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Highland Park News (1874), 15 Apr 1898, p. 7

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“inn: and (‘hlne-e “ix 1]). z. \: r1 '2.â€"A alrght conflict be- R: a in: an: Chmese ' Jon! It flux an: Double“: Price. rnlcrh-k \\ Ilnnm Conrad Dead an.‘ “guns! n \t. Loni! OM PAN ‘1' KNOCKED OUT. Dual». H inltnn Dead funnn ‘HIII .‘(nri TD ’nnvn (“arm n [‘ruollunntlnn LMI‘r'ln,“ I‘»~xfixltlon of Hon- l 'lan. in (ulm. OT AN ARMISTICE Von \\ ith (, unxrrsl L1 \urhnrll) In \1'! [Hen ulr'r \\ .n r ‘v! ust ”up \\ hvn \(or‘. f; ”n umwacl Ta??? :5 n: an!» op In London "(1)qu , . Rm: s'xmmr-r weaxhvr ammt the umml bu-‘Q- muted Pruvnsxons. 'qubled m p ' .-~ Rev. Frederick Ir ! L. I). for many Lathe '1 ()hser\'9r, Do-chlon \‘uitnin- _‘ Dudley “'insmn. . svrxwe vnmmisslon :qu m Lakr‘wood, N '11 thv ex; 3 (min Lu‘r \nfe the Time (‘omen‘ ~l )ezrl. He had nd “q-mral sta- \ 5' ‘vf‘KYNLEY [HIIF’YV and ’0 , . ,_,.,_,_ muved nmther te gaxernmenz damnr' mk 4nd to W “Hunt-n; haw) run- 'xenr inter- (ff! unruly-39. tron of a .- c‘ many “I" :0 all ‘f in [he and the Unsaid. horxze zatiofu We. It pr‘sht Inurfi 11 1H wt Both the method am] results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant md refreshing tofhe taste, and acts (:1 et rompt yon thoKidne s, fierysynd gowels, cleanses the s;- will effectually, dispels colds, head- acbm and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever ro-' duced, pleasing to the taste ac. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in » its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its , many excellent qualities commend it ‘ to all and have made itthe most po ular remedy known. yrup of Figs is for sale in 50; cent bottles by 1111 leading drug- P gists. Any reliable‘dmggist who; A, ,1 __3n ‘__ Pleasant. Palaublo. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicueu. Weakru. 0r Gripe. 10v 25c.50°. nun-g Ila-ed, (mp-ax. Mm IO-TO-Blc 3 “ For six years I wan . victim of dyn- la in its worst form. 1 could eat nothing ux. milk toast. and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that. Last. March I began taking CASCARETH and since than I have stemh‘w hnpronL until I am as wellns I ever was in my lire." DAVID H. ML'RPHY. Newark. 0. fuzzy not have it on handVE'ill pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any mbstitute. OWN” FIG SYRUP 6’0. .wl macaw. cu. Louisa/.5, tr. new 1 0Y5 a. duo mathnfl an "an“: 1 bun: conwruuvrum1 Sold and nammet‘d by .11 6mg- glsts m C YBl-Z'l‘ubncco Habit. Ila-1nd. low York. 311 ivew'vomc. mg Prellaont McKinley’n Mel-axe Leave. That [may to Decide Between Peace and \Var. Washington. April. 12.