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Highland Park News (1874), 29 Jul 1898, p. 2

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IQ An authoritauve statement from Washington says that. Commodore Fltson's misgion is to find and destroy Canaan's fleet, and that the Attack ppon Havana will await the end of the yellow fever season. An army of 150,000 men, led by Gen. Kiles, will attack Havana in the fall. the meantime Shafter'l forces win turn home £or rccgpgratlon. Lieut.'Hobson, hero of the Merrimac‘ Ipisode. arrived in Washing‘on to com her with the government regarding raising some of Cervera‘s ships. Premier Sagusta admitted in Madrid that the preliminary naps had been liken towards obtaining peace. A report from Washington shows Ihat oi? the 277,500 men authorized by bongrm to be enlistedin the regular and volunteer armies 25.4 479 up tothis me have been mustered into the nice. The plan of the Puerto Rico cam- paign involves landings at various points in the island and it is expected fibat San Juan will be quickly sur- rounded. It is definitely asserted that Puerto Rico is to be permanently an- nexed to the United States. a Capt. Gen. Blanco has issued a proc- lnmjltio'n announcing the capitulntion of Santiago but he says it is of little importance. and that the Spanish army ll anxious to win glory. Admiral Sampson reported that the attack on Nipe. a port on the’north coast of Cuba. had been successful. A Spanish cruiser was destroyed. Xipe Iflords a good. landing place for troops. . Gen. Milesx sailed for Puerto Rico with several thousand troops and a strong convoy of warships. It is said that Admiral Cervern will not return to Spain after the war closes, but will make his home in Boston, President McKinEey issued a general order opening postal gommunicntion between thq United‘Stat‘es and San- tinge. Latest advices from Manila state that aflairs in the Philippines are rapidiy approaching a crisis and the city may be bombarded soon. Seven 0? our little gunboats entered the harbor :1: Manzanillonnd destroyed three Spanish transports. an ammuni- tion ship and five gunboats. Not one of our vessels was injured. It was authoritatively announced in Washington that the administration intends to hold Puer‘o Rico as a‘ permagent possession. The British steamer Xewfoundland. with a rich cargo. was captured by the Mayflower while trying to enter the harbor oLCienfuegos. 7 The story comes from Madrid that Weyler i‘s to'succeed Sagasta and push the war {0 the limit. â€" Madrid advicev say there is no indi- cation of peace proposals. The gov- ernment continues inactive. while the people are demanding peace at (my price. , 7 Gen. Garcia. 