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Downers Grove Reporter, 30 Apr 1903, p. 11

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_A H 1539‘!!! W A” Ammw.l'¢w.9«‘.fl1-mr Iran I" In- an an? Ml tun, “Wm m m “III. III In land I Annm- Inn-en. 02ng MN". Emmi, 1r 01;],Cnlf, 'Iri KM Oars-l III. “'4th Falcolwzydeu h . can: ”wank-m hymn. ”an 5’ mm. 13:. mm. I’M. "Mm/.0, '- Io ”VHV-As Ims‘row. IA. ”In! non lc- I'hTe n I may dictum: in "500361..“ "Jungian "mum 53:33:23 . 8-: m ) 0...:- I'm”: ME'S‘ 8.20.80? A Lamporqaggstqu 9:. {an Van. luau u. mu 3 do; STOCKS. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Danton-ml lama-nun quuhgauamgnhnhgnqml «-mhhdum mmmmvmmwmu minim MIN! ' no MR!" nut. «Mm; luv-min: In my my. Murmur“ mm “011er! loom u. on” mum". no ‘10:, rim h Mm. III‘IJ run catllfllfltflt. "I nan-u MVIIf'l" 00.. ll. ICUQ W. m S5009 "l mu m’ "mining “am... 631?de mothers. ml mm, to Ibo-o «I‘m-g u I win. ~fln I. r. Gum Inna. Nab. - “u. _.v. . w vv w.- '"l ".v -u. â€"â€". hmanm .uilmcow-Za'fé‘ui? night. "flaunt-mmm amorou- pmml 1 1-1,: 01113:“! gran- In] huh. and h n- It. II b an noun-r. («as friend. I wank! “not how “bout u [Ill ’12-. b! when I In! Ind or 03!. oily-":9 l ulna. few mm fol ill :3» u u pm my ruin! (mm my cal-rim. u [could not up“ lo hem"! )- on. or two hula l‘ulitl no_nd_ I! m .51! to_ i! on .911"!!ng gm] L-_n,n ‘d. _, u , . " l iv?“ u‘dnl your nix-twig. iflmvflhfifnv ii.” " below I was hum 1mm. )1; mhaotl aid that I dun“ Inn-p right on n In II n km: u u pm my mud (and: 3-, only”. to ltppld‘ up up“ to {no my"! hy "Dul Mun. Putnamâ€"W B. Hath-In” VWMO Call- mnd Ms done a can: deal (or u t "final :0 much from filling of an ml» an! all ma lmuhlco man-Ind w") u. I douond {or pm with Wm»! on" mum but "and only unwary mild. " I In-ynn h‘dnv can! Int-«Hahn- A“ Oqu m InI-a- ll In..- W I m- ' "I I‘ulnk yam naiklm m of the H and!“ h 0:. world.’-â€" Mn 3. H. Luz. NI Lynvhl Bl... Numb, Po. In, not '1: N ”I W-Hnlnnor‘nf‘ib; Hm o? (h; fight! mid Many an; IM but lfl'r HIM-n om Mum («minim l2. l'lnlmnm'n \‘e cable Cour pound] was completely cured. I a. low 5 Ion wom- ablo to doll] "I noticed one u! our a-Ivonlmnu and wrote (or add“. I n- ulnd your reply I carefully {allowed :11 km loan. 1 landlady Erna to mt Al’fl'lmr. nn'l In two trell- w" about on home. I look club. Mum o! [4le P. I'll-Mum’s Vemnblo Compound and mulluuod hllowloj ymn ankles. and (0-day I on I I'll woman. You "nail” and Italy on n lhlv-ul to MIR-ring m, and I annual Ind mud. to thank {all (m w‘m yum Mm «lone tut luf- Mn. Lona V. Nuwu. In! N. J. v... N.W.. \Vmblagton. D. G. . "Dn- mu. humanâ€"l wrlu to an you what Lydia 8. Pink- lun‘g Vezatg‘rlp Comma] hrgdpoo tarp». _ A _ _ .4 A w W m -V- m- __ -- _.._._ _. - -.......__ - .-..r all troublo w“ (and. value-- In It: wont tom and l nu In a very Ind con Man. I could not radon: my houuhold dunes. my back lobed. I w.“ extremely nervous. and could m a“ or sleep. and the baring-Mum puns won) tcrrH-h. I! huh-ad weal. hundred. of donu- to [at no wail. A: l c" the medicine flu: the docks" prnrflbod lulled Cod» no .3, [um]; lmnrt-r I to on 0 union which the phulrlcn ma mm m to mm. m :9 mm. luv. . .uaoml nor. um 1’: than I did more; 1 baton-ham... ‘1' the “Lam" um! holy-Sag could ago: to “up. A‘. m 7 'Comiiiuiid. “Dun Illa. mun“: â€"l whh to. .3"... E-tho WW. I have darlved from your advice find «ho mo db l’!l!kbol_n'_l Veg.