â€"â€"T'he future of the reistlonsvot the United States with Spain and to Cuba now re<ts withvcongrcss. the representative body 0! the American peo- piev. “'lmt course the electvd men com- }!tis‘mg it will pursue cannot be foreth- The foreign committees of both houses now have the subject in their control. and after due deliberation, will report to their rvspective branches What they consider Should he the attitude of the United States on the grave question presented. Early action by the committees is expected. but cxactly when it may be looked for is not now determinable. The full rosponslblllty or the subject wan {sued upon congress, when President Mc~ lnley on Monday transmitted to it a. care- fUIU' prepared and anxiously awaited mes- sage re‘lutlng to our negotiations with Spain ‘-as to its warfare in Cuba and draw- ing therefrom his personal conclusions and recommendations. No message in recent yen-s. not even (hit of President Cleveland on Venezuela nor President Harrison on Chili, caused such Widespread and intense interest. No mes- sage was ever listened to with more close attention by both galleries and member: at both end: of the capitol. For a long time: hrKe majority in both houses has favored recognition of the independence of Cuba: for more than two years. as voiced in re:- oiutions passed by cangren. the recogni- tion of heiligerency has been sought. Both of these proposnlom were antagonized In the message, and consequently In this re- card the message did not accord with the majority sentiment. The message left con- gress very much at sea. because of the .disparagement In views between it and the executive are obstacles hard to surmount. unless. as now seems possible. congress sees Us course to Me In accord w|th the présidenz's recommendaxlon‘ h. is gen- eraHy believed that the president would have been authorized to lnu-rvem- with me Irmy and navy had It no! been torn"? con- cluding paragraphs of the document, which announced the latest phase of diplomatic patriot of the lsland had so long been struggling. The prcslllont. said he. merely asks us to authoriu him to sum :1»: war in (‘uba‘ That could not [w done until the Spanish flag was. hauled down [mm the island forever: Senator Butler then pre- sentml u résolutlon declaring tlw destruc- tlun or the Maine to be an am or war at: the part of Spain against the l'nited States; recognizlxtg the independence of the Uu~ ban n’publlc.’ denmndlng that Spam M once withdraw her land and naval form“: from Cuba, and directing and empowrring After the mvssage had been read In con- gress It was referred by the senate to the foreign relations commutes. and by the house to the c0mm:lten on foreign ufluirs‘ Senator Bullor (X. C). Sn rising \o MT" :1 I‘esulutlou. said that it was pm‘fm‘tly (wt- dentthat the message‘justz‘e‘sd did not nzean me independence of Cuba for wh.ch the negotiations The Renato commitzeo on for 'LG re‘ia- tiers irmncdiatny “out into Samson. but ronched nn iiwiinite mm-iuston. l-‘r.,m the fact that the repubiisan mombmx he-ixi a consultation after the martini: 8|UUUI‘119d and what was Said rs-gurdini: it, the ianr- ence “as drawn that some strung measure “as i ecossir) 3!: nrdnr to carrv am notiun by the (0mm: ttoe through tha senate. A declaration of war was talked of and n dociaratiun that the 3:0 Opie of Cuba should be free. voupiwl with authorization to the president to bring this about by armed in- tervention was suggi-ste‘d. It is wo‘il known that any proposition advanced wiii be met In the senate with an amenximmit «lei-{ar- ing the indoprmdem‘e of the prawn! (‘uâ€" ban gow‘rmnent. and to :m 1mm» :1 reso- lution as to carry ii majurity (.f the son- ate and at ‘ht‘ same time mm" tm- rot-vim- nwmiations of the pnunicin H the result ‘ ivh the {ormgn reéatiuns committa- is if: to 519(‘Uh‘. the prcalrlent to use. I! nevei‘mr), 1111- ten- tiz-e {and am naval force n! 1hr l'mtod States to carry firm resolutians \: ( » or. (out The resx‘lutzm went uvor unulvr Hip The consorvative senalnrs nlm mo: in the afternoon and demrmlned to oppose any radical measure. if 1: should I)» re- ported hy tho 8*“:1‘“ wommlttoo on forelgn relations. They wlll oppose h5- debaro a recognitmn of lmlepenllenoe or m prvsk‘nl government an] a declm'mlon of war. and Will nonsvnt tn m‘tiun mzlx' alum: the llne-s of the revomms-ndallum”(11wprul- dent as to lmervmttlon at hlc disr‘rnlinn. Gen. Blanca cabled the government in- qulrlng 1: he ought to declare In his de- cree that the sugpenuon of homilmes was in deference to the wishes of the pope and the powers. The government repnod that he might do so and the decree granting the armlstice was published Monday morn- The romqu 01' the housv (-mzlll 1m: l,» at- curawly (him-mined, but (hum. as in the senate. the propoqitlon for (‘thn lmle- pendenve has to be mot, Any report from the committee on foreign zlffaim that does no: carry with ll this {9811er will lu-nntag- onized by an amendnwm. and the? wow pests are that nearly all thedemovruts and many rcpubllcans would favor it. The radian: republxcan; in tho hnust- are thoroughly dissatisfied with the proaidor't's messagm and while mu)‘ aro fearful nt‘ the effect it will have upon the party organzzm tinn ‘hvy believe that the Um? has comb who!) they must break away mid unite with thedvmacrats it newssary to furn- through resolutions that xhpy think wfn y’ppypgex‘,[ tho Views of the purple. Madrid. April RELâ€"Numerous groups in the Pueria del Sol and in from oi (ne of- fice of the minister of the interior Monday evening raised the cry “Viva Banana!" The gendarmes and police scattered :liem axwl occupied the square. but the groups qmckâ€" 'iy re<formed several times. until finally the gendarmes charged the crowd‘ Many were injured or arrested. Senor Aguilar-a. ihe civil govro‘nor. called out the civil guard go clear me street. Throughou: the even- ing demonstrations continued in various quarters: The police and gonaarmes re‘ peatedly dispersed large crowds. Calm was finally restored. but the gendarmr‘s a: mid- night were patrolling the streets and other precautions were maintained The Spanish ministvr, Sum maincd at the ‘egmion duri serzdim: and n-ceiving many .wa mmfvrring with his ude ‘ the. r-ntire prmmem's mung: exn-pt only the hi. urivai u- Lh Grant's 1m ‘ o, 'l‘oxu maincd at the ‘egation during the day, sending and n-cezving many .I'watuhn-s an, mmfvning with his ud'viw <2 He cabled the. r-ntire prmmem's musmgo tu Madrid, exn-pt only the hi urivai whammy; h; m Grant's 1m- ago, Texas, me. The m'mi‘stor said he must ”931211" to mukv {he slightest public allusinn to thv prosidmn's moswgv. as any remark from him Wnuld be r. ‘nsistent with his [msltiOXL It is ktmwx however, that Sena/r l‘ulu is Rom;- ly svnmtive to the lanuuagc- of the mox- snge. What is effect winl be upon hIs service here is no: kf1u“'ll. far no word has yet come as to the effect of Hm mes- sage upon the authorities at Madrid. _â€"--___._ __, 7 . .