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Highland Park News (1874), 30 Sep 1898, p. 6

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Brownsville. Pa.. Sept. 24.â€"Seventy ~nen were entombed Friday in the Em» mine of Snowden. Gould (20., oneâ€"fourth of a mile below town. as m result of an explosion of gas fol- lowed by another explosion of fire damp. or the number entombed all incaped or were taken out by tescw hag parties except eight. who were killed outright and three more or less hurt. The dead are: John Balaton. miner. aged 35 (colored), wife and two children; Salem Haiston. miner. his firother, aged 25. single; Robert David- .on, miner. aged 45 (whlte). no family; John Bennett. driver, aged 22. single; William Pritchard, miner, aged 50. We and seven children; Henry Hagar. aged 17: John Cartwright. miner. aged ‘ "14-... “fl“- (3's. Immediately following the explo- don of gas there was a second explo- ‘don of fire damp. There were 70 men ‘at work in the mine at the time of the disaster and at first it seemed an im- ibility for the 54 men in entries ‘tlne and ten. where the explosion oc- curred. to escape. Four men. Jacobs. Davis. Whetzel and Walker. who were near the entrance. managed to crawl out. and the other: with the exception of those caught by falling conl ea- «ped by traversing a mile and a half of underground passages coming out '0 - ~ ~77 __ I0. married but no children; James Hull. miner, aged 17. unmarried. The explosion in said to have been «used 'by the loosening of a large flock of 0631 which opened a pocket of It Ocean Nl‘ll' Brown-Yule, P...â€" leventy Men st “Fork In the line at the Timeâ€"Three Are Killed It Nantlcoke. Pa. ti ‘he entrance near Lynn station. This point is four miles from the opon~ ing of the mine on ‘he Monongahela river. Nanticoke, Pa., Sept. 24.-â€"By a rush in coal in No.1 shaft Friday three men were entombed and probably instant- ly killed. They were George II. Mor- gan, aged 34 years; John Shannon. aged 32..and John A. Jones. aged 25. "I‘wo other miners. John Woolford and .John Jones. narrowly eocaped with their lives. The men were driving a rock plane in the shaft and had driven 1: about 35 feet. above the adjoining chamber. which had been worked full and played out. This chamber was about 130 feet from the main gangwny. Jud a stout box had been built around the illars to prevent a rush of coal. It it supposed that this box gave way. Cervern Arrives It mania. Madrid. Sept. 23.â€"Admiral Cervera arrived here Thursday. There were no incidents worth noting in connection «with his arrival at the capital. In an interview, he said he had a clear con- fidence regarding Ssntisgo. Nations. she said, grew great by their victories and not by their defeats, however glorious they might be. Spain had lived in a. dream and she now had 11,: no“ nnd Trust Conn-y Mung. New York, Sept. 27.â€"-Otto ’1'. Ban- uard, of 30 Broad street. was Ippolnt~ ed receiver of the New Englgnd Loan and Trust company by Judge Shipman, a! the United State: cirnult' court. on a suit brought by the Real Estate Trust company offhlladelphia. and “billion Allen, of St. Albany, V(. The company was a large lender of money on western' mongages. uvcu u. .- u--.â€" to face realityâ€"Tile admiral added that‘his warships were not destroyed In battle but by fire. Duxbury, 34355.. Sept. 27.â€"-.\{rs. Mel- bourne McDowell. 1119 noted actress. better known as Fanny Davenport. died at her summer home. Melbourne hall. at half past ten o‘clock Monday night. of enlargement of the heart. She was turn in London April 10, 1850. Dilute:- In I Nantlco'ke Mlne. MINE DISASTER. an ofiGas and Firedamp Takes Eight Lives. Famon-vArcueu Deld. SIGSBEE ARCH, ISESIGNED FOR THE GREAT CHICAGO PEACE JUBILEB. It Inuit]. Washington. Sept. 27.