11:15 announced that he will no longer serve as an allx of the United States army owing to alleged mistreatment 1)} Gen. Shaft". The Cuban general says he will fightinde- pendently. It is announced by Secretary Long that the expedition to Spain has not been abandoned. but has been deferred until the Puerto Rico campaign per- nits the withdrawal of the ships. It Is said that Gen. Leonard Wood has been appointed military governor of Santiago. succeeding Gen. McKibâ€" hen. who has resumed command of his brigade. ‘ The administration decides that the nip: surrendered in Santiago harbor bclong to the government and are not yrizes for either army or navy. The invasxon of Puerto Rico has been further deiayed. Gen. Miles complains that the navy is moving too slowly. but Washington authorities are said (0 ad- ,vlse moderation. Reports from Santiago are-that the Spanish and American soldiers are {rater-sizing. and that ‘he people are glad to be freed from Spanish mis- government. 'Transports are landing uupplies and the distress is being reâ€" lieved. ’ WAR NEWS. It was stated with nuthority in Washington that no peace negotia- tions were under way. Members of the Cuban junta in Wash- !ngton declare there is no doubt that Cubans “in submit to the will of the United States gowmment" “TELHGEKCE FRO! ALL PARTS Nannies and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Notes. Busipess Failures and Besnmptims. Weather Record. BOUND ABOUT THE WORLD THE WEEK’S NEWS HIGHLAND PARK. Happenings of the Past Days in Brief. @ighlaud gar]: $2M. BY EVANS .t PORBE ILLINOIS Edwin Storey Smith. the most prom- inent paper manufacturer-1n New Eng‘ land died 1n_Bo;ton, azeggs ”at! Joseph A. Boy, of Quincy. was nom- lnated for congress by the democrat: of the Fiitcenth minois district. The North Dakota republicans met in Fargo and nominated Fred B. Mueller. 0! Stutunan, for governor, and B. F. Spanking. of Gus. for con- gren‘sman. PERIONAL AND POLITICAL. The republican: of the Eighth con- gressional district of Missouri nomi- nated J. W. Vosboll for congress. Joseph B. Cheadle has been renoml- nated for congresa by the Ninth dis- trict' democrats of Indiana. The republicans of the First MI:- souri district nominated Frederick W. Blees for congress. In convention at Burlington the Ver- mont democrats nominated Thomu W. Maloney for governor. The Tawas'savings bank of Tamas City. Mich.. havixg a capital stock of $25,000 and a local deposit of $15,000. ha. suspended. . The Beach hotel, a well-known sum- mer and winter resort. was burned at Galveston. Tex. the loss bqing 8200.000. Henry Beine. a farmer. shot and killed his wife at Thurman. C01,. and then killed himself. Mmesfic trouble was the cause. The car hum of thé'ConsoHdated Traction company in Pittsburgh. Pa.. qu burned, the 1059 being $175,000. TWO distinct earthquake shocks passed over East. Tennessee, Southwest Virginia and Eastern Kentucky. No damage resulted. John F. Taylor. George Wilson and Ed Sticker. all well-known citizens of Wabash township. Ill.. were drowned in the river while fishing. At the nationa! butchers' ('nntcst in Indianapolis, 1111].. Charles Gardner broke the world’s record for dressing sheep. killing and dressing ten in 32 minutes and 30 seconds. Duringa friendly bout With gloves at Randolpb.Wis.. Paul Seigman struck his brother Julius :1 blow that killed him. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 24th were: Cincinâ€" nnti..671; Boston, .646; Cleveland, 622; Baltimore 595; New York, .543; Chicag 0.0 .535; Pittsburgh. .518; l’hila» delphia. .474; Brooklyn. .405: Washing- ton. .379; Louisville, 345; St. Louis, ._-,__. . . ... -..,.._._. . ..