \illugcs u poorly dressed boy who might huw lll‘t‘ll 1!} or 17 years old came into the car and took the scat across the aisle from the four young ltt‘Upit’. L'ntlvx‘ his frayed coat was a bi;' hum-h. suggesting that he was cat‘- r‘ung Sirlllt‘lllllxg‘ concealed there. As thy young hoopla struck into another who; 3:» lt‘mliwl anxiously at themand lllt‘l] down :it thv lmnoh under his coat. l‘u-smxtl); at tlw t'llLl of u verse. there summit-«l quite t‘nxphutit-ally from the cm: this x'vnmi'k: "(‘ut-mitn:nt-cnt-cudmvt-ntZ" “liootlnessi“ exclaimed the girl who 12ml been singing the alto purt‘ turning: v. ltlr' bro“ n t‘) cs upon the youth. “He's gm :i hen tin-rel Did you hear it?" "t llllIt-t‘ultu vtitltlnt-k!“ made itself Fl!lll(‘lt‘llll_\' audible for every one in the car to hair it. "She‘s a good hen." said the boy, aimingrtit,-ull_\'. “lint sho tlon't like mn- slt- l nus, s 'rt that yon‘t. wake her N ()1‘ more than a dozen persons were Goodness mei Does he eat the egg Fun in 3 Railroad Coach for a Boy with a Frayed Coat. A Fleeting Show of Hem he said. “Do you mean got a hen under your mek mt!" the girl who purt‘ turninv youth. “He's "We will now sin that beautiful and highly apyropriate ymn tune: ‘This .world is an a fleeting show. for man'n [illusion given} "â€"4; Y. Sum vi the :usuxtmem of flarnjard noises "rot up 161]] xrking: "This is m) siation ’xhere I get oï¬, The sharpâ€"nosed mam hastily went into another car. bu not in time :0 es- cape hearing the b wn-eyed gin’ an- nounce: [ “He didn’t. havé mi hen a: all!" cried the old lady. her surprise getting the better of her grammï¬r. "I‘ll-Cluck~cluck~cluck-tell you, miss. Just because I tuL-kâ€"a-t‘lxck-h-tuck a bun- dle under my cout-dudmvâ€"cut. an‘ it cutm»cutta-clucks likq‘a hen; thatdon't c111â€"cut~<:udaw»cut no ks. Looka here!" ' He threw open his coat 81).} behold there was nothing there but a pair of skates fastened togetg’her with a strap. 3 "Cluck-c1lle-Cll)(!k.3 cutta-(‘utmâ€"cut; whurâ€"ruck-a-doodIe-dgwâ€"ooâ€"oo-ool" he chanted triumphantb' as he marched out of the car. , .E gm pAamuven'. I‘he \outb paused td'rnï¬d and looking dixecll) into the brown eyes dense-red himself of this surpxiting iemmk: unyu'ayf I“ ‘ "Cluuk- (ll-(k Cluck tuckah tnL -k!“evi- dent-rd the fact that id “ as the station 3» here the bundle undeï¬thecoat $\ amed to "at 011' also. 7 “I abuuld like to lmvé seen what kind of a hen that was." saia thé brow11'-eyed girl, piaimively. g, . “\\ here is it'.‘ “ hith tines got it?" asked the cunductm. "Cutttt cut! Cutta- cut cl1dat\'~t-11t!†pxm aimed «nearh the lotfutiun. “Look 11919," 53.11 the ()ï¬iciui.siriding up to the boy, who was nérvbusly fum- bling at his coat. “I've gm 2), mind to stop the train and ï¬re you off right herd“ ; "What for?“ inquired tlie youth in inâ€" jurcd tones. “You got m ticket “You throw that cbick 11 out of the “inflow 01 get out.‘ " “\Hmtchicken mister?j "L nder )mir coat thcnie. Come. no nonsense, now. lwon't sihmd for it." The boy drew his fray 4.! coat Closer around the bundle. “Tuck-"htuck‘a-tuck," c me in smoth- ered tones from it. . “Mercy! The poor thin "5 near dez1d.". cried the old lady. “\‘Vhaip a shame!" "(1)1119. got out." orderqid the conduc- tor,tz1ki11g:the boy by tiiéï¬shohider. The train was slowiné down as it drew near a station. and the proprietor "Cluck - Cluck - i‘lu - luck}; outta â€" out," rounded in ratherderisive was. The brown-eyed girl l éuwd over the aisle and looked at the l)d\ "\V on t 3.0u please 1e! mezwe the hen?" she said “1' (l like 10. miss but I illusseni,†said the 1x33. . Q “Do \ou think I'd fxlghten it‘?