-â€"â€"'l’he commis- sion selected by (he presidcut 10 inâ€" vestigate the conduct of the war deâ€" partment held its first formal session Monday with all me members pres- e'ut. newspaper representafives or others not' connected with the board being admitted. The session was confined to a meet- ing of two hours' duration in the fore- noon. after which an adjournment was taken until ten o'clock Tuesday. The proceedings were limited to the out- lining of a general policy and the for mnlation of letters of inquiry. The members of the commission are: Maj. Gen. Granville M. Dodge. of Iowa; Col. J. A. Sexton. of Illinoll: Capt. E. P. Howell. of Georgia; Maj. Gen. J. M. Wilson. chief of engineer: of the United State: army; Hon. Charla Denby, of Indiana. late minister to China; ex-Gov. Urban A. Woodbury. of Vermont; ex-Gov. James A. Beaver. of Pennsylvania; Maj. Gen. H. McD. Cook. of the army (retired). and Dr. P. S. Connor. of Cincinnati. Granville M. Dddge is chairman and Richard Weightman is secretary of the commission. Maj. MHB. of the in- spectorâ€"general‘s office, is to be mili- tary recorder. Provident McKinley and Party to Leave “'llbln'ton {or Ola-h- on October 10. ‘omml-Ilo- to lnwelllxue Dona-cl ol “"1! Department Holds I" Flt-t Form-l Sen-Ion. Omaha. Neb.. Sept. 27.â€";\ special to the Bee from Washington sags that Senator John M. Thurston. m-cumpn- nied by W The meeting was strictly secret, no manager of the exposition. inter- viewed President )chinley Monday in reference to his train to Omaha. Four members of the cabinet will accomâ€" pany the president. namely: Secre- taries Gage. Smith, Bliss and Wilson. with their wives. as ‘Viii(‘1(‘n..\‘eih0n;\‘ Miles and Commodore I'hilip, of the Texzu. and Aulstnnt Postmaster- Genernl Heath. The president will leave Washington October 10 in the morning. arriving at Chicago Tuesday at 11 a. 111.. via the Pennsylvania. Without atop-over he will take the Burlington {or Omaha. making a day- light run through Illinois and a por- tion of Iowa. After the Omaha visit the president will go to Denver. re- turning via Omaha and the Northwest- ern railroad to Chicago to attend the peace jubilee exercises in that city 0t} tober 18. lumbIe. 0., Sept 27.â€"I‘apers will be filed here_ln a day or two incorporat- ing a brewery syndicate will: a eaplta] of 825,000,000. It ls asserted on re- liable au‘horlty lbat Jay Cooke. of Philâ€" adelphlg. is at the head of the syndicate which proposes to buy up all the large breweries of :he country. It is said that opfions have been secured on near- ly all the large breweries in Ohio. Hon. D. J. Ryan and T. 8. Powell. of Colum- bus. and Senator Foraloer are engineer- ing 8103 02:30 deal. It is said the syndi- cate already has secured $35,000,000 worth of brewery stock and that the latex-cats finally involved will aggre- gate $50,000,000. Honor the Dead. Richmond. Va“ Sept. 2‘.â€"The “daughter of tho confederncy" lies at rest. From the time the body of Miss Winnie Davis arrived in Richmond un- til ii was buried in Hollywood‘ceme- tery- Friday business im the cl y was practically suspended. More than 70,» 000 people either took part in or grub- ered on the streets to look upon the procession. Men of national fame came (mm a dozen states to honor her memory. Ali flags were at half must. the stars and stripes and the confed- erate flag as “oil. TO FIX THE BLAME. HIS WESTERN TRIP. Brewery Syldlclte. N. Bnbcock, tramportation Jackson, .\“sl., Sept. 2G.â€"-The yellow ' fever epidemic. which in now costing‘ the Itate of Mississippi 82.000 1 day, not to mention the loan to commerce, prostration of business and a tie-upi of railroads throughout the state, in; now at its height. and the chances are good for ita continuance until the frost: of November. The situation‘ practically shows no recent change.’ The epidemic is still confined to the‘ counties of Lafayette and Ilindsfihichi are 150 miles apart. A few sporadic; cases have appeared in other counties.‘ but they were quickly isolated and the disease stamped out. Up to the present time 120 cases (If genuine yel- low {ever have appeared. from which 25 deaths have resulted. the death rate ‘ being about six per cent. heavier than [during the epidemic of last year. Soul Ilrrl l'eol’" Throuxh l-‘t-ll' Every state in the south has eat-b- liahed a rigid quarantine against all portions of Mississippi. infected or noninfected. and business is practical- ly at a standstill. Freight traffic is in a great measure suspended and many railroads have discontinued their train service altogether. Every romi in the state is operating at a great loss on account of the quarantine. “hich‘in nearly every instance in a shotgun afâ€" fair and a very bad thing to trifle with. In Jackson. where five cases have up- peared to date. fully thrmnfnurthi of the population bus left the city. and each outgoing train cnrrivs special conch" loaded with refugee: for northern paints. Th» tm‘n l) nlmout deserted The capitnl lmlldlng in closed and nearly all tlw Hate offl- vinls have gone“. The bank: of the any are opt-n about an hour vach day, merely for the purpose of keeping the time locks in order. .v\ trn-milc- cordon surrounds 1hr mun and 1.0 om- ii n!- lmw-d to emvr‘ 'I‘husc “ho duire m lune muzt gu nurlh The hunrd of health adViscs 11 mm: depopulation of xie CH5. San Francisco. Sept. 23.w:\ustrnliun papers received here on the steamer Alameda report the “reek o! the schooner C. C‘. Funk, on Flinder's ls- lnnd on July 31. with ten of her crew, all of whom Ihlpped on the well- known couter either here or in the north. Only two seamen, Albert, Krougb and John Petersen. were lxllllllnunun: Atl‘ t.” h». v. ,, tirkrt. :n Mann (1 nlmua The old eag emblem “.13 reuduptetl for the par and the conuntinn adjourned hint di LACKS VWARM CORDlALITY. DIpIom-llr All-unplarre In Patio 1‘ Inclined Tun-rd- lhr Ame-Hon- I'e-oe (‘o-mI-Hon. Washington. Sept. 26.â€"~The instruc' tions sent the American evacuation commissioners at Havana, practically amounting to an ultimatum to Gen. Blaneo. insist that the evacuation of the island by the Spaniards begin not later than October 15, and that it be complete by December 31 next. What the result of this demand will be in not yet known. but it is said that the administration is determined to tol- erate no dilatory tactics on the part (If the Spanish forces in Inning the island. although disposed to permit reasonable indulgence. Curso- Elev-led lo the Peeruo. London, Sept. 24.-It is officially an- nounced that Hon. George N. (‘urzom nntl recently parliamentary secre- tary‘ {or the foreign office. who I- to succeed the earl of Elgin as Viceroy of India. has been elevated to the peerage ul Baron Curzon of Kedellton. fi'rrekfilg sav.ed and but one bod\ hm! been re- covered wheu the Alamn‘a sailed. It wan an of I‘Mé'r Veilson. Poi-d GIIII". Chicago, Sepx. 27.~Richnrd C. (Eun- ning. ex-south {own assessor, WI! found guilty Monday of noliqitlng ; bribe from Charles Fellows. nkem for (he Reliance building The maximum penalty {or the oflcnse is a 35.000 fine. (II. o! the Schooner (‘. (I I“. k â€"0nly 'l‘wo Senna-n EI- o-pc Death. “on. In! flurry 3' People (‘onlnu No"- II l-‘e-r ol All-rk by “Yellow Jack." TEN 91512153. F-munl lu- hunted by F Cnnwuiion Hull, Saratoga‘ N. Y..‘ Sept. 25. 'l'ln' rn-puhllcun conu‘ntionl tmmitmtt-d the folluuing tickvt Tues- l day: For gnu-ruler, Theodore Roose- j welt, 0103“" Buy; lieutenant govern- ‘ or. Timoth) 1.. “‘omlrufl. 0! Kings; comptroller. William J‘ Morgan. of Erirhwt‘rrtury of Mute. ‘Jnh‘n T. Mc- Dotmugli. ni Jillian); Hate trensurrr, John lli .Yam-lu-l. ui Cayuga: Hate en- ‘ ginm-r. lithutrtl A. Bond. of Jefferson; illlOTIIP)'-gt‘llf!':|l. John C. Davin. 