.VENUE. iN LUMBER DISTRICT. ,nos Moved, ked and Shipped. lTSON, interial of All Kinds. Qd Split Wood. Kindling. ,TOVES, RANGES. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, itb greatest care. given all orders. Flour DUFFY Dime Parcel Delivery. rccls. 10c. part of the city. GETABLES. Chase Sanbom Tea and Coffee BOCK, ioods and Crockery, S H 0E5. LOCK L54 ~ED ETC ods while in our hands. nn‘ Sheet- ne [(7 Order. and Sewer Builder 'HITE, 5t¢)\€5 A gum {or Highland Park Illinois. Tclephonc 54. Tea, Coffee J. H. DUFFY, Manager. Hardware. Mar. F1 Corn. TELEPHONE 46. Highland Park, Ill. Goods Delivered Free of Charge Feed. Outs. Br... 1:, Veal. Gluten, Meal Hlddllngs and Straw. iron and Furn ac “'ork . KUIST. Blue Flame W'lcklvss it to you (mm-u 1‘.ka No. 0. 20010 4001’. Horns Tucphone 18. Fletcher Building Succcssur [9 Ofï¬ce: Highland Block A. S. ALEXANDER. I. D. 0-. V. S. Fri-1n m: north an1 the south. For the s-mth. 6. 50, 9.30 a. 111.. [2,47, 3.14. Sâ€" 53- I -9 P “‘- for the north 9 12. n 39 a. m., 7.29 p.111. \lail pouch¢s clusc 15 minutcs before the dc wart urc of trains \\. _\l DUDLEY, i Postmaster. L'nrxcclled Lung Dismnct‘Tcle â€n. I Cheshmnng Tube. 1 Mcst at Masonic Hall! 1." .\L lnggils.p‘aghcm I" .‘L “13mm. gnu.“ -. .-\_ L). Fay Lmlgc, 'A. l‘i-zï¬m ‘\. Mi. Reg- ularmcaing nighks ï¬rst and {him Monday in each nmmh. a! Masonic hall, nvtr .\I. Muses \\ u . ,u independcnl‘flrdcr Forest-us, Cnurt Highâ€" hnd. Mcctings ï¬rst and thin} 'I‘hursdays of each month in Forester} Hall. \c Hudern \Voodmen of America. Mun-ling: ï¬rst and fourth thy of each month in For estcrs‘ hall. \\'Illiam Hanncr. V. (L; k. _l Rice. Clerk. 7 .. .. 77,, 0.“- Highland Park Council \rcanum. “a! in .\l¢ and fnurxh Monday nf av \V. .\. \Vilsou; accrcmrv, Ravuua 31.1% 11' x Ravima. Hcalhcutc pastor Sunday school 111.; hum-r111 Length: dqvxmum Sunday cvrnlng at 3 o'clock p. “L at T +5 such mud.†, clung; pray from 5 m 5 31'; hpwnrth Leagl. meg-ting and 30031 the fourth Fm! [nanny [HUHKIL S“ whsh M. E. Shurch «over aldu'snmrkd) Rcv. U. \Vrsshng, Dualur. unday scrvlucs 4511111.)“: Sundayschmdï¬jgn11,111.:hpmmh League. 7 ll) 11, 111.; l’rcucmng. '41-'- p. 111. lfrayr'r‘lnretmg 'l hursda)’ cvcmng a! i (in Everyone1s111v1:ed. First United Evangelical Churqh. Rem ;\. lhcfcie. pastor. sunday scrviccs: (k1- man preaching. [0,45 .1. 111.; 1611;th p1 111.;5u11day school. 9.30; K. 1.. t. r h‘angchual Assn. Rev. F. M. (iimzr'ch astnr. inmay services a! Yuung Men‘s _cadmg Room. Sunday schuol at {0.00 a. m; (unuun preaching‘at 11.00 a. 111.; \. P. S. c. 1-,. a! 6:45 p. m.: .nglish preaching at 7 :m p. m.: Wednesday at 7:38 p. m.. voltage praycr mcctlngs: balurda)‘. at LOU p.311..cat- echctlcui class at [vastpr‘s study. >t. .