__-.. . C‘orson MacArtnoy the leading stock brokerage firm in “ashjngton failed fox-52.61143. A" hailstorm near Casseiton, N. D destroyed 25.000 acres of grni'n. Nat White and James Yarbougb. rival suitor: for a young woman near El Reno, O. T.. killed each other. The Ellicottrcycle works at Ton’a» wands. N. Y., burned, the loss being $100,000. The dead bodies of six infants. each Wrapped in paper, were found in a vncpnt lot in Roxbury. Mixss. There were we business failures in the United S‘Yhtes in the sown days ended on the 22d. against 21.31119 week previous and 227 in the corresponding period of 1897. The pro'sidoqt has appointed Fer- dinand W. l’edk, of Chicago, rommis- sioner of the United States to the Paris exposition. A tornado at Minot. X. D., drstroyed 17 buildings and injured a number 0! people. Gen. Sinner reports that he will have 24,000 prisoners to return to Spain. DOMESTIC‘ While bathing in the river at Morton, Minn. Barbara and Rachael Gallo. Martha Lorenz and Alvina Krisâ€"4:11 un- der 20â€"were drowned. John Harvey Myors. sr‘cremry of the Home Building and Loan association in Milwaukee, was said to be $30,000 short in his accounts. Cubans have addressed n letter to President McKinley in which they ask that the conquered section of the in- land be turned over to their manage- ment. A Spanish correspondent in Havana reports that the city's fortifications have been greatly strengthennL The Spaniards at Ft. Juan. Pun-to Rico. are making extensive prepara- tions to redst an anticipated attack. Emperor William has assured Presi- den: McKinley of his friendship wd says he has no intention to interfere with American affairs in the Philip- pine islands. President. McKinley has informed the European powers unofiicially of his in- tentions regarding an invasion of Spain. The president hopes to end the wnr without such 3 move, but i.’ Spain (-ontinuen to fight there may be neces- sity for such action. Gen. Wood. the military governor, is directing the administration of the affairs in Santiago, restoring order and encouraging trading. The presi» dent's proclamation creating a mili- tary government satisfies the resi- dents A gmernment pct! office has been established and a big American flag has been placed over Morro. Gen. Miles and the adranre detach- m¢nt o! the Puerto Rican army of inva- sion are supposed to have reached the point of disembarkation rear Fa- jardo. Admiral Sampson‘s report on the ram] batflo at Santiago which ended in the destruction of Cervera'u fleet has been received in Washington. “'. S. Phelps (0., “holc‘hall' gro- cers in Dn’yton, 0.. made an assign- ment. Sp’ain has Imed for peace. Through M. Cambon. the French ambassador. 