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Highland Park News (1874), 11 Feb 1898, p. 4

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g.wmnn.mww - '. ma). 1%:- n. W a ~;.~itummnmm mamas "a...“ awn-”humanly ‘mzrma‘flwauaw ~ wt.- .r..~-....- a... . . . .-........_.....â€". -. I j-‘unwrwwv" â€"____â€"______________â€"___-â€"â€"â€"?â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" :II The Highland Park. News.' sapn wg vom This q cstion has been uppermost :iny \vay. ) l' ' .v- - v i v u " . t i.‘ lulumhcd in the. intercsts or lllphlalld In the mnds at those m l‘nrk. Highwm-d and Ravinia. every Friday- - . _ _ . .iilrrnmm liv j«titrectlv r Indirectly connected \vith . . . t _ EVANS at FORREST- .tllt 0380 i Club, before. which Mrs. : :BOWCH read her Exhaustive paper . . . i “We hoop” W3". 5° ““5 ’0“ 3“:last wee . That paper, “‘0 pre- monihs. to cents for three months. " .- 1sume, in y be regarded as the latest: G ‘ . . Uliicr: in News Building. 255 Ventral ; resume the argniiicni for female \veuuc. Highland lurk, Illinois. lsufl'ragej it is HOE ”u, filllll “.“rd ‘ ilbut the [lites-t, and we do not see: ‘ . l . . ihow it could be very materially iin- ‘ liiitercd at the inst-din":- at ~llighlam l’ark, “L. as second class matter. l . i Advertising rules made known on upplluuon ! l" 0‘ Cd‘ ; y d Suffrage is not an inborn right. of ltthlsofflce. . i EDITOR l{any per 'in. as is “life. liberty and lt is the lthe. purspit. of happiness." i right ofithose who are qualified for ll. tit, and t'lthose only. Let this he ' ~ . l repeated, fixed deeply and strongly . l’aimnatrms has just buried a . ”‘3“ ““15 {I‘ml'l‘c‘l . . . - l .. i ‘ . - large man. His coihii was 1 feet long. ‘l““"“"" 5"“ "‘mlk’d to “m“ VA” Ll; wide, 2:, deep and his family had :civdizm! "”"nu'w" ““‘M "M." l'ml‘ to take off some of the door casings ‘ erly ‘l‘lilllfie‘l and trained persons 1" llc weigh- .practicoj medicine or law . for the ed between five and six humimdwimple(Lennon that Hpcrience has‘ , . Hp had been a ”dictum“ l shown at to allow those not thus? lqualified. would be to endanger the l . , . ghealth and lives. as well as the hii- if fancial aiid business interests of the. S Lizw'is B.HiBB.um. - â€" A. E. EVANS. Bl'SlNESS MANAdnn. s FlilDAYu‘ FEBlil‘ARY lin the huiiid (- l‘ to get it out of thc house. pounds. and was a terror to evil docrs. . For! people who are ‘fond of sta» tistics. here are a few; there are; people at large. In like manner or. 3 ‘l lilidll telephones in use in Chicago. l perieiicd has shown that the best iu- “ with Ht} calls per minute, or 210. i terests hf the people. all the people WM daily. The the i or the cbiiimuuity at large. are enâ€" stock were 1H?) Soiiieklaiigereil by Mlowin}.r persons to people opposed tele- : vote wlio are not qualified to do so, “hot \Vhilp as a general rule. the more earnings on per cent. \//’ Vcl‘v ' iones in this city: the man should oppose. them now would be .deinocrfitic the government the bet- seiit to Elgin without further exam. ‘ tor for lthe people, it is becoming inatioii. It costs $91“) to New York about five. minutes. # (- phone i more arid more apparent every year = ' that there is such a thing: as carrv - . . . . S i’iligdctilocracv too far. becaUsc it Some fellow with a big bulllp ”l lowers :‘thc moral, intellectual and t "'"l‘m‘l‘." l'il‘“ counted ”l’ the. folks? statesm‘anlikc standard of our rcpre l who now liie on the earth an d be; “mum"... in (‘oin'rcss in our enti- all told, including (‘Wlllllt'lls in our city \thu the hoodlums. . finds tin-re are ‘lw'isl‘imi'es , ,_ . . ,, boarders and the summer residents, l everywhere. just l,ti‘.’U.tNltl,(itlli. lii emery ten years “'9'“ is an increase ”f ii l‘oried eleiilcnts vote. persons more or cent. of these t‘lot of folks;" only 'ti‘less tini'tured with those vices any P" “‘1” belong to [ “Cl" Sam. the electedlto office and bad measures other 96 percent are scattered alllare adopted. “gimp“ the th.