HERE is a Vermont idea of acme merit: let some of our Endeavor or- gnnizations try something like it: it won't hurt‘anyone. "On Thursday evening. tlie Young People‘s Chris- tian Union to ihe number "of thirty- four, through, the kindness and court- esy of Lemuel Davis and wife, took a straw ride two miles up the Pop» C‘I'XNINGHAM Geikie D. D who! “ rote the most scholarly. copious i and popular life of Christ ever puh- I lished died last “eel: October 6th. § at his home in 1 quuemoutb Eng- i land where he has lhed seneral ' years in retirement He was born I in Edinburgh Oct 27 1824 passedj some years in Canada “as ï¬rst a; Presbvterian and then an Episcopa- ‘ lian. . , W1: congratulate Editor Burke ufl ‘ the Antioch News on having got so 9' curely and safely 111to 111» he“ ground 1 floor ofï¬ce, “8 know “ hat a con- venience {hat 1s oursehes. Brother Burke says Candidate Foote's reliv- 1 ions views are no part of his qualiï¬â€" cations for county treasurer. “8 did not km)“ be had any religious views tlio1wh perhaps after the ï¬rst of- November he will beliere he was] "elected†to be Lake'County Treas- I t ( l i l I \ urer For tl1e'PeaL-e Jubilee 151111 at 1119 Auditorium, Chicago, 50(1) invitzw tious have been issued with tickets 0; adiqjssiou at $10.99 eayb, W1“? several little “citrus uppeiiéé'd tljereunto. Tickets will be solgl to a'mone and no questions 33 to moral character. pedigree or previous 8911 (lition of senitude will be asked. H\ROLD, the 16 year old son of b511ker B) ron L'. Smith of Lake For- eSt. beat all the crack players and ‘climnpious at golf on the Uutweut: sia grounds Saturdgy afterlxoon. to’ tlie confusion and consternation of the old Wigé headed zltlllef'éé Good for tile bov betlrel for bis father arid best of all for the Smith' s. whom this young man puts umch- in evidence. and deservedly 90 Also. T111: publishers of the \Ews re gret the delay In issuing their soma- nir illustrated edition this weak, 21121 they had‘inten’ded. It arises from their inability to get all the cuts their patrons want inade in season. The work is well tuider 11‘ qy and will be out next week - -â€". _ g. THE: pnbtljsbers oi {the‘ Waukegnn Gazette are going to issué a semi- weekly edition. When they know more of the practical work of the newspaper business, théy will be “is; er men. This semi-weekly will ‘teach them some things. A'éitizé‘u'of New York V're'a’d tlhe mcitning.paper recently and than féll dead on the aidew alk Nx) wonder th§gaper ocptaiuad a ptogram of the Chicago Peace Jubilee and Mrs. Potter Palmer 5 jubilee ball.- \_ Advmng mud. Ian' an npplhuou at this olflu LEWIS'B. litmus; 4' i EDITOR. A. 3.11“â€, f‘ BUSINESS MANAGER. En‘tgrcd I! thg‘ pose-Ollie: {af- Highland Park: 111., hiqï¬hKM‘m‘ncr. Editors Nuance.;- - S‘- . No. i8. Business and News Ofï¬ce, 3 No. 92. Published in the mxcpstq Park. Highwoud ‘anfl Rdviqiq ~. I . aftcr’nnon h\' 'l‘crms, $1.00 r year, 50 cems for sh months, 30 ccn‘; or three months. 1 The Highland ._Paj;1;; New; (Mice: in :Ncwi Building,- 255 Conn-f {\chxm. Highland Park. Illinoés. www.moc'roï¬hn 14 g $31,“ of flagging The city had :i populatiun of he- tween 1.30:) and 11-400 and was "in- creasing rapidly," which shows how fallacious the objections to our hav. ing 3,016 last winter 3 There were then three churches, Baptist, Pres. byterian and Catholic with “several thousand dollars promised wward the erection of an Episcopal church." Taxes were very low here; In Chic. ago the taxes on a $10,000 place were $250, ‘here they were on a $1,500. only $13, A 30 foot lot in Knowing our low of antiquarian lore. just as ï¬ll.) “a: groin;r to (‘hir-‘ ago, Mrs. Bingham h‘tndml us a pagkagqof local and other don-unwnta‘ lln- ï¬rm and we found sen-ml “'0 prize instead of throwing thsu'n into‘ very much, and let us say, “'9 wi~h l 5 other people Would do the» name with their old bundles of papers, patnph ‘ leta'etc.â€"‘ ()ne of theiie’was an eight page circular issued by tile High. land Park Building company. with. (gut date. setting forth the attrac- dam of thedity‘.