Parcel Deliverv. OI‘ .‘ (‘4 ers towering Plants. ilc in our hands. (wed. nd Shippep. H4. sung-rinkndcnt ‘oultrv Yards, 've . ED ONLY enhouses, [)L FFY. Hanagen 1‘: WK, 3, Kindling. ‘al of All Kinds. rmg for 1‘.â€er a specie/n E AT ALL TIMES VHRK. ILL ‘IIQQ Chm’ce Candies. bone :34 and B. P. Rocks IN LUMBER DISTRICT. CO. 'urnuce H ark. *CK. and Crockery. J» “(I All Kinds 000 ark Illinois. 6: CO., rd F rev 0' Chargt Wu.“ :3 LLOYD M. BERGEN, M. D. i"r‘\E)VIE'K :1 Church. Rev. I’fanstichl pustnr ‘»\ m‘mp 1111! prcachm: . 10143 a. m. Saplmzh x21 1.: 12 m. Chns'mn Eudcnvur, 7. p, 111 'v1c:. \\cdnesd.1y. 7. 4,; p, m. West Side Barber Shop HA, m, the munth Evangclical .\ssnc‘umnrvâ€"va. S. J. Ham‘h. ;. AM. Sunday scn‘u‘ts at Young Men's hrauhm: Ruum. Sunday m‘huvl :It 10 nu a. m; (h-rnmn prcmrhm ' at [1.00 n. m.: Y. 1’. 5. C. h. .nï¬n.) p. m.: inglish pmuching n: 7 :m 1.». "L; - dncsdu)‘ m 7:3“ p. m.. untagg- [mu cr [m-cllngs: Saturday. at 1 M) p. m.. cut- cx'nenunl A‘lussut pastor's study. N..\hryâ€s Cnthulic Church. Rev. j. (I ,‘xhrlaicn. pastor. First muss, $.50: sccuml nu»; 10.00: humlny nckxunl, 2.50. l'hc Ennis: (‘hurch \\'. H. Vines. pantur. Hashing, 10.45 a. m.. humid}; suhtml. [2.00 ML; Impust Young l‘cnple') L'niun. 0.45 p. m.- r aching. 7.50 p. m. Hivh)‘ ‘ Rzn'xniu M. E. Church. Ravima. Rev. E. J. Hrumcntc pustur#5undu_\‘ schnol at 11.150 p. 111.: Epwunh League devmional me ting Sunday'evcning at 1 o'clock p. 111. pwac ing .11 7 15 cach sundu, . cning; prayer meeting from H m 8.30: rlpwurth League business meeung and social the fourth Fnday of each munIh. Swmhsh M; E.C11urch mver \Valdn'smaiket) Rev. 0. \\ usshng. paslur. Sunday §ervices 213 follows: Sunday school. 3.30 p. m.: hmeâ€"th League. 7.00 p. 111.; Preaching. 7.415 p; 111. t‘mvcr-mccting Thursday evemnz at 7.15;. F». cryum- ls :nvitcd. Pint L'nited Evangdicaf Church. Rev. H. H. 'l‘hnrcn. pastnr. Sunday services: Ger nun preaching, [0.45 a, 111.; 1‘211gl1sh.,";0 1‘1. 111.;511mlay sclmul, 9.30; K. 1.. L'. 1143 p. 111.; pmyfl maï¬ing. \Vcdncsdgy a1 H H Highland Park Councii Nu. [066 Aryanum. Meet in Masonic hall am! funrth Mundays uf cvcry mouth \\. ,\, Wilson; secrcmrv. Frank B. (‘n \ludern Woodmen of America. ASL-stings hr»: JIM! fourth Friday nf each month in Furâ€" rqrrs' hall‘ \Villiam Danna-r, VA C.; K. J (Thvskmung’l‘ribe.I. 0. R. )L No, 11‘).w M wt at Mast-111C Hull ï¬rst and third 'l‘ucsdays. PI .\[. lngaHs. Sachem; J. H. Dutfy, C. of R. ‘\_ 0‘ FJy Lodge, A. F. and A. )1. Reg- ularmeeung nigha‘ hrs: and third Monday in mach nmmh, .1: Masonic haIL ovcr M. Moses Sun‘s stunt. Fletcher Building Suruusnrm . [)r U. B bernaid in land me the nurth From thc south, 7. 13-07-535’ 5‘37~ DKP‘ HOURS: 2 00 to 4 00 r. M For the south, 6.50. 9.5011. 111,. 12.47. 3.14, 3.33, 7.2!.) p. 111. ~ For me nwrth . 9.12, 11.39 114 111.. 