gighland @nrk items. 1.30m, {YR-1150†am! seven men who took the big n-wllier Mt-rrimno into the channel lvndii‘: info Santiago bay and there sunk in xhcrcby completely im- primminfz the Spunidl squadron under Adnt' '2} (‘ervartn were taken prisoners. but ‘3' have been pmmised theirlib- 2;; Lu (56131397!qu Signal-u < HIGHLAND PARK. Washington ofï¬cials stated that in acâ€" cordance with orders and the plans of the squadron a decisive battle was probably being fought at Santiago. Commodore Schley’s bombardment seriously damaged the forts at the mouth of Santiago harbor. unmasked hidden batteries further in and again showed the weakness of ihe Spanish gunners.‘ “‘irl‘. Mull (Elm. (‘llnrlcs V. Gridloy. commander of tin: cruiwr Olympia and one ofthe hm: :'\ of thv brilliant victory at Manila. diml {rum injuries receiv‘cd (luring tlx» ï¬ght Ilv l~ int“ :1 \VlL'lU\V and tlme chil. drum :1: lirix'. 1'11. V Um. llnlw-zn'n has nmmlmml William pnifzr the :1 m1 ,~ 1110!: ing 0 Sampson and Schley still hold Cervera In Santiago harbor and the grip of the American navy on the Spanish armada tightens hour by hour. Dispatche: say :he American ï¬qet re- newed ‘he bombardment on Santiago and xhat one ship, believed to be the Merrimuc. was sunk in the channel while trying to force an entrance to the harbor. It is said the craft was purpose- Xy sent to destruction so as better to lock the exit of \hc armada. Two hundred and forty-three Span- ish prisoners of “ur‘were formaily pn- rOXed at Kéy “'est. They wHI be sent back To Spain on the two prize steamers recently relemcd by the courts. The :mxliiury cruiser St. P3111 nrrived in New York and Capt. Sigsbce immedi- ateiy went :0 Washington \viih dis- pan-hes frnm Commodore SL-hley. '1'“e mhh‘ from Samingo do ('ubn to Jnmtifm Izu< been out. thus sworing Biumn‘s inc? rcmuining commuuiuuxiou \VAP. NIE‘VS. The 195,000 voiuntn'rs undr‘r the ï¬rst call of His president have all been mus- tered in. ' GOV. Shaw has issued :1 cuii to the citizens of Iowa for enlistments undcr the president's second call for tr00ps. Immediate annexation of Hawaii is indicated by the {ac-t that the Philip- pines transports took on coal and sup- plies at Honolulu despite neutrality laws. ' â€" The Second expedition to Manila, composed of 8.0(JU men, will sail from San Francisco on June 10. the ....In tiu- housepw time was occupied with private pt-nsion'. hills, a number being passvd. Adjourned to the 6th. The St'lliiit‘ ('Ont‘lutlt“d its long discussion of the war rvvonue bill on the 4th by puss» lng th» l7|i‘21.11lrt3b.\' at Ole of ~13 to 23 T w commztioc on naval a airs made a repu't on the resolution directing an investiga- tion into the destruction of tho battleship Maine. saying that, in VIOW of the curoi‘ul Inquiry by the naval oourt and that “'hii‘h was later made by tht- senate committee on {orv‘ign relations, ‘hk'y docmcd :tn in~ vestlrrution unneussury....Tho house was not in s on. It was reported in Washington that 4,000 troops are on the way to take San- tiago: that other forces will be imme- diately dispatched to the same point. and that Gen. Fitzhugh Lee and 10.000 men will move against Puerto Rico. THE WEEKS NEWS ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Casmflties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Not/es. Busixiess