en route for the "front." if anyone linOWs where-that is. The school children by scores Went to the depot ingrdays. orthe mmtla.\\'1th annual. semi-annual or quarterly masters. was not so much, in' the military spirit and discipline.the peupll‘ got to see them lass. The train halted I i out of them. though l)('l\)l‘t' the Rev about five minutes. while a freight , . olution and a generation or two after side-tracked itself. The soldiers and lt that was very important ‘was citizens cheered and soft heartedgirls . . . . i rather the social. political. education solilwd ! . .. _ al Side ofthese local "masters which l’RoF. Lanman of Harvard Liniverv ‘ were really mass meetings of v the rrity. says in his studies in the old; people for a good time. when the wife Sanscrit literature he tinds frmpient lwas proud of her husband ascolonel allusion to a swan of lndia. which ‘ captain. lieut. major. or some non ‘ommissioned rank. and the mothers had the rare ability of taking a how of watered milk and drink oflr the l were proud oftheir sons and the bash milk while leaving,’ the water. Now ful maidens of their “fellows" and we want one of those swans import i so everyone was interested and turn- ed to Highland Park at once. soasto ' ed out. The day was fair. lunches teach us how to do that thing. This eaten out of doors. lots of social in rainy Weather the cows, like sponges. : tercourse and “visiting" done. but absorb lots of water. they can't help ' above all. discussions between little it. and we want to know how to get i bands of men on the issuesof theda)‘. it out of the milk. lnational state orloeal. from the choice Thomas M. Dupley has the credit of breaking the “lulu in Ward 0111‘. If s: n. \vvthink heis entitlmltulw rvgnrd‘ ml as 21 successful politivi'dn. fur that was manage-(l very zulmitly, as well as miccessflllly. In politiw. sum-vs: is gvnerally regurglml :ispmnlol ability and hence Mr. Dooley is entitls-(l to lw regarded as ilb‘llL'CeSSflllUlHIlR!‘,{(,‘l’. Charles (khurm- of the- Pint mm- grz-ssimml district in Kuusya has just hr-en I‘térlikllllinilh‘ll()11 tlw :Ii'Hh hill lut. We will wugvr thr-rv am- at least 2: dozen patriots in Lulu-(Runny \vlm \umld be willing tu new-pt unuminzl- tinn 013 the 3ch bulbâ€. and KM thv t-x'tru 71 N? puss by. _\\'u have patriots In' the score. A Burr fourteen cur-laudsuf mldim‘s from Fort Sheridan Imswnl through hen-Tuesday afternoon about Iiu'cluck L‘Il mute for the "from." if zlnyom- knows where-that is. The school children by scores Went to the dvput tn see them pass. The train halted about five minutes. while a freight Lido-trapked i‘self. Thesoldiel‘sund citizens chvored and soft heurtedgirls subbed I A workingumu féll thruughn mau- hole and broke some electric wires in the fall an'd they charged him for the duumgeswto the wires; another poor fellow was blown into the air by an explosion and had his wages ducked fur the time he was up in the mr "Billy" Mason and John B. For :ikvr uf Ohio. ert‘ doing tln-ix‘ lwst to make the country lose what little re‘ spect they eye'r lnul for them. Tlu-y are blutlxeskite: President McKinley New York WE don't know x‘vhetlivr to charge the running,r up uf“01«lt}lor_v" withe- flagâ€"stuff. Tuesday to Dr. Turnerund (‘01. Davidson or nut. But no mat ter who dig it: the red. white and blue showed our patriotism and was a warning to Spain. hi ll him. believes in him and his policy Tm; W. (I. T. L'. of Huunuoud.[nd.. are for war with Spain to put a stup tn the sturvatiaï¬. cruelty and mur- der in Cuba. These womeusay the-re are some things Worse than war. THEY have had 21 long contest over :1 man's will in New Hampshire and after spending 21couplethousanddoL lars in court exlyenses. found the man left a gold filled ring worth just \‘" 3U. Advertising ram made known on application at this ofï¬ce. Entered at the postâ€"office at Highland Park. “1.. as second class matter. Editor’s Residence. - Business and News Office, Terms, $1.00 per year, 50 cents for six mnnths, 30 cents for three months. LEWIS B. HUBBARD, Published in the Interests of Highland Park. Highwond and Ravinia. everj’ Friday Ichmuon by The Highland Park News. Office: in News Building. 