7.29 p. m. Mail pouches close 15 11111111155 bcfnnathc departure uf Ruins. \\'. M. DOOLEY. Postmaster. Tolepm No. a. 0"“. guru HOURS tnghwood) ()tï¬ce: nghland Black ll NORTHWESTERN R. R. TIME TABLE 275 Central Avenue- DR. H. H. BOULTER‘, 2}!) If. 3†m) DR. FRANKLIN 8. WESODTT, ROOM ! HIGHLAND BLK. 31 ) (I) ‘H lepemicnt Order Foresters, Cour! High- Meetings ï¬rst and third 'l‘hursdays of "math in Forcsxer‘s Hail, .qchcal Luthcmn Zion‘s Church. .umuau pzhtur. 5‘“ Lty Scrvicc. l...oo Eunllny school. frum 9 In [0.00 a4 m. {1'} (‘hur;h, 1‘. (I \Vulcntt, rccmr. :mumuniun, 7.50 u_ m. hunduy \L‘huul. a. m, Marni! ' pr;1_\cr and scrmun. n, \rutivm hrst \nndm in Directory of Secret Sociulcs. HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFICE. X“ prsachin mcctmg. JOHN H. MOHR, Prop. DR. E. C. KAYE, n Promsional n CHURCH DIRECTORY. Arrive H. Park 0. 9 83 lu) 3| 11 «W 608 9 3H VCH SUI} m «Y: H ‘_’I) P )I U '30 if. 9 an :1 A .‘l 10.33 “'EEK DEN TIS T, Dentist. AHEIVAL ARTL'KE‘ 9.50 a. m RES. HIGHWOOD DA Ys‘ H T 49 A3 us 5 21! IO «EKH'L‘ '. Park yptiIQ‘OOA. u Highland Park. Ill. l3 U! "fl (Inn : Horns v A. I. to 3 r. u L'nnl further notice m ll) Ill P M Highland Park lllinms. .14, p. m m. .5 11.39 a. 47» hall sccnmi .mh. chcm, B_ Omen. ll) I.) m #3 n 30 10 ll Aer'e ‘hxcam. 6|, (f h u re h Ham-h 45 30 a} ll) l' M Work is going on rapidly at the Exmoor club grounds. The new building is pushed rapidly toward completion and when (lone it will he one of the finest golf grounds and outfit in the country. Some utlu-rs are larUt-r and more pretentious. but very fen superior to it in the eweâ€- ence and nicety of its app iintnients. Col. Clampitt of Sheridan Drive-, north. is still conï¬ned to his room by the severe attack of grippe. from which he has suffered for ( \‘vr three months. His condition has bevn very serious and at one time so low as to render the result doubtful. However ï¬ne medical skill and nursing have brought him safely through and we hope ere long to see him again in our midst. eran Church Mrs. Juhnsonnnotht-r of .1 uli us 211)" August Johnson. died curly \lenc. day morning Pftt‘r :1 1m» \\'P(’k~ ill- ness. of pneumonia. Mrs. Johnson W215 a native of Germany. but czunv to this country many years ago. She: was a member of the German Luth- It is better to he. on the safe side. At Less than Cost. and firiuk Electric Water until our lake waterisinbettercumlition for REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS sale at Fred Schumucher's, 1?; cents- . Ht Rvnmnahlc Into Single gallon. Blzéukvt day at the Post was nut appreciated by wheelmon whu m-re unfortunate enough to be caught by the soldiers and be tussed 2†foot or more into the air. The following goods will lw sult at a great sacriï¬ce: bell l'Umn wt: hall tree: pedestal. chiflhnivr: rm'k in}; chair: perm-rs; settwu um! i choice screcu. Address bnx 243. The street railway company haw strung the trolly wire from the Post Hotel ~nt Fort Sheridan to the deput and in a few (lays they will run to the depot. ï¬shed: for particulars inquireA Daunenmrk. We understand