Futures and Resumptiohs. Weather Record. Further discixbsion of the war revenue NH occupied the lime in the senate on the Iat....In me house the bu] to remove all political disabiliï¬les incurred by the third section of the fourteenth amendment to ï¬ne constitution was passed unanimousâ€. The “di‘ revenue measure. so far as the ï¬nance committee is concerned, was com- pleted in the senate with the exception of thebond provision on the Edwin the house the urgency deï¬ciency biil providing for emergency expenses of the army and navy depuxtments incident to the war was Happenings INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS (‘7 Th: senate on the 3d adopted the amend- mama to the wan rounue bill {or coin- Iug or sihm seigniorage and the Issuing of bomb, and also concurred in a. house bill removing all dlsabllitles imposed by the tourtovmh amendment to the consmuuon. ForIy-ï¬ve ofï¬cers at Spam‘s naval rv- serve held at Key West as primners of war have been released on purn‘m. Proceedings of First Regular Session. 111m H gym c 5.1nil:g(fih0 \Ierrimnc in ’he ml :1? Lhuptingq loaves .he 11mâ€" :ng'ninkt that city to he made bv Z'IIi). 1‘1 100 bmructlon m ilzeohnn- tun-n S Sumpwn frum going imo arbor as well :15 (‘erwm from com- BY EVANS .‘x‘ FORREST .x ":1 from Gibraltar says that $91 rrsvn'c ï¬ve! is nmv sm‘vn ward from Cadiz, bmmd for CONGRESSIONAL :n'n has nnpnin mvï¬ \Villiam ne! of. he '1 hirnl NL braaka of the Past Seven â€5 in Brief: ILLINOIS FOREIGN. Senor Custolur. the noted Spanish ro~ publioan. is to be prosecuted for pub- lishing an article attacking the queen regent. A conflngmtion a: Peshawir de- stroyed 4,000 houses. doing damage to the amount of $20,000,000. This is the record ï¬re of India. The protocol agreed upon by Russia and Japan recognizes the sovereignty ‘and 1ndependeuce of ch‘eal In the Eighth district of Indiana lho popuii>ts have nmninntcd James Ii. Thompson. of Andorsun. for congrms. Paul ("ironkmL him moiuii»: 10nd“: agimtm‘ and uiiwr. dim} in )[jlwziukmu aged 52 yv;n'<. In Missouri the rlrmm-ruts of the Fif- teenth districlronominu: â€J “2111;911- ion for congrubs and in the Thirteenâ€: district nominated Edward Robb. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Prof. S. M. Inglis. of Springï¬eld. 111.. state supvrintondcnt of punliv insfruc- tion. dim} at a sanitux'ium m Konmhu. Wish. aged .30 yours. Thomas W. Keene. the noted tragc~ diun. died at New Brighton, N. Y., from the effects of an operation for appendi- citis. aged 58 years. Th:- drmocruts of glm First Missour distrivt have rvnmninutml James I. Lloyd for congress. Elijah A. Morse dim] at his home in Canton, 31:155.. aged 57 )‘oars. Mo was :1 member of congress from 15x8 to 15913. A. “’c‘smn . (‘0.. bunkers nt Puiph‘d Post N. Y. made an a>signmem U- ing up 32.000000 “mm of propertx. The republicans of the Six‘h district of Minnesom renominated Page Morris for congress and the democrms in the- Fourth Missouri district renominuu-d Charles E. Cochran. The gunboa/t Marietta arrived at Key W st from its long journey from the Paciï¬c. partly taken in company with the Oregon. It is reported that 5.000 soldiers of the Fulton] Stntu army have landed