-r _,, M Shake Into Your Shoe- More Blotoun Demon-‘rntlonsâ€"Mob! Allen's Fmdl‘hlsc. a pmwlnr for the feet. ’“”“ Chm-zed by P0|IckA Number , It “If"! painful. H\\'U“Pn. nt‘n‘oug, snmrtinl ‘ 0‘ I' "on. Injured : feet and Instantly kgkm (he Mlnfl out of e ‘ ‘ warns and Immune. It a (ho ureatvat mmfun‘ l i dfsvm‘m‘y ofthvage. AIEon'nPhat-Edsmnakos 1 Madrid. April RELâ€"Numerous groups in , light or new shncn feel easy 1th: a rerlmn , the Puena del Sol and In from oi (ne nt-I. (‘UTI‘ for swemingmnnom amlhotJirvdmvh- ‘ flce of the minister or the interior Monday ‘ ins feet. Try It 10-day Sold by all drum'hm ; ' evening raised the cry “Viva Espanal" The ‘ and shoestomfifl‘. Trim) m‘kng? FREE. mmdarmes and police Scattered Ihem am Address Allen S. 011nsled,Â¥.eRoy, N. Y. I RESTS WITH CONGRESS. MADRID IN AN UPROAR. ”it" the There is no bettcrhknown local character in Lnnramer than Jim Dfllon. and he has [a many friends as any man in Garrard county. “"3 jugimgttes (fall!_hxm “Old Crow." \\ “The other day," said. he to n partyn! friends, "I boarded I tram on a little jerk- water railroad that runs through {1 near-by territory, to {0 over to a nengllbonng tofln. You know his line doesn't claim a x eed ual to the Empire Nate press, an the mend!) of the officers or my me satin- fied if the road can clear “0 dollars n day. On the occnsion I refcrfio the wind-burner was nearing mv destination when it came m a dead standsfill. I stuck my head out of the window to learn the come of the stop, 1nd saw the conductor talking :0 an old woman with bonnet and shawl and Sunday tower)! on and a small baokgt in hymj. “Being curious to know the import of the dialogue between the two, 1 went forward and learned that the woman had flagged the train for the purpole of [em on board and going on to ‘town' to sell a own . She told the conductor. however. that a e had only It in the basket at that moment, but that an old blue hen of here, then on the neat, wan momentarily expected to. lay the egg necessary to complete the dozen; that it would he a great accommodation if he would hold his tram _untll this should occur. as it would be a pttv to proceed to market with fewer than a down em. The conductor consented, and then our wait be- gan. “Finally, after the lapse of about 20 min- utes, a furious eackling was heard near the woman’s shanty. A moment kl" a blue hen fluttered into View, followed ;y the old lady. who came running toward the can, smiling and liol_ilitig_nlo(_t 'in triumph the From St. LawrencE_Plaindealer, Canton, To suffer for Years with n prm‘nilmg 1mm ful ailment. which lmflled skxllful nmhval trummrnt, _\cl winch was rurml by :1 simple )musehnld n-umd)‘ Is the lut \flmh {unto-H Mn. George L. Rogers, of \Vest Mum Slrvet, (anion. N‘ Y. “'l'hxrteon yours ago." said Mrs. R0 era to a reporter. "I was alum-km! with 1n! :un- mutory rheumatism and .1 Cum )hmtmn of dmoasvd. You run jud 9, some“ ml of “hat I endured, when you 0411; at those hands. Hwy were dintorted. hunted and ann, My fur-t, too. is so much out of sin: \c that the big toe lays across the others. \‘w (-nd .