WWI ‘ j “q gighlaud garb Egms HIGHLAS D PARK. THE WEEK’S NEWS Casualties and Fires. Personal 1nd P0- mau Sages. Business “mm “‘1 1mm ABOUT THE WORLD “TELUGENCE FRO! WAR NEWS. A protocol covering the peace terms of the failed States has been agreed upou'by M. Cambon, representing Spain. and President McKinley. and it has been telegraphed to Madrid. A desperate ï¬ght. occurred at Ca e San Juan. 800 Spaniard; attacking {Kc lighthouse defended by American ninâ€" rines. The enemy'wns repulsed with :00 killed. The Americans did not log? I man. Sfua'in’s cabinet {or-many approved President McKinley's pence protocol Ind 21 cablegram was sent :0 M. (‘aur hon authorizing him m sign in behalf of Sgain. ' The junta of the Philippine msur- genu called on Consul Wildman in Being-Kong and declared that their one desire was annexation to 111.â€" United States. Secrexary Long has recommended to the president that Commodores Schley Ind Sampson be promoted tb the rank of [ear admiral. Gems. Miles. Shafter and Merritt and Admirals Sampson and Dewey were notiï¬ed of the progress of peace negotiations and they were practically instructed to suspend further hos- tiiities. 7 Gen. Henry W. Lawton has been ap- pointed militnry governor of the prov- ince of Santiago.‘ , The formal act of signing the peace protocol was performed in Washington on the 12th. Secretary nf State Day’s name was aï¬ixed in behalf of the United States and that of M. Cambon. French ambassador, for Spain. Presi- dent McKinley issued a proclamation suspending hbstilities and order: were cabled to the military and naval com- manders. The peace commissioner: will meet in Paris not later than Octoâ€" The army is to be kept consolidated for the present. as the men will be needed for garrison duty in Cuba and elsewhere. Secretary Alger says the hoops at present in Puerto Rico will be kept there. ‘ . .777, ably 100,000 men. The war (hpï¬rtmeut has been at vised through the Cuban junta that the Cuban insurgents will accept the terms of the peace protocol between theUnit- ed States and Spain and thatbosfllltles win cease on their putt. - .. IN Admiral Sampson has been ordered to proceed with his largest warships to Tumpkinsville. N. Y., at once. The monitors were qrdered to remain at Puerto Rico. Commodore Remy and the blockading squadron at Havana Were ordered to Key West. TL“. Hone and “'. A. Kenson, of To- ledn, 0.. and ('larénce Babcoek. ofGib- sonburg. 0.. were arrested at Toledo for deserting from Chivkamauga. Gen. Greely has i§sued orders raising the' censorship on all cable messages except in Cuba and Puerto Rico, and in those isl-tinds it has been limited to cl- pher messages and messages obviously detrimental to the Failed States. Adgioes from Washington state it his been determined to retain the vol- unteer army in service for several months and to increase the peace standing o'f the regular Army to prob BY EVANS FORREST. recommended to ILLINOIS Gen; Bluco end Machine omcielly acknowledged receiptof the orders {or suspension of hostilities and state that the introflione were being obey-ea The steamer City of Sydney. one of the ï¬rst fleet o! transports to carry (:00in to )hniln, returned from the Philippines to Sun Francisco. Private La Luke. of the Second Wis- c'onsin regiment. who shot and killed Private Staflord. of the regular army. during a quarrel in a saloon at Ponce. l‘uerto Rico. “as court-martialed Au- gust 3. found guilty and shot on the morning of August 4. DOIIES‘I'IC. Hoods in the Scioto rnlley Er. 0M3 covered over â€.000 acres of corn land in the immediue :icinity of Porn;- mouth. clusing a ion of over 8200.000. â€Robbers held up a. train 'on the Burlington road near St. Joseph. Ma. and 100k $8.000 from ‘he express car. The exchanges at the leading clear- ing houses in xhe I'nited SQatu during (he week ended on {he 12%]! aggre‘ gmed 31.221.929.527. against 31.187.638.