at Punta Cabrera. six miles to the west- ward of Santiago harbor. Ben Haydon ((-afnrefl) WM lym‘hml by :1 mob at Texnrkunu. Ark. for u»-‘.ing .1 white giri. Louis Mnrrclx “us ~ho: family :11 AI- frutl. Mu. Ivy Joseph Glendon. husband of Xhe “gmau with whom Marteis had been involved. Ulundon thuu cummltâ€" ted wielde. “'Iliium Street, :1 negro u! Doyline. Ln.. “ho ntxomptod to munler Mrs. Parish, was burned at Ihe stake by a mob. The phmt of the \chstvr Manufactur- ing «(unpwny at \Vrst Supvrinr. “‘35.. was burncd. the 10:45 being $200,000. Business throughout the country was reported to be in good conditions The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 51h were: Cincinnhti, .737; Cleveland. .658; Bosnon, .632; Baltiâ€" more, .588; New York. .570; Pittsburgh. .525; ('hicugzo, .4132; Philadelphia. .457; Brooklyn. .429: Louisville. .341; “Huhâ€" ington, .ZEJT: St. Louis. .297. Four inches of snow fell I Sherman, Wyn. The Illinois prohibitionists met f‘n Peoria and nominan'd “‘iLlium II. Roles. of Aimn. fur stat» treasurer, and ~.\. E. Turner. of Il‘nvoln. for supprimondont of instrm-xion. (‘nngrvsmncn were zilso nominunul in the \‘nr‘mus (listrims. ‘ Therepubiicansuf1he Tenth distrim 0f IIHnOi: rennminated George W, Prince. of Gulcxburg for congress. Capt. John Bricklet. Elmer Cook, stew- ard, and George Riggs. engineer, were drowned. A tornado swept through the resi- dence portion of Brainerd. Minn.,wreck- ing outbuildings. uprootiug trees. de- molishing store fronts and tearing of? roofs. period of 1897. The exvlznngvs at the fending (Gour- ing houws in the l'nizcd States during the week vnded on the :11 aggregated $1,155,159,031, against $1,188,828.343 {he prmious \Vt‘t’lx. The increase oompnrwi wi‘l‘L the corrmpondinj: “'ch in 15')? was DOMESTIC. The new reciprocity nrnngemcnt be- tween the United States and France has gone into effect. The Trans-Mississippi and interna- tional exposition opened at Omaha. Neb.. from the white house President McKinley starting the electric spark which set the shutting of machinery bull in motion. The amount of gold and silver coins and certiï¬cates and United Slates and national bank notes in cimulaaion June 1 was 31.839.898.256. an increase of 5180,â€" 164,301 over that of June I last year. Joe Amlvrsxm. the viephuut kvvpcr with \Vulliwv “H‘M' r'rous. was l‘iihwl in “urine, \Vis†h} om- nf Hm :Iephums that broume unruly. Ray Chape'. and :1'25 son were kier-d by the cars a: u (-rossiugut IInmiImu. 1nd,. and Mrs. ('hnpc! “'JS {utuilly injured. (margin, Florida um! min-r southern stun-s celubruted Jsfl'vr‘suu Davis" bith- duv. Iowa populius in M‘simm in Dvs \Ioinc< nmninutvd .1 Mu‘v tit-km ‘uvudml hv 11. \l. Dan. 0! of “:nrcn ooumv. for r-c‘rulun of Mute. There wore 222 business failures in the ['nitml States in tha seven mus ended» on the 31!. against 245 {he wm-k previous and 241 in Ihe corresponding period of 1897. most entirely wxpeu om 0y nre. The tug Record was run down and sunk in the canal at Duluth. Minn. and The town or Bicknell. Ind., was ll‘ most entirely wiped out by ï¬re. m. the ('Iephum kvvpcr lhw~f r'rous. was l‘iihwl ,h}011t-nthtwiephums The American ï¬w’t under Admiral Sampson destroyed the principal {urti- flcmiuns and earthworks at Santiago after a furious bombardmem lasting threv huurx. In his report to Madrid Admiral (‘ervern says four Spanish 0!