\ (Mwllh- . l .‘X‘ I! Mandmg 1 mu ”HI 3 2 x t y Inge z-ovetea egg. She Hated it, while 'it was yet warm. in the take! with the other: thanked (he conductor and (-Inmlwrmi aboard. Then thv train again got under \\*uy."â€"-Louisvil\c Post. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. . llnrtrcn boxes of the pin; and to da) fe-ol hextvr than fur Hn- pus! 1i! wen Wars. .\I\ appetite is go pd Hm] Lnghx. (hoorful and haw a desiu- to “w and Hum) Em- H K}. "I have been a momher nf the» Mothxuhst (-hurrh for many yvars. hu or PA 3m: was unuMu to attend. Imu able nuw [nub ((-nd thv chum-h svrvict‘s romllnrlv 11nd ver- miuly :1 vprmw-xto that \rin‘l‘Kt'. Twmnh-r Dr‘ “'11 Lmas' Punk I'lfh {1 r “Jr Pewynir- a “‘nndvl'ful mmlu-mo nnd um ”Wm-m nu ntlwr hll‘dit mo muld have MIN-uni Uw unn- dcrfu) ('uro they have in my car-v." Drv \Vlilinnu' I‘m]; I‘ilh for I’JM- l'l‘up‘l‘ :xrv composed of wm'tnbh- rcmmhm Hm «-\I‘rt a powerful influvnu-‘in ymrifymunml rnrn‘h ing thv blmnl, (hm (:urmg mum dw-zm-s. Twenty years ago, after Year»: of invest» gntion and study, Dr. 1’. liiirnhl “Luvs zin- uoum‘ed that ho had dismwrud :ind pi-r- fectcd a treatment \\'ill('i| “Quid Hire Asthma so that, the pzitiviit shnuhl May i-ured. 1:1) 10 this limo Hu' in'sl Vim! “mid be done by the must (-niinL-nt ihy u Lin-A was to give more ti'mpnruri' y'eu'i’. and Hwy frankly nthnuwiuigwi thmr illuillili)‘ tu do more. Dr. Haw ' trmtnwnt has ium-n nd- min-in ' szbaiiiii' m‘vr sinwe an»! nnw mnro than iii-(y thuumml sufiorvr! hun- luevn under Pnrv, ginng In illlll£1lllii|€<u<~1VIHi9S ‘l mst ex wx'ie-m'e- .inil Ihv highm: “(twinkle skill in (Sealing with this must li,~'l’\"‘\ng iiisoasv. Dr. Hxiym' sy<lvm is Mllil Hint lmlivnts RN tn‘an'd at, the-1r 0““ iiniiii'~‘. and thrr-mzh .n pvrfm-tod ihm of plum; Hli \'i(‘(- and dilmtians 1w muii and sl‘lllilnfl "\qu ivinm pn-mrmi in hie own Iniwiuixui)‘ to suit oath individual patipnt's imwh. unymw anywhen‘ can he surcossfullv tram-d. Dr. Hayes will maii hiw Thesis with Hilimris of Cases and blanks for frw- Examinzniuu on application to him at Bufialu, X, Y. and March I tried Dr. “Miami Pink I‘ills fur l’alc People and before 1 had {in ished the first box I began to {rel that {hey were doing me good. I conunued mung them and s‘eadily grow better. ‘1' I I Al A 7 I,4A ._[ 1L- .I'l. If you ll‘nl] a mzm gran sped. hv'H come around izntny to borrow I. lnwn-mowet.â€" Chnstlan “ ork. Made "In: Sick. Doflnr (on ormn stoumoflâ€" Your turn hu (tune. I see. sir. Allow mo in ~ Sou-Sick Pussonm-r (an HM lm(-hv}or1~â€" N-o, nAn. dnvtm'. Itvirit will soon piss off. It isn't soa~sensickno<m l loukml hm long at mossâ€"those bridal couples,â€"-N. Y4 It ién't at Hm: VVeekl y To marry for mam-y. may turn out (o be like going to Ehe hornet Ior honey.~Ram’l Horn. Take Laxative Bromo (guinino Tablets. AH drugguts refund'moneyx “fails ‘ocure. 