Sonenonv has to do the dirty work. No matter to what degree of reï¬nement we may attain as a people, that which we term the dirty. disagreeable work of life can never be eliminated or dodged. Somebody must wash the dishes and do the family washing, milk _the cows and clean out the barns. v" The very effort to be reï¬ned and civilized but makes more of this dirty work to do. A type of edu- cation which leads one to look contemptuously upon and avoid, it possible. these omnipresent and disagreeable duties of life is de- fective to the core. That edu- cation which enables the pos- sessor to do this sort of disagree- able work with true manly and womanly dignity is of the right kind. The true American is a man not ashamed to be seen dressed in wamus and overalls. j'ï¬rowllcporter W in tho Your nu Tn: world is so bright and beautiful. and our privileges are so many. and in all so ï¬lled with blessings. that it seems there ought to be more than one day in it. yur devoted to thanksgiving. ‘ are dark days when the , ‘V , Of our souls are lowered Time to Into an [tn-pt. The Chicago and Eastern llli- nois R'y has added another terri- ble happening to the list of tatali- ties that have recently followed one another, and it is time that someone be made responsible [or the gross carelessness that has caused such destruction at life. The Glenwood disaster is appar- ently the result of an error by an engineer who had been on duty for sixteen hours steadily previ- ous to the accident. The manage. ment is to blame for employing mentor such long hours at work‘ where the lives of people are de- pendent on their doing their work as able-bodied men should who have had proper hours for rest and relaxation. The chances are that the blame will be lodged on the overworked engineer. how- ever. instead of on those who forced the extra toil on him. Our readers may depend upon us to keep a little ahead of the requirements at this community. This: change is only .1 step in our eï¬ort to make the Downer: Grove Reporter the brightest. cleanest and best newspaper in Du Page county. The use of the “patent inside' appear: to us somewhat like a rcs- idcncc with a clean [rum lawn and a dirty back yard. We have therefore removed the back yard. The “patent inside†has been a stumbling block in our efforts to produce a good, clean paper. and although it is an economical way of publishing a large paper, we have decided that (or a community like Downers Grove it is worse than useless, and have therefore discontinued it. While using the “patent inside" we had no control over the many objectionable ad- vertisements appearing in that ‘part ofthe paper. and very little choice of reading matter. We believe that the people of this village subscribe for thls paper to read the local news and not a lot of questionable jokes or sensa- tional happenings. and we are en- deavoring to give them what we believe they want. “or a Clean Paper Many years ago when strug- gling towns and villages were en- deavoring to support struggling local papers, some bright genius devised the “patent inside†or “ready print" sheet. It was an excellent plan for that time, as the majority of subscribers to the local paper depended upon it for all the news. But times have changed and the daily paper is now found in the farmer’s home. Published by The Kelmaoott Preu Minn price 01.50 per not. ï¬ltered at Downers Grove pantom- A: second us manor. hand even Sunni-y SATURDAY. JULY 23. 