- floors and six men were killed and 34 men were wounded. John L. Bright. “‘hï¬li‘sflh‘ miHim-r at. Columbus. O.‘ {niiz-d {or $150,000. ' Tln' Arkell Publishing company, which published in New York Judge. Frunk Leslie‘s Illustrated Weekly and other publications. wvnt into lhe hands of u rvceiver with liabilities of $1,000,000. Imperative orrh‘rs \n-rv son! from “'ashington to lien. Shnfh-r to sail at once from Tampa with the Snn'izxgn ox- pedition. and the Irony-s. fully L‘l'JIUO strong. are now on routv. The celebration «rf tho wmivrnh-nn' anniversary of Wisconsin's- admisaiun mm the union npum-d in Mudimn. d ’"e l j Santingn do Cuba. Juno 4(\iu Kings» LATE“ :ton, Jamaivn. June 6), -7Reur Admiral “Peyoudthe [flange of an urgent do I Sampson during Friday nmrn‘Y‘K dl‘ flency btll made necessary by the war ‘ cided to close up the nnrruw hurbor with Spam. the Inked Stat-‘3 senate Ientrnnm' of Santiago dc- (‘uba by 1 t accomplished lime on the 61h. The re- sinking tho calm-r Merrimac. loaded port 0! the conference comnuittee on ‘withcdal In the (‘hunxn'L â€(I oulled the 'sundry cinl appropriation blll was €10:- Volunteers to go to almost cer- recetved. By a swim party vote the Stain death and 4.000 men nth-rod them- Ed Curtis and James Wolch “ere poi- soned near Boscobel, Wis, by eating hemlock and dim! in a few minutes.1 They wei‘e prominent {:lrmerx. { Tho three little daughters of (‘hnrlvs \Vutt were hurncd Ito dvath at l‘i'ls- burgh. I’u.. during the ubN-m-v of their pnrvnts. Spanish soldiers in the l‘hilipp'm-s are discouraged and are surrvmlvriug tn th insurgmxts in large numbers. lit-turns from Iliv ()rvgnn t-lvclion 5h')\\'ti)8l T."I‘. (leer. republican M gov- ernor. has a plurality n! “LINN. 'l’lu' r0- publicuns also elrvtml :1 u 'Hrily nf the legislature and both mmgr: sum-n. .\nwrionn marines nrv said landed near Daiquiri. ('uhn. tht' aid of insurgunts engnm-d ed :1 Spanish furor \\ 1:11 bun) The republican slntv rum Mnntgonmr)‘. A! a ticket in the “01.). (IH'MH' In Samuel Plimsoll, known as the “sail- or's friend." and originator of the fa- mous "Plimsoll mark." in prewnt the overloading of sflps, died in London, aged 74 years. ' A bill was passed i: the l'nited Stitc- senate on the 7th for the pmteotion of the people of 'tlie lnilian territory. The conference report on the post (ifllee np~ propriution bill was agreed to and the measure providing for the tuking of the twelfth census was discussed. ln the home a hill (liFecting the svrreï¬iry of wur in return to the state of Ohio sew- erul regimental flags carried :n the civil war “as [X18\'L’(l,ll> was also the nrgt-lit unr deï¬ciency bill. and the (‘UIifn-renve report upon ‘ilJL‘ sundry ClVll bill “as considered. 