- 574 the previous week. The increase compared with (he corrnponding week in 1897 was 5.8. \ There were 196 business failures in the United Stine: in 1b: seven days ended on the 12m. agninnt196 the week previous and 2:59 in the corresponding period of 1597. .. y. Large and extensi’re: coal deposit: have been discovered about 40 miles from Sitka. Alaska. Charla Raier and his wife. Minnie. an old German couple, were burned to death in their home in Chicago by 3 ï¬re started by rubbers. Thei emiré business portion of Wheatland. C211,. was destroyed by ï¬re. éuinmcrï¬eid Dennis A negro bo3 ion thin 17 year: old. “as hanged It Snow Hill Md. for killing his stepfather Leonard Rob} son of Judgr Rnb3 of Auburn. Ind and Miss Lena Rcmpu \u-re drownod in Crooked lake, m-ar Angola. . A cloudburst flooded ('larksburg, W. \'8.. and causrd immense dnmuge. The ['niiml States steamship Phila- delphia arrived in Honolulu wiih Ad- miral Miller and staff on board. and the admiral “ill misc the American flag ovvr the Hawaiian islands. Mrs. J. l'olk Deane and her sister. Mr.» J. I". Dunning. died in Dover. l)el.. from eating Imisnnt'll cand}. Fire at Frésno. (‘nl.. destroyed prop- erty valued at 3500.000 and unscd the death of four persons. The monthly statement of the im- ports and exporu of the l'nited States shown that during the month ofJuly the imports of merchandise amounted to 550.047.3436 and the expons amountâ€" ed t‘o $7L]89,742. 7 James- Dn‘in and Albert Robinson weredrowned in a lakt near Pnducnh K32. by the orerturning of thdr boat while ï¬shing. . .Q... n u.“ "“""'n' The percentngos of the bnï¬ehall clubs in xhc National league for the week ended on the 14th were: (‘int'im nati. .650; Boston. .643; (‘1eveland..608; lahimoro. .391: New York. .556: Chi¢ cago. .545; Pittsburgh. .521; Philadel- phia. .470: Brooklyn. â€1‘9; Louisville, .374; “'usbington. .354; St. Louis, .268. Sheriï¬' Fisher and†a pose of 143 men made :1 raid on a r‘rowd of negro gam- blers u! Bayboro, 6a.. killing {he of them and mortally wounding three oth- A hailstorm. domrnying 210,000 acres of min. swam over the \vosnlrn part of Foster and Eddy counties, .V. D. L’ 1‘9. PERSOVAL Ml) POLITICAL. H. A, Cooper has been renominatéd for congress by the republicans in the First district of Wisconsin. In state convention at Springï¬eld the Missouri democrats nominated William C. Marshall and Late)" B..\'al- liant. for judges of the supreme court. Congressman J. H. Davidson (rep). of the Six‘h Wisconsin district. has been renominatcd. and in the Seventh district the republicans nominated John J. Ench. V i'lr'he democrat: of {he Twelnh dis- trict of Illinois nominated J. M. Thompson for congreas. Mrs. Ellen Louise Demorest. widow of W. Jennings Demorest, the prohibi- tion leader and founder of Dcmorest's Magazine, died in New York, aged 71 years. She was a leader In fashion. lit- erature und tenq-ernnce reform 7 Rear Admiral. Kirkland. command- ant of the Mare Island navy yard and senior oï¬iccr of the United State: nary. died at Vallejo.