255 l‘cnlral Avenue. Highland Park. Illinois. statesman and thecmmtry trusti That‘sthc way they get rich in FRIDAY, APRIL ‘22 EVANS FORREST. TELEPHONES 1, - - EDITOR Brsxxsss MANAGER No. 8. No. 92. is next to nothing, Whensnme Vir- i ginian, 1‘25 years ago. asked Johnz Adam» whu was Washingtun‘a ï¬ne» 3 cessm‘ in the Presidencyrrr how to, transform Virginia into a veritable New England, he gate him the fol, lowing “receipt"as he, styled it in; his diary. "town-meetings. training-‘ days. towaschuuls and ministersfbrl in otherwords. towns. militia. Ht‘ll()()lï¬.: churches. all originating with. sup-l ported and controlled by the peoplei as a Wllulc body. In the town meetings. of which there are at least t\\'u ever) year. in. March and September. every water: and tax payer has a part. everynnel has a right to speak his mind on anyjli subject up fur discussion, and usually; most of them avail themselves ()f thei privilege. In a town of from 8‘00 to: 30W) people. a whole day. from U (f- ’ cluck till 4 or 5 in the after-noun is' given up tothis meeting. \\'ithoutan_\': recess or "ntmning. Social pns‘itinn.i riches or learning count hut little there; it is the purest deniuct'acy :m the glulie. “lit-{emeryman is a“ gnutl its hix neighlxu‘. it not a little let'c 1'. .-\ll attend the same public wheels when children. and SH they knuu each nther“ju~'t like a hunk" call each other l)_\' their first names. take lllt‘lrlltitlll lunch of (lltllgltlllll‘.(‘lll‘t‘\(* and apples tngether almut [104111, in in little hunts almut the town hall while the meeting gnes on. Heir-e every man haï¬ a clear. “'l’llrtlt'llllt'kl and [ltl>lll\'t* opinion on all subject» in which the peuple are interested. He has thought them all over him 50â€. has talked them mer with his neighbors. and then he ha~ heard them all discmsed tram every Lins~ll>le stand point ur puint nf View at that dantnwnmeeting. hence he has ommuns ()n¢- uftlw “sights" which an in- telligvnt foreigner wishes to sew in America is a popular (-lwtinn. They have such things in Europa butthvy rt‘m-mhhl ours. just about us much as uur .lllinois {awn met-ting FPSk’llllflt'S a New England tum) mwtiunghix-h 's- next to nothing, Whensmne Vir- lT is said lots of smitten young: ladies. and some others, Went up to! the Fort last Saturday to see theI soldiers off, especially the“(leurollic- I l ers. ' The whole thing strikes us asi eminently weakand foolish. Suhliers. even the otticiers. are just men likel uther men, only they wear (littereuH clothes. Only last Week we saw one" of these young fellows with his im‘ girl, riding through our streets In :1 fine carriage. and both Were chewing? gum. Such is the social culture Hf: the “four hundred." SOME of our good people have hit on an excellent plan for entertaining their dull guests. They just take them on the trolly line for a ride up to the Fort and show them the sightx-L It only costs a dime per guest. and it works Well. The guests think they are handsomelyentertained; and they are. The. scheme is novel and emi- nently successful. .‘ulzuns POPULAR ELECTIONS. irlvu :wahau Ii vt';|llcd“truin †or Hu- militia. with :mnunL ml Lvr (luzu'tvrly mush-rs. m much, in' tho military $2553.52 Fruits and Vegetables. 