A BOOK FOR BOYS. Many books are written for boys that arerno good for them or any one else. But here is one written for boys that is good, and the writer tested it as he wrote,â€"by reading each successive chapter to his own boy as it was written, and so writing that the lad’s deep interest did not flag from ï¬rst to last. If any point failed to interest, instruct or stimu- late the boy’s best instincts, it was rewritten or wholly eliminated] In other words, the book is constructed on an exact level or plane of a heal thy boysmind, ambition and know- i ledge, hence it hits the mark in every i incident, personagemotive and event. ; The result is that every boy,~-whether : he is twelve or sixty years old,‘ will i read every page with zest and inâ€" i creasing interest. i The author of the book is Byron i A. Dunn, the late editor of the-Wau- kegan Register. It is Well, we may say admirably written, not a slangy, coarse or slovenly sentence in it. Mr. Dunn was a Missouri Unionist dur- ing the Rebellion. and it cost some- thing to be loyal in those border 1 states of Missouri, Kentucky, Tenn- essee and the Virginias. The scene . is laid in Kentucky and Tennessee, the chief battles those of MillCreek. Donnelson and Shiloh, and in these i We understand Mr. Dunn took part, and so he writes as “one who was Highland Park Council No. 1066, Royal Arcnnum. Meet in Masonic hall second and fourth Mondays of evcry mumh, kcgcnt, W. A. Wilson; secretary, Frank B. Green Modern Woodmen of America. Mcctiugs ï¬rst and fourth Friday of each month in For- esters‘ hall. William Manner, V. (3.; R. j. Rice, Clerk. .., ~_v..-..., .. ‘u gun], \.. u: n A, U. Fay Ludgc, A. F. and A. M. RegA ular meeting Highs ï¬rst and third Monday in each month, at Masonic hall, ovcr M. Moses at 11'; store. Indepcndcnt Order Foresters, Court Highâ€" land. Meetings ï¬rst and third l‘hnrsdays of each month in Foreslcr's Hull. Chcskotung Tribe, 1. U. R. M.» No. 111:3â€"~ Mect at Masonic Hall ï¬rst and third Tuesdays F. M. I‘llg'zglls,ISaghenln_; Jz‘li. D_ufl'y,r C. of R‘ ‘ 5.33, 7.291). m. For the north 9 12. ll \lail pnuclus close If department trains. W. From the north . . . [2.47, 3.14 p. m. From the south, 7.30, 9.12, â€.39 a. m., 12.07, 3.25, 5.37, 7.29 p. m. , tum-Autumn. For the Saudi, 6.50, 9.30 :1. m,, 12.47, 3.14, Dircctory of SecretSocIQtles. HIGHLAND PARK POSTOPFCE AIRIVAL. â€.39 a. 111., 7.29 p. m. 15 minutes before the W. M. DUDLEY. Postmaster. WANTED. F But as aihistory of those times in Kentucky and Tennessee, if what loyalty meant on the border, of its high-toned, ‘seff‘sacrificing manhood, : with its perils and penalties this book has no superior. It is true his- tory; its description of the awful battle of Shiloh we regard as unriv- l alled, and We have compared it with I standard authorities. but Dunn was in it and he knows. We like to ‘ praise the book because of its moral tone, HO high, pure. noble and inspir- ing, and yet there is not a line of “preachh in it. We have read every page and line. with pencil in hand {or criticisms, and could write them all on the back of a postage stamp~ an Omaha one. We know of no $1.25 book we would sooner buy for a boy than this, and we wish every boy in this city, in the land could read: yes, own it so he could read it again and again till he knew all about Fred. the brave and fearlees scout, his cousin Calhoun, his father and all the rest. It is published by Gen. McClurg home of Chicago. in their best style, and there is none better anywhere. Get it for your . boy, or some other boy. i daring and brave “General Nelson‘s Scout,†and that’s the name of the hook. Fred has a cousin whom he dearly loves. who is as strong a rebel as Fred is a Unionist. The book tells of Fred’s noble blood, his rever- ence for his mother, his love for his father, and his loyalty, and then of his daring exploits for Gen. Nelson, Thomas, Buel, Sherman and others from the battle ofBull Run to Shiloh where his father was wounded and Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson, the ablest rebel general then, was killed. It coet Fred many trials to be loyal, with his father and all his living re- ‘ latives on the Confederate side. ' dead mother was a high toned New }‘ Engiaud lady. loyal to the last to the 1' old flag. This boy becomes blufl', children, to occupy with fuel, light and ran taking care of two lmm the winter. Owner w feed Must furnishgmxl Address 31. Haws. J [ there.’ The hero is a young Ken- ; tuckiun, perhaps sixteen years old, g his father a rebel planter. while his THE HIGHLAND PARK NEW ght and rent free, for of two horses during Owner will furnish man and wife, no occupy reuidence refermu-e For the COHIfUFt. C("lVf‘Jliane and safety of your home have a telephune in your residence. Chicago Telephone (70., (km. B. Cummings. Mgr. Minn FOR SALEV A No. 3 Drop head White Hewing machine. Will I)» delivered direct from factory at wholesale priceï¬illlw Rexailï¬ for $65. A ran- opportunity .lur any- one needing much a machine. Apply at this ofï¬ce. TO RENT~â€"8 momvd hum-av, mod- em. large garret.2 floors and base ment, furnace, electric lights bath, but and cold water, laundry, etc.; 1911;: lease to responsible tenants. Address lmx 202 Highland Park. TORENT «Modern house for three years. to responsible parties only [2‘77†‘ I I l ‘ ‘ ‘ FOR SALE â€"~Fiue heater. used one season (Royal Red Crons,) chéap with pipe and zinc; 1 bed room set, painted panels, I foldingbed, 1 hair mattress; l globe lamp; 1 ï¬ne violin with case and bow. Ad- dress 202 Highland Park, Ill. FOR SAL Eï¬Two thoroughbred brown leghorn (0(- korals $1.01) each, ifsold atonce. John VVy- (:,uff St. Johns Place. “‘AN'I‘El)â€"~l{vliahleman, in (Illa vicinity to open small ofï¬ce and handlé my gtiods. Position per- manent and good pay, If your record in 0, K. and you want steady empinyment, here is an opening for you Kindly mention this paper when writing. 7“ WANTED-I A small cottage, or 3 or 4rooms, unfurnished. Rent mmiemtegm} barium? Addiemrm box 77 Highland Park. [All items under the abovelwadixms.1m‘lud hut Situations v mtcd. Help Wanted, Lost. Found. Etc. 5 Cent- per Line. pedal r at ca made known un appliratmn u! this olï¬cv. for more than um: iuseniun .J FOR SALEâ€"~13 . I -/ Furnished or unfurnished. May or sooner. Address box 202 High- land Park. ' other fdrniture. Enquire of Mrs. Wainwright, 73 For! SheridanJll. A: T. Monms, Clnciihatil) FOR SALE. T0 RENT. ETC Less Than 7c. a Day bedroom sets and