H.DLFFL Hanagen .O'S :‘Parcel Delivery. 4 hi]: in our hands. Moved. and Shipped. 6: CO., L a?! fwrn;1:’.rj M nrlu‘. 3% Choice Candies. C’ihCUSé CO. 0.423. oriers 2.: Coffee 1r AH Kinds f‘f’fli’f‘if.‘ 46. ’9 F .. ii Kind J1 .1! (Ht/(:17. 'h-ul \ km“! SIR!» Far 15. :1 sf“ I211! , '5 DR. Hâ€. H. BOULTER, fELEP'IONE 25 Rm‘inia M. E. Church. Ravinia. Rcv, E. J. Heathcutc pasmr~$unday school at 2 30 p. m.: Epwonh League dcvutmnul mucting hunday cvcmng at 7 U'L‘luck p. m. prcuthlnu at '7 45 cash Sundu, . cn’mg; prayer rum-ting from d m 5 30; Epwurth nguc hunlnt‘as’ mecung and 500211 the founh Friday uf such month. Swedish M. E.Church mx'er \Vuhlu'amur‘lwn ereV. 0. Wessl'mg, pustnr, Sunday sun-Wes as follows: Sunday schuul. 331) p. m.; pranh [magma 7 00 p. m.; Preaching. 7 4.3 p. m. Prayrr-mcctmg Thursday uvcmm: at 7 4.3V Everyonc is mvitudl Prtsbytcrian Chmch R: v Pfanstichlpaslur “urship and prcachinxu lo. 45 a m. Sabbath Schml m. (.hnsliun Endeavor. 7. P- m. Praycr servicc. Wednesday. 7. 1.5 p. In. Modem \lenlmen of Anxcricn Mcelinus ï¬rs! and fourth l‘riday of each month in l‘nr- esters hall William Dauncr \. C.; R. }. Rice. Clerk Highland Park Council No. [066. Royal Arcamxm. \lcet in Masonic hall second and fourth Mondays of every month lumen! \\ A. Wilson; S¢cretary. Prank B Green ELMary's Cathuiic Church. Rev. J. C. Maddcn. pastur. First mass. 8.30; sccund mass, 10.00; Sunday schml. 2.30, The Baptist Church. \V'. H. Vines, pastor. Preaching. 10.43 a. 11).. Sunday :cluml, [2.00 I;Baptist Youmy l’cuplc'a Uninn. 6.45 p. m.; plcachin: 7.30 p. m. Friday prayer mceting, 7.45 p. m. Evangslical Lutheran Zion‘s Church, Mr. Ealonmu pastor. Sunday Scrvicc. Iu.00 a. 1!). Sunday school, from 9 [0 1000 .1. m. Highland Park Laundry, First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. HICCUHg and SUCH“ Ill? YOUTH) rriuu)‘ UX Cuk'll month. Swedish .\l. EChnrch lover \Vuldo'aniufkcti ereV. 0. Wessling, pastor, Sunday §Cr\'lt‘(‘5 as follows: Sunday school. 331) p. m.; hpworth League. 700 p. in.; Preaching. 7 4.3 p. in. Prayer-meeting Thursday L‘VL‘IHHL' 1!! 74.3. Everyone is invited. First L’nized Evangelical Church, Rev. H. II. 'l‘horen. pastor. hunday services: Ger- man preaching, 10.45 a. m.; English. 7.50 p. m.; Sunday school,9.30; “K. l.. C. It, 0.45 p. ni.; prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Evangelical Associationâ€"Rev. S. J. Huurh. astor. Sunday SL‘erCL‘S at Young Men‘s ending Room. Sunday school at 10 m) a. In; German pruachin ut llw.) a. ni.: Y. P. S. C. Eaton; p. ni.; Lnglish preaching at 7.30 p. ni.: dnesduy at 7:30 p. "L. cottage prayer mcctiugs: N'atnrday. at l 00 p. in, cut. echcticul clan-nu pastor‘s study. ht.Mary's Catholic Church. Rev. J. (I. Madden. pastor. First mass. 8.30; second mass, 10.00; Sunday school. 2.30, The Baptist Church. W. H. Vines, pastor. i Preaching. 10.43 a. in. Sunday :chonl. [2.00 11).;Baptist Young People's Union. 6.45% p. in; preaching, 7.30 p. in. Friday prayer meeting, 7.45 p. In. Evangelical Lutheran Zion‘s Church, Mr. halonmn pastor. Sunday service. “3.00 a. in. Sunday school, from 9 to 10.00 .1. H). Trinity Chunh, l’. C. \Voleolh FCCIUT- Holy communion. 7.30 a, in. Sunday school, 10.00 a. m \iornimr waver and sermon“ } The public Schools observed .