TROOPS FOR M AN ILA. W!“ S.“ Without Bellyâ€"To Garrison Cub. â€" Ayah-duo Proteus H1- Frlendlhlpâ€"Aflempt :o Poi-on Elm. Five More Regiments to Be Sent to the Philippines. Washington. Sept. 20.â€"Five regi- ments now at San Fruuciscg have been ordered to Manila. Arrange- ments for their'trnusporfation will be made at once. 4 The regiments ordered to Manila are the Fifty-ï¬rst Iowa, Twentieth Kansas. First Tennessee. First Wash- ington and a detachment of the Sec~ and Oregon. It was stated at the quartermaï¬ter general's department that the returnâ€" ing transports which ha been to Mt» all. on one trip will 59d :0 take the troops now at San Francisco to the Philippines. Two of these steamers which .wlll accommodate about half the Command are expgcted to nrriv: in I day or two. Other steamers now on their way will be sent back as soon as loaded with troops. Four steamers will be sufficient for the transporta- tion of the troops and supplies. It is believed that less time will be con- ~unmed by using these transports than 1!! ï¬tting up new vessels. A Gan-loo- !or the Philippines. Washington. Sept. 20.â€"-It was stated it. the war department that no ex- lgency had arisen which made it nee- canary to send the troops now at San Francisco’to Manila. but the order isâ€" sued Monday was in accordance with the general plan of the department regarding a garrison of the Philip- pines. That plan of garrison duty in. cluded 20.000 men for the Philippines. 12,500 for Puyerto Rico and 60,000 for Cuba. The troops to be sent to Ma- nila. under Monday‘s order will ï¬ll the complement for that station. To 'Gnrrl-on Cnbn. Washington. Sept. 20.â€"â€"It is the pres- ent intention of the administration to lend to Cuba as a garrison force for the island about 40,000 troops in addiâ€" tion to the force now in Santiago un- der command of Gen. Lawton. The or ganizations which are to comprise the Cuban gurrisonhave not all been (legig- noted yet. but, it is assured that at deast half of them will be volunteers. Within tWo weeks orders will be issued {or the movement to Cuba of the ï¬rst 10.000 of the permanent garrison and it is the expectation now that they will soil from the United States about October 10. These troops will be fol- lowed quickly by others. until the en- tire force of 40,000 has been estab- lished on the island. A [Ii-patch from Again-lilo. New York, Sept. 20.â€"-The following dispatch has been received here: “Manila, Philippine Islands. Sept. 19.â€"The Filipino government desire to inform the American goVernment and people that the _‘_-_n..~ 0t“; nun:- Ivan av . -. .....V.. V may rumors circulated regarding the drained relations between the Filipino and American forces Ire base. malicmus slan- ders or the enemy to both parties, are without any truth And are circulated for the purpose ’0: prejudicing the appeal of ï¬he Filipinos for their release from the op- ~pl'euglian and ’cruelty of Spain. A.A__ -a M... nann‘o and vnurs suu “I!“ ~- _...., v- W. W “The relations of our people and yours ‘hve been and will continue to be of the most friendly nature and We have with- drawnqour forces from the suburbs of “anâ€: as an additional evidence of our‘ conï¬dence in the great American republic. “(Signem AGUINALDO.“ ’I'Ned to Pol-on Agninaldo. Manila, Sept. 20.