- A- I..- tu _________ .- . FREE MEDICAL ADVICE '10 WOMEN. I! there is on hi in Ill' cue about which n woyd liko pedal mlvlco. Wyn?!“ maria Mn. Pinkhnm. Ngolll‘lllA ill Ike; 1: met our lunar. film can laminae“) you. {or no in! such a wide cum-lance tmu temalo II n Ibo ha bad. film but urinal III-minds 0! (human 10! women hack to health. "or Address in Lynn. Mom. and her advice II (no. Youm vary it you do not accept her kind invitation. For proof read the symptoms, suffering and cum recited in the following letters: .fi -fi" ___._._ coda whsh thu {mt strengthening, healing timed: to: aim: wthln mac ’ "Tub? i133 ai‘n;a‘.fi?:: ffififiivéfiGbié'bEE-“fidnnd will banish pa}? and_ mstora happipeqs. Dgn’t'rcsoyt t9 strong agimglnnts or nay- 'vun‘w u a mutual! lulu uwwsa [16103111. . Vomen seem to listen to every call of duty except the supreme one that tells them to guard their health. How much harder the daily tasks become when some derangement o! the female organs makes ivery movement sinful and keeps the nervous system unstrungt nimbllity takes t place of ha piness and nmlnblllty- and weakness end sum-ring takes the place of calm and strength. .43 long us they can drug themselves wound, women continue to wax]: and perform their household duties. They have been led to _hclicvo that ' h negassnry hchme thgy nro women._Whatn mistake! __ _ _ A ”or Me '3: '1!) 3‘2. The real heroines of eve da are in our homes. Frequently. how- mr, jg is a mistaken and use as emism. WMmmmm “mm“ ”fl ma. H E R R I G K REFRIBEMTOIS n 'IITItnm-MMIMmUMI uncut " ‘M'mflnmo vphnh “gamma... fun" tmamuhmnvim tutu-mph pan: a! un- min The aimâ€"M lawman-l: 3th flats: on Etna. ”Minimum. Egmoxfi cnuroam 5- I S i 00rd”. am- e... ”In. In. m A [All II M 3"!!!th It” F4113 Vaz'ev n mlm Poe mowing-m valm Pf“ renting Lard m _cm I) w_11§.op_.grp. lime”, '.' “Afl'de'éa'c'ufuuu' "is-Kara; iii-i um. fluvlmmpred of my on. In. mm 1 «an m Inn an my mm mutant; thou-um manly um caravans. An «rim 2 mm u Niw. : 1: mm lineal o. I. Rama. .1 n lo. we; a! term g Aging; Fug"! Munroe spy-Ion. I; v," QM. r. F: I ntmiéilm "may anâ€"inen M xomprum: («luv-urn: M. cmwmry m hnlhzusmm Luann-from iiwfimpflut Bolt MIDI; mm: the. In" nhvmhm. MI rennin. v9 mnmnnd "Indore”. Income ”(my run!- m nu? per In». cum-v. lmd: op:- Im. m, at «mu-mm lar- m Walkman-mud Alumna: «a Norman 0? we adv-main lad ”mu Lmrljnmonl |: {0mm 09 mm may}; amt" Weii‘fmm’ ' ' find". c cn'n'c J. Rm.lm m: cm- J. r. "new. Rm a. I": run RWW Mutt T, 0. “ant! «nah.- ma... .\.m n. QWtWWen-enm men emmmv-mnamymaunni M'W‘N‘IM ll Alhmmkrmm‘nnnu mnfleue am W Mr", mu. ":4 grewvmg-y («Farm-«1mm 5m mm!» ups I in ms rm. rnmn M 'Q- Am Mm ovum II I‘m can. «muthunuaym Tho-o cuxnm rim nlAPrl. Asn "Igniting; I. cam m r lithium. I'm-o mount when an other M. 7|. ‘0‘ mm Ima- on the continent W .H‘utte: mam-MW I'M Purl: mu! och..."