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Highland Park News (1874), 3 Jun 1898, p. 6

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\\'u.~hing:on, May 30.â€"-'l'he navy do- partmvnt received at 12:30 o‘clock Monday nwrning a dispatch from Commodore Sch'ley stating thm thv Spanish fleet is in the buy of Sumingo do Cuba. and khan he has see : and rcc~ 'els. ov‘nizui the \‘e h Commodore Suhley will remain in from of Santiago harbor until he dcr Key West. 111., May 31.;Evcrylmdy knlms now that Spaian flying :quml- run, four splendid cruisers and two torâ€" pedo boat destroyers. is imprimnml in Santiago hurbur. This fact has been know}: horv manyhours. and thespecu- laxlon now is over the probable dispo- sition of the Span{arLlsâ€"whmln‘r they will be lylovkzulul or the form reduced and the \‘essxm compelled to fight. In the latter case there can be but one rmh sult, f~ H‘nmmmlnrc Suhlvy llll> some of tln- rim->3 flips in the world, to .sny naming; (f cruisers and \';1rious:sxmlllel‘ \‘vsscl>. will cnulll in a few days be reenâ€" {nrcml D)’ other powerful warships. It “muld be foolhardiuess on the part of Cervvm To ntYer battle. Cnmmmlore Schley has not only his O\\n squadron, but two or three ves- svix busides. at his Command. and it is nu: bvlleved m be pOSSibie for the Spun- 15h mimimi to escape with his. fleet 91: her by day or by night. AT SCH LEYS MERCY. Spain’s Flying Squadron Effectua- 1y Hemmed In at Santiago. Ko Possihlllty of It: Elcnpcâ€"flnst Either Fight or Surrenderâ€" Dlscnvered ‘1" Saint)"- Keen Strntegy. Svhicy‘: cubietrmm, wirml mm lnrll'llk'- ‘ r {Rx-I: "I'ndor rm vin'um- film» to Siam-cs pvrmit ‘ 7' . 1X srroy or capture thvm." Svhloy's Keen Strategy. 1(ij “3 0., 1411.. May 331. â€"I‘.‘\' hinting fin: wi 11113va of his Mlllfldrfln 0111110 entmrw ‘n Santiago hnrhm‘. (‘r‘mmm :ulmim‘: h :‘nips m kupv. “Cf! V. fin: witl entmr (luh' .‘t‘ stmys (‘erwm‘s <qu:1 '1dmn. T119 depart- nwr.“ after 111115.111111;y ('Ounnovlm‘c‘ 8111110": "r"111,\\"11‘mlhim infirm-- +1111": m 1 ’m-r: "I'mh‘r 1m 14111111111- h “‘mhlxrgton. May 1".â€" 'I‘iw instruc- tions sun. to Commodore Schley from “'ashinfion are only general in nature. IIis mi >i0n is to capture on ostmythe armm. a. \\ hetlmr he foxces it to fight by the s‘anation process or whether he bombnrds the harbor fortificationsin order 10 get at the Spanish ships rests with himself. I‘lnce [or Bernnhe. London. May 28.â€"â€"The Vienna corre- spondent of the Dafiy Telegraph says: Marquis De Hoyos. thc) Spanish ambus- sador Io Austria-Hungary, will be suc- ceoded here 10' Senor Polo do Bernabe. late Spanish ‘minister to the United States; Kins Hamxm Schle ‘ ' Brothers Killed. Pittsburgh. Pa., May 30.â€"â€"By an ex- plosion of gas at the Laurel Hill mine of W. P. Rend C0,. of Chicago,.I$obert and Archibald hit-Mullen. brothers. were idllml. The men had gone to an old entry fur a. machine. The gas had ucvumulnteil there and was ignited by tha‘ to :1 Si'nbcc of the St. 1': captured “hiie trving their lam More Rhom tor Troop-h ('hnttanooga, Team. My; 31.