1111!. was warned tqu. Lynn Nutter, vldvst sun uf Mr. David Ruttvr of (Ihicaflgu. . 'I‘lu- wedding. thuugh u 011‘!“ - flap , . q (-19:30; as 0116 “L’JUNI‘: prmtumt j » p ‘ . *eVfl"%u‘$‘wHiï¬hlaud t‘ark. ‘ -‘v'I‘hex church was (-lzdmrutvly dvcorutml with pulluï¬imd bully. and fragrant withdilies and Winn» curnutiulm The hridv was guwxwd in while satin and point lace. with train and veil. and walked up tln- aisle upon her father's arm to the htruiim nf thv Loheugrin \\‘_ed(liiig mun-h. while Mii-ah' Ethel Turnlvy, the groom's cuusiu. preceded her as maid of hun ur, clad'iu a gown of white o'rgzuuiy (War silk and u (iuinslmrmlghhat of black w-lvet. Both ladies Iuokml as though they might han- Hteppod out of some beautiful picture. The groom was attended by iliH brother. Mr. \V. M. Ruttnr. as best man, whilc a third brother, With Mr. Charlcs Hill. the bridc‘s brother. Mr George Dyesr and Mr. Miltnn Turn- le)’ Lightucr. acted as ushers? The ceremony- was pcrfomwd by thc Rev. Mr. 'Bix'by uf Chicago. assisted by the Rev. Mr. Wok-UH. and nothing occurred tumur its snlcumity and imprcssiwncss. Thc church was filled with the fiiicmls and rclutchH of (hi-{young cnuplc,‘ most uf tiwin (ruining,r from Chicago and mnrv dis» tum cities. Aftvr llw cvrvllmny llwrv “as :I rticexptinn nml lirt-ukfust for tho \‘lHltâ€" ing frimuls at tho lumm .uftvr ‘wliivh thv party dispersal. and tlw newly married pair departed to spit/ml their lu‘méy-lmmn in u warnwrclime. l‘pun their rvturn, aflvr tlw lll’)ll(l2lym; they will live in the hum-w on Park an» mm re-ntwl from Mrs. Gruv. At noon un_ \Vt‘dllt‘mikly. th‘t‘luiwr 7111‘ in Trinity Church, Minn Mubcl Hill, duughtvr uf Judge- Lysundrr Hill. was married tqu. Lynn Rutter, Thvro waaa spH'ial mH-tingnfflw Hook and Ladder (-mupany at tlw city hall. Monday owning ital-wake? waivers for the- )'var IHWJ ' (‘hit‘f Andrew Btlt'k called 11w mot-ting tn‘ urdvr. Harm-y Sh-flrns appliml fur nwmlwrship and was rm-vin-(l h}- a \ntv uf Hu- company. A Inntinn was matlv tn rv PIN-t D, P. She‘ahvn furr» THE RUTFER~-HILL WEDDING. â€HOOKS AND LADDERS." THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS mun, which was carried with great enthusiasm. In the same way John Kudulph was umde assiatunt furcmau. Barney Sn ï¬unn‘ was (-lecu-d were: tarv and John Rudolph treasurvr. It “as \utvd to pun- hilSt‘ 0an and at \z 31’, aha-r a plmmuut agrarian, the mcwhng adjourned. {AH m~ms under1h:abun-hrudmoum‘lud mu Smmlmn.