\l.u’y 5 K‘axhuhc Lhurch. Ru: j. (Z M..Mcn, “mar. First mass. 8.30: would mass. [0.00; Mmdny school, 2.30. Th: Hdpï¬st Church. \\'. H. \'ln:s'. pnx'mr. l'rcaching, [0. 'J a. "L, Sundd) sclnml. 12,00 mu, Baptist Young People's L'nian. n45 p. m.; preaching, 7.301). m. FILM) pravcr mccxil‘; . 7.45 I r v ang'climl L uthcran \Ir. \a‘mmau pastnr. 51 a. m. Sunday Echool, fr P .,,<sanr m hlca w Veterinary lecgc le:r.r u.»;u.‘. ,.V_, I 7 h'angcliml Lnthcran Zion'x ('hnrch. )Ir. .Va‘mmau pastnr, Sunday s:rvicc, IU.C0 a. In. Sumlay'gchool. {mm 9 to 10.90 a. m. 'nnliy ('hur:h. I’. C. \ancuu, rainr. Huiy cnmmuujon, 7.50 a. m. Sunday suhmyl, 10.00;.111, Morning prayer and scrumn. II a. m. Second cclebratinn {HM bunday in the nmnzh. gl-Zvcn song. 5 p. m. Yres‘hyicrian Church Kev. I‘fanstiehl pastor \Vnmhlp and preaching, 10.45 a. m. Sabbath schmli. 12 m. Christian Endcavor, 7. p. m. Praver service. \chncsday. 7. 5 P. I“. E. A. NELSON. Merchant Tailor. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. LLOYD M. BERGENijM. D. 1C; Hnl‘RS 1 w m 3 a1 JOHN FREBERG. Livery, Boarding, n4- DB. FRANKLIN 6. WESSON, ROOM 1 HIGHLAND ILK. DR. H. H. BOULTER, LLN‘ ‘ Dr 0 B Femald HOL'Rs .cclled Accommodatiuns for Slck Hunts and Dogs. :vtnston Veterinary Hoaplttl. Djrgctory of Secret soclgtlcs. n 5!. Johns Avenue. 1';kath HIGHLAND PARK POSTOEFCE nghwood m store DR. E. C. KAYE, n WNW†“ nrln LAaFL... vcnmg at 3 o'clock p. “L _ A‘h mud.†, clung; prayer mecnng u 5 31'; Epworth League business and 30031 the fourth l‘rnlay of each prn‘uchin'g vucrlnlry $071.0" uni Dentist... cuuacn DIgBCTORY GENTRAL AVEXI'E Suns Madv: to Order at Rcasunable Prices. Moving and Teaming Prim-s an: Reasonabre :Tcle hum: ‘11â€. 10M ans Street prayer mrcling, \Vcnlnzmluyat DENTIST. ‘xbe.L 0. R. M. No. 112 Hall ï¬rst and third Tuesdays chcm: J. H. Duï¬yh C. q R and Dentist. .\Mlh'.n Iouncil No. 1066, Royal in Masonic hall second '5 nf evcry umnth, Regent. rcxarv. Frank B. Lirean 30, 9J2. 7.29 p m an“. RES. HIGHWOOD SaleUStables. ‘0 a, m" 12.47, 3.14. Ra\'in|a.7Rcv. E J I) 301601 All 13,30 p. dcvutmuul mnjtï¬ng L‘nti19.00 A. M. 120010 1.30 P. .\x 100105.00 P. M. Hlxhhnd Purk. III Uvrlcl Horns VA. I. £059. 1 Cum further nutiL-e Highland Park Illinois. Telephone I05 Mun-tings 14p “I Ill George Conrad is very sick with typhoid fever. next next “'ednesday for Cornell University Miss Jennie Searles is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Edward Laing. ‘f Mr. viurd and fumilv Whu hnw 'lwen ()cvupmg tln- hum» of (‘ulxt‘ ; Robinson during the suunm-rlmn Ireturued In Chicago. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Vetter, a son, Sunday Sept. 11th. Miss Mary Dixon of Jackson- ville spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Holmes. Do you want to sell your cow or exchange it for a fresh one? (‘all at Alllen's dairy. Alderman Brand is building quite an extensive addition In his house on Second street. Department High Chief Culv- inan paid a visit to St John's court C. O. F‘. “'ednesday evening. Mr. James Grant and family are preparing tn move In Chicago. they expect to leave on Saturday. It is reported that Miss Debora “'hite. daughter of the late W. 1“. White. has entered a convent. Miss Edith Tapper whu has “0811 visiting friends here returned tn her home in Chicago on Wednes- (lav. Sweet apple cider frrsh from thv press; get out your jugs and call at Allen's dairy; or have an nrder delivered. Mr. Pnrkermul family Whn lulu-i occupied E. E Parrott's huusvi during the summer haw returned! to Chicago. ; Capt. _Robinson and family have returned from Benton hut-Lot. where they haw been spending the summer. Mr. Harlow and family lmw r9- turnwl tn the Park after spending the suululvr u! tlw Del Prmln hotel in Chicagu been slmllding a her cousin. Mrs. (‘. (‘, (‘ln returned. stopping :1 {my Chicago on her wnv In In. Charles H. Bnkvr mu! fumilv including tlw iHusTrinm “Jm-‘g' have returuml In ihvir mvn lmxn fnr the win ti 1‘. After â€Mr :II'Han they all sang "Hume Swu-t hunie.†)Iiss Cheney who Went tn Ashe- ville, N. C.. the ï¬rst n‘t’ Jul} is ex- pected home in n win-'1; ur sn tn spend October huj‘e “mid unr nu- tunmul glories after \\'hi('il 51m will return to Ashevihe fur the winter. The Nurthwestern ruiLrnsnl 1111\t' reeently unloaded several vars of H inch main at their water tank; this pipe is to he uswl instead of the H inch mains now in use lw. tween the ('it}' water supply nml the companv‘s water tank. Rev. annstiehL wife mu! .wn 'Cnrl. returned Thursday :lfternuun ‘from u ten days" drive through ,snuthern “'isennsin. visiting Luke fGenevn. Madisun. ()cnnuumwne. Sweet cider at Allen‘s dairy Sylvan‘ Dells opens Monday The Military .Academy opens Milwaukve etc ing a delight outing. Carleton Vail left “'ednesdny Spring bbickeus, very choice 1‘0. lb. at Allen‘s dairy. lkve etc. HP repnrts havâ€" dolightful and pruï¬tuhlv LOCAL ITEMS. li'mv «mu m couple are weiiand favnruhly known in the Park and their many friends wish them joy and hnppim-ss in their joumey through life: Imme- diately after the ceremony the young couple left on their wwhling tnur which is tnim-lude I! visit in Mr. McNahb's relatives in Indi. nun. Theywillreturn nhout ()(‘L lat when they will he at humc- in all friends. Mr. George lMcNabb and Miss! . Lily Peter-sum were married at :he ; west Slde Barber Shop bride's home in Chieagu. Wednes- JOHN H. MOHR. m. dny. Sept. 14th. This yuung: -_- Pants-cl Anon-In The Sidney tIal Herald tvlls of an instanm- of