1901 Tms is certainly an age of great civic gatherings. Some of the grandest of these are those of persons engaged in various works for the uplifting of humanity. Such was the meeting of the Na- tional Educational Association in Festival Hall on the World's Fair grounds at St. Louis recently. Thirty thousand persons are re- ported to have attended the con- vention. The convention post- poned until next year the ques- tion of a systematic movement in favor of phonetic spelling. Tm: other day two children ages about sixteen, messenger boys in Chicago. quarreled as boys will; commenced to ï¬ght and strike at each other; men came along. teamsters stopped their wagons; more men came running to the scene. To stop the ï¬ght? No. to see the ï¬ght. Such is our civi- lization! The Chinese say we are a lot of heathens. is handed to them and make themseIVes believe they like ll. Then they come home and try to make us believe they had “such a splendid time." We have been there and we know‘ Now is the time of year when people leave their comfortable homes and hie to Wisconsin and Michigan resorts to sleep in two- by-four ro‘oms. eat anything that Czar and ï¬ght his battles? Not much. And yet we have among us a lot of thoughtless people who want this country to go prancing around the world carrying a chip on its shoulder. Aï¬cr that it would only be a step to a czar. Ramon-rs of .1 number of the suburbs along the Chicago. Bur- lington and Quincy are often heard to remark that Downers Gtovc is just waking up. They see their ï¬nish when it comes to talking about a beautiful suburban How would you, American cili- zcn. like to be a subject of the IOWfl. Tub: flop of the Chicago Chron~ iclc. an alleged Democratic daily newspaper. to .1 Republican sheet doc: not appear to have caused any excitement. The Chronicle is absolutely without influence in the city of Chicago. : Evuavwm' living in llinsdalc. La Grange and Riverside is in. vitt-d to visit Downers Grove when the new pavement is com- pleted and sec what a handsome business street looks like. Tm; good housewifc was fond of the “patent inside" because it gave her a large sheet tn cut patterns from. That was before Buttcrick became popular. Nuw that the Chicago Chroni- cle is an outâ€"and-out Republican paper. it is in order for the Inter- Occan to become a Populist sheet. But probably the l‘opulists would not stand for it. DOWNERS GROVE should be very thankful that it has no Union Traction company to deal with. and only shadows penetrate over the threshold to add to the gloom already there. But always there comes a bursting of glory from somewhere. and the light that is not of our making but is for our awakening, parts the densest bar- tiers and illumines our hearts and minds. making the pessimist of yesterday an optimist today, the despondent heart of a night hopeful and planning in the morning. We know too many joys to price them separately, and together they are more than we can ever comprehend or render payment for. WELL. how do you like the sample