(‘al. The New York democratic state committee has decided _to hold (he state convention at Syracuse Wednesr day. Semeber 28. ’i‘he avm()('rnts of the Eighth con- gressional district (\{Texas nominated S. “'4 Lanhnm m succeed himself. VMrs‘. Delilah Cromwell. the oldest woman in Nebraska. died» at her home in Table Rock. aged 120 years. FOREIGN. The Criterion hotel in Cormanstown. Aus‘ralia. was burned and 40 inmates were cremated in their beds. The clty of Kazan. capital of lhogov- ernment of the name namv in Busch. “as nelrly wiped out by ï¬re "(igniéinara advices date that Emu:- uel Meyer. 3 German jeweler of Sun Francilco. wan murdered In (huh.~ mull C117 for $31,000 um! other valu- President Cabrera. of Guatemdn. telegraphed to the Gnutemalm min- ister to France that the: revolution headed by Gen. Prospero Morale. Ind been utterly crushed. . a Min Bella J. Allcn Ind Sli- Mlnd E. Simon. American mksionarivs {mm 0130380. Ion their l‘nes by at idrnt in the [author 01 Yokohama. lap-v.4 Seven persons were killed Ind 41 in~ jured neu- Bonvillers. Fruncc.by the (let-ailing of A train. )ean (‘hnrln N. Null. German consul In Philadelphia. died u!3pop1eu,agrd 71 Adï¬nrs from \Xrlbournr rtport lhll the American bark('. F.unk “huh sailed from Tacoma. “(ad)†or. Ma) 23 for MI-Ibournv. has been wrtth-d on Flinderstland. Tasmania. and than H of the» on board vmre drowned. 33L It is reported in Washington that C01. Roosevelt intcmla to rnlgn bu commiuion on account ot the action of Secretary Alger in makink pubhc a private letter 0! the colour-l. Governorâ€"General Atlguï¬ti. of th- Philippinn. hal nrrivrd at Hnngéinng on hi: way to Spain. having renewed his resignation. Auzuni turnr'i (“Pf his oflivc to l subordinltr pend'ng the surrender of Man'rll. Toririblr' wind and ninnnrms were rcponed in tavern] stat". doing much damage (0 property Ind crop» I! was said nut 321i": utre lost in the recon! cloudbunt in Hawking conm), Tenn, male-ad of 20. as pre- viously rrportcd‘ ('onunl Wildman. n! llnnpk’nng. cubkd ibe sun-Jumnmrnl that Ad- miral Dewey had hombanicd Mini]. Ind the city surn-ndered unvondkion- nHv. it was n-portrd that (it-n. Blanca has resigned his ofl‘u-c as gm‘vrnur nit uha, wishing to avoid hi! humiiinting (intin In connection with the aux-nation| At a meeting of Am: rican and (‘uhnn oMr-ors in Santiago it “as ruched to ditimnd the Cuban army and the l'nit- ed States “ouid pay the men ofl. A m clone near Gar) ...I) drug-med much \aluablc proper!) besides killing a number of pc-n'lc. MI). I". W. Ill-Id. of Savannah. ($3., “as found dead in his ruom at I New! York howl. Hi- “He died abut“ the same ï¬ilnc M hrr home in Snvum-b. John SQBHPR. ti wraithy {urn-er. mur- dared his young wife and [hm killrd himself at weir home west of Peru. Con. “'hN'Ier and (‘01. Rnnsmeh dis- embarkeduiththeir regimen! nf rough riders from the Miami It (‘amp Wikuï¬, Montuuk l‘oint. Ill. The mortality in: mid to hesdgrent in the camp of Spanish prisnnrrr at Santiago that no longer are the drud buried. but I funeral pile of ten ur twelve bodies is made. saturated “ith kernsenc- and set ï¬re to. orrniating the bodies in the open air. 'BiEu- Senator \V. H. Wall wnï¬ shot and instantly killed at Smuntun. 11]., by Otto Mattias, “ho r-scapvd after the murder. The Fourth \\'i.