â€"1t is announced here mat- the government hnslearcd 4,UUO:1cres of land near Boyce station nn which troops will he camped. T1119 i: four miles from Chattanooga in Rusterly direction. th e (onl non! Taken. Kc) “est F1u..\ia_\ J1.-â€"The British stmnmr Itostomzol “as brought into Ku‘ “mt as a prize Wanda} 1n Capt Signxbcc, of the St. Paul. Inning been This powerful vessel has just been orders rim. Her crew complement is 19 ofllcers and Commander J. \V. Carlin Next to (he Purl in the American navy. As the vessel can cm town! by a colller from San Francisco to [In ia . 1' l1~1 1111‘ \p:1111>11 :1111111 r111 131111111110 esc. 1111‘ 1111111 111a 11 1;) has been 111111.1 11111 111- "1' Of his prmonvv 1411111111)- 11>1~1=1“_I111n1‘11. After 111111111}; 11:11:(1E;c0vore11(‘erwrz1rvturnwl m'm-tion of 1111' ix111v1~1111rbr112 .‘uiled to Join Schlvy. 111.11m 110.11 May "1 â€"<'1‘I=1v 11:15 5:1110d to join Commodmv «111111111011. She took 11111101111- ith the 50111111111181of('ubu. Stink-y": lnutrIu-tlonn. 11121011. May 22â€" '1‘1111 instruc- 'erful vessel has just been ordered to Joln Admlral Dewey‘s flock at Ma- rew complement ls 19 oflicers and 17:! mon, under the command of Maui. J. \V. Carlln‘ Next to (he Purlmn the Monterey ls lhelarges! monitor ‘ican navy. As the vessel can carry but 200 tons of coalshe will have to be colller from San Francisco lo the Philippines. Hm’t at San: UNITED STATES MONITOR MONTEREY. to carry coal to iugo intended to cooperate with (‘ummmlnrc Schley in (lislmlging or klt‘>Il'())'lllg the Spaxiiah fleet at Suntiugn tlc (‘uha. Thu purpose of the war doparttnvnttis >lllll :0 he to effect a landing in the im~ mediate vicinity of'Santiagn and to capture the hills ('mnantling lllt‘ har- hot‘ by laml operations."“hilv Schlt‘y prcwnts the Spanish tlntilln from C:- capln;_,r by sea. It is probable that there wiil be no ">5 than {our separate military expoâ€" (litimis. and that those will he lanxlml at four tlll’fl‘rt‘l‘lt points. llcfrm‘ the cn~ tire forvc which it is prnpmmi to use \Vudiiigtun. May Ill. The military imunion of (‘uba has begun. L‘nlns liw orders of the war department mis- vurriml at an curly hour 1le irkfllph that hmc bee-n gathered at the Gulf puns begun to break camp and Illlll'l'll ulmunl trilll>pOrlS waiting tr) curry Ihcm to {he enemy's territory. About ‘25 of these ships. thebiggoslund fush‘st that could he ohminml for the purpnsv. had hvon guthorml ready to roccive the mom». They will m-cummmlutc about 110,000 tire forvc which it is prnpuwd to use in ('ubn mu bu lundrd thp (ramparts. must make four separate voyages across the straits. Arrangements have been made to utilize the services of the insurgents to the utmost pmsihle 9x- tont. ’l he :10" ornmem :11 re uh has >l nt expvditions to a large mxmhcrnf poinis on the bland and landml arm» for H1? insurgents. most of the parties suc- vcetimg pm-fcmly in 1110ir object. und it. is said at the war department mm a How the Army “’1” (‘nopernle wlth Commodore Schlcyâ€"Fuur Separate Expedition. to Be Landed. "H‘! HM 1110 suffix-iv“? 