- aliens (mill; W nth-y mm 1] ll. LA IALLI I13. OHIOAOO. Kl. WESTERN CANADA “7358 FOR iALE. IQIYAIA IRRIGATED LAISB MlLLlOiNS. HA3 FREE HOKES FOR .81 I. 331‘! TI y-gu I'vIll-g Inlnifl. c-u'. ul m ”and tutu. Mm-ubml Ill m m ocmun Omarfomn Dorm. can: Bevel eon-tartan- m have been arrested at Penn. Tn- ncn mnmrfcmd warloc- eohn. m coupon at government bonds and for- Immigration Recurd. New Yo'k. dlapltch: In the mt monm 89.010 Immigrant. hue “- med :1 the port 0! New York. and with the steamers due this week (I. (on! Immigxumo '0!“ the month In ”mud 10 real! 100.0%. a nun! 75.541 during Anrfl of last year. Bum Judge In Effigy. tndhnapclls. lnd.. dlspucl: Al I.- dlg-nam. crowd of cltlzena gathered II the home of Dr. Jqsevh 0. Alexander at Hebert Sutton Ind burned en- gm 0! the plasma» and Judge Belle). before whom the alleged cloth were mod In Indianapolis. Cone'a Ammo. lkavme. "upon. 1mm: 11. trustees at Illinois college. at their recent meeting In this city. adopted unwe- of unnauon with the Uni. versity of Chicago by which the two Institutions will wcrk together In hu- man, In the matter 0! “minio- qual- Imtm: nd the eaten-inc at lo (ulnar. Arc cm“ and flnmf lo mm mr Lows. was. ‘ Lem". erh‘. danmlrh: l- . hud- md collmoa Mum 0 On“ Trunk ’ pmwnazvr has. and a final freight, no" Mm tun mm 1mm lulled am!" one can Iumml. The dud: Engineer Lunch! Neill. Engine" hum The hunted; Pin-man 10M Winning! Hmmn Crawford. The «(Men in l the mull n! in mm- Ivucl. The! body of Engineer No!" 'II [and] met u M. pan with III In“ on no: 01mm Wm Laborers. Kingston. “mam. "Mean: It mm laborers have been turned by the colowhl government m to par cadeothohflmuotl’umbo can. of the prevailing “urea new. The «names on that laborer: m ”buemhmmumnm Unit-l Bate: comma me our man or the uni. Immunonvm Tom!» 0M0!!! Hell Not Guilty. New York, dlsmtch: The hr: In Che mu 0! John N. Maker. the anal am of the Harlem nihuy tnla u the um. of un Park Ave-no Intel dinner 0! Jun. 3, 190:. which caused the death of seventeen venous. brought [- . verdict of not guilty. stkot 'u charged flu criminal JURY EXONIRA‘I’II INOINEIH TWO All KILLED IN COLLIIION HI. "on. FM. nun. “I In! that my oflou- to Moon m In mull-mo nation In brought noon ma «mum um I could Mu "owed by a policy 0! mm. Ind «onto-Imam. and mu 5 dowr- valuation to do right and my refusal to In deterred own-1mm Mount. Ibo“ In: panned dovnml.“ “It on. in lulled to full" walla mulnmnln and but mule on amt. u um- (o no that then In volun- urlly nllnqnl-hou all chum of one. and honor Ind sou out to auto whu "walla. no can that ho would ll In". In nomlllod to emu-u Io llu. In uplalnto‘ the cum that towed Mm to so Mr. Lee um: I no HI- known “A «an to mum "on panned lilo ud person-l .uubuclty bu prompted my mlzmllon. Now um I as Jim a private citizen I hop. that tom. 0! my enemie- ud autos will torn: son. at my {lulu tnd try to remember. If possible, some or the things which I night I» would (or. Senator Thomas L. Rubey. who lilo- ceedl Lee by virtue or his once. I- s Democrat and l legislator of unblemv labed record. He has been known u u gnu-lobby leader In the mac and m conspicuoul by his work In op- poamoe to the taking powder trust‘- (orcu. whlch were led by I... end Ben-tor Frank l-‘nrrll. "To His Excellency. A. M. Dockery. Governor of MissouiLâ€"Dear sir: .I hereby hand your my resignation as lieutenant governor, to take eflect It once. JOHN A. LEE!