~r~nnsin distilct reâ€" publican t‘ongrvsslonal (‘mnH-n'mn re- nominated Congressman Thvnlmld (Yt- jen. of Milwaukee. on the ï¬rst {nrmal ballot. Throo 0mm of yoll‘nw {owr and three <usprctm! t‘usr‘s ware nff‘winlly reported nt‘ the marine barracks in Key “'e-st. Fla. Rwublicans of the Fifth “'i'scnnsin congressional district nominated (‘nn- gressmun Samuel S. Barney, m West Bend. by ncclnmntinn. A! Rockford, 11].. George Ennett, while in a temporary ï¬t of insanity. shot and instantly killed his sister Anna. aged 35. and then shot himsélf. blowing his own head on. Ai San Francisco P. J. Corbett. fa- ther of James J. Carbon. the heavy- weight pugilisi. shot and killed his wife and then turmd the weapon upon him- xelf with fatal efleot. It was said an order would soon be ismed. when approved by the cabinet, mustering out of the srrvice about 50,- 000 of the volumeer forccs. R. W. Colmn. a broker on ‘.he St. Louis merrhants’ exchange, was found dead lying Irv-nu the graves of {our of his children a!Rellef01naine cemetery. He had comminvd suicide. Ambassador Bay has not-emu! the ofï¬ce of svcrl-lary of state. which wall formally tendered to him by the pres- ident. The Spaninh cabinet has dnv‘dod to order (h-n. Elam-o and a†other Span- ish (‘nmmandvrs in the AntiHvs tn ï¬ll thvir respu-tixe pushy until the «Vacu- ntion is oomph-1rd. Col. Isaac’s. Tichenor died at Ml home in Washington. aged 69 years. Mn. Women, wife of Emanuel Women. who was murdered in bed : lewd-)1 ago at Lancaster. Pa.. ‘ny sup- posed burglar: while his wife wan asleep by his side, commnted suicide. The president has appointod 'he fol- lowing commissioner: to adjua! the encnation of Cuba and Puerto Rico: For Cuba. Maj. Gen. Jame: F. Wade. Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Maj. Gen. Matthew C. Butler; for Puer- to Rico. Maj. Gen, John n. Brooke, Rear Admiral Winï¬eld S. Schle). Brig. In. wmmn W. Got-don. James Carson Needham. of Modesto. was nominated for congreu by the republican! of the Seventh California dinlrlch LATE“. hind stom- 31! all not! or k- pithy, “any when and by aim-d mrn. A «emit Iyutn nwmu III the wutnwnl u know. (or u. do: hum xrom woe wd of the hue to HR (ï¬ber. '1‘: "mm In :20- euou‘h It bot, bu then I‘uhouu And over» flout m. lime don-bk- at «u wrung-er, [run crew and [my-411p" _ :4 long ago I flood n! (nmphmh wu- [nun-d m u my. 1hr [ontnl manager n.’ lhc hm- {rum m! kmdl of [maple unn {nvri on I â€up n_\ ï¬rm (in! (If than rune {rum :1 [.r nnm’nl undenlkn. Iomt‘l‘here In All ndjuvu! Man, and (his I. that he urole “If you do not run full-r (ram: an" y‘uur line you m†n1.n rm' uunnm .‘-I\ i'uplunl er! II†not “up therr (nun-u our )nu' (Win (or far that they '1“ nu: rv-ach nlflf duhmumu l-dnn- the resurrection day."â€"5" 140w Rtpublm Lou Il- Lll’o Ian-g alien. A country boy vmlmx New York flopped I fnnhc run-v33: nun thu wu shout to dish on 1h: udnufk when» (herr It" hun‘ dl‘Pdl of tom": and chddmn Ho and their Ina, but knot hm own Handrail of live- In nved cvnv your try â€writer'- merh Rum. I‘m .1: who at hut go- Inï¬ to their mva ml : dxwrdrn 01-10m- Ic hrer, bowels Ind Mood an bmu‘h! who good mm by It All the not ghould 1;] It Font-idol. Lmle Don t: w quhzfui M (he htm that Oh. never an dunner, Inn “in! the \hmkn of mppo-r 5hr Ian ukmx he! mus“ lesson at the warm «but the asked 11 abs [1: h'. learn In NH} Hue hnrp llhh'ld, “I' In.“ save me haun‘ m loam whrn [‘I ‘3 angel." 1hr unnamed ~ hols-Me l'p. ._â€" .___. that. Into Ion! Sloo- Allen'u FIN Plan. a pm! dtr for the for! It rum [-mfnl. Iwullrn, nm‘m. Inuit". 1rd and Inn-utly mic-u the flu.