npprm-iutiun ut the hands uf 11 low] i'nlivgv which has warmed its Hiitnr's hourt and math his nonrhy cuntvlnlmrnrivs jealous. Tnbor (‘ollvgv has ilk-r0. tnfurv gin-n its printing tn thr- Hcmld win-n it Would nm-t thr prices (If inrgv ('ii)'tliiit‘1-5, Now. hmwn-r. under 11 ('hnngt-uf policy. the Hvrnhl is tn hun- 11H nf tiw college printini'. fur 1‘1- "Stills wiw n by its pn-sith-nt. Ms fniluws: “i tukv this vimv: thut vwry i55ut- of our hnnw puln-i‘ is Htin'HiSt'lHtHli for the tmvn 111111 â€11- ('Uiit‘gl‘. of grvntvr impurtnnt'ox fur us tn 11min- tnin than 1111 mlwrtisvlnvnt in 1111} other form Withnut it: nmi thv least “'0 can (in is: In turn nu-r tn its publishvrï¬â€˜nur t-ntiro- printing for them to vxw-ntv at fair [wit-vs. Nu 11mm r if SHIXH‘ of it is outsith- tiwir vupm-ity. i‘vt tin-1n huw tin- unlt-r 11ml giw thv work 11 11mm- Nu umttvr 11 snmv n: It is UHISHH thvir (-upm-ity. l‘vt thvm huw tha- unlor um] giw tln- work n lmnn imprint. 'l‘ln-y nrw nttrnvting tln attention of thv public to thv pru grvss nf tho vullq-gv. nml nrv» d.» sorving of fuir tn-utun-nl at uur hands." It is this fnwling thnt shnuhl m-tunh- (-H-r)‘ mun in his dealings with his hmn- pailn-r.11p- on which hv depends fur infurum- tinn Hf lm-nl (luings. nnd which is doing umrr fur thv mlvn-nn-uwnt of the intervsts of the- tnwn Hum 211] «if the husim-ss mm: «iflhv 1mm SHOOTING THIE V ES. The \ hull u shlmtingnffrm “\v'I at “rd Du- rï¬x- -l l n {I‘M <1n_\.~ lg!» Thv1n\\'lv.~‘.~‘_\nuth. law abiding lwnplc dnn‘t (In sm-h things hun- hvm in Hill huhit. it vim-11H uf sh-wl» ing lu-urs vtv. I urvluml. and In with u shut-3:11: um- _vuun;_v 1mm shut in his huh htn'v to say is what 11v gut. m h «lrc-ss at law from tl‘u‘ lmM'u m hum“ uml mi ruin-55:11 law him! In- 5.21“}! may from ti‘iv aniv. If hv' li'nl hw-u n? lt-nuw uml minding his mm lmsi iii-$5. 1w wmiltl Hut h'lYl' inn-n hurt Iir wne sin-ailing mmthrr mnnk fruit. was trvslmsing or Inn} lw-n in liis grmlilnlï¬. it is >1.i«i.lll|(llli‘ 5n duiiig wnsn \‘inllllinll uf tln- 111w m†H011 nml nmn. nml 1w should tukv thv (‘l'lLSt'tllll‘lll‘t‘S withnut wnmplnim. Thrn- is nnv n-r) illilx-rtllli! li‘ï¬ï¬tlll luts nf yuung fvlluws uml 11‘SS1111 11115 111' \1111111'11-1111xxs 111111 >111|11- 11111 1111115'111-1-11 11111~11r11; 111111 11111 111111111-111 1111-1 111111111- 1111- 11111 1111 _\ 111111-111111141111111111- 11111 .~ r1' 11r1~s52111111 p111 1111-11151111-5 111111 11.111-111-1r11r\ 11f 11'11111111115 111111 11r1 51111j1'1'1. 111 11111 1'111111111111-1111-~' 1111\\' 1 \1- r s1-\1r1'1111'_\ 11111) 111 '1111- 1111»- 1111-111 11111sn- _\'11u111y {1'1111ws 1111111 111 511-:11111' 11111111111 1111111 ~'. fruit. 111111 :111111111111111 _\ m-n- 1- 1111111111 11».