01‘ Oneida. | The resolution: conxrttulate the country upon ”11' conrlunion oi the war with Snain â€". war not undrruken for conquest. but tor thv Hfl('l’('d muse of humanity, and for the just protootinn of American intern-tn. The [-utriollt' wisdom. paiiPni t‘ouru‘p and l the broad humanity which dintinguinhvd ttu- conduct of Prruident McKinley during the rntlrul prriodn of diplomatic nexo- , tintionu and battle, und which now guide l him in the- rcntomtion of plflCQ‘ are eulo- gned. Tho army and luv)! it congratulued upon it. splendid \‘ictoriel, and a wrlcome home in txtended our brave Ioldien and i wtloru, who. by their courage and nucri- l ncel, hnve ndded I now dignity to Amvr- l tcan vitixenuhip and givrn new power and i meaning to our flux. 1 ._. . _ 7‘7.‘ The platform conUnueI: "\ Ina vonfidrnce that m.- prvsh elude lhla pence upon torm- “I” UH (‘uLM'l-LH‘, Lb high [>131'|m\r4v1 Hu- A! rl-ulilr (hm “Inn {in rumlullud mu Lnlhm nulhurlly In :11: Ann} uqnms u. moum-(l >1: HL’MHL‘I)‘, ‘l‘lhf int!” 1 “mom; l'iuruxunn puvwru We have an» bumrd [he nnpumnhmnes of victory, and uncrurr our flux hull none were {he Mb- equg \hv humanity and me clvmunon which Hun nag rmbodlra and represenu must remain and abide torvver The re- pubm-un puny has been the puny or brave couurvuu-m. of mu.- pro‘nu and of m- umphanx mm In the nationality of un- po-owv, and we [now than lhe president and nun-amen and Waters 0! the republican party It” mn-rl the-m- hum-n or the future ,L,,._.|.. .... nu. hnrn In!) m (‘uLM'l- Mr, Li“ )udgmtn! and \hP high [>131'|m\r4v1Hun-Ann "h‘un people “'1- n-ulur lhkl “In“ H). mummies 0! var rumlullud mu {.Mlhrh m drawn) Spam»)! nulhurll)‘ In :11: Anulh.‘ and In 1hr l‘hH» wmm .~ u- mounu (1 um um dun” nL-i ob- Hiann‘h‘, mike in I!” [uhph'of 1m Islands “4â€" nunqmrul and In Us» l'fiHHltd World. “'vcuhnolmrn1hrwh-lundulmvkXvi-11mm \Vl (unnm lunr lhrm. unmmrd (or dr- hm» hm} unlrlt-d In “Mr rrln, \o the horror: 0! dumrauc sink. or loparlmun “mom; l'iurulunn puvwru We have an» ,.,.__.. -nA as bmnly and lflumphumly u we have mrl xm xmurn of me plil " Tho mmrxuuon 0! Hanan ls commended. ulil-glaln‘c lu 1m dm-xnues of (he 8!. Louis pmxrurm 1n runeum, and [hr dvclarntion is made mm the lerHOD of rquuhlk‘un mt-mlu r.“ of umgn-ss :md 01 a r- puhllvnn stun- lvxlululure will mean that New York Hull hlnhd {or the muth-nnncr 0! (he unld standard and {or such a n-nnon of the xurrem‘) Invn~ us \Hll ruurunlm lu (he lulvorul 1h: r-uunlr)’ xhnl H’rry papvr prom- nu- to 1m) 21 dollar, usuvd under the JU- Hmrli) 0! 1h: l‘hltrd SLAM-H. shun be of almuiuh- and mum] \aluv ullh u xmd dul- lur mnn)> .md «unulnre In 1hr um nus u! Amerlvnn Lulxyr and (munmnru, 1).: l-‘mlrurm du lurtn than Ann-Hum prudmxr should 1w (arrh-d in Amrnn ..h hhllm ahd “no” 1hr uphulldln‘ of Ammunn nun hunt murmzu which :5 our shun 1n {hr rurr) mu (rude “w. u\\. Iuhorul 1h: nu- 10 PH) mum) u! almuiuh- ux lur mun) -‘ In 1hr ”mums u! Anwru'nn “MN: -m. (munmnru, 1).: l-‘mlrurm du lurtn than Ann-Hum prudmxr should 1w (arrh-d in Amrnn ..h hhllm ahd “no” 1hr uphulldln‘ of Ammunn nun hunt murmzu which vni. gn. 1» our shun 1n 1hr rurr) mu trade 0! Up wurld in lime of pouch amtcon- :muu 1 ‘ \ "I'll\\(‘lHA\hllH“1‘ld”ll‘lnl‘ot am I‘m Maxim-m rummends the ad- mlmrlmzlnn u! K;U\. Hunk, the Work of mu hulalulhli, abd m. L 41mm “11h purely IHHI' 153m :5 llhl‘ \MIHQ‘HXIUII spu'dli) wade 11n- nuunnuhun: fnr 11w Hal of NW Mun “Wart. :n 11;”deth The old eagle u.” x‘vnduplt‘d for the puny tmblrm cuxnuAinn adjourned hint die. and 11:1- DIpIom-llr All-unplarre In Pad. 50! Inclined Tun-rd- lhr Ann-Hon- I'e-oe (‘o-mI-Hon. l’ar‘n. Sept. '.