‘Iein ‘orinl day Friday afternoon the most of the grades i Asaembly hall, the school board in i participating. aided drum Most of the i were present with citizens and pupils by : corps. itilling the room. One of the pupils ltold us there “were no speeches" to itheir evident relief. Let the day be i always observed. How is this for sucoessful gardenâ€" ing: potatoes planted just sprouting April ll th, now six to ten ihigh after second hoeingxtnd another ‘patch set out. sprouts six incheslong. inches 5May 6 1h. nearly as far advanced as the ï¬rst lot. Some people have told us repeatedly that sprouted potatoes no matter how carefully set out would not grow. Ours do. and are as far laheud as those planted in the ordi Inary way nearly a month earlier. First L’nizcd Evangelical Church, Rev. 11. II. 'l‘hurcn, pastnr. hunday scrviccs: Ger- man preaching, 10.45 a. m.; English. 7.50 ’l‘rin'ny Chunh, I’. C. \Volcuu, rcCtur. â€uly cmmnmmm. 7.30 a, m. Sunday schuul, 10.00 a. 1n. Morning pmycr and scrumn. n a. In. Second celcbratinn first bunday in me month. l‘lvcn sung. 5 p, m. Independent Order Foresters. (fuurt High» lmd. Meetings ï¬rs: and third 'l‘hursdays of each month in Furcstcr's Hull. A, O. Fay Lmlgc, A. F, and A. _\l. ch- ular matting nigth hrs: and Khird Mrmday in each month, at Masunic hail, uver .\1. Muses Son's smrc. Directory of scent Soc-hangs. Chcskotnng Tribe. I. U. R‘ 3L No. 112â€" Meel 3‘ Masunic Hall ï¬rst and third Tuesdays. EM. lngulls. Savhcm; J. {L Duxfy, L“ uf R. 5.33, 7,29 p. 111. Far the north . 9.12, 11.59 a. m., 7.29;). m, Mail pouches class [5 mimucs beforc thc deparmrznf trains. “K M. “COLBY, Pustmnsler. From the north From (hr: south, , DIZI‘AKTL'KI‘ tor the snuxh, 6.50, 9.30 A. m.. Uncut-Ned Accomxmuhmnns for Sick Horses and Dogs. avunston Vntulnary Hosplul. Distance Telephone 2116. Long 1010 Dans Street. Evanston. Ill. A. S. ALEXANDER, M. D. 0., V. S. successor tn -\ . \ u Otï¬crz Highland Block HOURS: 2_00 tu 4,00 P “mm E. mm a HOURS (H1ghwuod [2.07, Goods sent for and delivered to all pa’rts of the city Orders by 'post or telephone promptly attended to. Professor 1n Chlcngu Vuerinary Collrge LLoYD M. BERGEN, M. D. A. 0. ORTLUND, Manager. Dfl. â€WM"! 6. WESBOTT, noon 1 HIGHLAND BLK. Hoylfï¬in “ RES. HIGHWOOD. HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFICE. DB Femald Building. DR. E. C. KAYE, CHURCH DIRECTORY Vetcrlnury Surngn §nd Dcnflst.... Professional a DEN TIS T. Dentist. ARRIVAL. Lntila. 00A. M. P200“) 1 30 UP M 7 00 00 ‘05. )L Highland Plrk. Ill. 12.4" I! 3'14 P l'mu further gum-e. Highland Park; Illinois. Telephone I05 UHF“ I NHL' ~ [4 12.47. .7 ll) m Ladies" Missionary Union, the same afternoon. They had an adopted daughter. a'bright little Mexican girl with them who sang, “When he Cometh," in Spanish. They are planning for work early in Cuba. The “Nickel Plate," that ï¬nely built. equipped and admirably man- aged railway line between Chicago, New York, Boston and the east gen. erally, havejust issued a very hand. some and artistically gotten up little booklet entitled. "Summer Outings," giving lists of tours, places ofspecial Rev. Mr. Dodds, a returned mis- sionary fmm Mexico. gave a lecture on his work in that country and the prospects in Cuba. in the chapel of the Presbyterian Church, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Dodds addressed the The Chicago Telephone Company have out a list of new subscribers, of whom there are several in this town. Better have one in your home if you propose to be in the swim inthis year of grace and military glory, when the American flag floats on every sea and her eagle screams Victorously the wide world around. B\' the way We have been told Mr. Kellogg of the Switch board folks in the Gray Electric. paid the largest fees tn the patent ofï¬ce ever paid by any single individual. That is to say legitimate. legal fees: if there are anyuf an illegitimate kind, avell Mr. Kellogg is notinthat sort oflmsiness. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Winchester and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Putnam will hold a reception on Wednesday next June 8 th, from 4 until 6. and from 8 until 10 o'clock p. â€1., Ht their home on the Sheridan Road north. This will he Mr, and Mrs. Putnam's ï¬rst post-nuptial reception. Tuesday First Lieutenant T. W. Winston 1 st, artillery. stationed at the Northwestern Military Academy, was ordered to go to Indianapolis, Ind. where he will act as assistant. quartermaster in purchuniug horses for light batteries of volunteers to Indianapolis. The ï¬nest Elgin cremnery butter, packed in jars of any size. at 18c. per lb. If you are not already using this butter, don‘t fail to use it. It is delicious. Allen is the only man handling this butter on the North Shore. P. 0. box 40. Arthur Purdy and several other young men working down at the Gray Electric. left Sunday night for St Louis to setup audinstail that new and immense switch board the Kel- log folks have just built. A new flag has been raised over Mrs. Buck's store. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alden of Chi- cago, spent Monday with City Clerk Finney and family. A German classhas been started by Rev. Haefele in the First United Evangelical Church. Fresh Put cheese and buttermilk can always be had at Allen's dairy farm, one mile south of station. Buttericks patterns for sale at Miss Erskiue‘s. NEWSLETS. When we got through the Mm].- Shop, under tln- persunulesvortnf our old friend and neighbor. W. M. Goodridge, the general local umnagr er of the concern, it was all as “clear as mud" to our cnn‘prehensivv mind. just as was a womuns' explanation of how the Wheeler Wilsnn Lubbin made the stitch: “You see that little round whvel inthere don't you," she- said, “Yes We see it." was our lun- guitl reply. "Well, that goes round and round and that makes the stitch. nuw you see (lun't you"? sz we saw her‘untl the lnaéhine' and the hobhin. So we saw neighâ€" bor Gmxlridge. the factory. those countless milling andother machines and the menâ€"and you guess how much more. Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing. Hot Rolls and Bread w Central Ave Delivered for Breakfast. Livery, Boarding, j RAFFEN a: BAKER. "4 Sale Stables. {CoaL Building material. West Side Barber Shop “'lmt they are doing (luwu tllt‘l’t‘ ’ wedon't know. only we saw than} molding and casting brass llellflS.: drills. luthes etc. by tlu‘ score all run‘ by steam. and theme sixscore persons; all working on the various parts of; switclilxmrds and phones. Unc maul sat all day at a machine turning out ; little brass screws so small that We; wanted on two pairsof “specs" to. see them. Another was “tuning up" ‘ the plumes. talking in with his own lips and hearing with his own ears. and at times he Sfl‘nlt'd wonderfully interns-[ml in his own converwitimi. ‘ Tliey are building a In! of hip: switch-hoards for St. Louis. (-uch uhmit 5x“ fm-t in size with scorn if not hundreds of plugs in each um- A3 everylxxly in tlm I‘zirk knnu's, the Kellogg Switch Board (‘0. at Chicago, rents two floors and the. foundry of the Gray Electric plantl down at ltllt‘Wlld, hut wry few per-I lsons have any idea of what a peer-t “'0' day hiVe of industry the place is. ‘spent an hour down there one last week. and got our eyes open to the fact that it is un important fuc-l tor in the life of this town. At tlm time of our visit over 1‘37: porwns : were daily cmployed. which menus: earning ilwir uwu living und lwlp ing suppurt tln-ir families, in man)“; cases, and all that makes u must (lif- ; ference to the Park. Turn these 12.