‘ It contain! a double page tut of the new “High [and Park Home" the old Highland Hall. of “hit-h (i Dutht-ld proprietor and it was $7-“ _ *. - was the l "auknowlmlgw ell hy disinterested partica to heon? of the moat completv and heat furw nishwl hotels for ~~umnwr tho United States." about that. This season: the ï¬rst one was pronounced H‘Nl â€â€˜1 W as ~wary successful and satisfactory to all interested." in I Nothing small ‘ the second ' The Company had jnut built a‘ iier Fletchers 8â€"â€" one thousand l [feet long and frequent exrursimua by boat were in prospect hvtwoon this" young city and Chicago, thonaproa. 3 porous town before the \Vorld‘n Fair and the l'niyéraity of Were dreamed 'of. ('liit'agty 3. 11', 6.27 and 9.29 p. In. The ofï¬cers of {110 Building cum- pany were :15 (011mm. 1}: __wit: President, J. E. Tylm': 'l‘rt-zlsui'or, (‘. R. Field; ‘Sel'rotnry, Frank 1’. llawkima'. SQ’Prl‘Iill'y with the follow. in}; directors: .1. U. Sui-tun. H. Booth, H. E. Gnmlell, ("r; L, \anu. H. 15. llurd, E. L, “l'e\\\I(-l‘ :md \V. \V. Evens 'I‘lu- Chicago :unl MiAuwkve rail road ran tun [rains 51 da ouch wag mi folhm‘s: mum 9,3" :t. In ï¬g“) and 11.00 For some reason the notice of his admirable and instructive discourse on Hawthorne did nut get into last weeks' paper. Next Tuesday comes his second lecture. There was a comical side to Ememwgs life; as serious as it was to him. The idea ufhis preachinghlwaya struck us as Judicrutiéfhs much mi it would be for us to put on a sober face and prac- tice humeopalhy, ulbeitmve tried it once. But his essays have puwvr and force and ï¬nish, and we antici- pate much from Prof. Rulfc's dis cussiox'. Don't fail to hear it. rpie Dungqon road to Miss Edna -Davis’, bho has been an invalid for more than a year, and held a s irited 941W! dév "“ aw As will be seen elsewhere Deuison Huntington of‘L‘ï¬ke‘Zurihh is in the ï¬eld for county clerk. While we are not exactly 0! the same political faith as Mr. Huntington, we are {yank 'to say there is not a 'moreclean hbnorahle, reliable and elï¬ciént man in Lakq‘County than he in nude-very man who votes for him ‘votes for a ï¬rst clas‘s man. Mr, Hendee is our ï¬rst choice but Mr. Huntington in a ï¬rst claps man. He was bo'm in the] right siate too you know which one] .‘I'IIU-Vn ‘ ‘ ing, twenty taking part in prayer undispeeoh' nu. ..\ :h w" 1H 0.15 PROF. ROLFE'S LECTURE AN OLD DOCUMENT. TRAINS TRAINS .Vom H |. "L. 1.00. 4. Ill SUI‘TH "m a. m. 2.2.1, In 5.30 a V In January and March. the Si‘t'lmtl ()nv bring u rendition (if 'Huydn‘x Creation: nothing small in tho-si- folks†plhlllfl’ylld what in lx‘ttvr nu- ltliing small or Weak or defective in‘ lilieir work. It is inspiring to hun- U“ local society talu- hold of one of, ‘ Huydn's lllilstt*rplt‘£‘te§. We hm‘t- l iheardtheold Boston Handel _und lHaydn do it, but for our local (‘horal ito do it “ohstupni. strteruntqne. lconme " said Virgil. Bravo l They don' t clliim that merihod) i lcuii ~ing, but they want all who (uni lto do it and the) will teach them to ldo it better. ‘ Active. that is. we sup 1 ;pose. singing Inenilwrship is $4.0†lper unnuni including tickvts to tlw loom-arts: whiléiassoclnte mmnbership Phat. i5.t.huse who want. to: sing but can 't is only $3. 00 inéliiding tickvts l ‘to the concerts. This iii an inhtlhlr l ‘tion to be proud of aisi‘it‘ marks tln- rank of our civilization. It is an in jstitntion “hich oul) a highly (:ulti l lvavéd community can organizv and l Last Sunday's Timex-Harald had a very nm- colored account 01 Hm present condition and a glowing prophecy of the future grantnms ot Wuukegun. whose name it predicts will be changed to North Chibago. Yes. when rivers run up hill. As a whole‘ it sets forth our anhurl) in ï¬ne shape, for Waukcgpn is destined by nature to be a great and import- ant city. Chicago at. one and a busi- ness, manufacturing. commercial, emporium and Waukogan at the other end. and all lxstween residence sections. muintuin