3 direct appeal has been made to Pros- Ident McKinley to enter negotiations. The presid‘ent will refer the quostfnn to the cabinet before giving M. (‘nm- bnn an answer to be returned to Mid- Bernard F. Hay-Inn. crazed with liquor and brooding (Her family troubles. fatally Hm! his “ifo and his mother-in-lnw. Mrs. (‘ntherinr \la- roney. at H'nr‘ks‘tonr, Mass. and thvn killed himMH SiV of 19 Austrian snilnrs nf Hm ill- fntt‘d Ln Bnurgnmw have hown hn-Id nt Havro for hrufuliv} un the “('(‘zninn u! the sinking of tho stemmvt Joseph Donovan. who was an'uu- thorny nn pnmfinic mmterq. diod at the (‘numy huxpilu} in ('hivugu. ngvd 40 yrars Owing 10 ”11‘ appeal madv by (‘nhans in (‘iexzfm-gns t is believed President McKinlt-y will din-(1H1!!! llmtoityhe takvn nftrr San Juan. Thex (‘rnn bulletin of tho 1'niwd thes drpnrtmrnt of uprix-ulture °hm\‘.-' (hat thr cornfivlds in Nebraska. Kansux. Irma. Missouri. Illinms. Indi~ um: and Ohio nrv gn-ntly in nrvd of rain. Information “‘;|~ re (‘r-iuwl i1. \lmer that (”apt (hm \uunuti luul surren- dorml llu- x'I‘) hf .\l:u.iiu In 1hr V\m«'ri- (‘nn forum cmnmundwl by Aan' rnl me‘ynmifimn. Andersnn nml lirt‘t'hl'. ()Yliviul repnrts nf Admiral Sampson. (‘nmmmlorx- Schle‘y um! nthrr nmul nfâ€" fim‘rs who 1nnk part in the) Ilvstrm'tiun of (‘ervern's +1.9: ofl’ Snnfingn Jul: 3 were- made pnh'iv. Gen. Slmftvr. “hilv n-grmxing nny clash with Hun Cubans. says thn-ir claims at Santiago were untrnnhle. He sent a lenvr tniicn. (lnrnin Q’\lll"lll|' in): the pnsilim: nf rwmhnsihiiit) u hwh the l'nih‘d Shiv“ (“bupivs lu'furv (In- World. icnn «‘Itfcz Loren/u I). M. Sun-n! svntml 11w Fir~t rlistrix Hn‘ 'HflrH Mum}: «m: Portland. .lle‘tl w 5': Hrs 'l‘lw (utrzmrrviul I..';\ Amt-rim! m w~~ium u! l C!(‘(‘?l'l1 .’I\ gvr ‘:lll‘T‘T Ex 8mm. of \t\\' Hriouxw. “1-1.. “310‘ troops :H H11 pri>ing V‘.-‘ r )np! faur of Tln-rc- url't‘ 1 icnn <i17¢2 It “as stated in Wuuhingtm. H.511 (‘mnmmlunf \Vulsnn's flrrt “nnld m! sail fur 5min umil Madrid hm! hw-n gin-n {umber oppnrtunit)‘ to M1" fur pHu-r. Frank \Vaifcr “mt ."m‘ 4-1‘1 mm < on I: bi<§t"t~ at Noruuod. 513%.. in 24 hours. breaking a” pr9\il)ll> records. Syn-n lhunhaml Spanish troops at Guantanamo laid duun their arms. he» xisible supply of grain in the United Slates on the 25111 was: “'hent. 9,382,00Q bushy; orn, 28,679,000 bushels: oats. l272. bushels; rye. .\ di<pntch from San Juan says that an .\mt'ricnn squadron appeared be- fnrv Bahia Honda. but ”as: (ho Ameri- can ark-mp! tn disembark was re pnkrd uith'cvnsidrrnblc10.x; 481.000 bushels; barley. 345.000 bush- els. 3 The 3 Inch! flipper cupsiud ufl'firrfll island. 0.. and William "\rlnu-klt‘. Jr.. Man-us Huh-lie and two of the crew werv'drownrd. A fight orer a unman at a h-Mirul a! Elkn. 1).. reunited in many perm-m be- ing “minded, the probably {Mail}, ('nhalH 2n (it-lefurgus M-nl In ,\d- miru'; Sampson a pitifu' awn-u} that he takr‘ 1hr ml}. :n they un- ~!::r\ing. ' A trruaury stunâ€"men! shrmn er! are about Sam/mu pvrsnns m “hurl humk lander 'hv (gnu-rum: M's pnplh lur 1mm “111 hr :xlimqu .-\ firv it Pugunsh. .\'. 8.. «I'Mrnyrd 200 dwellings, fin: church“. 20 natures, thrrc- hotels and hen-r“! mill». Grn‘ Mile“. according (a whim from St. Thomas. Iwgun In lzmd w};- peditinn near l’nnce. l'uerm Ric-u. Your childrvn 0! Elmer “nllmnn. . tanner mar Heatrivr, Sch, “no burned in drath during the nhsenco of the-ir pare-ML The Second disnict republicang in Michigan nominated Hear) (1 Smuh. of Adrian fur congress. FOREIG‘. Panpan 26 sulphur nnnorsh-{t (In .1. isizmd t:_\ their employ" named to death. a general amnesty to his polhu-al cue mics. “Nobby.” a Chifiptua hdinn aged over 10039-3”, died It Slumping. Mich Pn-iident .