111nm hm! NYL‘A'KIH‘ land. 11 “.15 that «hi0 New Yurk. May Jill. 7 'l‘lzv l':.‘tml Slates 1mm um} (-rniwr (‘olumhizx crimi- imo pm‘t Sunday “irh :\ :rrralt hul’ in its slui'lmurd (lllill‘h‘l‘, llll‘Ullgll which a horse and wagon might- hzu‘e been (lriwn. The gallant \‘vswl izu‘ film a hcm'y list to port. The warship hail ln‘on in collision with the h‘itiah «loam- ship Fmonlia nn Sulurduy cutting during :1 thick fog “hilv crnifing MY Fire island. The Fnsmliu wan >lllilx’. but the officers and crew. numhcrn‘g 21. werv saved aml brought to purlhy 1he Columbia. Not a life was 1051 and nobody “11» injured. The exact amount of damage m the Columbia will not he known until 1he cruiser has been placed in dry dock. mvn‘s u‘ \wre 121mm and rm~0n1m1y “0H >L‘l‘\'i(‘('. One Man Kllled Omaha, Neb.. May 30râ€"A frvicln trnin broke down in a cut on the Fremont. Elkhart Missouri Valley road just west of Blair. N011, Sunday afternoon. blockading the track. The Black Hills express, which was following, duzhod igio the wreck at top spm‘d. The on‘ gine, baggage and mail cars were de- railed. Lucius S. Cook, engineer of the pusse‘ngor train. was kiiimi. 'l‘hn‘c oth- er lrainmon were injured. A Fun] Explosion. Perms Grove, N. J. May Zuniâ€"By the explosion ofa mixing: mill at thosmokw less powder works of fhl' Dupontvvom- pany at (‘arney‘s Point, nmr horn. Sat- urday afternoon William Brown. a workman. of Penns limw, “as killed, Thomas Shoulders. of I’t-nns(lmv1‘.in- jured and three mills destroyed; The explosion is supposed x0 have been caused by a polililc in tho mixinir trough. Volunteerl In Service. Washington, May 31.-â€" Adjt. (ion. Corbin said Monday that 121,500 troops had been mustered into the volunteer army under the call for 125,000 men. and that the remaining 3,500 men were in state camps ready for the visit of the mustering ofl‘icer. [IN Phe mm‘vmcm. in all probability. is THE ATTACK BY LAND. “.15 stxhl n1 thv \\ «11in rvIlnnve “on! Hutu! on '1w l'nim- mu>[nf\\hic.1urvv numhr :H'mwl lmwrl f (‘ulllde In a For. in Ie in~~ \‘umm‘r rtL'F Illiy minimum] hnnoyl for dt‘lm r1 mmzt 1w plucvd .‘L Sun‘s ru L'H u rgvn . .L . . \Vushmgtnn, Jnxzz- 1. cunt slulrnxcnt nu» xnznlv h) at an» inn uniccr uftt-x‘ 1hr regular I‘ncvuln) meeting of the calvinrl Hm! ~1.0 ncwa had been rtct‘iu-«l Mnm- Mund‘t} morning from (‘mnnmdun- Sr .) vi1~ l‘ole. and 11ml now it “as hr‘icn-d that nothing “nuld be h-uni for tun Ur Khn-u days at h'usl. This is lul‘vn In mvun Hun Schlry probably “liH nu .151 xlu- ur» \nl of troops before undermining nn_\' nctivo move on Sawing”. It “as [)Itlitzly untit‘ipntu-d ixt Mdlll‘ (lllfll'lt'ra that he might. thruugh tlm lltbsN‘ssiUn of some E: ful‘ntut‘tt‘h that would tend 11> nrutl.a../v thv stH-ngth hf the I'm-m) '.~ whim». mukr- :1 [MM :11- It‘mpt tn H.tor tht' hurlmr u! S:tt.ti:1;u nnd t!!