‘ “allh‘tl. H011» “Hum-d, Lust. Fuuml. hr , 5 Cents per Linc. mm m! {411‘s mmlr kmmn un :umlu’utmn at this ufl'n r. fur mnrr than nm' Insu'nlun I T0 lilCN'l‘~~H nmmml lmusv, umdr vrn. largo gnrrvtfl tluors and base Inc-m. flll‘llfl('(’-, electric lights hath hot and cold waten laundry. ('10.: lung lease to rospunsillle lvlnlnts Addrvss lmx 2W.) Highland l’urk V l UWH for rent U-l’ lsalt‘ u! AHHJ'S Duirv Farm. FOR RENT One or twu nicely furninhml mums: centrally located. luqnirv Box 1139. FUR SALEâ€"Twu story cottage on ' in) x 334 ft lot; city water; $401). cash. balance in monthly instal- nwnts._ Good location. convenient tn «input and electric cars. Address (‘. Th9; News. 1H)“ g.uAlll 2 nthv -r furnitun Wainwright. 7 FUR _CRI NI Eight mum cottage (the Sheers place); modern im- pron-moms: (mnpletvly furnished; until May Jst; $25. . Box 42:). FOR SALE \ViH sell for cash ur tukv pay in painting and paper hanging: 0m- lwd room sc-t. paint‘ 9d panels. 01w fulding bed; mm hair muttrvxs: I glo’lw lamp: 1 fine violin with raw and how. Ad (II‘I'SH 21".? Highland Park. H]. FOR SALE A Nu. 3 Drop hm"! White» sewing machine. “'ill hv (lolivurmldirm-t from fuctury zit wholesalv price $30. Retails fur $65. A mrv uppnrtunitx {or an) um iwvdimmmh a umchiiie. Apply at this ofï¬ce. \\i;5\.\"r1m 11$.V'HCI) -l{vli:|l)lv mzln in this \i(‘iHit}’ to Him“ small nflim‘ nml hzmtllv my gmuis. I’nsititm per- mum-m and gum! pay, H ymu' I'm-owl is ()_ K, and )m: wum stvmly mnpinynwnl, hm‘v is :m “In-hing for )0â€. Kindl} lm'ntinn this paper win-n \\ riting. A‘ TV MUIHHH.(‘Ill('illll:l1i.(). FOR SALE, T0 RENT. ETC bedroom arts and a Enquire uf Mrs. 3 Fnrt SlwridanJlI. Telephone No. 0. uy'h h M Telephone 78. Fletcher Building. ~\‘LH A. S. ALEXANDER, M.’ D. 0., V. S. T. J. LENNON, “ï¬ne Boot and Shoe Repairing. ()Hik’r: Highland Block JOHN FREBERG, Livery, Boafdingl HUI'R“ IHIulmuml l'm-xu-lh-d Accummudalluns fur Su‘k Hurst: Ԡand 1):":3. Evans-ton Veterirnry Hospital. Lung Distance Tclrphunc ‘2le 101:5 Duns Slrccl, Eumsmn. 1H. West Side Barber Shop Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. E. A. NELSON, Merchant Tailor. l’rufcssur Ill L‘hlragn Vetcnlmr)’ L‘nlh'g ROOM 1 HIGHLAND BLK. Horus. mm ‘ m, P. M RES. HIGHW LLOYD M. BERGEN M. D. DR. H.= H. BOULTER, 1?»:th Dr H. H I‘vrnnld DR. FRANKLIN G. WESBOTT. JOHN H. MOHR. Prop. 275 Central Avenue. ll '51. John." Avenue. Shnpm I) an n. nun r I DR. E. c. KAYE, " PTORSSWIMI “ (‘EN'I‘RAL A\\'l-LN\‘E Nun Mmh- tn ( )nlrr in RL‘HNHHIUIL' I’ru l'\ Mumâ€: :uul 'I‘rmninu’ l'l‘l('(’~ Jm- R mumbli- Veterinary Surngn UN Dcntlst.... St. Johns Ave. and ‘\ Drm MIN me‘rlvï¬tnn DENTIST, Dentist. Sale Stables. RES. HIGHWOOD l‘nul 0 (m A M. 1: 0011» l 2401' M 7%(JVtuH qgn'. M. nghluna Park. Ill. l'vln-phum‘ nlll fulthrl nullre Highland Park, “llllnlb Telephonc 105. 1 >1 I'II r: Hvl'un