\Haro. of \he rcpuhhv of Ecuador. has issued 11 dn‘rn‘ grunting e~ «vfl'u'I-d a inndlng of M Humairu. m I’m-rt!) Riv”. sur- V‘u‘ Spnhe‘h gurrisur. and hi!!- r of in mrn in a skirmhh. '1‘ nu l‘.‘|ll~1|1Yil\1r!I 1hr .\xnrr~ 1w Fir~t dislr. {H}: 1'1»! .lle‘ll w ~war ll 1. m w~~inn u! UTYZHH'H \ :vr ~:Il¢'r‘f F ‘ LATCL nu r4 (‘r-iuw! i1. \ludrH \uunuti hm] surren- {Hardin In 1hr V\m«'ri- Surat. uhn repre- riislrit‘t 0131:1in in : vulL'rr>>. din-(I in ”HM FL (l Sold!!! Kill. [Hm-elf. New York. Jul) l:.~~bergt. Neal Molloy, of batter) I, Seventh Untied State: artillery. killmi himself It For! Slocum Thursday. Nu ruson is known for his act. Alu-r roll call In went to Ms quarters and packed up his be- longings. He then wen: to the quar- u-rl u! the Luucummluioned officer- aud bade Harm gooal’by, aging be bld meiwd a furlough xvnd would not be. them fur uumc timr. No Font at Tllnpl. \Vaahingtuu. Jul} 25.~~(h\iug to por- 5intvut reports that there “m yn-llow {Her at Tampa. nutwithstandmg de- nials b} the Florida blalc()fiit'tulh,1)r. “runner. the yellow ten-r sprcialilt who represented the nmrme hospflnl srrvicc nt “mans until the outbreak of the war. was dirrvted to make an iuvostigution. He reports that after a dose inspection of Tampa it can be stated that tbrre in nut a case (fly-l- )ow {over there. The (‘onlrdrr-lr \rler-nl. Ahnnm, Unqu L123 2.».â€"â€"'l‘hc cxly wan drcnrulrd with Huhoss null-a of bunt- ing fur 1hr routedcratc parade Friday. Mrsr SIUIH‘HDH Jul‘kpnn, Miss Winnie Dari}. Mrs. Johx. Ii (.‘urdon and Mrs. Cubbelh-Lurrir.prcndrnluhheDaugh- tvrs (If [he (‘onfrdrrm-y, occupied cur- riagoh as did aha (.cn. and Mrs. Loug- urn-x, HM}. and .\lrs. “mm-r and (mu. Wade Humptun. (i911. Hurdon, at the Audnurlum uni-Ming, introducvd Mas: “'innic Dmis, the u-H-rnns ginng hr? a great mutiny). A rrsolutmu “as paused to substitute 10!“th war of the rcbviliun," 1hr- rlprmmmn "the civil war belnren the Mater." Charles- (un, S. (I. “as hdl‘k‘lvd as the place for the encampment next July. Ad- journed sixzr die. Our Troop. (‘Io-c to Illlll. )lanila.Jui_\' 1‘). via Kong-Kong. July 23.â€"â€"'l'hv dinonburkatmn of the Amer» ican troops. vumuming we second ex- prdihun. I: but F yua‘n'll with the uh most cm-rgy. Th:- I ulorudnrvgimont 15 nlrx-mly ix: (hr fix-1d mar Parana)”, and “(ht-r rvgmwm.~ \uil be trans- ferred “itlmux “12) 105: u.’ ILUH‘ {rum the transpuris t . the rump in native boata. '1 lu- l'udml Stun: crumer 1502:- Ion has lwrn «immiui In rmvr the landing punn-s. 51w L0“ ouupies u pruiliun ulnuufl “uh.“ rungr of flu» puma of For! .\I. in “hub 13 0ny a bhurt (HMHIIII‘ {tum Mnmla prnpz-r. Thv brngmh' vnmnwndrd by (n n. An- dvrsun )3 51ml at ( uvile, but h» troops urc- truth in mun: The nrrhnl ly‘re of the ['niu-d State: monitor Mon- !crry is unxmmly uxperted. azarwd 'o (h! 131N113} Spanz>tz frcwps ac~ companied him :0 Sin I.u..~'. and AJ I‘vre nppurvnxly greaxly deitghud u: pram-ms o! ruummg homr The) I'm» on th‘ verge of starvation. and I have to lend them "Mona. l! \he numbers kw up» they Inn. there will be than: 24.000 to Ila avnyâ€"nurly 12.