'IL was reported that the walship New Orleans sunk n Spanish torpedo boat de- stroyer bf! Santiago harbor. President McKinley is repnrted to be impatient at the inactivity of the army and to have begun an inquiry to piece the responsibility. J. W. Etting killed his wife at Hm Springs. Ark. an_d then committed HIS- cide. Domesï¬c trouble was the cause. Th9 monitor Monteny. accompanied by the colier Brutus, sailed from Sun Francisco for Manila. port 0! the conference committee on [he sundry ciul appropriation blll wul receixed. By a s!rict party \ole Hie house refus‘ml to concur in Hie senate amendments ‘0 the war reunue bill and agreed to a conference. The con- ference report on the sundry civil ap- propriation bill “'11s received. (‘hiné has decided to make Sim Fl: the capital city in place of Peking. A new and dangerous counterh‘ix half dollar has mddu its appearance i': ()uk- land (‘uL A report says that there is talk in the navy department. 01 carrying the war into Spain‘s territory. The Canaries \vlif be the ï¬rst objective point. The village of Ciown Point. 0., wa- nearly wiped out by ï¬re. (‘urtis and Samuel Young (colored) were hanged by :1 mo!) at (‘hrksville~ M()., for killing City Marshal Meloun during a flgh}. The cn-iire plant, rolling mill and steel plum of the Burgess Steel and Iron Company was destroyed by ï¬r? at Ports- mouth, 0., the loss being $400,000. Admirni Dewey rvports Ihut 50 Spun- ish ofï¬cers and 1.800 Spanish soldiers liuve been ruptured and 1,000 Lille-(11w the Philippine insurgents in wwrnl Victorious battle! nt-ur (‘nviun It was. rcpurhul from Key “1-H HIM 20.000 trumps “we landed on 46 (rank- ports n1 Tampa ready for landing in Cuba. During a norm on 1he cum-t 0! Mi Yukv. Japan. 1’23 boats “‘Prc 1051 and 1,627 poisons were drowned. The ('udiz reserve squadron. which was supposed to be on its wuy across the‘Atlantic. was said to be held in me Spanish harbor. Reports ('(mm from Moh- St. Nidmlus that 5.000 trumps have been luxxdud m-ur Sunliugu de Cuba. .\t (‘3 nthinnu. I'uris, MnymiHe and other towns in lï¬â€˜ntncliy emu-r0 .\h(l(‘}\'n of vurlhquuke (muse :\ panic among the pcnplv. At an Augie-American banquet in London. attended by many prumincm Englishmen and resident Amcricnns. an alliance between England and the United States was urged. It is rumored that President Heu- reeux. of San Domingo. has b--en unus- siuated by insurgenu. In the Oregon elm-Han the republic- :lns “'er surcusful, elvctiugu major. ity of the Ioglflutors. v wum'vmion at Mu! not tr; plum- 1n have and with and rout» : chosen and an threeo'clock Friday morn- ing the Mrrrimac. under her own steam, i 1911!!! d the chuum-l under a Wrrible “Spanish ï¬re. The van»! was riddled ‘ “'hh projm‘tih‘s. but 5110 anchored and f swung around. Lh-ut. llnlmon then set \r“ I III-rue (hpltll. London. .Ium- 7.- The (Hobo says It harm from 4- reliable gourm‘ that the 1~nnp-lfl_\:m;rn ((‘hinrsw flmï¬mx nï¬im) hm (L‘Pin '11 in mnkr Sinn Fu (mpitalof the pmvim-r l-l Shell 5:} 11m ('apifll o! 1hr (“ Ju-w rmyiro 1n plum M 1‘: k'rg. l’rnluâ€"d I}: lmnulun. In! xfun. Junr 0. yAH 1hr pupt-rK rrffl: in terms of 11:0 highon was“ In Nmnl (‘mw’rm'xnr “(mum's (1m iLLV rxpiui! nt Rantimn m- ( ubu, but snmr «3011?th are thrmxn upnn the Maximum Hm: the Morrimno >0 (‘nmpIMl-I) hhwk“ 1hr rbnnxzrl as; thv American rfporh :nsc-rt. TDEED 0F COURAGE. Sinking of the Herrimac an Exhi- bition of the Rarest Bravery. Lie-t. ï¬ction and - (‘rew o! ï¬ne- Dlock the ('h-n-el u “nu-co l‘lner Ila-cu Fireâ€"rrrvorn loooglllr. ’I‘holr (‘o-r-‘r, Suhsmntiu! prumotinn is in Marv fur tho gannt men who lonk Hn- Mor- rimac in. (‘I-r\o-rn'n ’l‘rlbnle lu Ill-mar). ‘\\'ixh the Flrot (HY Ranting†Juno 3, \‘in Kinghtnn. Jnmnix-n. Juno 0 (no. lay-«l in 'I‘rnnsmiwmh i. All Um mrm» brrs I)! the Morrlnmc (Wyn-anion ure safe. Two are slightly \xuundmi, but Lieut Ilulmon 'x-rcnpu] \xiilmm I scruu'h, This :.',mu.