25¢. Mm es “10 lm“ eln am I! day. In 0rd: r to be healthy um 1< nem‘ssnn. has mmh on the li\' er and lencys. ( urea sick headache. Price ‘25 and 500 To Cure 3 Cold In One Day Something to Renault; r. Lane'- Family Medicine. be old Lndy‘u Good Blue 1].: Male I‘D the Full Don- en of Int“ HELD THE TRAIN. ~11! hr! 0* unn- ' Drv x10 :xrv I c-wrt r-nrn‘h Hwy [0 do n nd- mnro been In! (‘8 "m -U-o tug-x." “vv-â€"â€"v‘v l'leen. Omar. run “too. and 1H loo-co. u never (IN. Dun on 3H pot-on Suva: expense Ind suflerl (‘ um armament» Bent nlvo fnr CW“ If... 0-“. Am .11 “M. Wound Lung. s ““135”; h the “Simplicity" made of lo. 9 wire. :11 famed Ind waned. and a (I?! o! the wrist pm it on the horizon“ wine. Cu be nod wm Mrbed or plain wire‘ Anyone can bum tenc- m: win the“ nun. lo necm tool: necessary. communion" with u u once it Interested. ”amen W13! men CODA“. “I Gum Sweet. Duran. Kiel. ”1:!" ”Mn-- M in ‘5“ 31â€" "71â€" 6' ii mi x . . ”- .- ”I ‘ I I u I! ma“ 83.."33523; Ii... ‘ou by arc-nu. swmwn LWWW; UIVLIHHHI m .umnngfia nun Imu- Innun Inwflpfln W. h an!» i no)! ”WI-nu llJn h II... II I. no u v Id‘lln‘l .u n Wm, mun-0‘ II the only nun éum in nu- world forum-u I‘l- ecrn. _!o.o lice-n. “new 21.." ‘ uh ,A_A‘_ _--_ ,nM-H l’ennfilontly cured b; FREE on mention m \Vomen who use soap don't do so because they know it‘s the best. Probably they haven‘t given a thought to the matter. They inherit the soaphabitâ€"their mothers and Grandmothers did, before them. Women who use Pcarlinc do so. because they have used soap and Pearline, and have found Pcarlinc to be betterâ€"more efTective, saving time and rubbing; just as harmless..and more economica I. an “\S‘WéarMe W Go to y our grocer tmd 1v and get a 15c. package of fiGffliIl=0 when the lung. are annexed and ‘he' symptom: ol connumpnou - en. lhen begin-the aruglle behveen u ecuon Ind i thn destroying dined-e which Illyu nu thouundl "mu-Hy. H h I happy inue‘ to 1he Itmg‘le when dinette h conquered and health tutored. Such an tune does not Ilwnyo end the Ilrutge. but it did in the cue 0! Mr. X. Norris. enphit. Tenn" who at Ma vile ranting and "nigh; Ind ph “dull helpieu and then an . [cued he Ilfl le xenedy that wrong ‘ the curt. Bc t: h the “my than: "Seven yet" .30. In? vfle had I eevere “Luck of lung troub e thch me phy- dchn ptooonlced counumpdon. The con 1: van exlremeiy dlltrflliu'. cope- cbl y I! night. Ind wu imam!” nuended with the spitting o! bl . The docxon bdng unable to help her. I h» duced he! to “7 Dr. Ayer‘l Cher rector-l and VII Inrprhed It the [ten "Ne! I! give. Before hula; one 'hcfle bom- Iht was cured. to that now Ihedn "tong Ind quite heullhy. Thu (hh medidne uved my wfle’u H e I have not the lust doum. ! A!“ I keep Dr. Ayer'l Cherry Peder-l in the on“. Whenever any of my 1-":in have I cold or cough we ule IL. and are :. W. HEAD CYPLE 00.. CHIC A00. warm (nor.- sm KY“ ‘VTKMb THE STAY THAT STAYS How I was the means of saving it. “MY WIFE’S LIFE.” u u . 0’ Hun rubl'rtuun mm. o WHITEHALL-a mum-um - .. , urul- nu II‘NI‘I‘IHA "ITED -An [H'lmvnh umung far I home In Jum uncul u‘y u. my“ 1m mmmn a and ”dun-menu nun lurlmuu mung H”, Bl am A hululh Mun“ \u Inna-mu flu-w llndl. [and pom pIHl‘ unset (‘irgr "roux“. Rae-uh!