~1.111 11r111111115 11r1111_\111111g1111511w111 111 ',:i\1'1111-111 1111- {111111119 111111 ~~‘11111 :11[111-11111111111'111'5111'1-1r1111111'11~ 111111 11‘11111111115111‘1‘ 11111111-11 111 1111- r1-s11115 11f 1111-11" crimes, L1-1 1-1'1-r}‘ hum-st nmn thunk the‘ old 1111111 f1 11' rrCSh and bait 1V1cats, usinw his shot Uu11.uulv 1191- 11 In ‘ 3 BL TTER . , 1 . , POULTRY. n ‘n. ' tit mom [10“er 11ml shut the 111x! AND £665. timv Pmplv svldum "(it hurt wivhu mind the 11' «m 11 husim S5 11ml nix-1 . Ccotnl Avt. Highhnd Pull. Ill thc 111“. lv rthruont 42. RECOGNIZINO NEW SPAPER'S WORTH. M'Ilw 1;; 1mm gut lum us hurk mu! lo.- snv is this. 114 gut. um! shunl frqm :m kfl'v'mwl fur tin-m and us n rt-su}! Ht lumlwl UII “fih HIM h't‘n "†Merchant Tailor a-rh'li "HUI " nw Mn fifred. w. Schumacber, OffICE: HAMBONF mmm '. Clothing Cleaned. ~ Dyed and Repaired. RAFFENBAKER. Coal†Building Material. and Ice. fled. (U. Schumacber’s Wt- nmkq- our «m‘n Syrups din-ct from thn- Fruit. PIOW’S and (h: Original A. E. WICKHAM. Electrical Zonsmlction, Orders Promptly Attended to. HENRY Horseshoeing a Specialty. Horseshoeing Blacksmithing . Suits leaned aï¬d Pressed. 73 Cents BDTKER SPHINKLINS WAGONS. FRED BOTKER 314 Canal Ave GIESER BROS. Fresh ind Salt Meats, 275 Central Avenue. Hm rc‘vt'HH)‘ rvmm’vd l0 his new and (-1 nnnmhuus brick shop «m (‘vntrnL l-urlmr uf l’urk au-nma 11ml hr 1‘ pn-pnrmi In «L» A} III'IH‘I I†ll!“ \\ ixh u‘unl \un'k KEEP COOL New Work. Lamps Furnished. _ All Kinds of Electrical Man-rill. A Fine Line 01 ICE CREAH SODA. Oflkc: Cummings' Phat-mu)- The Leading Market. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST ch Your Fronugc Sprin‘ui by the Reliablt .fl J TELEPHONI NO. 34 Allegretti Candies A FRESH STOCK OF ï¬tflsfbcflon GUI II nncd . B. BECKER. ALWAYS ON HAND lm-x a unln} .u \ .l“ mu Hu- IV DRINKING Highland Park . ll Highland Park. IL lusyc Ilocl DEALERS N Jll EWART, Highland Park Laundry, 1.. 1‘ ruII-IMMII lu'luv TPrlvate Telephones m Speaking Tubes. Highland Park Electric Light Co. Electric Light, Electric Bell. Burglar Alarm. Fire Alarm. w. y. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. All work executed prompgly and in HIV Mast umnm-r. SOMERVILLE'S Bakery and Restaurant, Hot Rolls and Bread Delivered for Breakfast. First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. flLEP'IDNE 26 \\'e lrr nnvr prrpnrrd to do I“ kinda- of Hannah. unrunmn work And repurâ€" wily. surh u ()1)! u urklllrh arr rxx-rn. ur usr uni) lhr best lualulal and nut [mu-nin- â€10ҠI~ x unsmtrm u uh Rood \lurk ï¬nds sen! fur and delivered to nll luarh Hf tln- (-n). (mic-rs by pus! or tvlc-phimr lvrumptl) nth-ndo-d tu A. (l. ORTLUND. W. St. Johns Avc.. ncn Io P. 0 And Gold Meals It All Noun. NEWS SHIRE. Mum's un ham Construction.