of summer weather you have been having? BILLY BRVAN says he is fdr harâ€" mony. Billy carries a rock in his hand all the timc. [ Little Miss Lucy 0mg. 0! this place. knowing the beneï¬ts of good whole some fresh eir, an we here it here in 1Downers Grove, while in Chimp visit- ing with lrlenda at m Ravenswood park. arranged an enteminmmt on Wedneedlyof last week and realized 01.25. whiah we: turned over to the Daily News lreeh Iir fund. This fund is n meritorious one, being used to send the children at the city to the country (or a few breathing: of good. fresh air. The little lady above was very enthusi- astic in her undertaking. It might be I good not on behalf of others to do like» wise. There are thouundn and them. node of children in Chicago who never know what the word “ ploy" menus Every thing they do. every move they melteietoil. boil diam-l toil. To them an outing In Dome of the may bright spot-inthe euhurhen towns would he like I haven in their line. 1 Flowers for the flick The Epworth league of the Methodist church he arranged lo! itn annual do- netion of flowers (overdo the mini set tlement work in Chicago. The work ta under the auspices o! the Mercy and Help department of the league vol-k. Donations are retmrsted from all who wish to assist in this work. There are thousands at sick and deserving people who never know what the min side of lite in and the noble work being door by those who are trying to allay the went and misery of the great. city should he endorsed. If you here flowers, gather up a basket. take them on Monday or Pri- dey eveninxe to the home at Miss Emma Fletcher. in Maple avenue, or to the parsonage of the Methodist church. The league will attend to the sending of them where. they can do moat good. DO WNERS GRO VE REPOR TER portion were members 0! the Bupflsi thatch. hut mm wmquilo . numb-r 0! other church members present also. Ir. and Mrs. Hanan did tho honors u but and hostm very ohly. and nll want any well pleased with the evening‘s en- joyment. Ahmn .26 van contrihuud to the hall fur further mpniru In the put ! 11:. mm Church 0' 0mm. Scientist. holds "In!†Bum!†uhlcos mry Sunday At l0:4.’Hn Mamie hall. 8n.» ion Got July 2|: law Toâ€. “ll )1- Ion me. keep my oommnndmmtu." John: “15. Bum!" school at noon Banding mm». "72 (When “man. All are cordially Invited [Input-t ,u-Ilono I Nut-ecu The nodal It-honw or hmnoluminu than M Ibo Bambi pan-rum on Tues. day evening Ile- lugely attended. about I†helm: 9mm. of mum the majof an“..- “l’nllowinganalural hunt. I look up music. to which I have enthus- iastically clung during my entire life. and (0-day my cello in my closest companion. Said Mr. Whitney: “l was born in Duxlmry y. May 2;. I829, nearthe old My lcs Standish homestead. My moytht. r was a good singer rand my father was a noted instrument- alist. his 'Irinci al instrument being the IiolIn. l c was an expert drummer and could take six sticks. keep two on the drum and (our in the air simultaneously and play 3 I5 instead of the ordinary seven- strokc roll. “I played for Daniel \Vcbstct. thc statesman, at his home in Marshï¬eld the last time he was out of doors alive." quoth George R. Whitney of 269 Broadway. Chicopcc Falls. an organist choir- master for nearly 40 