2:2} ' Genuine Jersey if} Milk and Cream Hot Rolls and Bread Delivered for Breakfast. St. Johns Ave. SOMERVILLE'S Bakery and Restaurant, Fancy ï¬rocéries, Tea and Coffee. round the \mrM," Ho-nm- \\‘hm. hllt'h men \‘utml they luudml M'c-ry Imllut with brains and u (-unwir‘m-u that's what so amazes tho fun-igm-r Hr watt-hrs thv hallut full as ItHiM‘It'shl) us the 5mm in c-w-ry stutr. cnunt)‘. vity. town. \‘illugt- :mtl lu‘c-cinrt all m'vr tht- nation to thc- lu-u'ihlvring number 01' :lhuut fourtm-n lnillhrn, (‘Ht‘h hullut seems charge-d with Mums and conscience. Nu \nuuivr (Shut stone said the Ann-rim“ (-unstitntiun is the must wunde-rful mwk t-wr strut-k uH' at one tim» by â€H' hmin and purpuse of mun, Now in so far 11»- “'1' dog-art In spirit and method from (In- wuy~ and training of the fathom. in M) fur wr put in pvril the Rc-pnhlic. Tthul of lsrm-l guidwi thmu N: that thv) huillh-(l bone; than â€IQ‘)‘ kin-w. jll~t us he did Isrzu-l of HM and uhru l~ ran-l dqmrtml from tlw ways nf 1hr fathers. the-y want tn thv wall The churches were led as a rulo- by educated men. men of the pouplt'. whu livmlamong thaw-«pl». “'t'n a famil ‘ iar and Welcome tigurm in all then lmmes uf the- tuwu. marriml and bur i ied all the- peuplo, svttlvd with them ‘ {rt-sh, from mllegra and renmim-d till i he died and was lmriedamongthem. l He discussed boldly. claarly. script 1 urely all thvme-a of high mural. statej and religiuus interest. In a \\'ur(l.ln-‘i educated the peoplv. morally and r:- ligiuquy, on high scriptural grounds He trainvd a pvuplv not unl)’ to think ' but to think on M‘rlnllh. important subje-cts and to thinl; (-urrm-tly ill-«Ll Such were the man uf Nuu‘ ling; land wry unlike thusv ul' Virginia‘ and the-y laid the- corner stunv m' a nation: thvy. at tln- old ('nnt-urd bridgt’. 1777), “Fire-d the Hltut he-ardi round the \mrltl,†Ho-nm- when auch‘ men \‘Utt'll they luudml ew-ry Imllut with brains and a ('UllN'lf‘lH'l‘ that'x EVANS - 31205., of a president to a cmumittm- mun in a school district. or from war with England to the building of a new 30 foot bridge ovur the Tin-My .‘iilt' Stream. Hot and Cold Meals at All Hours Henry Ohlwein \\'i>hr-~' tn amnuum-t- friend-e and (-ur-‘tnmr hv has change-d hi~ Ravi: Duir} Milk rmm- and mm gvtting Hu- {rum Mr. Birch Highluml I‘m-k 'ine Line of Bakefy Goods .\l St. Johns A\:.. next to P. (I ‘ Hr M .clvw DIALEIS IN duh"! k Mm \vr depart Telephone 46 H H'HI Hm! ~ Floral Decorations. Cut Flowers TELEPHONE 56 Arc responsible for all goods OFFICE AND YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE. IN LUMBER DISTRICT. TELEPHONE e7 All Orders prompt“ dellvrrcd DUFFY BROS†Express. Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. D. A. DRISCOLL C0., WHICVCIQ EXCMIIQQ... Sundries and Repairs of All Kinds ‘ A. ROBERTSON, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. GERHARDT Bakery and Confectionery.... Frulu nnd \ enable. Receh ed Dull; Furniture and Pianos Moved, “Packed and Shippep. MRS. A. BOCK. Fancy ï¬roceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS M'n SHOES. Eggs in Sclson Hard and Soft Coal, Sawcd and Split Wood, Kindling. Highland Park Greenhouses, Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Goods ‘hc Best. Priccs uc Rusonablc. Trunks, 25c.; Parcels, 10:. T0 or from any part of the city. Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attention given all orders. Fancy Bakery Goods, Cigars and Cigarettes Ice Cream and Sod- W’ater In Season. «Lâ€"qmd Flowering Plants. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Bicycles to Order From 535 Up, FRITZ BAHR, P S. L. Wyandotts and B. P. Rocks FOWLS FOR SALE ï¬T ALL TIMES HIGHWOOD, ILL. Full Line of Choice Candies. « Idlewila Poultry Yards, . . Dr. l'rank f1. Ingalls. Superintendcnt HIGHLAND PARK, ILL., PURE BRED ONLY ihlmd Park Illinois. Hccphonc 54. roprictor. . H. DUFFY. Manager. Catering for punts - spcdnln . while in our hands. Goods Delhercd Free 01Charg¢ TM.†"0- ° onm Nut 10 Hm w 2 (Mini "‘ (mm linghiand ll Fletch" 5m | rum“ [)1 U (‘hx'skm' Mm-t m 51.4 i- M Inga Ian Hrathvuu- paw" >4 ml; laxmnnL lwau Sumlax me! .n; m 7 m T 17' pm I, Np“: from )- In ,- :-,x- r, lurcunu aunt ma mi ti munth, :‘Wk‘dlsh M f. Chm Rc-v. () “t"‘llhfl. an hilluwa: dem- s: lxauur, .7 u‘ | uh .,_ . uv LLOYD M. Kuvmm 'M l‘ DR. FRANKLII noon a nu Maxi 3* “Killâ€? un HH’ m) {ht West Sid‘ {he flu- ‘IR‘Q‘I NORTH“ [:51 E1 lc'p' Ill-H Merv \\ wâ€"hw HII‘II mom_A~n P‘ Directory of 275 urh Mrt‘ur‘p h « Prom Bundlnu DR. E. CHI‘RCH JOHN 1'. rmd Irihm ht I In‘ \\ (‘I i'lL‘J