‘ 'Tliésduy night's re'gular sessigu lasted from 8 till nearly l' o'clock. They put througha lot of ordinances. as follows, to wit: One to tax pedlefs. thoso with wagons or‘curts, $20.60 a 'l year, andthoso who carry baskéti-s on thoir hoads or arms must pay KMW lwr annum. Docs. this includu sown ing machine. hook and treo agents. as seen as tho [wripatotic swindlors or all sorts? If not. tax thom $100 - each. 0119 to allow folks to build Fitono instead of oomont sidewalks; : one providing for a surfaco drain to ‘ that’frog pond wost‘ of Nod Novins' l and run it oft" to St Potors: one to V‘ havo a Soalor of \Voights and Mous- uros. and ono was introduct-d for a big sovon oxtonsion up in tho north- 3 orn ond of tho town. Edgar M. r Snow called attontion to the fact that tho macadam was not Ill‘OlH‘I‘ly 1 put in on Contral Avonuo down by E his placo. and tho)" hold back $300 to goo about it. t Mrs. Cawloy wants F. M. Evans houso sowor ropairod as it is not hoalthy and is otfonsivo; also $13â€) was allowod on Nooronborg‘s bill for ropairing ,tho big till down on Sheridan road to pay for tho bruis‘os 1 a Cook County chap rot-oivod‘ by . running amuck of a plank down thoro. Tho rogular bills were pane» od. Whon tho oloctric light bill fin‘ stroots camo up thoro was a kick. as thoy aro not satistlod with tho work and so it was laid on tho tablo. Tho great achiovonn nt of tho sossion waftho rofusal to allow lamc Frank- Silgorstrom to rido his whool on tho sidcwalk to and from his work. \Vo rogard that a inistakon policy and' wo groatly orr it it moots public a!» proud. 9 i t l Tho ontortainmont give-n by tho Luthoran Church Friday ovoning,r at tho opora houso was a coniploto Huccoss. Tho hall was full. tho ontor. taimnont was first class, as many aa forty artists hoing on tho stago at a timo. Thoro was no friction or draw back anywhoro; Tho church pooplo fool vory gratoful for tho royal sup. port our citizons gavo thoir ontor» priso. Tho fact is whon a church or othor sooioty givos a first class thing tho pooplo support it: our folks are liko othor . folks. thoy want their inexioy'a worth. That's whatour Luth- oran frionds gavo them. honce thoir success. Pastor Detzor Wears a big, broad smilo, and wo are glad ho is happy. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS. I SELL.... Mandolin Taught . . t \Vc haw m’en (M “in for doing hea\'_\ [0.1"]thr on short. motive, can fuwish any umnlmr of teams to 1 quit-ml. {RAFFEN BAKER. PETER-F. DOOLEY. Muï¬dall Instruments, Strings and Trimmings. FANflY GRUflERIES, DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS an nd SHOES. Goods {be Best. Highland Park. III, RAFFEN BAKER. BRAND’S STUDIO, Central Ave Highland Park. A: Ad hm‘v your piLture takt-u Our Special Offer Lists. ISArlsko Ctblntb, - - - - - Philmyor Mt“ Surface. - ' Telephone 34 . RAFFEN†BAKER. Drain Tile. ééd-Present Your Friend with a Mandolin, Xmas. :ct My Prices Before Purchasing Anything in This Crests, Monograms and Address Digs. - 33%.! J. F. Learning 8L Co., Stationers, Go :t Oan ‘to MEGS- A- ' 150 Waï¬hgngton Strcéé, Chicago. I'Puits and Vegetables Received Daily. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. FOR TERMS CALL OR ADDRESS 53.00 4.00 w hi lo RAFFIEN "8: [BAKE-R hum-«om: (‘entral Ave HERMAN DENZEL’S RAFFEN as BAKER, Hard and .Soft Coal Italian Method. Our Having our own steam lumw 01'. we are "n'epared to flux nish special ordm's for «ii» monsinn boards nr strips on slum-1 notice. Prices Reasonable. or ALL KINDS. Specialty: Pro-pt Denverles. Banhav Bhop, Ctnfnl Avenue. Highland Park, III. TELEPHONE 5 4 Line Highland Park. '7‘!