Mrs. Hobie is gotiating for another house in Park, where she can accmnoduto buarders during the season. Mrs. Dr. Jamicsou of Chicago spent a day or two with 1wr mother Mrs. Marv L. Bingham. this week. Suud A toucherof piano, frnm (‘hirugu would like to organize :l class in Highland Park. Reflux-Hues furn- Clement Smoot has improved so rapidly since his recent serious sick spell. that he is able to he amuud the hOuse. It. is not écouomy to drink lake water at present. when you can [my 1‘) Lgallon Bottles Electric Water at Fred Schumacher's for $1.00. Are you taking your mill: supply from Allen? If not. why not? Two deliveries a day and quality all right. The three-1110110134ddchildofoel Norlan died Tuesday, after a brief illness. the burial being Wednesday. Miss Agnes Ingolherg. who has been visiting )[iss Todd, has return- ed to her home in Chicago Miss Alice Morrisisa sufferer from the grippe. Frank Ellis of Chicagowasa visit- or in the Park. one eveuiugthis week. Quantity andqualityis whutAH cu is giving, when by 5811.3 2†quarts George Brown of Chicago has ur- rived and will make his home in the Park through the summer. Drink Electric Water, it is pu re and sparkling. For rich milk and cream we Allen. 20 tickets for $1.00. Mrs. Fowler of Lake Bluff isi'isit- ing with Mrs. H. I. Morris. for $1.00 Mrs. Frel Rudolph is still very sick. Buttericks patterns for sale at Miss Erskine' a. Beu"and his wife were here over H V NEWSLETS. Mild (19. the her ll tum. thrm r wufluntcrly un a hnr at nub! dug!“ In mm! southcrh’ lint uf sand llvl. n nhs mum of hm1cm.mmidwu‘herh-lilw:flu~m1- mmlnu-su-rlv along saldflnlflhl‘d)‘1inc“fund 10‘ H m the Maw 01 beginning A\ll hula must be m‘companmd wnh :u‘cruï¬cd «‘hm'k or harm ‘y an earnest mum-y in: 82:). Terms. cash on delivery (If (Ice-d. AH hula must be ï¬led on or befun- April '13. law. at 0 11.11]. Partnil¢1KithuCk ‘12 In thv Cih' of High llml l‘nrk. mm It: Cumnwncmx at a [mum on the suulhcrh‘ hm- of said In! 9. 7!; {rd nun): eustcrly frnm (hr Hnutlm‘est Wynn-r u! said 10!. thmn‘c nornmcsn-rly nn :1 hm- a! nah! Hugh-s m Saul southerly hue. a (imam..- 01 [ml fem. (hence nnnhvusu-rly nn :1 hm: parallrl \uth (Yu- sun) suuzhurl)’ mm u! said M, a distance nf 5" tum: thrm r wmhcuutcrly un a hpxj at nub! all ‘luds. ‘ hvr “mm-r partn'ulars â€mun;- n! Nutm- nhvn-tn' gxu-n mm purnuum m a n-sulmmn unlu- “mm! of Town Amman Ht lk-crï¬cld Township. Lake County, 111.â€..- dwivrwzmwl WIN rra-ivc bids for (hr mum- mudtv nlwd n~ul rslntc DCXUHKIHH to sum lurwll‘lnjl‘ln-wl‘: TVJ.LENNON. , fine Boot and Shoe Repairing. Fred Denmzm W. Central Ave., rn \1, .