~1 inormillulv pond vows was Innughtâ€1:210lit-mmhlmirnl Snmpwm by Amnlrnl (‘r-ru-ru's (~hicf of Mnâ€. nmirr u ï¬ngof Hum, “Admiral (‘t‘rn r11,†mid ('zxm. hulrnmnw y (hvirln. "is §()Yf‘lll(‘h"(1\\3!!|Illt'lll'fl‘l‘f‘y of your "1111 that h«- {c it 2! HM) right _\UHshouldli}1£1\\"h(‘)'\\l'l‘l niiw, 'l'hvy nrl- priuun‘rs hf war and urn lurirg u: H tn‘nhd." M‘lVI‘S. Liam. Ilubsun and six men were , ‘ q, of: an internal torpedo “in: an electric alluchmonl. ’l‘hrrv was an explosion, thp Merrimnv funk. the r‘bannel was (‘le-d up. and. ammn-ml). Admiral (‘ern-ra will be unublv torn-ape. : Hnw the 'IPI’IIOI “'err Sa\rd. ‘Kingrtnn. Jnmnit'n. Junv Galiohsnn and thv hrrnow“ u! the MM'rimm- “ere 5 "rd in NW folluwing mnnnvr: l'nuhle. ant-r lhv sinking of Hu-ir \".\\l’l,1()xllflk(‘ thrir “my huvk (hrouph the storm of Himund sht'â€.1hr_\‘ rl'\\l‘tl inlnthehah ln)r 1n the Spanish flatbhzl‘ and wore 'ulnm «In lmnrd thurnu (i. 'Hw Spun- ish ndmirnL umh r u Hng n! ‘rncv. (\n Fï¬duy um! “um! m â€w Amn-rir‘an ud- lnIrni Hm! lu- nfTo-rl 11 In l'\('h:ll,;,'l‘ Ylu- Imisnmrs. :HMIIHJ 1).: “‘hilv “uhsun mu" Li (rt-HIM] “ith 1hr flrtJ ‘ 'l‘hl- ‘0“: III \\ “Elkhh‘glun. .hmr‘ riï¬px “ivh pruiw‘ for LifnY, I::\‘!lllt(!l\ll P. m-H‘h hI-ruir u-nm n V facing: drmh 1†Sum}: sinking thv muliirr ‘ (-hmznrl J'mt lufurv moruinp. 'I'hv gu'W “'bnt M-vnwil vrrzuh nmmrvm rnnlnz‘ss nf quit»: duily dutivs. J, E. MURPHY OSCAR liHlï¬NAN JOHN }' PHILLIPS: JOHN KELLY, RFDOLI’H (‘LAI'SSEN_ The omu'r hcâ€"ro of thv Mi-rrimzu‘ owl-ion is an assistant nzn-ul onnxtrm-tor. nnd henro attached to the Mnâ€, and heretofore not ordinarily engaged in lino duty. He entered the naval academy from Alabama in any, 1885. and is now :8 )‘Pnrfl old. He graduated in 1889 nt thc~ head of his clan. and as n consequonm- oi’ thtsdistim'tion was sent to France by tho govvrnmrnt to tune a course in nnvni architecture. When the vmr broke out hv npniiwi for urtivo duty, and Wm; aunt with thrw mn'nl (‘3â€" dets undvr his «harm- to Hi» flagship of Admirnl Sampson's muzniron H0 is do- acrihcd nstail, nthittir irutld‘ \‘ory qutvt and unassuming innnnur and would not be pit krd out “Mini-rm 1m inning tin- high hraVrry his intimntr warm in!†kin-w my lunvuth his inudrst niunmr A IHIlIt-ull Tank. As to the prmpm-t (if ihv )lvrritnac bring rrnimmi by tiw Spaniards. as is rvportrd to he liiliit‘l‘ “:1; at Santiago. the officials at thv nn\_\ dupurtmvnt do- Cifll‘i‘ that this is hhrly to iw :i diï¬icnlt, dangerous and titnP-runsnming «pyra- tion. The hulk could ln- blown up by the use of (i)li:lnli1(‘ (-hnrgcs. which would not be diiflcnit to place in the shallow water where thv Mrrrimac lien. for Lin) roportis my the tap of the fun- nel is above wntpr. indicating a Chipâ€) 0! about 40 or 50 foot. but it is briim‘ed that the wreck lies in sight from the' sea. and it is not doubted that Sampson will post FOIDl' of thP hvm‘)’ iron- clnds in suvh a pot-'itjon us to be able to command the site with her lll‘a\)' gun. and prvvvnt thi- Spaniah wrecker: from working. .