‘ she said. reproaohfni l3' “Nu m. but :his' is an :m‘éul intelligent hen axz‘ "â€"Hwilh a 100k ofdlrec! admin» {ionâ€"«"likc's not if she olni-e seen you she‘d mm: to leave me ri‘rht now and never come back no mom." “New will you be gm l'.’"'s:1i(l the young man who sat with t» l(‘ glrl. She smiled entriuwinglyéat the boy. “I don‘t believe you‘vag‘got any hen at all " shv remarked (‘ha'llcngingbz In u‘plx he [nodded the bundle “hich prmnptl) leplied. S "C u m (ut. cutta- CHM"? “I‘hcxe! Did \ou hear it!" cried the shiup- nosed man to the col (iuotor \\ 110 l.:.(l just enlered the earl ““ hat kind of a mud do \ on call this Where the pas- sengms hme to roost “igth the chick- cns“" "Hen ain‘t In animal.“! snapped the shurpmosed man. genin' back at her for her previous infnrmat (m. “1 know I'm sufl‘ering. and unless " ‘\\\H the societ) might look after Axon. then." letorted the (old Igdx “in; some asperitx. g “The socigty that look after cruelty to animals ought to be to! ." announced the old lady. “I know that hen‘: suf- fering." ‘ i "The aged person," oh the young quartette. “is she looks That was disw tort mttep " “1‘11 spugk to the can! sharp-nosed man was de! “hile. “I didn't [my my! in a hen coop. “'e‘ll see rascal can bring his rack among decent people." "Keep 5x111," cried the boy, admini:~ tering a second poke toqthe covering coat. 1 WHERE IS IT rumor.“ the hiring moun- inouey to ride ‘if this young in: chickens urved one cf ‘01 so easy as inctly the ten Both the method anJ results when Syrup of F165 is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste. and acts gently Vet. p1 omptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac~ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneï¬cial 111 its effects, prepared only 11 om the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular reme_cly known. Syrup of Figs is £01 sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable dnxggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try 1t. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP («'qu After phvsicinns had given Im- up. Iwns awed by f’iso's Cunt-â€Ralpln I‘Irivg, \Vd liamspul‘t, Pa., Nor , 1893. .T(1n4s'-Nu: from Hm looks: of thing: I shall probabh be obliged to hang up mv mercoat. â€"I.p To Date. .: “'e are all in danger of thinking that those who dry not become mtelocted in our hob- bies are 01 little to: CC -V\ aflhington Demo- crat. The John A. Sulzcr Seed Company, La ('l‘osse, \Vis.. hnvr- shipped within 25 days 1,400 barrels of their’celobmted Salzer’s Earliest 6 \\'eok.~x Market Potato to Texas rustomurs. This pntuto has the reputation Hf being the earliest. the ï¬nest flavored and the heaviest producing curly potato in the country. DruggistMYm: sir. John, give the gim- tlemar} a box oi “Rough on Rats!â€-N. Y. \Vo rld Kemp’s Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your dmggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Lar e bottles, 50 cent: and $1.00. G0 at once; dc ays are dangerous. Klondike via Portland. Tacoma or Seattle. Only personally oondm-tml excursions to Portland leave Chicago Thursdays. “’I'ite Jno. Sebastian, G. 1‘. A., Chicago. “'here a man is too utterly triflmg to do anything vise, h» hunts up an estate of In: ancesturs that he was thcexted out of;â€" “Yashingtou Donmcmt. The Secretary of the Navy has demxlurled more hauls-ships, and were can he no (mum :hat Con ress wjll cqnmdcr his recomnmnd- ations. rotectyon lg whiny, our son ports require and furutigutmns wpll not adequate- ‘Iy supp y this. Dexense flK‘dlnfit all disorders 3f a malarial type is. however, mlm‘luutcly afforded by Hostekter'sï¬mmach liitturs. an efï¬cient remedy, also, tm- constipatinn. hi!~ lameness, dyspepsia, nhgumatism and nerv- ousness. _ Pawn It to Buy Prelonu. Robinsonâ€"Are you guing to hang your sog ’5 up ï¬ns (‘}11’2sx11\5xs? _ Know‘l â€"~\ero ï¬ddled while Rome was buyning _ > _ > 7 CholIvâ€"â€"Huve you anything that will stop thg hnflit affigargtte figmking? Gwernaoien4iï¬'ell, I haivéwllrï¬géé you a Christmas present of the mmen. That ought to keep them warm.