‘~. “hile the reception Iccortletl the United States peace com- mission llt‘l‘t‘ i; all that could be de-‘ tired. and while the French foreign‘ office ha. taken great painl to trent‘ the Aulcrlcan and Spanish commit- Iioners in precisely the same manner, it must be admitted that the general ntmmphcre of Paris. especially the diplomatic lillll()lle‘rl’. doe! not in- clim- i.l\\tntl§ America. It i: the general impression here that the Amt-rlcan commissioner. ha\e instructions in profide for the, retc-ntim. «it Manila and the bland of Lulon. “and for a enmmlnion to pre- tend to negotiate l! a farce." said u prominent tliplnmnt. He continued: "America will put hen-elf. diplomatically, In tht “rung, who-n she exceeds the proâ€" vision- or the protocol, which both na- tion: ‘lxned l know tht Spaniard: have come anured tn mnk!‘ concenlonl: but. It the Amrrimnn' instructions are 0! u; uncompmmislnx nnturo. which is xenenlly belle-Vet] In re to be the cane. you cnn rel! unurrd llmt tho- work oi 1hr commtuion ‘ill be Little The Spaniards will retire Ind Amt rlca will at ll'hhi have to threaten n rrnumptlon nt hostilitlu before she will gain hrr [mint " 'l'hr int-rump anti afternoon union! of lht' l'ritrtl Slntrs peace commis- elonen \\1l( tl'l \tittli lhlll1‘llll‘rna‘ ui‘l'u‘r- u’ Ll» --:.u.nv \~,lilt :imi ft. the l\\\lt'lll.l'./.ll ul. u! llu “min; force. ROOSEVELT WINS. *1}nth~u){li LPIIII'I' at “It Ito-8h Rider] I by New York Hepabllv- III [or Inner-or. conUnueI: "We have nud- that m.- prv-sidgnl‘wm con- R01 )3 EV ELT uuf w m ut- u we have French (' Paris, Sept. 87. -â€" At a meeliug of the cnbiuet. all the ministers being prewux. p decision wu taken in favor of a rcxision of a trial of former Capt. Dreyfus. and lb: documents in the c.“ will be sent to the court of caustion. The crowds of people outside {ho mlnlntry of thc interior. where the cabinet council “as held. loudly cheered the mlrillers And there we" shout: 0! “Vin Brlsson.” “Viva In re- vision." vna-vu. The cabinet ordered the minister of justice. 3'. Sen-ten. Io lay before the court of cnuntion the petition otMme. Dreyfus. wife of the prisoner of Devil‘. island. for o revision of her hun- band‘n case. The court. therefore. will decide the 1.3.1 question a: to “nether the tint trial of Capt. Dreytu was viiined by the forgery committed by the lam Licut. Col. Henry. who was a wimess bdore the mun-martial, and who confessed to luring {or-god I document In ‘he case. The ministerofjustice hu announced flu! he bu given instructions that proceeding! are to be taken immedi- new again“ anyone stacking the army. The cabinet meeting wu prolonged and animated. The minister of agri- culture, )1. Vigor, in reported to have bitterly apposed a revision and it b rumored he will resign. He left the meeting before it ended, remarking to a newspaper man that he was com- pletely voiceless. E-imriea oi the Philippine Proâ€" vi-ion-I Government Arrive â€"\\’ill \‘ilii IrKilloy. REPRESENT THE FILIPINOS. San Francisco. Sept. 23.~The L_'m'tcd States transport (‘hina arrived Thun- L1u_\ from Manila \in llong-‘Kong. NI- gnsaki and Kobe. She brought with her mi [mmwngers several dimingushed military and naval incn, besides 6g- oral journalists and two rcprcsentg; lives of the provisional government of the l'hilippints who are til route to \Vunhingtun l0 plend with President McKinley for the indvpvndemce 0f the iblflnd, after uhivh they will probably proceed to Paris to ximmur Before the [Jrnt't‘ onmminiun. The Filfirinos are named Fillipe Agoncillu and Jose Lo- pt-I. the former being: Aguinuldo‘l chirf emissary In :in intv'rview ho pot. the former being: Aguinuldo‘l chirf emissary In an imv'rview ho said ‘he insurgvnu full) “(peeled to be allowed to gnu-rm lhvmr-elvu and rven hinted that rome son of agree- ment had been made with United States Consul “'ildmm regarding the outcome of the war nude by the in- syrgrms against Spain. but What “I. terms were Agoncillo would not sum. He said lhal he expected definite 1n- slructinns from Aguinaldo by cable. but diplomatically refused lo give {he slightest hint of any he migh‘ have al- ready recriwd. The Filipinos are very ahrewd and spokv English fluently. Oklaho-n Ila. A-bluo-m Accord!" lo Go“. Bur-el' All“! . Report. Washington. Sept. 26.