*11 as m u Igl "2H m! *‘h 11‘) *IUT 54') 2†H8 *m} m 26 H‘J m "i ’ .m ~) "‘_ -H *t 0') 31 ) 33 W.) .- )v) rm Alexandr!" \V “Muir, (‘. H., Bus-Wm H. (‘.. Alt‘xululwl“ \V, A., r9\l(l1‘liCt‘, Highland l’zirk. linker, (‘. ll, l't‘hldc‘llk’t', 3") (llc-m-m‘ m‘ , line-91*, ll. (‘.. Lin-r)". Allv)‘ 0. nl (‘. k N. \V. Sm. Ut‘nmm. August. rt-nitlmm‘. M3 (inn-ii. lh-rgrii. Lloyd M. 1).. resitlviiw, Highland Park. . Birch. Hugh T . l'l‘hl(]('llk'(', Milwaiukw- nlf Buck. Mrs. A., grin-ml sturo‘. ‘Vï¬â€˜lllrlll 2i\'¢-. Buyntuii. l‘ltlgiir 5.. H'Hldl’nm'. Sllï¬â€˜l‘ldllll rtl. Brown. Edward 11.. rt-siilmn-u. Highland Park. . (‘usanrtL (i. ll.. residc'nw, Exunmr (‘lul). (lvutrul llutclJ. M. (‘wrry l’rop. Highland Park ('hzimllvr, K, (L, nmidvm-c, Huzvl 2i\'. (‘hupmuiL (‘hanz A.. resulvncu l’urt (‘liutmi 21v. Cheney, ('mrviicv (,‘.. resitlm'vc. l’ruslwct HV. ('hicngu Mil. lilactric l{y.('u.. Fort Sheridan. Chicago TQ'lHI‘llUllfl 0).. (L IS. (‘iiiiiiiliiigs, Mgr. 75' 2.315 '10 13>“ L’lil 2335 33 Ill 33 ml l7) *0†*ln 47 Ifâ€: 53 13 70') Highland Park. City hull. Highland Park Coale. Henry K., residence. Linden ave. Conger. T. H.. M. D.. res.. Laurel avenue. (‘orwitlL N.. residence. Vine avenue. Cummings. (1. 13.. residence. Highland Park. (‘nshingCassieMrs.. residence. Hazel avenue. 1)ut1y.J. 11.. rrsidence. Laurel avenue. Egan. W. U. residence. Lake Front. Ernst. Leo..residen(te.Sheridan road. Evans Bros. grmteries.Highland l’ark. Everett. 1“. 1).. residence. Linden 1’ark1’lace. Extnoor (‘ountry (‘lul). Vine avenue. Fletcher, A. \V.. residence. Highland Park. Frillerg. John. livery stable. Highland Park. Frilierg lien. residence. St. Johns ave. Hieser Bros. meat market. Goldberg‘s l)ll\’. Liray Electric works. Highland ’ark. Green Chas. 31.. residence. Laurel avenue. (ireen 1“. 11.. bakery. (‘entral avenue. (lump B. 1“.. residence. Ravine Drive. Hall Ford 1’.. residence. Sheridan road. Harlow (leorge 11.. Mrs. residence Haskin H. S. M. 1).. res. Prospect avenue. Hihhard Lewis 13.. residence. Dale avenue. Highland Park Club. Club. Central avenue. Highland Park Electric Light Co. St Johns ave Highland Park Laundry, Laurel avenue. Highland Park News. (‘entral av. Hill Russell 1).. residence. l-lll(‘wrtral av. Holmes David A.. residence. lill l’ark av. Hudson 'l‘honias. residence. Forest avenue. Hull Tracy 1).. residence. Laurel av. lngalls Frank 31.. M. 1).. res. St .Iohns‘av. lngalls Frank 31.. residence. (‘entral av. James S. \V.. residence. (‘entral av. Jones 1%. (L. Mrs. residence. ('entral av. ('oppvr Mvtnniv (‘in-uiL vquiHu-d “HI: lung (“shun-v ixI-xtrnlm-ntw (Highland Park Telephone Directory. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS HIGHLAND PARK, ILLS. 34 2‘21 434 *1 H3 (37 2U] 262 203 ":04 H“) 40 (33 m 101 30 103? MN I“) H 41 (38' Kuyr Dr. E Kirk (‘. W. Leuunngd, r., R‘HIUCUCA‘. :1†Laurel 2n. Mcl’hrraun H. E†reuidencr. May-rs h". 31., residence, Sheridan road. Middleton John. ice, coal and wand, (‘entral av. Mills H.. meat market. Highland Park. Montgunn-ry l’. .-\.. reside-nee, Sheridan roudi Moore, J. H., MHz. rvï¬idencv, pun-spec! av. Morgan 0‘ 11.. renidence. Highland Park. Mum-Icy (Turlctun, residence. [Luke av. ï¬lm-lore M. (Y Sun. general story. Central av. Nurrlr-n A, E. resident-o, (‘mntrul av. Nurthwvutern Military Academy. St .luhns :H'. O‘Brien J. Gregg. residence. Vine 2n. Patton R. \\'., residence. (Tirch- 2n: Prior H. 51., residence. Central av. l’urdy l). 0., hardware. Highland Park Raï¬en L‘: Baker, ice, coal and wuod. St John a Re Qua Harrie L., residence. Hazel av. Rice Chas. l$., residence, Sheridan rd. Roberta G. W... residence, Sheridan road. , Robertson A., lumber. St Johns av. Rudulph Emil, residence, Linden Park pl. Rutter L‘Hm, residence. Schumacher F. W.. druggiat. St Johns av. Schumacher l“. \\'., residence. Highland Park Schwarz Theodore, residence, Vine av. Hheahen I). l’., residence, Central aV. Sheahen John 11., residence. 41')†(‘entral aV. Shields .1213. H., residence, Highland Park. Siljeratrum Frank. residence. 11H lst. Smith Clara l{.. residence, Dale 6; Laurel. Smith George, Jr.. residence. lat near Walnut, Snow Edgar 31.. residence. Central av. Street H. (7.. residence. Laurel av. Street R. J., residence. Laurel av. Stublm W. ('., residence, Highland Park. Sweetland Dale. druggist, 280 (‘entral av. Sweetland Dale. residence, Sheridan mad. ,SWeetland I). W., residence. Highland Park, Towner H. A., residence. Hazel av. Vail H. 8.. residence, 100 Laurel av. Van Sclmick, Mrs. A. G., rem. Vino zn‘. Wakmn J. \\'.. rvs'rdence, Pruslwct :u'. \Vuldo A. W.. meat market. (,‘vntrul nv \Varrvn Jumws, Hr. residvnct', ('vntml n' \Vater \Vurks. Highland Park. Watson Thus. T.. rvsidonvv. (“mural :IV \Vhite \V. H. residence. ('t-ntral av. Wickhmn A, ll, rvsidmu-u. Wilcnx (‘. 1%., reside-nun Lindon Park ' Yuv (‘rlmrlvs (‘. rvsidn-ncv. anvl :n', ' Dr. Em drillinL St Juhln EU' (‘. W , residence, Highland Park, A. Tracey, 'rvhidt-uco. Highland l’nrk umuJ, F.. rcnidcucr. 2'1“ Laurel 2n H \' 31V