‘it night, something might be ucvuniplirhmi by the wreck- t'rs. hut even that work would iu- full of dongvr, Hero" 0! Ilu- MorrIm-e LU-II'T R It HHHSILV. DANIEL MHNTAGI'l-l. GEORGI‘ I‘HAIUCTTE. :u‘nu (i. 'Hw Spun- r u Hng n! ‘rncv. (\n m â€w Amn-rir‘an ud- u 11 IUI'\('1HILL'I‘Y1H' 1: >1 nahlnulun. \\':l\hil‘9h>l in Hu- mv-nn 1‘H “mild he iABEflSX’tE‘EEEEEE i Three Women Relieved of Female Troubles by Mrs. Pinkhun. turn-q â€yrnlmuupma ... u..- _ ‘ i, ' sight and 1- next to the “'orld's Pair I! Ch» “f0 m Importance to the whole mung-y. Al of the Male. In ï¬le Tuna-Mmmtppu-e- ginn are Intern-(ed. and our Eastern mend. vull enjoy 3 vmt to ()mnh- during the cou- tinuauw of the Exposition, from June voOo tober. inclumvr. ' Buy your exr-union ticket! over thyChl- capo, Milwaukee St. Paul R'y. An 1"“.- tralod {older descnplive of the Exposition will be sen: you on receipt of 2am calm) {or pooh 9. Add". Geo H. ~Helm , Gemral amongst Agent, Chicago, Ill. WI. lot Able to do Her Work Until Hood‘o lanuparllln Cured. “1 WI. troubled with headaches, nor- voumcu-nd mat and foelmg. 1 mud in me pupa-I «bout. Hood" Ban-pum- tad muting it Im now this 10 do my work, 5: Hood'- Saruparxlla bu rolloveo me," Mu. T. F. RICE. Hampshire, 111. Beats 0.; (Mann! Exposition wh curred â€I’l’hllndclphxa m 1876 away sight and 1- next to the “'orld's Fair 9‘!" ,"2. ‘wmr‘i'ri‘r: $339312...“ ' 2" jaiéhw†‘ glléfgk an? ’34.. P. KI ILIah lain-i1! (XL. .l. *ul.‘ .1... .0“ by [Dr-“ha. h menu's Gretna". Madman i11f.unx.m.>;m Inn "um“.{fnf‘ir nah-â€UNI? nmrrmma run 13mm L0 (15‘ NIATL oulo. II the only nun cure In the norm for Ciro-IQ III- ccn, n l'leofl. Deter-Io.- K'It-on. Vnrl- em leer: Guntn-e. Fever .011". and all (In lures. fl non 1-! 1-111. Drawn oul ml poi-on barre. expense nod Mme-7m (‘urm perm-bent. Mm “Ila Yur é»bu-e-_-euh nu. But- a. can. flaws and Tim! “906'- Pm. Mo\'lcker'- Thr-Irr. Chic-so. “Flu-nandmh†is hurxng a [monument] run and nor) bud)‘ dclxghzcd thh it. Don't (all to M‘t’ n. .. M ,, We never 314 me! a (yr! In a dry good. shm- \\lm “in [wt “JUN tip‘ng" to )or so» wnnthg that dadn K (Hal more {Lab 15 (-cnu.» Alcmsun (x‘luhr y the cum-rum mmrnnJohn Clulr Blip"): L1. A uuuq'vluuun volume of n nrJv “1mg", uniform In nu mu uldputh'l III-Kory o I e “'orld. Ilnunlflorml) mu-lruod um“. vund‘ H u Ill Mutiny Inn-n .v_\ A“ I-lsnu-u A I-nmumn lur nkv-nu Secur- r-m-nlnu out!!! A]! term nry no". (rum [or-u and and" vrn a n on“. Full “In“ of !l[llr[r-«1n4Idn>y~4-v‘lyl|u mummy r Adan-nun“ Hood’s Sarsaparilla 0! (he wan-rs and chmnle of Eurekt Sprungs, Ark? Do you want to know? “'0 MW 5 lnmklvl on the why-ct whmh is vuun for (he ankmg; It Is free Addy?“ . L. “an hm). Hrnrral Passenger Agent, Frisco pr | rc- "4.r nymIF vrfmm man» II out-r do». WMH'I’LL (' «‘LI, LU , I“ \\ J. nun an .Chh:-¢o. tn .A‘uu The rixhundrvdmnnnd )mlv in th! FHHH drum a pretty lat “Hanaâ€"L. A Bulletin 0L0 BIGYGLES _H“0 I! and M! ‘1‘ pump: u'r nmwhh’ may Alrmwn (hobo. ..::.: 152:; 172355 Curâ€"Zâ€"Mm LaZl/flaâ€" 43:“,r “Before I began taking your medicine I had suffered for two years with that tired feeling. heudache.backache. nonp- petite. and a run-down condition of tho syswm. I could not walk across the room. I hive taken {our bottle. of tho Vegetable Compound, one box 0! Liver Pills and used one package of Emu» “'nsh. nnd now (eel like a new woman. Ind am able to do my work." “For three years I suflered with such n weakness of the back. I could not perform my household duties. I ll» had fulllng of the womb. terrible bear Lug-down pains and headache. I have taken. two homes of Lydia E. Pink- hnm‘s Vegetable Compound und feel like 3 new womn. '1 recommend your medicine to every Woman I know.