years. who claims the distinction of being the oldest 'ccllist in New l‘lnglamj. The above in a photo of Dr. George R. Whitney of Chicopeo Pall. Mum, Below we» reprint an interview with him [tom the Boston Globe. It will no doubt be 0! interest as: Dr. Whitney in the toner-bio lather of George H. Whitney of East Grove. For the Freon-Alt Fund LATE IAKJAL "I'll-2†Communal (union Out-l Nodouht dlwill "numb" tlw gar» I First Church 01 Christ. Scientist. ‘den nodal to hr given on "no Iain M w «gull! Hominy utvtcn mry Iy It town In Mamie hull. But» be July 2|: born Tent. “ll yr me. keep my oommaudmentn." : “~15. Band" school At noon. in mm». It!) ()ilhatt avenue. All mlhlly Invited. . nut-t At-llono 3 Hum 9min] ut-homr or hon-alumina It the Baptist pamugn on Tues. "min. wu- lugely attended. nhout ping present. 0! count- tho mum Ill core members 0! the Baptist h. hut thorn wuquito a numb-r at church members present ulna. Ml Mrs. Hum did tho honors at md hostm very nhly. and nll went " -.n ulna-‘1' .m. the "mind: an- lln. Ihtou' mldom on Hkhhnd Inn nut. Than-day, Juiy I). Thr hulk-.6 Md minty hum l'fl'tt'fl' tn imprm‘r tho- npponnnrool the rhumh "Ink-r. with nut and nlthtn. and tho- mm M our dollar in noticitnd hum all 'I'liflfl to cm- tflhuto that Amount [or thin puma-r. A report at tho way it no MIMI will hr culled For at the mounting. A huh" lunch 5| nulicilrd (mm all who mmr. and agoodtime ï¬n â€gm-ted. A great many Indies in anal out at tho rhurrh mrmhw-n-hip an- tnking an nrtiw inn-rut in the ratflprinl‘. and the" is nn «Doubt 0' its rompkte um All Ifl' «mu-"y inritul. In the evening a lunch um hv urn-9d at In Rated for those who mny ï¬sh it. who could not In prewnt in the? day time. DH. GEORGE R. WHITNEY James Christies, n promising young man 0! (his city and one universally Idmir’ed [or his modest hehu'ior, his courteous Ind ail’ectiomte disposition, was suddenly called to his long home last week. Jim hnd taken a friend home and while waiting at the electric nation at the Chicago Golf club depot hldmtdown invest It the and of the platform and fallen to sleep. the up- prouching car catching him. This was «Thursday night and he lived but a short time, dying wly Friday morning.‘ ll Wheaten Héppem’ng: 0n next Tueodny evening. July ll, a lawn social will be given nt the home of George (boner. one Ind a lull miles onto! East Grove. Hay-racks for the accommodation of all will leave the depots in Downers Grove and Eat Grove hetweon 7:3) and smpm. Ice cream and cake will he served. The tickets are 25 cents, which Includes round trip hay-rock ride and ice «mm. There will be sufï¬cient accommodation inmolmm or bod weather. The proceeds II'E lot the beneï¬t ol the East Grove Mission chapel. 0n Honday awning last. a large num- ber o! cllluns of East â€me and vi. cinity. met at the home 0! T. A. Verdonins. Ind laid plans lor the erec- tionof achaprl in East Grove. Oom- mmea were appointed and the work mapped out. Whik- "tern is no church building as yet. Sunday mhtml in held at 3 p. IL. and preaching services every Sunday evening a! 8 o‘clock. by the Rev. In. Maggle 1‘. Elliott. at her home in Iaat Grove. to which a most cordial in- vitaflon is extended to all. lay-Inch Ride and Ice (mam " In my sc'venth