‘.\tl‘tl)' nr ouptuz-v tln' Spamsh squadron. \Vith th‘ 1|s>i>t1t:.(-t “f :. singh- rt'gitln-m u! ugnlur ltdni States trumps, \\'hil'h it ix tu-Iinwi is even now on ”tr \\:1\ to It,» ~t11qmrt. the utticiuls nrx- cvMidmit that {In 114th can I‘Him'c H)" furt» nt’thv l t H‘hht‘r to Santiago hut'tmr, nu? H‘Jt‘nt’ Imttzauhlr tho [nmltiun u! the Sptxnhh ulnmfrm: within. (if lel‘m‘ this I'lut m Inn“! upon tho tht-nry that t't'rwrrt \Hii Lut nttumpt tn make his l'.\k'£|[|(‘ by H Um- [wrutc sortie at night. l‘lunl ~'l'nu-llt-(plly l'uxuplvlrd lur llu- ln\n-Inn n! l‘uhll. For (hu- t‘imv Drug it i~ fr?! ‘3 rpm] field of nvxiun E~ ru-mmwi Washington and is L‘rnh'rrd “L troops, xmw mlrunving mnh-r {rum hPre, um! “1th uur sh?!» time of preparation hm me- h it remains (ml) {Nor prrlmruziun: carrivd into nvlunl ~4th. .\ } naval ”mom pnirh-d 'u My Auk. was clear of papers ‘msl «im'unwr remark-d Hm! :IH thu- pn-puruh mils \u‘rv mm “(-12 Mung. u! a!‘ fur at tho :mIPmrItim 'm-rp “.1 vvrnml Iln'v hm! mm!) L: “nix 1 rxvcmiun of the 1:11pm” ill rvctod frmn “INHIHQIUH, :mz] _\‘M “9.11 Gen. “1le in NW 3“!th um! \dnnrul Sumpsun an] (kumm‘dnrr 2‘?th m (‘u- bun “uh-rs, Hwy will Irtlh' mmt in d” with the (inc and ('irvumstznn-vc u! .1! luck. The cmnmnmh'rs. m‘lilury and mun], hnn' lu-vn gin-1x “1le Yuiimduus the amhm‘iiim lu'rt' fully nmm-oinrr {hat bultlcs cannot be fought in ad» vance on pupa: \Yualilnglmx, .Innv l.- 'l‘lw x ulmnnzul to udvunmn given Mummy. lnn ixvfmmi activity imn (wary Mum-l) u! llllllllll'} and naval circles. 11 nus almu'n Tum- (luy in the hurried but 5) sti-nmtic pri-p- nralions at tlu- vurinns lmruans at, the war and navy ilk-pnnnn-nts. and in U)!“ . l keen mr of expectancy everywhere pm"! wailing. The nutlmritutiw- alllll'nli‘lll‘ made Monday bv Urn. Miles and min-1'51 that the qrder or an advance had bee ni ‘ i l issued. loft no further doubt on tlmt point. The report from Kry “'98! llmt the steamer (‘luniilu rcturnul llu-rl:, Tuesday morning nfwr hllrt‘t'fihfuily ; landing a must iinpm'tum r\[H-1lilinn znl Cuba, was supplrinvnlml it) tlw infur« mation here that the ermlltion “n: in command of (ion. Luvrvt. Iln- \w l»‘ known ('ubnn lraflcr, \xlm has “llll hilll' 400 picked Cubans. thoroughly armed1 and equipped by llio lfnitul Stun-s. ' Iidnulx'hm Hr‘A. '12) of ”11' (almimign it mumrvd. To u w'rt The Trrnl) “llh l-‘rnnn Paris. Juno 1. »~ .U xhc- iiiwxuvg of the cabinet Tuesday. M. Hum-Hun. Hm minisu-r of Inrcign nfiuirs. unuuuncmi th signing n! the (wmmvrviui ugh-(u men: “‘1”! me l‘niied Sun-s. In so doing he )mintcd out that the arming.»- ment was indicative oi Hie frirmliy M-n- iimcnt “hick the “to gmnrninmim showed in their reciprocal dcuirr in im- prove the commercial relation: between (be two countries. THE FORWARD MOVEMENT. H] IIIIIYIH‘ POSITIONS WHIC Illll V‘ ”L! ><'lf "in . mxi MAP OF prrpuzuhn‘} mg. n! z! '..