â€"The secre- tary of the interior has made public the annual report 01C. M. Barnes. gov- ernor of the territory of Oklahoma. The report is a \olnminous document. and takes up all the questions which afiect the interest of the territory. 0n the question of statehood Gov. Barnes says: ' "Btnre the passage of the Curtll mu. changing to some extent tht statusol the five civilized tribes. and apparently poatr poning the question of statehood therein tor nevt-ml )t-arx, the sentiment In Okla- homa is somewhat stronger for immediate statehood than when 1 made my last I‘- port All political parties have thin yon! do-clared in (In or or statehood upon ouch terms and \ch such boundartea as may seem best to congress " Cpo|ole In Ohio. Lima, 0.. Sept. 2G.â€"A storm which passed ou-r Lima Saturday afternoon at 1:50 o'clock did thousands of dolo lars‘ Worth of damage by wrecking ,huildings. A large number of people were injured and one child. the six- |year»old son of Sidney Walthey, 37‘ ‘South Scott street. cannot be found. ‘When Mrs. Walthey saw the storm t l ‘ coming up she called to her son. who l . . twa- tn the yard. but Just then the torn nado struck. and the child was carried away in the flying debris. Hundred! have searched for him in vain ever since the storm. The wind and rail continued for fully an hour. Th. {storm starting point was about thm miles east 0! the city. TO HAVE ANOTHER TRIAL | Into-lo luri- Tercu Fluted. '_ l‘laya del Este, Guanunlmo BI}. ‘Cubn. Sept. 26.â€"~The wrecking com- pany engaged under Lieut. Robson in E the work of nving the wrecked Span- ! ish wanhip: bu succuded in fiouing “he crulicr Infant. Maria Teren. The cruiser after being got :30“ In! sunken in tow by the Potomac and con- ‘voyed by the cruiser Newark. thg, gScorpion and the Alvnrldo. pro. {cecdcd for Guamnnamo bay. A Put-l Accident. Pittsburgh, 1"., Sept. 23.â€"(‘apl., George J. Adlmi. aged 33, 1nd Clph Cblriu Miller. nged 22. his asz-iuank were inetnully killed “hue conducting a fireunrks (lupin) and rrprndumion of the Manila bank on un- Avabfny riwr in from of we I: xpuxititni build in; Thurzda} night. lrh ('nhlnel lie-elde- o. Rerldol ol the Dnylun WP“.- ll Approved. WANTS TO BE A STATE. CLEAN ”nuns F10". In! fundfl.‘ mi Farmers. b in“ B (‘hl’1 demolish-d .Dd ‘h‘.’ 5‘1 goid. $7.0m vet Thv {I and Willi: b‘nk. who! “rem. H! “‘11!” was ‘ ping out \I‘ 3“», LPnnn “nail ““0 weaprm h‘ “-3; return which Hm ‘ bank. 11:? help, ThPl running ha had pim'a-d ‘ako-h {run They 10nd! def and s Bloodhound of the man to \\ INT? 1' tral'k. Th (‘anuh-n an ‘he 0M ”1 railroad n Mrnr‘k pf! i "951‘ MTV Lt‘l 4m MHOW- hf: until Li} I In I” l5 '5] Ahhuufl ‘0 N 11- I“ one arr: :1 eating his‘ Clymt-rn- n pine? 011 paid fur I‘ track. H4 Hon hanG! captured I two gold ‘ as J. A. D It Demhfl Dignan ( work and} raw-m1 m4 Clymers I "an Vic money. who nnw ny: he $1 watch" t: of jevwh'] Dignan a! Mninrd w‘ A hand on where he hmtfi or H been a to! fblos on Mr Le- jured “1'1 Hun “H I paid it {u a lurpr u: some Amid rivr. Mr: robber! 0‘ expected 1 1endrd 10‘ old. In fl missrd ("1 there “kl" none mas] APPRO' Wuhinl .000“!!! 1 Dewey ‘ Abbcy. u patch". i cahlegral n the rum Navy Du A-Iwo‘ o! ”lunill. formation boy left I of nrmu '1 and found rived (hm: Then we: "fund m M pawn her hrre, Tm- Mun ll miner L'nIuâ€"d Eu tom-non the lam-4 The nm Ipprmed Indicated which w. “Wu-h" MAN“: I owned vol able to In “on o! m Londo: ported fl Kane; 6 has brel: being ('0 Emma (1' Winner b Win 1m”: Mill 1'“ n. \V DO. 1'1!

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