year I com- menced to play the violoncelln, ‘and this instrument was an un- ‘wieldy thnt It re: uired two boys. :one at each end 0 the instrument, ‘to carry it about town. I went to the public schools of Duxbury. :I rivate school taught by Miss ary Ashton Rice. later Mrs. ‘Mary Ashton Livermorc. "l was for nine years manager 0‘ Martiand's llroclrtun band. which has been for years a veri- table nursery of musicians for Boston musical organizations. As fast as the band could make .1 good man. Boston would secure‘ him. lonce led .1 band with a slide trombone." I began to play the ‘ccllo the same year as the famous \\'ulf Fries of Boston. who died in» 1902. Consequently I have played mat instrument about lwo years longer than any other musician in New lingjand and possibly the country. Minion (Thanh at East (3mm The Mrsimed. Having been unpainted Ad» mlnlnnmr a! the ns‘nln_of Henry W. Ken adv, Devon-9d, lwreby (we: noun. that ho wil Ippnar before tho (‘oanConrt n1 Du Page man‘s. In. the mm! home I» Wham!» M. the Somemhnr tom. rm .0": ï¬rst Hominy in Samba! mxt‘nt whirl» um. all panomhnvinx chingdnguinst 331;! names are nmi'flzd and r: qno. . tunnel! or mpnr n "in“ :- sumo ldimw‘l. All parmapgmL-Mod In said moo Imv requested «I make immedintn my- meut to “m undersigned. Dated this 5". day of ““5. 2‘, DdÃ©ï¬ M v nrtunns in (HIM-2N0. GOLDEN SEAL and S .NEI‘A. all valuable medical huts. Easily and hardy thmghmtm ’m'ted States. Always a remix marina and demnml inoreaxing' Room in your «In: M now thousands 0' dul- lngg‘ 301'eg. ‘v-lsal m:1 nugget-4." Plant in lus‘ rm. Wv- m" mu and seen rlmn u (all lot and mnnzino telling a" nth-mt it Ms. Write My. 07.1fm ("Mal-2N0 (1).. lkp'c W. .lnplin, In. ESTATE OF “381“" W. KENNEDY. Doro-nod Real Edam. Ila-ling and [mun-urn Anne: All business burned to m will receive prompt and careful attention. Pounds union for all clams n! building mmmflm. Contract-w. Carma-r and RwiMM. Wm ml: dam. â€mum... .. -...-. ...... , to am A mph-(c «Nun. Finn mmim Ind thlic "aâ€. Training rm- km“. in all walk 9! Hie. WREATI‘S. "J . Tom: a Sepia-m" rub. January «I. and April MI. folio“. Arab-my. \n rid-ml. â€naiv- *W and “Isl-on! Srhunl um!!! um- manna» (‘muy Murinlmkm M Sch-uh, mrm- On It: (‘mnhm u h Mum. Din-Mum- and «Mn A." "M- l-M Mtnulm M "or; month. “apt!“ 1.". hand. Vnnnbv and ‘h‘m' "mm: 9 l‘ m in I p. m, SI'IINII)! . In '1’ (Wm: Bank Building Tu'v-p'hmo :Il'.’ â€08mm: “mun ll imvi< 1mm II Luv. (Min hulmr :Jnlmn mu '. a. "mu- at midrmommur Wanna HM flight-ml 0mm. lunmenunuo. IIIim-h. SELIG’S MILLINERY DR. W. C. BARBER DENIIST SummetStock o! READY-1‘0- WE AR and tfll‘nmfd D. H. Ulhorn has big ï¬ne. new aton- is shape (or business and will entry the best of milk and Noam. skimmed milk. butt". con-gt- chm-Io Ind bultvrmilk. Order by toln-pbona or ntherwiw. I am prepared to give prompt and careful attention to nilmdem o! baggage and expressing. Leave orders at Adm.» Express Cu. or 102 Carpenter St. Adulpll llnker. ' Instr On llunanl's lnrm, mar Du Flue Rivenun cont. l'loam- n-lurn to Mr». J. C. Auntin. N Maple avenue, Downers (lmw. "L. or to 0mm Down. N» (in-w lh-purtvr. Iml n-m-iro mnnnl. “'amld quickly Iran: yum If )uu uwcl Dr. King" New Life: l'illi. 