â€"â€"The Republic: Filipina asserts that an attempt was made to poison Aguinaldo on Friday night. A steward. it is alleged. saw .n Spanish prisoner who had been al- lowed his freedom make a. movement which a peared like tampering with I. bowl 0 soup intended for Aguinaldo, whereupon the steward tasted a spoonful of the soup and fell dead. Elev Franciscan friars are alleged to h ve'been engaged in the con- spiracy. The populace, it‘ is further said, attempted to lynch all the Span- ish prisoners. but Aguxnald.) inter- vened Sleknelu Incl-clung. Washington. Sept. 19. â€"â€" Sickness .3301); the «troops of Gen. L3Wton's oommand at Santiago is increasing. Nearly one-sixth of his force is now on the sick list. although the number .0! deaths is not great. These Souvenirs of the Famous Fight RELICS OF THE NAVAL BATTLE OFF SANTIAGO. New York, Sept. 20.~A special toi the Herald from Washington says: I As an indication that Germany hus’ been scheming to share in the dis- position of the Philippines. the au-i‘ thorities have heard that. acting [In-1 der instructions from Berlin. the Gen ‘ man commander in chief of the Asi- atic station has made an exhaustive inVestigution of the coal deposits of the islands. He was assisted by a German en- gineer who has been temporarily as- signed to his squadron for the spe- cial purpose of locating coal. 'I‘hnt engineer conducted in thor- iough investigation. and his report, which has been submitted to the Ber- lin government. through Vice Admiral \‘on Diedrich. shows tbnt the best lignite deposits are located on the island of Cebu. one of the Visayns group. . A ,,,,Â¥-.I_ ....... ‘l ï¬nn- Germ-n3 Said to lie Randy to sel One a! (he l‘hlllpplnel (or III,.. Aware of Germany's proceedings, the authorities are taking precautions to prevent the consummation of nny new plan “hich “ill enable ' ‘mm to reach fruition. 'll1c Berlin 5010111- ment, b_\ the reduction of its fleet in Manila b113, gzne an indication of its desire to remain on friend!) tan.» with this government. n.... _...e a, It is no longer a secret that Ger- many is the only nation from which the government apprehends trouble in the settlement of the Philippine ques- tion. and it was to avert the commit- ment of an overt let. that. the [uni- dent determined to so strengthen Rear Admiral Dewey's command as to make it the superior of the German fleet in Asiatic waters. Phlllpplne Natldnal Allembl)‘. Manila. Sept. lT.â€"The Philippine na- tional assembly was inaugurated at Mnlolos Thursday with great enthu~ siusm. In an interview Aguinultio (iecï¬ned to discuss the American IS AFTER CEBU ISLAND. atmy and protested his undying gratitude to the Americans. He said they had come to the Philippines to ï¬ght the Spaniards only. and. now that they had ï¬nished the task, it “a: to be‘expected that they would return to America. He was unwilling to be- lieve that the Americans would de- mand a reward for an act 04 humanity. London. Sept. 19.-'A special dispatch from Madrid snys the Spanish pence commissioner: have been nppoinied. They are Senor Montero Rios, presi- dent of the senate, who is president of1he commissipn; General Cerero and Senors Abnarzuza. Villarrutia end Garnica. _______..._._â€"â€"â€" Gen. Seholeld “PM! Not Serve. Washington, Sept. litâ€"After a half hour's conference with the president Gen. Schofleld announced that he would not serve as a member of the commiue to investigate the conduct of the war. THE MAINE Are Ownedgby Members of the Gloucester. Coal Deposits. Ngmed It Lant- Ield “PM! Not Serve. Sept. l9.â€"â€" After a half once with the presideat ‘d announced that he I've as a member of the investigate the conduct AS SHE RESTS IN HAVANA HARBOR TO-DAY. Randy ‘0 Selxc ! \\ III “1- tun-niblt' to I in (‘nluL “ilh :1 muvh smaller furor {or 'n-1l‘uvrlul:cnumial’csrrwinthc “'m'wr in lvumw. 11 la my! the mtrnlmn, ho“- its ‘ ("'l‘x‘, m wml 21.0 army of oL-cupanun .n~’ 110 Cuba until after {hr unhealthy wa- ‘SUH has pusmwi. and mmnnshilrtho Pr- * lronps “ill be put in 11w boil possible 011 . condition. Washington, Sept. lT.