‘ out of (um: and blunt-n! If: the Mud mminfl deva‘y of the A... Allen'nFLI-hlombn lwht of mm dun fer! var-y I! u I vermin rurr fur nu «hug, «Hou- urd hot. turd. m-hv mg tat-L Try It 1M1. fluid b) u! drug (- and sum tum-.3. mu park-u- PR 1 Add". Allen S, (Mm-ltd. 1; Roy, N. Y The kulplor‘l isw (Lo-â€ï¬‚ick Mute! Sculpmr- “'rH. I mppou t on: thin. \nll hf I III-"(pf (knurl- I "I (It nu... .. _ Amman Nudrm erha'xï¬ia-uutd hr mpy’ m. ur, slur Lommodon Saucyâ€"Jewel- cr- \\ cckly. Dr Hayn' (Manon: control. the Asthma. when. ll" itrhmx and Wu. checks the ourflul lymph-u. nop- an much And lush-s Mr mdunhle. at the mm 11.1- bnmn‘ uhnn' a (hung: ofconiutumm which mmvn thv cunt and rum (u may and. I! you run! to kno' thou! 11. mt: to Dr "I a. Raï¬-to, S. Y. Nocham [or book on Ayaner And Anhnu. "9 "I know but '10 mnnap my Wife " She â€Why don't run. thrnԠHe~"9h‘l so obstinau she wnn'l let me,"~â€"Txx Bnu. yu u" - [amps] nnd rc-lum.fl\\'. C Knncarwn. UCD l'|;:r.(k( 7, Cn'! Pim'l Car!- for CUE-um Mon It In A No l Aflhml medlrmt â€" “K “311nm. All Hot-h. "L. Anni H. I“. ImED BY mas PINKHAM. )lrn. W. E. PAxrox. Yonngtown, North Dillon, writes about her strug- gle to â€pin hedth am the birth of her little girl: “Dzâ€: Mm Pmnulzâ€"lt in with pleasure that I uld my testimony to your list. hoping that it my induce other: to :rï¬l themselves 0! your rd- mble medicinc “After the birth of my little girl. three yam “:0, my heuth was very poor. I Ind leueorrhue: badly. und 1 terrible betting-down pain which gndually grow worse, until I could do no work. Also had hetdachc nearly 111 the time, and dizzy feelings. Men- struation: Were very profuse, appear- ing every two weeks. 7‘ I took medicine from . good doctor. but it seemed to do no good. I was becoming Manned over my condition, when I read your ndvcnincmcn‘ in 1 paper. I sent :1 once for I bottle of Lydis EL Pinkhun's Vegcu‘ble Qan- ponnd. tad utter taking twcrthin‘h of the bottle I (eh. so much‘ better Out I lend for two more. After-mg thug bottles I an n strong and well In any " I think it hthe best medicine for femde wetkneu ever advertised. and recommend n to every Indy I meet IL!- tering from this trouble." Humanity is I. wonderfu! crpeflenee tad mnywomcn upprmoh it. wholly nnprepued. Childbirth under right condition- need not. unify women. The .dvioo 0! Mn. Pinkbnm hfrcely offered to .11 expectant mothers. ud her udvice is beyond question the mo“ vdusbla to be obtained. If In. Puâ€" ton had writcen to Mn. Pinkh‘m be- fore conflnpment the would luvs been and much â€ï¬‚aring. In. Hanna‘- uddm. in Lynn. Inn. Wall â€I. In. “no... A R anm -m¢-nt Sept 510 $5.00 n (‘Wrm {(-ule. (:Inmnnux. l'hu. III Lu. “VII. 0th.â€. "at"... in qmckly ova-mun y; m Mum sod "bud enriching quahua .g “1:“.5 Samar-11%;. Th.’ (7.1! m due curt-s that umd {Hung 3;an . quirkly as me no dimmin mg no“ mist ll Ilsa rum pumpw. both. an roam. arru'uh um Ll on.†truuu. on‘uwu'n‘ in bad. warm? o M America "I Hood’ssam' peril!- Hood'o Pl". Hr would not any Um 1hr painted,†dln-d Ind all :hai, “1".†too mutt“. pnllrman {or In.“ -- - “A; ml...†3...“; ">11â€, I may u “'1‘ "that 5h! impraserd mo ghe an nmpm‘r “PUD work."»(‘buur> Pod. I‘Mâ€"1m Calleo'o I'D-r II “0M1. usher-try. (31m wu ï¬rll manuhrtumd II In“. In Itâ€. no that In nu bu boon (W [or more than (our hand“ "an “'xll'ummm ulSonmmoucm-zrem. nut-(urn: 0 (ha (ounlry. not produce m but (rid: of 1b» kind 0! good: pmhku mh Thur .Dll arr III-3y! Mir-run, the colon I. clot! and luu Dal- en u Vt†u buyer: magma {hm MIL-ll very Imcly mu ï¬rm prrlmm. I‘d. who hn‘e not worn them I'IH do I'd] u numb" lhfl. u the move oft-31m thug. bean the brim! upuu nuns upon: the mggw hard: "“‘i‘lhzm .