'l‘lmumnds of ~uflvtcn lune [mun-«l llwir man-Ink“ mvrit (nr Sid: and Ncrmm llcadm-lncs 'I'Iu-y nuke pun' Maul mnl [mil-l I your Iwalllt (ml) :5 mm. unnw) luck: I‘ nu! (‘lm'cl 50M In, all I'l’llKï¬i‘I! a 3mm lain street Dom Grown. [ll Thus. Banning giver. prompt attention to trunks or luggage, and express tram ing. Telephone 293, m- ll-un- 0fdl'l" nt Curtiss Honrtt‘x. For Saltsâ€"Fine pedigree Scotch collie pups, lrom prize winning stock. Inquire at Edwin Frank. Ice cheats and refrigerators at 008'. at. Mertz Morbel's. Fine assortment; conu- Ind see them. We have : number of reliable client-z who desire to rent modern houses. Naramore Foster, 24 Main at. I! you haw something to sell Iv! it be known through the columns of the R07 porn-r. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Lilo Pills. These fills change Weakness into strength, lint essness Into energy. brain-fag Into mental povven The 're wonderlul in buildin up the hen 2h. Only 26c por box: sol by all dnlggiï¬ts. Miscellaneous IAK'flIs The Woehrel Ciglr. National Light oil at Nash‘s. White Rose gasoline at Nash's. Cook's Flaked Rice at. the Fair. Relrigeratoraâ€"Merlz Mocha]. Best oil in town at Curlisq dc Heal-ma. The best home baked goods at Rang'u, Main street. Always fresh. W Oral-int, Vhiflgngnral «and» ._..__ and tar Claim Chic-m MRI-n. so: Mini" Banding. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE WHEATON COLLEGE Start uniï¬ed: Gardcn W. H. BARNHART J. W. MORFORD ‘I‘MI throw-3 Men-dud" A! Cost and Belt)“ HATS 25 8. Iain Stun R. T. MORGAN Working Night and my G. H. BUNGE CHAS. .\. “IAN?" \Rll Putt ~Il'tlifï¬mltI'Jt'w. FIRSTI' I" R(‘ H “F l‘ "12181291 'IESTISTâ€" d lhvrm-rsx Grave. â€M'lnld mu Main and (‘unésu straws Srrvim Sunday. town a. KL: Kuhn-May. 3 P- m. "iiliuil'ï¬Ã©v. ii i). '(‘l-N-Z'knihk " Sank-é Sunday M 3m... m. Sunday Sci-on! M. 2:!5 p. at. Jun. Fri-(ham. Supt. any!†Humanâ€"an: .1. 7w. 7 wan. “:nstr}. serxirm "on MMv Sunda " In “to Cmmatiannl church. ndny Sela»! billow- sonic: 51' _.l\_RY SJ .\_T"Ol. [0 Rev. _(‘ .1. \jgfynll. Rm. sir-why syn-inn: Mn<~ with hur- lish «maï¬a. m. "ml- mus.- with row. or- noo n: "nu-um. Vega-rs 31mm. WM} day In! at l n‘clorlr. mfli~h run-rhixm day Mondays. “Hahn-«lay. Friday". M 4 h. m. {steam In July- nnd Amman†‘ flea Sunday a! {0:55 a, m. and 7:1!“ m. mm nflmol M '2 m. Pray" Inn-Hug “Mim- rlny ovum II we. "amid [Minn Sunday ll G :‘0 p. In. many-3|. puru'nos wrungâ€"Rn. .uhv-n Palm. helm. Such-M Sun! at II a» n. m. and 7:47: [1. m. Kinda; Helm"! ":3! a, m‘ Yuma Pennies" \llinmr tn 3». m Pray" mam»: “Monday evrnimr M 71%. mgrrmng ï¬PL-KIIPALL m. .\ndrrw'. flvrum Sunday a! Ma‘- Q. m. and am In. Smut-w) Mm!" I: an rm» mi». Red- m-v-hy 1min. :4 sm (“brink-m Endeavor Silt-duly Mia. M «till. BAPTISTâ€"Rpm H. "filth "mm. Pn-n-r. Sn- laud. Pas-luv. “think Sunday M flzh a. m. and :m [0. "I.“ win: Sunday. )0 a, m. Sand" ï¬lm"! n] lam m Prnwr mm in( Wn‘lmhv mummy 7-10. Enron]. 1m Sunday "min: M m. CONNIE“ \Tlni‘l '.~R_G‘T. ('.Rn§mu[d.,Pattor_ the lnrnbo-. Mum mum and 701nm “always in rad: mm!» In I‘m mlpr'a hall. Thump Nrwn‘. I‘m-wander. in In- Jnhnmn. am Iron-r. _ ' 's'éi'hh'iv‘h “unim- .iI u} yuan; "M? In. arm-vb. altnv» â€Iv-w» 1’. pt Int-m Vanna-ml". “on 1' "new \«Oiumnl Mosul irrugl‘ .1: ILA. ï¬tm- w. rm "14.11"" and mm 1.n~0ng"ï¬pi{ii.i; ii Wm!