tn-nsurvr. Hunky Wu Mi» Turnle)‘ lihrlarizu} Th0 sobic‘ty will giw 111 January and March 0va bring u rendition THE CHORAL SOCIETY -We are glad to know that this ï¬rst class musical organization has rm. the gauntlet of the long summer vacation. and ;starts in for its 51)in 'years' work next Mimduy evening the 17th. at the residence of Mrsi NEW? R. Jones nu (‘Pntrul awn-nun. As lust .Vt‘fll" Miss Wycuï¬ istiirc-vlnr and Mrs. June-z. is auwmpzmisti Mm, (‘urH-r is president: \m‘rc-tziry and trt-nsurvr. Hunky Winchester: with A “partial list of result-ms, moat ofwhuln lu buï¬inms in Chicago." in given, .87 names in all. ul’ whom M only are hem now. the halam-ie (lt'tfll or moved away. The (‘umpany had 6 alrvady “laid out and grailr-d mow than twanly miles of sin-ens. whom harp-mine. windings form the mm! attractive. driven in the country; while {ruin the hluï¬ tho-re in "a mag niï¬cient virw of Lake Michigan. will: the white sails of conunvroe con stantly passing and repassing.‘ For further particulars and rail mad tickets inqui‘re (J Frank " Hawkins. mum 1. .\â€"'o. 123 Dearlmrn strm-t. Chicngu. The schools were three in number and all “under ï¬rst class manage- ment." Those Were the tim‘gs, we suppose, when W. S. Lasher‘taught the young ideas how to rhoot. As to sanitary opmlitipns, “there can be no dnuht an to the healthfulnesn of Highland Park {or there was plenty of “fresh air and purewater and both accessible. and the def}; rarinen “‘ providing perfect draining. such an all had six or eightyeum ago, just before the sewers were built! Chicago then cost .10 000 here It SIS. per foot; 3 100 foot 10: would cost 81 500 The interest on a 50 foot lot In Chicago at 10 per yen! was 81.000 on 3.100 foot lot here ’815‘0, or $850 saved in Interesl hy havinga home in this. what the cir eular modestly styles “The most beautiful suhurhof Chicago." Trains made the amazing time of “one hour" from Chicago here, and hence all through passenger trains had to “stop twenty minutes for refreu's- menu at “ aukegan where (‘ harlen B. George had I depot reflumranl from Whhh he coined money like a mint Hem; those 35’qule {we (‘uuvvrts l , Call at Telephone Exchange and inspect new midence fparty line instrument. ' Thispartyline instrumemhasbeenusedinChicago with jsuch great satisfaction to the subsmbers that it is now to be iinstalled m country exchanges. ' STOVES RANGES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS D. A. DRISCOLL 5: c0., ; “.3“de €XCMIIQ£§ _ . Sundries and Repairs of All Kinds Tlil. Shoat-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. lthICDCQI Pm!" and Vmuflu Roulvod Dolly. Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS (â€SHOES OFFIBE All] YARD: ST. JOINS AVENUE ll WIBEKIPISTHIBI. TELEPHONE 67. . .. , Practical Plumber "-4 Sewer Baiider . A. ROBERTSON, 1 , ,3 Lumber and Builqip; Material of Al} Kinds; 2 C. A. KUIST, Tin. Copper, Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Hardmdsatwsawdaï¬dï¬mwmmxmaung. Good: the Bat. ' PM are Reasonable. Hardware. GEORGE B. CUMMINGS. Manager CATCH BASINS CLEANED, ETC. Bicycles to Order From 835 Up. C. H. WHITE, IAIYE ILOCK. MMVQMM‘M Hi bland Park Illinois. T phone“ ~ ‘ mtmmumm; Highland Park, Ill. Wet n â€(.lnnuy Holyoom 10.00 | 00m“?! II I. In. lb: mmé‘ Presbytenu Wmhlpjnd school, I2 I Payer nervia Enqclk Mt. balomn I. In. Sum bl. Mnry'l Mnddcn. pn- mus. 10.00; Th: Bu ' Preaching. I um; Hamil Livery, u lolluwu E Lengue. 1 u Prayer-med Everyone II Fin! l'nh lhdelc. pa: nun pruchu p. 111.; hund: 6.45 In It; 7.30 p. [IL buyer meet! echeucml ch Merc nghland Arcanulu‘ Ind fourth I “C A. “'iil hum a m 8‘ meeting and month. Sweduh M‘ Kim. () “j Clean], Ei.;]-prod Sand: ' mm m 7 A ench ench month'! Modem W hm mud (on calen' hall. Kbcz. Clerk. A. 0.15 uhr need: each mom Knvlmu “.1 lie-(hunt p1 ‘ 5-33. 7- 'P‘or the m Mlil pl depnrlum For me sow ‘I :0 ‘1 Ftom the m From the 1 Uncxcclled ofï¬ce Huhlnnd 1 own-1 no 2(MIU4 0 HUk'R!‘ Evuwelj Che-hum led at M. [adept] 12.07. 3 55w!