\\ n, Hmmnwn Fun In GIESER BROS†Fresh and Salt Meats, Coal, Building Material, and Ice. [25 Pairs Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes Henry C. Basye has commenced his new block; it is to be done May lst‘ so tenants can men: in it. But then in this husling town ten days is enough tu put up a block of ï¬ve stores. Fred Clow has the con‘ruct and W. F. Edwards is foreman of the working crew on it. As Juice. the Fremont constable, took Mr. Frierstein over to “How! Brawn" in Waukegan last Week. They don‘t kin/e a printed bill of {are at that hotel. A ï¬re started onthelot across from the Academy. the fore part of the Week, but the hose cart. got there be- fore any damage was done. For some st‘rauge and unaccount- able reason the Thompson estate has been painting the old Highland Mock. A'llen is SPIIing thick rich cream, 25 cents a quart: don't forget w han- him call. Earl Alden, of Waukegam was in the Park yesterday. Slurp m‘cr Juhn H. Mnhr‘u Hurlwr Sl m: hoard rescn‘rs (he rlflm w n-ird any ur The Leading Market, hzvl Park. Ill POULTRY. FISH, BETTER AND EGGS. JAMES LARKIN. TELEPHONE NO. 3‘ TELEPHONE 42 W . Central Ave. m be clnscd out DEALER5 IN Highlmd Puk, 111‘ w’. J1 (mm; Tu“ Y: Ch'rk "*“ï¬f ‘ Repair your Carriage JOHN FREBERG. Livery, Boarding, Orders Promptly Attended :0. Back of Freberg‘s Livery, TELEPHONE A. E. WICKHAM. Electrical Eonstruction, Electric Light, Electric Bell, Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, Private Telephones m Speaking Tubes. ' v~vvv Highland Park Electric Light Co. Highland Park Laundry Electrical We also have an ussortmvnt of cum- eras ranging from $2.7)“ upward. A complete line of amateurs“ supplim. But these are only side issues. t)ur special attention is given to the handling uf Fred. W. Schumachcr, Pure Drugs and ALLEG RETTIS: Fred. W. Schumacher,: SOLE AGENT .. GAMERAS .. Those candies can only he bought fresh from the factory through us. PLOWS... irst Class Work At Reasonable Prices.‘ H St. Johns Avon-e Jl t.‘ a“ [nut Unit-rs by prnxnptl} Oltice: Cummings' Phlrmu) New Work, Lamps furnish-d, All Kinds of Electric .1 Man-ring. So In ‘Ill go right. and (In price In ulw-y; HIM. (Inr “'(urkn‘ twat Inutrn l5 \'I>H~I~h" We PIN. G. ORTLUNU. flunager 1nd Prescription Drugglu , Irw Ml k’JXISï¬u um h a~ St. Johns A\ enue. anmg And Trammn Pure: 1W vamalnn; Filling Prescriptions â€VIN )Sl'l‘l'. THE hkl't l1 mgmmd Put. In AND THE ORICNAL lld Shoe your Horse 41 am] 1 mlh I'IH ).\' In ~H 25 Inb‘ UT L :l‘lrlnlt-(i t1 ~ Hf â€tr ('H) Construction. Sale Stables vnvr'L “c nur nnl)‘ {he um I m‘w . n a- In! a Howl “Auk Telephone )7 vxurk ..:.\1 re} h-lryh (lrIin-I ' Buck’s Eggs For Sale. OFFICE: HARTRONF KEIIERER NEWS STORE. FRESH All Work l‘Xl‘l‘lHH’ prumpil) mu m thv In“! munm-r. Imty 1|, imbmin I’mhm; than 4 Luv-d. vH mnke: ponun: .\ I 35. mm“. In" W Ingm WK Mm unndgn And 1109. ‘13.: 20"... Instr. 1:: II. 1‘:- I 'P: {ï¬ll-i] .52} :3}:- ur - "K. . .0. W. J. MCKINNE Y. Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. The Folding Pocket Kodak. f Ye Make w. camer- h a KODAK Emu“ Kumx w untu- nunuhcturcd by m. Eulm-n Kodak Co. noon:.7[n. I. v The emluhnw'nl v' pmmwwhu mmumn And «(my The Belvidere} JOHN MOONEY. nghllnd Park A‘nlu {Al-Lufmi an .1 mm nu W by an. LOADS IN DA YLIG HT. {mm K00“ cu.