â€"Yellow Book. From Baby in the High Chair to grandma in the rocker Grain-0 in good for the whole family. It is the long-desired substitute for coffee. _ Never upsets ï¬le nerves or injures the digestion. Made from pure grain it is a food in itself. Has the taste and appearance of the best; coffee at .4} the price. It is a genuine and scientiï¬c articl? and is come,- to May. It makes for health and strength. Ask your grocer for Grain-0. Flatdï¬'eller (shuddm‘inmâ€"And 1'11 bet he was just leamxng to play, too.-â€"-N. Y. World. ' Below Zero (and the Belt). Tenbmkc (after the refusal)-How cold it il to~night. \IV hands are chilled. RM Colds“ which! Burnt. WW1â€:- can, Whoapimgo Cough. Broughitip and A «min cun'for Column tion in. ï¬rst m mdnexgmrslieï¬n :dvuoe Mn. 17:. at one". You will see the excellent effect after ukingILhe ï¬mdoee. Sold by dealen everywhere. 21102 35 Ind 50 cents per bottle. A 3 rain mav qrippleibut St. Jacobs Oil W'ï¬ cure 1t Betore it can. It cures. Coughing Leads to Con-umpuon. 8AM FRANCISOO. (ML. MUBVIUE. KY. NE W Demand for More Batik-shun. ONE wEN 0Y6 :11 â€no ninthnï¬ nn( reunite u Adding- to the Horror. The Only Cure. hsw' YORK, ll. 1. Best Route to Klondike -_., _ "Toâ€" 3612mm; ‘Dhifam Via GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Lean CHICAGO Thursdays Good connections far TAOOIA And SEATTLE Write for Rates 3nd Klondike Fold". Jno. Sebastian. 0. P. A" CHICAGO. For information and {okk-rs‘ write Jno. Sebastian. c. P A“ CHICAGO. WIT STOPPED FREE. Pulmx'ru cum humt Pyrevcntedb DR. KL HE'S GREAT NERVE RESTOBER Poduwenrv (ora‘ Vern/nu [Janna 17m. linking S l and St. Vihu‘ Dam-r \‘a Fan a or \nmn‘nru u ur ï¬rst dax'l u“. Trauma ud SZtriAi battle he: to F'u mum“, um paympupm- cmrp-wnh ‘urn nu OHM Sent! 1.0 XML KLINZ, ‘44., Hr|luu~ [minute-l MUM. 933 An- 54"“. nummz 'HlA. u. Leave CHICAGO. via Scour Route. TH UBSDAY; Via Smllhrrn Route. TUESDAYS nnsonuu cououcno. For information and {okk-rs‘ write Jno. Sebastian. c. P A“ CHICAGO. Rock Island. Tourist Gar FREE! @DHARTSHURNS o i. of constantly-h Growing success télk. That ourrht to com ince you that there‘ 5 †something in Pearline " Twenty years ago Pearline “as a new it ea. And no new ideab could have come into tmor so rapidly and so largely. or would-haxe bum so copied and imitated, if it hadn’t been a good idea. Pearline saves more, in washing, than anything else that's safe to use. - 5m ‘ , W\$§§i2ï¬?§éé7/Zé7¢9 70511 Per-Anni}; Conducted Twin gunmen “-7-†an- ,, Excursions fa EKEIFDRNIA. : infâ€"u Namâ€"u. @002 tmp: O-flrm . £20 cmm ‘ WHVM Ilumuaj’in. l and St. Vthu‘ Dam-v. \‘a Fm or 5 “518! I m- ‘rruuu- ud SZtriAi b SAPOLIO ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. DR. Let its twenty years PATENTS UV )mndwmclv bound nmful at new ideul on noela| eagle's. g“! cal economy. hu' mlx-hn v sentfree 101 [young menuh mend purrnts' Magazine of obedlerwo fmh 1nd murtt-«v mmhvn r I. lfhlh’ good hamb- IW'. x. L ‘Uatsafï¬'. Wheat [.000 MR WHEN W'BITING To ADVERTISIJUI flaw state an you aw the Adm-rune- '-o-l In unl- paper. ODLGRADO IRRIGATED )0"! A. ï¬ll-Ill III. 00.. U "our. Wâ€. (i I) "ow to gnu; when u “be a bu. “141231 but» 0|“- 173 but barley Ind 1600 mm Mumps per m-ru [Turrrzrm‘n UR AT ’(‘ATAI/86UE n\ulPd_ 3W: l l nu md dunâ€"Mes. nimn Eel-ens. or 8 {0110! and lo rent- I- “anâ€. Vim Tlll MI hr lqnlon‘hflr. Iron. KIN-AI! Tfll I (9. Punt Hm I“ 81" . in l avi- and Will-key Huh“ crawl m hvme mmom mm M an. n! un|CUinnp~m1 FRI E. B M. VUELLI’ ' M D . A'Lunw. .23. DRUGGISTS of "THE NEW and TBI’I. [ll-1116113531 4:25, pace- THE PLATTE LAID W. Box 1547. DEX VIII. POLO. thmnw miimnr iron \‘er. und near 91‘ r .rv for safe in lure: :md smalitracLs~1,-Ion:\ m waterâ€"low pncw m.- tractivo'berms~mr'>1 climate in the no “:1 Write for ï¬aruc. 2 we. 1685*.