‘impson 1 Sons†1- not oniy the hut (hi! the work! has PW diced for {our hundrrd )c‘an. but :- doubv la. :1 good u will be made fun! in“ - M.mmn«“7r1m I'hl! 3mm! d0 I» (4 our mulls!" Hos-i:- "From the milk-IL. Nudge flow to gruv that mu. lug pr )6! It“ rents Ind .mplo uf N11." ; km (‘1:- (. Bunheiu pen u If} \\ vmn “'11-“ 1h am ('kn'en, tll‘ , \rllh Yum 8.46.1111!wa 4 P1"!!! pong". JOHN A >.\LZEH SEED K (10., 1‘ Clair. “'13 Ah" 1b“ kin-um; with Ena'und is .'o , ‘1“ Ike Jmn m :n celebrating FounhYâ€"L A. \L Hula-um. “'nlc \" (‘ Rinramn. U 1‘ A-Qum I ('mrm Rook. (‘mnnnau U. {M free books Ind mm. 3-5 (I! ( ‘znrmnah Lo Chtw noop Excumon, Sop! 8 10 year- bEnw G A R “Man-<41". 3.932161") Cu)- cxï¬mh Lo (‘hIcLam-‘uaw. Q t (' Home. ’ . (‘xralus xhn Inn-e vumv and gone un- in (be paged unuva A \\ Mum-Lu nur- C-urrl Cure II Men inter-31]): I'nor 754:.â€" TIL? leuu'r Hrumu qumn» Table“; All drum“: refund mom-A ‘3' d tannin-arr 3c. MWMSYIUPOHIS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination. but elm tothe cure wd skill with which it b mnuhctured by scientiï¬c processes known to the CAuronxu Fm Srm Co. only. end we wish to impress upon $11 the importance of purchasing the true Ind original remedy. A: th genuine Syrup of Figs is mmhetund by the Cmmuu Fm Srnur Co. only. I knowledge of that fact will u-ht one in avoiding the worth}. imitations manufactured Mother pub ties. The high standing of the Cm- yonxu Fm Srnvr Co. with the unedi- al profession. And the antimic- whflch the genuine Syrup of Figs has (in. to millions of Milieu nabs the nune of the Comm gym-nut! oi the excellence of its remedy. It in tuiu udnnce cf :11 other hntives. n it w on the kidney-t. liver all bowels without irritating or mo â€thaw-ad itdoeanotgripenor museum. In order toget it. beneï¬cial eflecu. plane number the Dune d the Compuny â€" CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP (I). out mime. our. mm [1. In ten. 3.x. To (an n ( old In 0-2 Day When 40 i‘e'u. - nun-e1. Gmtm lain-inc mile-"I7 PIL cure Yunnan]!!! â€Am“ Weather confeu.†he Iâ€. In one the thin]? .L- l ._â€".4l'. L-- 81; “11".. BOX ES 03 m They at Ind )mimmg ‘0 Hun 10 that 1“ ' ““83 am: “‘8 n (“Mn 01 mini“ an: (up beqmrw g n H nnmrn! drab 1'“ (‘1? N u‘. 1111" l H! IUY‘Y'( ' ‘1‘ gram 1? 1y pun H! QVTOF 111 PH! sat-rm; unuin (r rmhn-r 1h. dfbl‘t'la10‘d b) of "YHnM‘r P (mt-a! rum “he (uluuflu durum r_\ uh Ammugn \vï¬j of Hm Hun Iumlms “1.0 in 51> {um-dc no“ u(«TId, It mun: n n er “uvnu‘r wear" â€before not-n! I U", lulu-o ‘upuh (“liq \\ hir 13nd In) \ Lu (iflllhru n14 Dommgm T 1Lu‘. n‘. vm‘h g ( (hmnlmsz 51.11 01.1) gel 10 :npunn-nt 5mm grar “at 311.1 m prf‘b'a pulp“ evident-1‘ and aminnxiun. g mendatmh '1 state, Mr B? 1he Dumimcl innit} W!!! ‘ Snrrshya‘ior ‘0‘ or pub†paniui lnm t tummmx’. t brought fro in In anciem all Lrur tbt 10 ‘hr light: men when plavc uflsep \be‘ two van {no patina! Q‘flllol w churnin- III: Inn) " TL: {'1‘ oat-km at I and of 1M and Mainw “Aim-d4 In 2m rep Ober said i dus‘mu real emy in that Colon ure 1: In um shadv o: (“1219. HI sepulchl s ï¬led with t Marin. T (in! admin is Inn ubo “I sincere oplmon, feel (in; (hit 0: :epose undq new world: the ended! men the 3.) for his lab! Ined witnel thtdiu-uvei fending 1111 In; â€It rel! tr- admit H much nrol In) :11 the“ 11m)» vu-rQ hguum. 1!: â€we gm 1! Ibich “as not)" â€in†both were! H “The wrrc _\ :n the“ putt! :- lid} mining 40‘ l un‘i: mud prim“ :1 X1! .19.]