“We welcome you here tonight, for thethird time to the pastorate of this church. We again welcome you to our homes and grant you the freeâ€" don of our lire-sidei, together with an eqiial enjoyment of suchbleasinge of life as have been given us. And above all, we welcome you to our hearts and into the midst of our Christian lives. ‘ While we. do this we look forward to the enjoyment of the rich blessings that flow from the a‘mple teaching of Christianity. We look forward to the teaching that is to come from our pulpit to influence for good all who listen; a source of information to the young, words of wisdom and knowledge to those of middle life, solace and contentment to old age. JUDGE COHSTOCK'S WELCOHE The following is the address of Welcome given Rev. Edmund John Heathcote of the M. E. church Ravin- iu, October 2011:. 1898. by Judge (Iomstock, by request of the people of that church and society. The privilege of enjoying your sermons will not always last. You will not always be a student at the Northwestern University, nor the pastor of this church Progress on! ward and upward will be your mas; ter. When you have gone out into the world and joined in the great contest for the maintenance and ad vancement of Christian thought.your course will he upward until you stand the peer of any living man in your chosenprofeegiiou; but our love our conï¬dence and our benediction will follow you everywhere. We may he pardoned if “‘0 are vain enough to see a connection he- tween this church and community, and the Northwestern University. When you have left, you will not he the ï¬rst. Others have cmne to the University and to Ravinia and gone on their way to SUCCPHS. Reports of their achievements come to us from the states of Wisconsin. Iowa, and our great Illinois. We are justly proud of them; the. mite and the opportunity We gave them. aided in their education and helped in their acoomplishmenh and assisted in placing them on a plane where they could do their bent. When WP send you away. we shall do it in the full conï¬dence that nothing can occur to tarnish the lustre that now surrounds your name. The reherasal 0f the simple teachings of Jesus Christ will be your motto then as now, leaving the hair spliting doctrinal questions to those whom God gave but asingle talent which lies buried in the ground. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. Allow us all to congratulate you on this your 28th birthday. May they continue with every cycling year for more than a generation to come; until you are ï¬lled with wisdom, and you are white and hoary with age. Then, may you hear your Master calling “come unto me, good and faithful servant enter into the joys of thy Lord.†Mr. W'. H. Emerson. who ownâ€" ed the house across the street from the Military Academy. and lived in it generally summers. died Tues- day morning in Chicago. Some two years ago-his health became so low that after taking the best medical advice he went to StLuke’s hospital and had one kidney reâ€" moved. His recovery was rapid and seemingly complete, though this season he showed symptoms of failing health again. The fam- ily returned to the city only a few weeks ago, since which his decline has been quite rapid till the end came as above noted. The funeral was yesterday from his Chicago home conducted by his Chicago Masonic lodge. and the interment at Oakland cemetery. He leavcs.a widow and young lady daughter. We are satisï¬ed all that thiev- ing was not done by our school boys if any of it was. But nnotlwr family imam-r the public school Complain of tho robbingaml break- ing (lown oftlioir fruit ti‘oos by the school boys and they have pro~ posed to cut down thvir trees to keep away these- lawless boys. All this can bostoppod by ï¬ling a vomplnint with the city attorney or police judge. Erskine’a. Butteriok patterns for sale m Miss HR. EMERSON'S DEATH. Schneider Cooke, W. J. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator ‘ and Paper Hanger. All work executed promptly and in the best manner. D‘FHBE: HABTRDNF KEMMEBEB NEWS STORE. Highland Park Laundry, BASYE BLOCK' HIGHLAND PARK. First Class Work At Resonable Prices. V l. B. BECKER. Merchant Tailor. Suits Cleaned and Pressed. 75 Cents GIAESER BROS, Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Fresh and Salt Meats, " fE EP'IONE 25 Dealers In Music-I Instruments, Strings, Etc. POULTRY, FISH, BUTTER AND EGGS. . Central Ave.. Highland Park, III. TELEPHONE 42. The Leading Market, bloods sent for and delivered to all parts of the city. Orders by post or telephone promptly attended to. A. 0. ORTLUND. manager. sulsftcflon Guanntcd. REPAIRING NER‘YLV DONE EYES YEsTED VIII. Jewelers um Opticians. Ladie's’ and, Gent's Btsyq Block. DEALERS IN