‘ “V" the ““3" world. iteentli lWard in Chicago as an ex-i W ‘ . i . ' :amplo. l Hence the necessity of prop- f immoral. vicious. ignorant, degradi. . . I l ( " ‘ . ,. ‘ - . ‘ . . . 50m: lady in spi aking of woman s yerly qualified voters. Now what . ellfl‘iinclllSomOHt last work at the 03- shall be some “f a“. qualifications? » ' . . - - . l . .. . . . bolt. referred to the heavy burde ii or, First. age. lhere ,8 no divmt‘ tax it Was on women to carry their law lixin" the axe wh n a l""“”“ ;, skirts soinucli on muddy street cross» supposed to be (“miifipd to vote. ing etc... in one hand. as though it im. ”mm“. experience ”f mauv L'J‘lN'l'il' pcded her progress to the ballot box. ‘ But so far as we know tioiis bps shown that a person reach . Yes it docs. ‘ tltorc is no law, humanor divine (-oin- lilt‘lltlllalultl. moral maturity m as to pelling women to wear skirts so long 1,9 “his ”w“ mm,“ at the ”,5“, ”f ._, I. as to drag in theinud every step they "mu“,- how take. Chicago We meet lots of women. and 'l‘licrel'orc no one. no In fact every time. We are in “q“,- oir learned, or rich. 0.. high his social position. can vote. till he not loud or coarse ones either. who is '.'l PM” ”pp and all WM“ to j”, “W” “’HHNO' short. street “'ulkillgisatisfic‘ll with the \sisdoni of' that skirts. There are men who wear so narrowshiws that their coriis arepiiich~ age. The ivoter also must be :i‘ citizen no law conipells ' . of the ('lHllill'Y, state. county or citv , . . . ed at every step, it. in fact. we are inclined to think that gumptioii enough toeinancipatcthein~ \vhere‘lie proposes to vote. cithcr until “'Olllt‘il show grit. mid ; as :i nzuive-lioru. naturalized, or cei‘taiiiltime i-esidence in his state. All are prac. 'l‘heii be- selves oii storinv davs aiidon iimddv. , . ' . ' . ' countv, city or ward. from long dragging skirts they are '- . . , ticallv fagreed as to that. not fully entitled to emancipation at ‘ ‘ ‘ 1yond those two well nigh universal qualifioations some states have :iii “Glliltiq-‘llfllllll test:" that is. a votcrl must lie able to read at least. if not The biggest snowstorm yarn we l‘hat have yct heard comes from our old . was ti? law for years in Massaclmn town of Cavendish, \'t.. to the effect i Betta a_(l workedwelltilldemagoguesj recently secured its repeal. lt isl that a farmer up on "Twenty Mile the law in some southern states. ev. identlj to shut out the colored vote...’ Also in some states and countries there :is a property qualification: that is; a voter must. own or pay the ballot box. VERMCSNT swans. . .l‘. . write. iiic English language. Stream,“ finding tho snow very deep, l took a» rail l‘.’ feet long from the fence and thrust the snow iiithe road without l‘t‘iit'liiilg' bottom. Then he took a secondl -rail and set it on top of the first one and crowded them both down with- i tain'véluation in order to vote. out reaching terra firiua. when he Canadll, where the writer used the third rail and that stixxl'hrought up. :1 Voter about one foot above the. snow after i i it down into rent and taxes on a property of ccr- lii ' was ll‘lllfll. 0W” 0]" the first rail touched the gr()llll(l.i.kll(l there is‘very much to be said Judge Fullerton owns We told that. ion Vermont lady, who 1 in its favor. said she presumed it was so. as her father one spring tapped his sugar: is :ilstvanioiig us a worthless, penni» orchard on top of the very deep; snow. and when it melted away. the = as he is over :21. has lived here a buckets which were. hung on the; coupleiot' years; he can vote, and his trees as tapped. were so high they “had to use ladders to get them down. ; Wonderful country that. vote counts as much as the. Judge's. Every {one can see that is not equal- ity and justice: how to make it just i . ‘ say. but the matter as it now stands? therefore. whether woincn shall votel i.