â€"â€"The military movements are hung directed rupLdiy towards the ussx-mhling of u largo army in scutlu-rn stations for “inter camps and prepnrntnry to the military occupativn of Cuba and Put-nu Jtu-u. About 73.000 trumps urc now invntcti in the south and orders “ill be issued sending the l-‘irsfl, Second. Sixth. Ninth and Trnth unair) {ruin Muntuuk to southern stations. The Third cavalry already has gone south um! the First and Seetnd infantry have hwn or- derrd to Annilton, and the Eighth and Sixtt-cnth to Huntnillr. This leaves the Sen-nth, 'l'wentyfourth and Twenty-tifth infantry. the Second rui~ nntvcr engineers und companies t} and H. Fourth artillery. at Montank. With- in a day or two these last remnini’ng ‘troupb will he ordered smith and (amp ‘\\'ikofl will he no morei The purpoae is to establish winu‘r camps bv‘lween (he 31:†and 3511) par- allels. The manr f‘art of the army thus assmnhlcd is destined for serum: Ll)’. Down the Pontono 0! â€at. and Taken Form-l Leave 01 HI- Alloclnlen. rotary .\ Socrvmr dent 1U: resigns! state and Kuuk nswcialcs. A1911 at Muni‘m “us re ll “0 tun-xublt-d In \‘lnnhrrn ï¬tn- llon- (or \\ lnlrr ('ump-â€"\huu1 10.000 Are Now There. situation there was entirely satisfac- tory. The instruction: to the peace commission were gm†over for the 135‘ time and ofï¬cially approved “'uhington. Sept. l7.-Assisinnt Sec~ rclary Moore, of (be state depurtmen}, has also tendered hi. resignation to the president. All Voted for Hlln. Birmingham. Ala.. Sept. 19. â€"â€" Gen. Joseph Wheeler was unanimously re- nominnted for congressin the‘EIghth congressional district of Alnbamasw urday. Though there vats do appoi- tion the vote was byprhnary and was large. Not I vote against him win cast in the entire district. SECRETARY DAY RESIGNS. Rev. Dr. Hall De“. Reliant, Ireland, Sept. 19.â€"Rev. Dr. John Hall. of New York. dled Sunr- day morning at Bangor. County Down. Dr. Hall “as on his annual visit, to Europe. He died at his sister‘n rulo deuce. His health had been broken down for more than a your. Washington, Sep‘. li-"l'he vnhinc: as in v-niun an hour Friday. Src- turv \ gcr being (he onlv nbxeuu‘e *crvmh ha) tendert-d 10 [hr pr: .1» .‘nt his romgnatiun us Hurt-I :Jr) of 1110 and iuuk {Hue of his «ubine: swcialcs. A telegram from Gemini; L Muni'm “us read phmuug that the TROOPS TO GO SOUTH. Crew of the Converted Yacht Many Persons Are Pcnned Flames in Toledo, 0. snout-neon- ( lug Ian-x llor Toiedo, (L. Sepl. Ql‘u'l‘en person- cremuwd. eight more fatally burned an-l right â€rum-1y injured in the rev. 0rd of th- numt dims‘troul ï¬re that met occurred in Tulvdo. The spon- ‘anomh «umhuniun of dust in 1he grain (Imnlnr oum'd by Paddock, “(Mgr ('n.. Tum-tiny night cam-9d (his u'rrihh- deuruviiun 01 NH. and “UHF of those “ho \u-re mken out nhor the ï¬re :3“er wns fur enough from xivnth'p duor to to]! any of \he hurnlult- downs. A LL I‘ISCA I’E (‘L'T OFF. Bu h,“ fur Lnflhvr 1"]5 1! “1n lrururd that lhe furm- U! M mrn :\|-«-Mm!1010an“OJHHIlunlmlh of grain during the niglll. Nut one nf 1h:- (‘lltln' numlu-r r-ould b0 been ‘n any purl of tlu- building. and i! wan imposv silllu m rc‘ur‘h â€win in any way. Wil- limu l‘:|rkl~ “m- found ï¬rst. He yum 20 (1‘14 frmu 1h- lmilllinp. {rightfully burnt-(1andlzi:vlnlhingulmostentire- ly turn off. He had been literally burlml from his place in the main room thrnugln a window. and his agonilfn‘ trim were most pitiful. Lumber all!" plnyr. John Farr. was hurled {ram (ha MN: flour n! the building and was found blvvdinp nml burned. with many hour» hrukru â€v (lid not lung I-ur\i\'e. Fin-man Dznix‘. Kmup and Charles Krih-r. Hm enginm-r. wrro found at thrir plan-s in the onginv-rnnms. They urn» \xrmmlwl l\_\' fulliux limbers and flu-2r {m rs “(‘rl' vlmrrwl to n crisp by UH “as Ehrruii} L.