‘. lHlH‘Y‘Y‘s 1-): um! 11! In In- luhlvhng {hr tln frwm )1 HH‘ ‘Ill g>< TOCEM flxOâ€"S_2m2._ur< .2 4.1m _gvm20_20 _Z<>m.02. pravmvr uf Sanag» l‘l‘ “he“1hrl"lurnlu.n~m umlu, dx‘vw up In th 5h! M-lt-(‘tI-d for Hw hunting. h) su- If all was Nrur. Wt‘rv gl’l‘l'll'd Ir) Mr!» I" “ill. sum!- L", m :u‘mmi in n-qnu-nll} A {u 1' Hum Hush lilx- ‘irmmnnxllmn upon 1hr l-‘Iuruln \\ ourruw! m h} Hm Q‘\l)|-<i)lihn HA- nuxun-ufu \\:|.~ fil.¢\,lt‘l! l' ]\'v\ \\'1~Y. l' 3‘05”."- puny (lrrui Mom! In}: 1 \\r]l‘( lira. 1111‘ THE EASTERN END OF CUBA. SphllH|I1l§_ 1}” non “as In [In- 1m“ mulu prV-th ('mwixlw Mw‘kmlhi inlund 'l'lw \\(vlk 01 n >1rm.gl_\' furtifivd urighlmrwg hi1». (ion. Menucul has been nskvd to prom-rd to Jlmnnn prmim-v uni lukr command war. Tim (‘ulvun miLituI‘y h-ndx-rs hznc l): on (Lu-unmg (he snmmcr Campaign. The} hem-u- full») or 0,000 men can well lw spurvd frum Sawing“ pruvim‘r. \sheru- Hu- Spaniards arr c-mirel)‘ on Hu- dvf<-n>i\'v. hm! sent to the “enrru part “f Hn- zsland. l:\h.\ Run-Oren! Purl-hue «If “I'IIP-II Mlvl-r Dollar. will: “'hlc-ll In P.) Uur Suldlen ll Denied. “.nhington, Juno 1. l'u) :nnstrr (h-nrrnl Stanton. of the army. :mthnr- ip-h n rpu'ltic denial at thv rrpunui m gwtiutinns fur thv nrqmntiwl. m’ u .arp- numhc-r nf \trximm «Multan fur thv ”“5 1m m at thrutrtmps In ht sent tn tlu- l’iliixmdm-s '{ht- n-purt. that thts “an Innte-xnplutvd :ruhnhly urusv {rum thv {u‘ct that such u suggrslion had horn mmic- tn the “ar department. The pay- muster gvnrtul Huerta that there is no desire (m the part of the govvrnnwnt to pa) its snidiers in dupn-cintrd coin. hut thnt (hwy wilt he paid in gold and silur of the l'xzittd Statrx. HER MISSXON A SUCCESS. WILL PAY GOOD MONEY. .r ”W pm mm} lht‘l rahn'l.1ngzxnmlwn brought nix). film In uri\;|h~ burn. “Mr 1‘2 \ IIH' r Flurldu land. “\rl’ AH :u'mrd il;~lll‘yrh!> ('un {rum Hu-n- hmngun) ho» [mu upon ”11' par! of ”It 1.11“!le nf llu- «gnu-(ii c- nnlun- n! n H‘iumpha] ('ulmlm “hm \u-n- “nix- rt} hm! :1 hm» lmnd mu! ururnmrm “1H: xmtiuuul Hl In HUH‘ Jh Y:Il!\(v:llh'1‘\ fur vvr> (if t ‘H' Florida u m >l‘\r'!:ll hnn~ MM). 11 is under- msigbl into thv munimg 1n Hn llru l).\' ”to ()5- rr an llu- phu-r Hit N nt spouts 'ste mum‘s Thr- sumw « \pwll'. nlmn mn >111'ms>’ ‘II IIIH‘> and H0)“; I I‘ll) Hun ‘9“ “.11er ( nndlunu- Tin-nun I Ilu- .‘Iuln-n [Mun-Hod (irat- l I: r‘n\urnlnlr. “no Inn ”I and \U-lk Nun \'\ hr in mm «1 1 ‘wmd Huh! X‘I.‘I y"“~“ «n 1.: At lu- xumnnn ; mmwlv'lh'" Minimum 1;.nvâ€"r pm" ‘>1i\lH;l‘l‘1- I ‘uhuuv Hg! “mm and path!“ l-ll nrxl Mann 7'}: m \vIU‘ 1|" \H and hum mm!» D) L‘JIHRI“ nun m mud u mmmm: duilu )namm Muunm 1:. Mn unndnim In-rcni lawn» t dull”: \u-h Fl nu! 4mm llvnl'h >1“ l" kutu :14: im. 3 min-ml t-mp prospmts \mry i-vwlit, - >1 w :.."_x for spring wheat‘ Grubs :ii-ltnnqm “mi Luurimit Missouri 4EHU<1 Klu\\ll|x and grm-mliy flnur'uillu “41k tur farm work t‘urn pinning i-ruur. «ml rmudly t‘m-i-‘ldvrztlilo cull} 10]“ \vr)‘ ivul, but ("ullivuiiun 1‘0- (‘tllllll‘iK uvtwrnl “'hrmt and nuns doing null txupl HUN]. on low lands Flux. l!w.’u‘.u\\.