“)? persons out idle three to six munths and who will furnish food and cloth- ,! ing and fuel for all the familiar; nu; presented? Ask Supervisor Flotchvr‘ (if l The } must come. whnt it means to him 1H ulmoner the county's help to thcneedy. pay roll of this company up to hetWeen $5,000 and $6,001), al month. mOst of which ï¬nds its way" into our stores, grow-rim, nmnt mar ’ kets etc. Fin- tlmusand n munth. means not a little to the husinoas‘ prosywrity of u threv thousand pnpu lation town. “'0 nlw hnw an assortment of mm «rm ranging {rum $2.3“ upu'nril A cumple-tc- lim- of mnutvnres' hupplim. But tle- 2m~ nnl)‘ hidv issue.» Uni spewizil nttt‘niiun i‘ gin‘n tu tlu‘ Lhnntlling uf Pure Drugs and Filling Prescriptions Fred. W. Schumachcr, Prtscripuou Dragglsr , JI'ST Ui'i‘USlTI‘. Tlâ€) DEPOT, ‘i'liuxi, u- l‘hvc YouLFronugc Sprinkled by 12¢ Rclilbicw.’ J J J J norm srmmms menus. llrupa Invalid. ur l .‘Ill un ilu- prumwi-vi FRED BOTKER 314 Central Ave Highland Park, Ill places of interest. and what is quite a novelty a list of summer hotels, country homes with post-ofï¬ce ad dress of proprietors, rates of board. how to get there etc. Low excursion rates to all these pincer! are made for the summer travel. If you warm a copy drop a postal to the Passenger Department of the Nickel Pluto. i ll Adams street. Chicago. interest on or near their line, which takes in tlzeold original Clmulmuiua, Niagara Falls and scores of other Slmp (wt-r .h hn H. Muhr's Harm-r Shu] II 51. Johns Avtnue. Tclephm 17. 275 Central Avenue. JOHN H. MOHR. Prop. T. J. LENNON, JOHN FREBERG, Moving and Teaming Prices an: Reasonabre W. Central Ave. THE FACTORY Â¥GIESER BROS..Â¥~-» A Fine Line of Bakery Goods SOMERVILLE'S ; Bakery and Restaurant, 1 Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. E. A. NELSON. Merchant Tailor. OFFICE: HARTRUNF KEMMEREH NEWS STORE. lFred.W. Schumachcr, Fresh and Salt Meats, ; Repalryour Carnage W- Ccnufl Ava, - Highland Park, 111‘ All Work PXH'lflml prnmpll} um! in {110 best mumwr. W. J. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator md Paper Hanger. ' 1125 Pairs Ladlcs' BUIKER SPHINKUNS WAGONSJ and Children's shoes “'0 MM» haw an assortment of mm «rm ranging {rum $2.3“ upn'nrd A culnple-tc- lim- of l\llHllH|re-" ï¬ll]bl>“1“. But tlwm- 2m~ unl)‘ hidv issue.» Um sprout! nttvmiun I" giwn tu 1hr handling uf .. GAMERAS .. Tin-w ('uudivs can only he bought fn-sh {hm (ha fan-tun through us. PLOWS... Hot and Cold Meals It All Hours. The Leading Market, POULTRY. PIS". BUTTER AND EGGS. ALLEG RETTIS St. John. Avc.. next to P. 0 TELEPHONE NO. 34 L‘P..\‘TI\'AL .-\\’E.\‘l'h Swh Math 1'. ( )rdrr an KI‘JNIHJIIII‘ l'nu-s. TELEPHONE 42 AND THE ORIGINAL alu av: on hand SOLE AGE‘IT and Ice. DEALER! IN Orders Promptly Attended to. A. E. WICKHAM, Electrical zonstruction, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Back of Freberg’s Livery, ' Genuine Jersey Milk and Cream Highland Park Electric Light Co. Private Telephones ud Speaking Tubes. Electric Light, Electric Bell, Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, Electrical .m (‘rxruu An I . Hnmumh PARK. “.1 Henry Ohlwein Ofï¬ce: Cummlnp' Pharmacy. New Work. Lumps furnished. AH Mad: 0! Elcurlcnl Mater-Ill. $05. will go with.“ th- price II always right. ()ur workmen arr ln'fl mmrrlal and L~ ( mmulrm u 11]) \"e lfr no" prep-rm! In do Ill klmh n! Heruu a! (‘mmmdum vaurk and rchau mu. puck: 13 from Mr. Bin-L's farm at "ighlaud Park ~ Wishes to announce (0 his frivndn and cuhtunwrn that he- has changed Mn Ravium Dairy Milk mute and is no“ getting (he JAMES LARKIN. red Denman and Shoe ydur Horse At Less than Cost. St. Johns Avenue. l1! Ream-l nghhnd Park . III In Do Chum-d nu! Construction. run-r1. \H» mm- unly the um pm r- un an 10‘ a: good work