block. Thom is another thing that intvrt'ats UH, H HlHnVfl that Mrs. Buck is proflpnring in her husim-sa, and that spvaks mall fur lwr and tho (-ity. Bit-alderman Bock is not a great talker; he did not have the gift of gab in the city council, but he keeps up a perpetual thinking. And soall summer he has studied how to im» prove the front of the big Bock store and now the public can see it. He has rebuilt that entire store front: the old windows are gone and in their places tWOlDigJIEHVY plate glass 5x7 feet panes, besides large tran- some set low, with hard pine deep inside settles for displaying fruits. etc. Then those old style double doors have disappeared, and now you find a single, broad, colonial door. with a plate glass upper panel. ' All the new inside casings are (z‘reorgia pine. to match the'newnhelving etc. put in last winter. Mr. Bock is not only his own arch- itect, but his own carpenter, hence the neatness of his designs and the thoroughness of his work. These improvements will do more to give that west Central avenue a genuine urban appearance than anything since the erection of the()pera house A luanexhihituf “Artsmd Crafts" was another very interesting feature 0f the afternoon. At the close Miss Millills played Lacks “ Song of the Brook." Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Chas Rice Were the hoStesses of the afternoon. The afternoon wax-«devoted to high ideals and Rmnanticisln in Art. Be» fore the reading of the paper, Miss Kate Freeman of Chicano played Schu'wann 5 ,._- ‘5Edï¬chingschmwk."- 'lhe Sfll'vject '0? {Trader}. was Slr Ed- ward Bourne Juneau, England a I’uet Painter, the essayist Nellia (‘ulver Shields. Short skvtches were also, read by Mrs. Henry Street and Mrs. Francis Jones touching on the ideal hmne life of Sir. Edward and Lady â€nurneuloues. THE OSSOLI CLUB. The 0550“ Club held in: third rev ulnr meeting 'lhursday afternoon. Dec. 151, at half past threeu'cluck in the Highland Park (‘luh Hulisa. A BIG IMPROVE/HE NT FRED BOTKER, 314 Cntral Ave thland Park, Ill. Fred Bother, 314 Central Avenue. For. Job Printing Central Avenue East. This party line instrument has been used in Chicago with such great satisfaction to the subscribers that it is now to be installed in country exchanges. Call at Telephone Exchange and inspect new party line instrument. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS â€9 will new yuu ri M as (n priu' and n!1dfhemmlxlyuf lis vsnrk will num- than satisfy you Addrmwur Hull Teaming and Excav- ; atlng of All Kinds,; (y'vt Hulln's frnm Promptly and neatly executed at this office. Prices as low as is consistent with good work GEORGE B. CUMMINGS, Manager. OFFICE: HARTRDNF 8s KEMMEBER NEWS STORE. All wurk uxovuted promptly and in Hm lwat munm-r, The News. w. J. MCKINNEY, ‘aintcr, Decorator and Paper Hanger. residence