~ iIVIYIin‘ mrdvns and potzitrws waiting pun: growth Tobavcu Irving :wt. .'\]'Illl‘> will in» in light (-rop. low“ Hts: “wk 0! season with almost inluil \umrwr ior all crops. t‘nrn muking 1..;;.;.‘ gum; Hand and cultivation is pro- Krn‘xflnl: Whnut doing remarkably VII-ll. “NIH mul Lurlry growing too rank in some «llslrittu Gnu-r heavy and large, Hay tlllxl lirawtit all) assured, lmlmlm “arm vsvatht-r prevailed and r.“ lmlil mills it‘ll (‘oru is nearly all "nl’iifi'd; is growing nicely and is Ming Illle\hit‘d we and wheat headed and :ur in lulmm: Huts urv- growing vu-li To- lmuz [lulllfl are n-ady for replanting. Mvmiums t'ronilm‘ il heavy crop or ha). t‘lm - r cutting immin, nhior »\’|-r_\‘ Ian'orublv week for crops and farm work “lit-at heading. (‘lover in blunm. Porn and potatoes being worked and planting mural completion. Tohau‘o pllmt.u hvnlthy and plentiful. anttlng not xr-l’n'ldl l‘nhtun-u nm; huy outlook good. \‘ux unrltm und polsttm-a bct‘otnlnp: nunu-r- . us l”..u‘l_\ t'lwrrion and HU'H‘VIM'ITH'S 1n IAuil'kPl, bluckbn-rry bloom heavy (mu-Ag“. June VLâ€"LCiter‘s famous win.“ m-nl “as fbrmally clan-u" Tues. mu). 'I‘Lc- Inn moments were Ann-1y and .IUM'ph Loin-r, 1n n” uppvurunl-rs, is xmmur of me situation. A: if 10 mn- ;mmum his command of the market Mn) “hr-t Drop. Fifty (‘e-II Out. in; Lust. Hoursâ€"Enlnuleu ol Profits Vary. piimum his command of the market Lelil'! :.. 1.1 Mu) wlwut down frnm 31,75 to $15.3. AH unvmpu to plm-e Loill'r. rm fur an ill.‘ profits mid losses nn- con- ct-rm-xi. M 1hr culmination of this gi- pumiv rival. are wide'y ut \nrianve. Hume Plan“ that he “ih pack“ a profit. (.1 $4,mm,h00, “hile other: inuist with meinp glnucvs thlt he will; be for- !nnntt 1! he comes out wholeron 1h. dud, nmmdwr -».~- Highly favorable W1 2 ll!" szv much corn pln‘ xdvr to no In m1- wvok w ~ ulhrr c-url)‘ flvMa lvelnx‘ mu! sumd nenerul‘ M has! “v” mukmg nphmim ..xm !'\«~ huu‘nng xmd. 1n ~ Ifimonnnx Mow-r uisn u .rup \rry promising. G n (win «1 n1 Chicago LEITER DEAL CLOSED THE CROP REPORT. h h:x.:- 1. 7 r'l'hv re-purle m to n uf 1hr ('rq» throughout, ‘ and 1h: pvnorulefiu‘b of m. Hn- grmuh. cultivation n! Hw mmv. wvn- Tuvgday r dirt-ch)” of the FP\I’TIII The re- vrnln .wrlinnr. In] .xml Milh 1ompvrmuro about Him \A'Iu-uL lmls. lmrlry and .q» ‘1 and healthy growl!) :And a «‘u n grrminulmg and grow- G- m-ml mop prospoms \mry "_x for spring whraL Grubs 00qu (o mnpmus showy-rs nuch cornpl:1nlvd,‘\flh m1- wvok with favor» c fivMa hell: rullh‘med nerul‘ M hast. rye. onto- mg mph ndm growth, udmg xmd. 1n soulhvrn Mow-r uisn blooming. promising. Gurdvn poâ€" und hroomvorn planl- ’l‘hrnn‘hnI‘ 0" The re- wcre as {0]- week over I} BU nlo‘x thl M r‘ ‘0 emu IN" Ill «(4,: u! x Hv (‘flny bar“- jln lu: Mu ILLINHIS In U) '1‘! \V: ix so. Kn “I .rx “WM, 111“.» pt llu L;«\ \1 h‘l'! I chvuuln. I M guL C\AW Uw LOU} all 'M Llnm‘ 1 [MIA lL'u 1L}: 3m \1 “‘1 T \ It r In [h-nlll N Injur‘ lslllm \t u I'V .HII

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