KEU. daun- - T" v.‘ @@W@WWW® E3 Holiday Gifts.. g ()pcra Blk., Highland Park, Ills. Covs, Large and Small, ‘ H fine flssortmcm of jewelry, - Booklets and Worms; Select Line of Candies and Cigars. Prescription Druggist. . a, .. ‘ Make the work of Santa Claus ctisv wby buying some 0! y our Christmas gifts at Comparing quality. we are as reasonable in our prices as we can be. Please call and examine our Holidav Stock of DALE SWEETLAND, and Perfumery in Cut-Glass. Among many books we have and which are suitable for Holiday gifts, are "Steps Into the Blessed Life,†by Meyer; “Twice Told Tales,†by Hawthorne, Etc. l‘Hli HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Dale Sweetland’s. Toilet and Fancy Articles.