“ The resignation does not require tho acceptance of the governor. ,Under the constitution it goes into elect at 01100. St. Louis, 110., special: LIeuL Gov. John A. Lee has resigned. Lee's resignation, which he decided upon after mature deliberation Ind repented conferences with friends and slate omcinls. is worded as follows: HOPES ENEMIES MAY FORGET In Retiring to Privato Life He Want: to Be Remembered for What Good Ho May Havo Accomplishedâ€"Wan Determined to Do Right. Notifies Governor Dockery He Is No Longer an Official of Missouri [EE HESIBNS ' .1 WM flfHflE Leo's auccouor. DOWNEBS _GROVE REPORTER. “I ha" Mei up no do?" my m can for mama now lad um! tel: an or «kna- Illa. 'I an!" the hard too a, Indor- M mun-Hon to new! and um Mun A momma M" [Hm “um I had aka a few of Dodd'o Kinney Pill. I began to lmron Ind lkempnun now.uyoucnnee.l “Immnnedwmybodforfow 1mm um winter and had such I ”In I: my side I couldn't get a good branch. I had momenta; lpelll. 'u ant-leaded and and given up I" hope, for I didn't win I could flu '1 Med In the oat-ton mm reach an! any other medicines. but [anonfleluulmmumnl- cu. Dodd'u Kidney mu. mekntyamun: 'Yegnhtrflymmfut [an Nymotuenndfortmmdgm mllnqnundmmm line. It was (own! In on o! the upper mm It Nippur. The best specimen In the Jar In In lmcflpuol containing the mm d Bonn I., who lived about mo 3. c. There I- a Mack mo vulva “blot d UH)". 27M 8. 0.. which (all: that thin Nag hm the m wall non-d tho my 0! Mm. he. them Is the tem com Met «up of Duns». which I. the am yet found of that mg. Another cal-let cute: that the hm hall of the ten- “mammu.ndwum m Netty-rm other shrine. to‘ gun II the (mph beside- the one. “hankentondolneludhk Whether the medium wen u- elvuul or pun-MM b not known. but they undoubtedly represent a Manon which mm In" been made during the Um of netting", cal-cm» 00 Clay 1m “ Un- mm In Unfit than at Mm. A museum of "no sixth century, I). 0.. has come Into tho min 0! the University 0! Pennsylvania. The um I. not Mu. being maimed II I lam earthen )nr. but the con- uvm an very unable m- I No «mm point of flow. M has - alum tm want In! an can. run; could mt bar Nun ml "my eyes; sh: cam no mo llmvm A physical mitt. SM had Med IMCoy-n. ham and various on." NIH AM Four ”out“ In In. Ravel-"mo. KL, April rimâ€"In. Hunt!” 2.!“ Y‘Al. OLD. PROMINENT PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE PERM ’12, petroleum in n. ml in a 0"» Manama In Ant ' [III-.1135... on. 35...; .i 5 f. III..- 1!!! foisciu..ii â€" II I t :1. ‘52.... $38.3 6 The greatest null-g mm C the Gamma north-m lb M Intâ€"Carma. Bren-ed II In via In [and in work; in MI: In a one in.» Sarah «mun-{had :- “yams-d higher. Thur-.9!!- ‘m! Frantic". Goo-1M. shut-l nnrndbeflkhJJ.wm A mm mm RM m. g; mm. "are: Ban gap too. In. (The Lloth‘ my. a ”item tron Kid and Budd” DI: can will wfluhim will dim the. to the patent has. euro he had. ll. unlu- lockup wmmfouh but. Nor 0m Winn. Louâ€"mm. would you an. to» tick or handsome? Duoâ€"Won, ['4 "to II to M “I Sell. IN ":0an M The former tom 0! Gen. PM", K. Stormy: In Washington. wIIcI m pmemed to Im- by admirer: limb- on the country. has hen told i, m widow. me who be!" 850,000. I To u». ”can". who nu not w Inn-om acquainted with (M «1 than of everyday m M the native Ind who I. mun-ably 1.th «nu» In on. we would «not Um a on: 0! Define. Cold Water lunch be made at on". Not no" been.