- one of qualification and evpedienâ€"i ey. the same as it is in respect of other \‘otcrs. really nothing to do with it. qualified. that's all. reach the age of ’.‘l as do their broâ€"i thers; they can read and write and‘ ,talk as well as physicians. preachers. editors. au- thors. imstmistresses. city. rountv. own and manage property â€"â€"t.hat is, . inanydo and their number is in- thcy are women, but are the) quali- fied. l word of (ind teaches that it is oiilv the good. the moral and the religious push on progress, and save ii people would haw- savcd the cities plain: ten thousand bad men could not. do it. g rod, thc morally upright. the go My people of the lan l toxliy who alone gradcd cannot even help save it. the work has to be done not only without of lsracl. of the moral \vorth. science in public affairs political desidcralum ofour day. is pendoun magnitude and importance. ‘ ‘ political. social. rural and even relig‘ ions, confront the nation. Very many of them are to be. settled at the ballot box and they must be settled by the. good forcesofthe laud. Shall we have the help of those good women to do of wives~ and inothcps who sufi'cr most es :1 i'eiison-ible degree of ihvsical,t . 3 » ' l - andbrothels and othcrdciis of vice V rent rdal estate of a certain value. ‘ La largd property in this city. There , seen. ‘less. lyi’ing. thieving vagabond, butl id right in «\‘ei‘v respect. “0 can‘t not filial. ”up thing more. The qilestioli,‘ The fact of sex has is she Some of them men. They eat, , rink. Sleep and live the same as icu. In fact. they are eminently. ucccsnf'ul as teachers. lawyers. ‘ tale, bank and other officials. 'l‘licy reasing all the time. llcucc the Mlilllllilil liliiDIANBE iiciciiss are'the product at mechanical Ingenuity. 360.00 cm \ital question is not whether c same. as men. to \ole‘,‘ lii conclusion this one fact. thc' )rces of a community or state that Send {or was Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. 00.. Lake, Related and Fulton 0mm, Chicago. Branchoocucw York. London and Hamburg. 00nd ton z-oom sump. tor a dock or ”on-roll Pinyin. Ono. “Win. uni-n luau”. Tom Cooper. Loo lien-moon. Md Vino! Jonco. Ten righteous men of the ml the world. Consequently it is the an save it: the wicked. vile and dc hcir help. but in spite of lhcir oppo ition. for thus saith the Lord God "The holy snel shall be he substance there if." (‘oiifc-«mlly uilf. and the larger, better half too. i). A. DRISCOLLé: c0.. (Successors to Ingalls Bros. 8: Co.) highland Park BlCVCIQ EXCMRM Repairing of All Kinds at Popular Prices........ the moral con that great iilodgcd in our good women. it is in every fibre of the warp and the weft IMMMMML “MMMMWU if'their being. ‘Now then questions of the most stu- “ 1 Sheet metal and furnace work Jobbing and Repairing. it. Shall the hundreds of thousands be heard in dealing with tho saloons uWMfl 5 St. Johns Ava, Highland Park. wmwmmmmmwmm and infamy. when they possess every qualification possessed by men. Shall we. laying aside all our prejudices a. bout sex, which has no more to do with voting than with teaching arith- metic and gmigraphy. suuiinoii all the . DUFFY BROS’ Express, Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. good forces of the land against the eviloiics: all the intelligence and lliilrill Worth and conviction to the side of right against wrong and of justice against oppression? That is the her Trunks, 25¢; Parcels, 10c. T0 or lrom any part of the city. iicl of the whole question. In other words: shall Sodom be saved with the help of the. women, or be dammed without them ‘.' snafu... Furniture and Pianos Moved, ThedisK-ussioti of the bath tub i. question in public schools has PaCked and Shipped. stirred up some eastern cities to . Goods handled with greatest care. ascertain how many bath tiilm there Prompt attention given all orders. are among the people. Thus Spring- field, Masa.. has 13,175 families and . “W"""""’:“"“"’at" “"“v ”r "W9 Arc-responsible for all goods while In our hands. than one to every two families. or ; onetoevery nine persons. Boston is better of? in this matter than J. H. DUFFY, Manager. in public Springfield, especially.