“ here. two from San Lula. 6,000 from Gunm- tmo. and over 2.000 at Stan and unrncon. nguzmt u)» (OHM nut kw ‘T Slat” lrlh~l. lhv [1:11th of [mind to [W : depmix. “'urhinyhnn gmrnlmht n: ‘b'fi foul)“ LEL’ 1114‘ (1.1 .\H l'nvlc Sum for [hr kindness la\id|r(l on them while- the-y were prinum‘rs. Hm Hritixh flap Thy \u-rv rn Much! the Hospcrin. n! thr \nrhur In -_ and jun as shv hack“! m.! of the ('m‘k one of the patrol gunlu-uts came by “'ith our uvcnrd tlu- ”unner- raised three might) cheers. “hlt‘h startled the pew pic on the BrnoLlyn shnre Ind could be henrd on hmrrnor‘s Island. It Will the best they rnuld do m thank-n1: The AI-orl-Ird new "ark Bunk. (“to lp IIOJNKLIKID to lie | IIIOC Staten fiubtre-Inry. New Y4 rk. Jub‘ 25.nl‘rn-uxmn 0! «gr chef-ring HA" flng u! Yhmr raptors ‘18 the unununl 1mm “itnnsed a! llne l'uiuu duvk in Hrnukbl‘ Sunday. The ugh! was a ' the man Hgnifirnu! II the ('bcrrs rnme {run filmnlbh throats The 2.7! prisoners I'aplurrd on ”If {nur prin- slrnmrru now In par! were about ‘1. HI“ {or hume umh r lbe (hpQII’cd Spool-rig, an The, In” (0! Hanna. I). Ila-m lo the Man nld Ilrlpct. trvuusr). 1-1 (min f'H' HM 1hr pull! Y'l‘l In v. CHEERED "OLD GIDR Y. " GOLD DEPOSI TED. “SHAPH-ZR. "Xxjcr (.e- A. : ra' (‘ommandzrg' P“. from Chant-r Trim: sum. in t'lHH't‘h Jul" Mm ,u'cr mars, “an «n! :nrdium of 01m"; 0! 4h “kn puhll‘d Tlu- “(Ar (10 $1h,(!<,u"‘(h Y! bonds 1hr l‘mu-d “UK!" in r1. mum! Lu HM" and “(humus w :1. 1:0 ‘(1 to '41 Hf H101) prnprr. .1 n. An- > troops \ {ll ly‘re While no \mman is entirely free from. periodical pain, it does notseem (0 luv. been na- ture‘s plan that women otherwise healthy should snfler lo severely. ‘ Lydia 8. Pink- hble Corn- pound is the most thorough fe~ male regal.- tor known to medicnl sci- ence. It relieve. the condition ihat pro» duoeaaomnch discomfort and robs men- .truntion 01in terrors. Here is proof: A Dxu Mas. sznulc-How can I thank you enough f who! you have done for me 7 When I wrote to you I wu suffering untold pdn “line of memtruation; was nervous, bod held- .nche Ill the time. no appetite, tint tired feeling. Ind did 110‘ cm for unytbin‘. I hnve token three bottles of Lydi. E. ‘Pinkhun'a Vegetable Compound. on. of Blood Purifier. two boxes of Liver Pilln. wd today I unnwell person. I would like to have those who sufler know thnt I am one of the may who hnve been cured of taxable oomplninu by your wonderful medicine md advice. â€"Mm Juan 3. Hum. Leon, Wis V I! you the sufl'erlng in this wny. write to Min Mile. did to Mn Pinklnn. u Lynn. Hunt, for the advice which All. ‘ offers free of charge to .11 women. Menstruation. the balance wheel of woman‘s “(13,5 aim the bane o! exist- ence to many because it means: time of great suffering. How to grow when with in profit It (0 can}: Ind samples of Miner's ed Croat (9 Bus ml: per arrm “Enzvr “'LeaL Rve, 0th, Clove”, 216., wuh Farm Seed Caufotut for Invent; pgsuge. JOHN A. SALZER SEED Cong!e~”T§mt Mir-ix .nN-r has a )0! 