“- ukrn in a meitn mr'n nrr vimlluih-n rm: 1n 11mm! «.f; Hwy \u‘ro l‘lll]!‘,(\}' 1-hwn10r1hvirr} hm «HUM. “an! “'0“: for Fin-men. The hrul lwvnnu- su inn-use Hm! so cnr~ Hauling nu sidings nvnr the burn- hâ€: buiiding \n-rv :uM4d to H)? Inxs. '1'} :- ï¬r? (h-pnIHm-I‘x had u hard Mrug» 1111- m HHP nHmr «In-\znurs and prop- (*rh’. The hridpt- m- \\:.s on ï¬rr s: n (hr Inss of Hm is alighl, The Lain-I. Mr. Paddock, n mvmher of ‘ho ï¬rm owning the plant. said the! there was beuuwn 500,000 and 600.000 bukhl‘lb of grain in Manage at. the time. most of it bring winter wheat. The property and the gruin is nn entire 10M and win rem-h $45U1NKI. The insuram‘e is $135.- 000 on the building. and the grain in cow'rrd with SL‘SNMK). At12:20 o‘cim-k 1hr flames “on: fully under contrai. L-Ier Repon- ol Dam-[e Done by Recent Hurricane- In the Barb-- doesâ€"100 Pol-Ion- Killed. New York. Sept. 21. â€" A dispatch to the Herald from Iiurbudnu. B‘ W. 1., bays: Full rrportn of the damage wrought by 1hr rrcl-m hurricane here buu- been made to the authorities hvrc. The; n'how lhuL the dehtruc- Hun (u pruprr‘)‘ “a: not (nereuti- muted. flmugh the loss of life was wmenhut nuuHur Xhuu was supposed It ï¬rpL A5 it “as, the reports Ihow 100 {a- talitieh, Fifty thouxand persons were made lmnnlen by th great norm. The full damage is estimated at man man 81.000.000. flu h-Iriï¬v but 1 'r rut Uï¬ t-M'npl- 1 l: 1hr “nuns Mr ma 'l‘lu- familiu-s n ut-n- kmmn In in hm‘. 1H ‘1 I' \\'11‘.l“1 fur HM ‘r imwlm HthN um? fut!†r>. l‘H-nhh‘ NOT OVERESTIMATED. Poll- Comhn-Ilon (‘nnlel nullor Io “urnâ€"Ten Live- lluIIâ€"M-n) Arc- Inllrol and Sour In; Dlr. [All 0! the \"Iollnl‘ l-‘rluhH-Ily llurIu-d 1h h “In fut . Jim-ml" bkpiln‘ '0 11114-5,» all but U! the ï¬re. st-npl- nn um' hidl“ 1 us “mum! in lu- milic-s nf u dun-n x \n In 1w at “1er “i1 ~\‘v1‘.l" and “(mu-114‘ imwlsunod Lush“. nlu r.~.mm1(~n:rem YOU) \\ Dru-51hr Mnumve river e‘rn! timrs. 1m! uutï¬de - vim-znur â€11- damage n1 to dim 'I he musing > all drud. N0 (rm-e any of them. nm‘. H!- yvd n1 111v top of the 1Hl'l‘.‘f(,r [‘SCflIH‘ \\ l‘rf M h Hm: i1hin vnHâ€" in When the children their lee! wet and take cold them a hot foot bath a bowl of hot drink, a doae o? Ayer‘a Pectoral, and put them so The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Con- tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few daya, until all cough bu dia- apgared. Id cougtlina an alto cured; we mean t e coughs of bron- chlda, weak throats and math lungs. Even the bard oo 0! consumption are always made easy and frequendycund by the continued use of cherry bath the befl‘remedy known to medical science for nothing md healing inflamed throats nnd lungs. Mascot Dr. Wq Mr ceivcd 119' .nd {anal Davis and board 1113 DianDdJ day night gn- dead. some than by the NC Change (-0- Iystem. 1h phone com tut! Telopl puny. and I lied comp; 500 and 600 western M tnd South 1 oponto 1!: (ion. This tench Ibuu by wire. 3 time a Roll into rur‘h ; with «L inl feud betw nigm whe llugs' land 310., (he q1‘ man and ! former nti knife. F0 lasted. not] the deck. ï¬ gers. who‘ Finany. WI cut in nuni give up. ht *volu'r. hf hm! ‘bl There is ‘ ritory out! depend-mt new uHiant but 10ml ind '1“ b? ()R( laurdintan 3006‘ Ali in {he den] riluri‘n' am nect‘mm." ‘ to subuitu (ions, The lpolis.‘ van ‘ Nehru-ya, and in tnc‘ carry the 1 lines of ti: nude tn-dl Cleveland Sennor Ky leaving 1h: whom he pl nouncemen headquaru Oily. and l: "or himul I! the For South Dakt Much bein- mï¬‚ï¬ come wuxvhmnn CO‘ cred (in COLONE Cburlu ‘ watchman} Bart Davis? Line- Sewn-n landing. 'W and rrmr‘ Ben The: Plant“) ry Minnenpl “81101:: .W FAT x o! u 151‘)" BIG