- TELI'IONI bathing facilities. How is it with Highland Park. We have about (500 families; are there. over 300 tubs in the homes of our people, even counting those . homes where there are two ' ;three tube as in some llolhrh‘ We have Perhaps bath tubs, are the .inoasure of a people’s civilization. ‘ w . ‘The. infant child of Mr. and Mrs. , j George Vetter died Thumday. of last l week, aged 7 months. The funeral ’ was Sunday with burial in North Northfield. JAMES WARREN, SR., ' MANUFACTURER OF iDOOl'S, Blinds, Glazed Sash, Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. and [NTHUOR FINIS'I IN PINE OR HARDWOOD. MILL WORK 9F ALL KINDS. All our‘lumber is thoroughly kiln dried and we guarantee our mate- rial to be equal in qualitv and workmanship to any made. Send for estimate a... v} I .9 it 3* M; I. r. ”55‘ i 3;" i . l I l I a 'l , ,7. . Tow No. 0. . LLOYD M. BERGEN, ..orn1 noun. I an. LIA} I 7. In “In i I Hut its \lllgleu‘. .\ (“in l \N' l‘. \1 Highland Hlm L flasher Building. Successor iv l‘mm the irvih . . l‘ioiu the bomb. 7 . v. w“ rm ihe .. mill. o to. ., l'oi llit !. w l.‘ ii .lrparliitc o. « WWI Ni l iili'. l't H0 7 ”fit on. imam s. it ROOM 1 HIGHLAND ”Hill! It‘. H tin-ll! DR.E.C. KA Drivrlsr.‘ i DR. H. H. BO Dentist. Dr H ll I’cinaid ‘ HIGHLAND PARK po§ Ahkl‘t- ”.07. I 2;. 3 :7. ' 2.: lVIIAIH'ID iilu 5 :3. 7 2w, Hrs. .. l~_ Hail ‘,~u~ 0 ~.‘, H. \\ \l Directory of Secret 'lritn l i) K Na tns' .. at .l H Clieskotunu .‘leci al Mas” .ti _ F M lngalls harm.) A'll luylwi;, \ l a old! I'l’l'iill"; in; .. (‘Ivll Iii uni. .4: .\l..s i .\ .‘nnlb stoic. ll]'l("N 'l l"ti‘ ‘l' "r- l yyvlgl wind \‘lvr'i: “s“ ' u: .o. ': 'lu Patti Ili’lllii. Hi i must. \ lla \itllt‘l | \\--~. i ,' \iiii lllbl not: 1 art I . ,t -‘ «wit-rs l..l.‘ in l ~i..\_ ‘Ilt‘Clthdlli'. \ut- ‘ni. lligliol'id l‘.i'v t v» . \ri‘atwiii \lcv' o \li\1) with“. .i‘. l \l" and imxt‘h \l _ l‘r \V. A. \‘liittll‘ h‘tlt'i-l'\. CHURCH (”REC Karim: M 1-,. View! Km Heat'iu‘mc pastor > .i. i..\ lib: I‘Liwsunli Liann- Mimi-91 t’\\‘lllti..' .u . ~ at 7 45: each floor... from 8 to 7- 2w . Int-cling and mu'm i .. iuoiilli ' l‘I-ll i1.....m. mart .ii i «-\ Swedish M l‘. t n it“ u. “on”: , ;.i‘i ii i ;1~ffll‘lv%-'\illlll.i .. I lA‘ugm V ' ‘| PM a: l'iau: flic Lug ittnsm, Lu it‘r‘in l.- im lll -. l‘ii'sl l it Will \.:!l»' ll lint‘ i. . v. - Illhll pi: .1. l 'i; 'I 4‘. i' ii \..‘I...\ \ liq-{1, 1i, ‘ rill t 7 ;o p in [\A'iyial. .i \-~i> ..“i4l' pastor ‘W‘I i.l\ «wit 1 - “railing it s. W Herman pin... it. _ c l-. .tf‘lliul n. p iii: “no 'x. .i\ t/t;i\tt but” ‘it‘ ‘4: t" liriu .Iil .i~>.x‘ l .n‘ . ‘1. \lJ'\ . I. \ia‘: ln-i. pastw l pass. I'M: ‘. wiax . '- llll' Hap! s'l l...‘ i \\ l‘icai'orh. lr‘q'sa ‘u an ‘ ltap'isf \ min-F l-‘iq ll 11: ‘ l”I“ ' ,1]P y “W print" nu no“. jas l’l l\.x \u .a 'i 5.;5 ‘ \l' >3vluldli ims'u \nq a n. .‘ano..i will: toil l'iiii:\ t ll 1' in. l ‘1 llu \ iil'li'lllll‘il m. T o .i . Hum ,l u. \1‘Vl'ld" pl lla u. ‘1 mi .4 :lira‘ lhc mom]. i \1lI song. i l‘ickmtr'iant lilif he \\ ii‘sloj and lltl‘iul . l1 (’liriv' .ii. \\ .n . . \‘i-l u‘llwfli. l2 ill PmVl'.’ w" n" NORTflfil'ISTI-LRN H. I “MD. in \'.‘ ll 1-... l 41' A \ I.‘.' 1. ll ll 01 N M ' .. ‘7‘ :, l m C. :uI ~ 3“ :, 44! a it. _', it. L I'. ~ 0 an t :4; )- ui P :w I l'. “ if. y :’l 1 El n m ll l9 ll 3n l'.’ 131'. A M n l'» l‘. .".. l‘,’ p l o West Side B JOHN H. M1 275 Centrl

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