“ Juan A )nrlhhhx! clam-u, {Mum from manual and mu nrll‘ (‘If‘fli'bl m-rh-ls The King M II! nuunlrlm 1m Iho DA u n nun "a Divan-mm )‘Armma Nun. nu! (‘Iru-ulun rm Adan” IND - . F (‘LAIIE 14nd (Mal-nun" ”Globe .00“... .1. PM“. Soap-heredity. nun-t6 m "a â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"7W I RNH‘IATH‘ PURE. flunnfl And tho boot “link Ian! M! I‘HITIHAIJ. IKHNIIIIF (Xhllouux Bond. Indltnt x The quelflon: "h con-um fion can. lblc P" in sun dchned. and uh! debut-bk. 1n n (Ily lo a, mu un- wu not u clu- o! conlum non. \‘cl the phynicnnl and u w... hry nhould know. AI a nutter of fact. Dr. Ayct‘l (hen-y Peclonl ha- vm‘hl to In: lit-nu tire. that n seen- \0 "one it combine“ 0( co.- Iumpuon in m nrllu lulu. by the use o( (In: rzmedy‘ There h no better medi- an: $07 puhnmty uunblu lhnn Dr. Aycr'u Cherry Pcc‘onl. M 1m "lid u: i“‘" of Auhun. Illd Etc-ch HI. where re. Hie! ha: been heretolon Inflatable. It ! rompuy cures Coughs and Colds. Lu nip 9. .36 I” Iflecuonl at me mum. and un I. Herctolorc. Dr. Lycra Cherry Perm" nu been put up III lull the ham:- oul . It sum per botnc. To Inc" ‘I wouldwn c dun-ad lot I lmlller Ick- l‘c. (he tuned in now pl! up in hl‘ the boulu. a! hul riceâ€"go (can. Wlhe tor Dr‘ Ayrr‘l Cure k (hoe) .nd lurn more 01 the cure: (Genoa b DI. Ayer‘n Chen? rector-L Addrtu J. i Aye! Co.. Lewd . Man. 1 B. P.“ 7'0. ELKS. T16kets7m he on mic May 6th. 71!: and flu Rl'lunnng uvkwts mu be good muse-n as). from one o! mic. NEW ORLEANS, LA. MAY 10-13. {898. One Fare Round Trip, ha in i lufwrmnHon ran on Agents Bl; Four Route or adults: the undrrnuzncd Pun. Trad. Mgr Ass! (.011 ll‘ass.1‘k1 m CIKI‘INHATI. o. I'Manuon um mmr‘wbrn you tma E. 0. IcCORIICK. WARREI .I. LYNCH. “Big Four Route"? IN 334 YEARS In uruwm‘ when M» poru n! oolunwn (‘h .126 fun Infurmnuun u [0 reduced nilvnv rucl vln ho had un Appnmuun m livputmmfl hm-ru-r mun ( had: or In t‘ J nmhuun HI(IHUH'I".\' 1:3 Man-nurse] [Sundial (‘hhruu‘ lll ; T U (l IUUK Moron! I’mm “'10. l V M: LVN”! m. 1 Monm lunch Donnn l) L (‘AVI’INK B Ale Ind JAM” UKIIVE. IN <' H', Mmh. N ”ARTHULUHEW. Du loin». D 'I UUUUUUUI "II I AYII‘I‘ITI. I I 11"")le l HMO. 000 fi'fifiL”. _;t3n!:p11y cuted."-â€"X. lulu. Memphlt. AI IIDEPEIBEIGE IS “WISH l urm‘ vanlfovd. lmvs. w ' â€".. ~ 7 - , 1 cum. UP-TO'DATI 'u HOYOI.I F7. FOR ”I “A “I'm,“ 0- ON. Thar run his I bunk, AM u! um hhl run. my, WI: p." a. rdhn MN:- and ml) pow”. Tuba-wad nu than nu m mill and In". ad Inna um “I val-ml luâ€" TNE NIH IIAYI TNI OLD A. THE OLD SEAT TN! WOOD!” WHEEL. o- m-p‘ a! Ana-mu, mud "of on and uh“ u rum ml] in m! no not... ad on. (m u I. tut-nod. Ola puma! lo wan-pun.» u my "-31 [55 who»! :M Y E Wu um I. Anna-molar” milled..- k Mun- “a ”a “no on‘ :xcua aucio you A lot: L“ sumac- "a. F MIC "vuut‘mnuuu. W â€"â€" TIAâ€"- I! ytm take up your hon. ln WENTEKN CANADA. lhr hum M plan” “lun- "nod pnnwhlelb sirln‘ fur-u. 11-h". .IIN'IL 1-111'Iumm‘ n! {arml'ra II»; but: become we‘ll!"

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