†From Mrs. Mausu Pmun. Lex- ington. Ind., to MYS. Pinkham: From Mrs. MOLm E. Elna. Pow. :11 Station. Tenn: across the small of my back thnt 311- gone feeling, was despondent. fretqu and discouraged; the least exertion tired me. I tried seven} doctor: but. received little beneï¬t. At lust I de- cided to give your Lydia E. Pinlihm‘o Vegetable Compound 3 trial. The e!~ feet of the ï¬rst bottle was mngical. Those symptoms of weakness that I was afflicted with, vanished like vapor before the sun. I cannot sped: too highly of your valuable remedy. It I. truly a boon to woman†' “For several years I suffered with various diseases peculiar to my sex. Was troubled with a burning sensation From Mrs. A. W. anu. 59 Summer St . liiddefurd. Mo: Hl The STRONG STATEMENTS. Mr. H HEADER! OF THIS PAPER [IKHHINU T0 H'.‘\' A! YTUING AIH'ZII'HEED IN ITS (‘ULL'INB KUUI‘LD 15.51."? l‘l‘Uh HAVING “HAT THEY ASK FOR. BEFI‘SINO ALI. BL‘BSTITLTES OIL IMITATIUHB‘ “(ll A nu PT ... AT Clixâ€"CELGO ... Omaha Expultlo- of 1898 nn usual!) ox It git-.115! out (‘ure I (‘nld In One Day ppm] in'va Ir! hrh! :i‘ rn- III-mun Dr. Khmx "ou Know} the VIN-'- d that. and realms. 1 mud in «bout. Hood" Ban-pum- tad g 1:. 1m now IMO to do my rod": Saruparxlla bu rolloveO T. F. RICE. Hampshire, 111. U)! nWHIPPLE‘S PUNCTUBIIEJ'I â€('1' and curs thaws-Mn. batman a: cuosxoua. Mi .v H-u {-:1;1Him(-alathnm0 1. 111:1 :11 ordu that n1:11Lr her 1mpohte.â€"- HI nomh cured. ‘U: Dr hlmc'l -. S": '1!‘Ht1|]¢‘ .l’hllu.. l’a. '.hr~ 'ti1r Tablets. A" 9.1â€.- Incurv. 250. 81; tutor‘ which oe- ray out of LT AIW. Capt. “‘¢r(~llil|‘ 1" \gluuhlr [- \| In) £ 0! ï¬ll . JUN I 1 [mph]. and â€I Lakf‘ I}. jmn‘nu club†" 1111‘ u ‘1 pvl'suL ibem “hm ignux'r a“. (H 4 mual "- i now ;; "1 brief rifl‘ “-110 um) YukoLJ‘ In 5pm»; il'rbl )cxfo‘ idl'lii had 1 to qu bl'l" 1‘ lï¬llll\\ \\ hi 1 {ram pHc-b :4' O] damn mm.» Juan-L: P chm-pm tle. PM 114‘5r â€are S.-mi fmlr m.- c ('thl “Huh int; :n ., vim†. found ’t pir('(‘.~ \\ ()1: ha l)\' uh! Hmuyn! pv HI! and an I lhï¬au Opl'nihy 1hr“! “A‘oif 11,1) (‘h‘ kn'cw 1210 p21 “'85 nm a sell! slide which Wished :1! In! from [ï¬lm 511 Shay“ .2). W): .lnnn 10 }I( n‘HH‘l “H‘. .«l (\7 I“ up LL: â€:1'H- [31.45 1 mudr :; hl-r‘)‘ in]; nu‘r p.21" â€1thle \‘ I). my uï¬vr. :.x.l‘ Jouhvmtn ‘ 30!?" :l-‘LJ’d 12.000 10 24.“ llnnu'x,‘ ‘Lt‘ (unnrd In 1 “min-('1 z"- ‘1 land IL) 3:"!!! (11:31». INITVJA‘ l'1gh1â€bamL “hilt I =1 ‘ 31mm: um Hm! 11- mp i114: “11.4“ It puarnv‘h. g.†lnc‘rmh-s mi 1 ‘hey uflcrel xhe x 1,: â€-11 \‘m‘um " Am the h, H '4: bluï¬ ..'H u": IuanY n} nu-d YTV ml 700 ‘1 {Hugh gnar Mu Ivn (in); lm‘rplmn- Hamnmx Wt r’hu, (hardy g! Hung.» H.“ Roulr to :00! hag if Btu it .(z u: Lin ml ufl now 1); r141 (-11 ‘5 '12.†H. » ir‘: .\1r th (f ‘pzl'i u) no! Tth r v 11, I'Xl \- 1m '4 l“. ' (-I‘I‘ 1 mo‘ _ a U! in \A m) (18X [118‘ UH HI! 11$