- I! u ”maimed by a. Intact-run lo be luneflof to any all!" “-4. but became an! 10c mun eon- um ll msw vhllo all no «he! ma cont-I- hat I! on. It In at. to at: nm the lady 'ho once my Home. Starch 'nl no no «he. 0.8m and mum": must win. (Emmi. my' [undo my up. 0! Ibo My; may drum, my 1mm. 0' ”to body. Human-1131mm“ "' an 33:! but {a n. maul. o. I. "35"“ "w [on any man. "Thigh may on as. o! "it may 1 Mn Imam! with mu "In“. radian" -â€"~I-'. ll. "mod, h, D. Sum «am: I“ m m Dr. M. C.- Gee, of San Francisco, -.'5 - “Pe-ru-na is of Especial Bene- A fit to Women.” ‘ Mn... I'm "1 pl! but}! Him with“ "on-nu but n-"fl'lr 25. TAN-A-ZIN} hwhcmhldwn "Human-loam 3 mm Acu- mm. m. for n i "Mum and lie-mu " mm lot-«mm by Dr. Ianmn. "yo-van wnndolmumnho. wrflclort ‘ OPT-cu.“ Flt-L" Thu um condom than not cum-null. It you no dorlnwwn And-Mo my 1mm 0mm Ibo DI atom In D. Hanna. .6" a. ”matriarch-Indian“! . ginxubdsn’ubhdvkonumA "nit-u Mun-n. CHI-bu on fun. “In whom/Ilia d «mm min ”:3 ‘ ‘mnlo am your ““4 bc. a... a. a. Woman uremia", IJNI lo M um. lam-lo walnu- . II bafi calls-I. film in"; in the Out low-d! vau- nub- do ’lln 11W up" two! lqmlo nah-annu- um ammnt. la u:- «M author M mill-mu whip cumin do I“ H gmmmmi ma «ht-"hula; chat 0‘ I «1min ulna 'Ihc - «em. but u III. I” ol nun-mu with uni-numb ml mu H. him. Ibo “Ian? Illh [whit «aunt H th- good ol I flrmflmtnx tank. l'munl 0-mo- m- Inu um unl- mdarhluthu PM!“ In: «ulna! that u I: a val-db inn-(v. ”an hmutym-dh an for mu. In I fall k I." molar and pal-bu m can; loam.” ‘ovlrul 0:. II. 0. 6:01 Em DI’. ll. Q60. 0! an n!“ who undone Pom-Loun- I ha: who. hlm 513 Jou- moot. 8:. PM, Cut. up: “.WflW'WW 9'9 Wouy Penn: came-tint. Thu 90* my Pawn: cum cumin. Prominent ll. Ind women I" ovorlho United Snu- In. Maine to Camomia do no! balm so out In game print to any (but Paul what it I «commanded to ho. :3 Into: systemic camrh "Indy an: m IWGI’ it my be bound. “I have a large practice. and haul clinic. to prescribe you! Penum- I youmay hvolongto dogmdtoIh.“ Inc! _Iufleri_ng. " Forum is able to cure canard! when! u my be located by in direct notion upo- Iho mucous membranes. Cat-uh m lnfllmed unwou- mombmel. Perm not. ‘1 once Io cleanse Ind invimu thew Iagrhnl condition ol the Macon] mbrun no matter where It may occur In the body. 1;: 1‘5“" in the uma on «he niro‘mngi‘ ‘ o I enmeuon (ho mucou n bowels. It cures4ho «Curb-lanai.- tion whereve: it may occur. Dr. R. Robbins. Muskogee. I. 1‘. .W‘H "Forum in the best medicine I knowol ht. leough and to utrengthgzlu‘dmk wolf-cl and to in up the. ' o ruse: it for “Stank. have otderod l {at m and dominated people. And luv. not bud A patient but said it helped him. It In no. oollem mediciny and it figs-o any! can unsound Ihronl. but thou-uh I” thousand. of cases of camrh ol "ulna“ uomuh, hidneya. binge: and nth-l ”Ml Ollm have bcgn cut by Porqna._ "Mu bu TAU'A'W lucuu pm ":91de I.

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