0! wind " Hah'nrd “H." nn-is :3 " Googleâ€" “\th "' Il'alyah! "Because his “‘5 I." Imal': Tnu'n T - C0, “Crock. “'15 oranmt an. I \u 1.3 I: ' “3.". z.,, reheanam ‘Lv a -‘.‘r and 1hr mam ' {-rrdafler? 3;} kinds uf Sul't‘rM fur rm Am pg rm Ln” there “as :1 yua‘r: - ‘ »- grd (EM? 1 Palm: rm pan. u ‘ I “in do ‘iwr'ng n nn the 'rr‘. “le I Nuid juq fee. hat I “r s m 15: 1h: ro'zd (Lil: run up and d urn tho- I: no! of mv nudi- pnr-e and owning ”my: w-th gnw flesh Quddz-nh' m\ mernr‘ became a luynk A; I 5 and mute tn mg to nth" the lines homo little on» yolk-d ‘iouder' I ran from the gage And never went MӢâ€"D¢tmit Pm “II!“ L"0PF a lfiba l‘nl'r 1hr u-(und “'n-h." tun Sta! anptr now k (n («11 how m-ar M“! ”\‘ihf‘ hm. rmlmgr If my). " He did not 100‘. u If he were competed of the dad of wim-b hPrvH an nude, but (More must thl‘ hrru mum of the di- nm- “Hutu: of (vurugr- m h.:- lyslem of ‘he would not hurt been bm‘ orr 'hr rm ruxb mg nfliu-r mkm lo xaxu admmnmn Into 1b. ranks of than I J uvn- Mfr-rim; {haunting u l “(“th upqn 1hr mu! 0 DOJ belmed (muggy) m. .n - "I. W". Kopl - Boarding "on“ an. He Tho-(III Ike D‘d-‘I hood "4-. By working hard. and th-n you can g“ mm! “min Bnl if gnu un- Urnd a]; m. Lune it means L'nl )bur Ulm-‘l 1: poor. V1'on need 90qu Hood'x Samgnrlllu. :Lâ€"g mu cure {or Una! and feeling harm“ ll n the great pnru-bvr nnd \'i'-3Hll"l’ of m. blood. You will find lug-patio. none. mental and dlgcslive sturxlg‘ll. nu “006'. Pills curt Hood's S'arsaparilla You Can Get Tired Uh. ”at “mun“: nu an m \\'haa'.1}m gv: an (“1ft lnkr 1;“:an ("lint In your name?" REQU‘TF‘d (be 0.â€" :n charge John leh " “'he-t 40 Cell. I Bucket. PERIODS OF PAIN. America‘s Break-0t Ned wine. The ng r Hm! ro- gfl a K‘ AN EXCEPTION. 3!! rpm," hv Iaughrd, ntily. w rr) on [Eat awnum: my lmard'n'g Luna», and hug ever nd \(ur mu \u-re mnrnfd."â€" H In Thai l‘nllrd pp. .3 II! n n-ry 'Hu! be 1m?! w.» . Eu nga great 1" .' -’ x:"wr:~.~1.'h<-IP‘:‘.A, «- r. I xuri u prm'v d :u" 1' :- M r theatnm} ,xeheanal! r ma'mgw {-rrdafler? a] fur rm Am pg rm Ln” ~ “ - uni (Err?! luai do ,, “In! 1 fluid 1%: (did (‘LHI 'V‘! anus-ea. ludwrzlmn 2k, t n married man £00 In‘ ./t as mod 1 put, m 1. m1; the new up SURREN‘ "VP. 1‘]! n Tin-I l' A 1h"!!! hm'r “h x-nld’h fl 1hnr urmfi Palm“ Sufi rrndrrml S Manda} pl “(-11- N 1'11 cludrd ilv "-ooprz m } 1‘};(>)hfl\<'l ”my M" D (.3311); He the“. v 1111 i:srd‘- (ml: ‘0}‘110 ('unl (.nTI‘ili 1n! 10 1TH {aldr}. . rrt't‘fl v 1]“ 1:H.:nun F 4n ('uhun.‘ 1}\¢ lovn' j oHJ-rr sol] “2114 Hu ll m1: 1711 d and .wx mi an almnlu‘ 31" IH‘l'h ‘ H‘nghhun dinh I}. (HH _ \\ onxnI 1311\0 .KHI thm ("1: Let and 1 form of “rid nynil “‘hilr “4:1 Hm I I 111‘ thrro n1 Santiago puny wit le Spa ge-thor W1 13' fur-MW ports. an 13' to mu form-s. I asserted, canary. London graph p“ Petenbul ihe Hunt: the {not 1 (:Lgfirfltc The displ petitioned the proh tbu Audit courts 01 tmok: rnl the prim Ing the d of Auulril querx‘ re; (:1 l'urlu greater“ 15‘ of PM: 6.000 Spa pituiuno‘ ugo w SI busbm} h hut [-nl fighhhg. 101d Luz. “3r .1 1 scorn g‘ be: 1m mlil‘h. . pd some Dad!) (I that 1.. H N) aim”- Ih'ihr'n «' ilh W; on him {EKG 1+ uho ul UH Lon 'd‘i Doll nu] .‘(Il h.

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