†In". Jul." Hullam "chm. Char. (‘0...‘L *vflr‘ In} Ina" ml "or wan-d and luv-"h Thur. day â€Onim «I much mum!» \‘Mliu: "vi.“ In“ ï¬l'nya I’Irmm' 1.". V. lmnm’ht. \'. P 1". II. Mamba". Flori. u u-u: â€mu: {pm}: 7.22- x. M r. um. your. Ml! m maul hm», cumin. .4 M numb. “4mm "dam-u" nhny- n! m. Hiram†M, lblIv-r. "purl. Mn". N IICIML "mm!" "in“ v-wryiahm‘hi'n’m'i'ï¬r in' hint I fly H" Min-L \‘hilmq mum-u rnnllnlly invlln’ Jo-Om "rm-Mu. X. IL II F lrmhmurn‘ "I" II \I‘I.F. HROVK mm}: 3‘!!! IE. M 1'. II"!- Ms! and "Mn! “fllnrulnfi "I «ark mum . Viaioin‘ sum... nmIinlh "win-l. rum! Nun's. F. 1‘. PM! L. MN". I. M R. and S. tummy!!! QRU\'F.__1‘IZVT.Nn. [I1 Npiglfla .91 METNQQIST Wl‘lï¬1?|‘\ltfflqr, "NVâ€"v! ll \‘N'TDCH mrvu. "gum". Luau: "'"u'wiuï¬l mni'iJ-n'dh' OVI'IIIV-v";;}nl7m 'iu'Juil'. mvmlh. “4an hmbnn n-Mlull) inflh“ Johnu.(u«m.1." â€Hunky , mun _«-mn_rn “it'- o._ r. s um, um... .u \mthgyr :5 u w. y. up}. sn_«-._r.m um“ I: 1.0090! Iâ€) ‘D’ .9 \ \‘ï¬â€˜ï¬‚W t'lHl' ï¬ll ‘:I.'. 0 l'. 3‘ sum. «nun-l and Imam. mmlny n! «Inch numlh In N- m‘ir ball. HIMâ€"i n‘yrmivn “In" Iv-In-mo- In. Inuirl I‘anun I \O. In Luna. 0? "all. ann. .\ \l‘!;l_ “'91:?! H.‘ \. IL Mm!- flyr â€ml II!“VI‘.IIH “Inâ€: Lulu". 1'0 I U. U. D “WMJeLJukm-nd VulBum hum lla- m-I: - 'fI-on 1M Ir-I' hut. NI 'fl I D . u m 0 Kuhn-Inn Scientiï¬c. Sunltary and Hygienic Department. of Hair Dresslnu ,“L Slmnpgvhyw: _§enlp TIEâ€. ( nnuu‘ $0M. ’lrmnurot “ Hocurdvr um (‘numy Juthlfl Hmle‘s Altar Count' (‘lerk Sherlt §uponun hook Survoynr ('umuur ‘ «Maui '6! kw Hfl'oclivn- May )5. mm Loam Arrho Lun- m Downers (ir Damien Ur 3.50 n m Collector.. . . (‘onrud Iluschumn Cummlsslouurs of Highwaysâ€"Peter Laihuuq- funnDuwnors Grove: J. I’. Muhr. I-‘ulloh- Elna? “0.; C. II. Wurkentein. Hinsdnk‘. ll. Justin‘s u! the Peaceâ€"J. \\'. Turker. lkm‘uen Grove: E. F. Davis. llinwlulu; ('lms. Uhlm’ld. masque. R. F. l).: D. A. (burner. Hiusdule. llunxo. B. l‘. Whiu. I'. E. Howe. J. \\ . “'orle: Supt. 1-! Schools .................. 0. M. Seurlos Regular mentions held ï¬rst Tuesday ul‘ such month In the Maple» avenue school building. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS , Snpervisur.. . . .. Jus. McClllmx-l‘. llinsdule Assistant Suwvvisurs ............ (3. N. Bl lt. Duwnersflruve: Frank ILCmmor. Lin-u, 0. Town Clerk . . . .Nelsun Webster. lllnsdulu Asqgssur \. Roget}? Dme'qyrs (Brow ...l) U. Gruhmu .. ’ U. M. Soul-lo» _l_3_lmlg_et_t_ M. Slu President“............... Chas. Mochsl Trumanâ€"C. fl. Stunts. C. F Davis. 090. IL “our“. J. W. Gums. J. W. Hughes, 1).}! Uhlhom Collector ‘J. W. Nash Anome . fl. slusser Pollen I) i. Graham Flm liars ml . ..Jol1n__\Vol@r§_hp§m Anome . fl. Slusser Hollow 1: istrnw. ...... 1).“. Graham Hm liars ml .Jolm \Vollorshelm (‘lork.. . .. ... ...... lien C. “'th Trelsurer‘ .J. W. Rogers Strut ('ummlssiuner.. . . \V. ll. Mart: Chlofol I'ullce .. .... .. ... Fred Hulls". Sufuriulemleut “'uterwotlh and Eloflrlc l; M l lam .............................. (I. 0. Bu )0! Village Board meets the tint Monday in each month at the village hall. South Main street. ll Village Director} MI pm ,Mmmll. 36L . II. l 1). II. I. TIME CARD v. n sec Iâ€. 130ka ,\m-nl. lhvtm'r- â€not". "I BOARD "I" EDI! A'I'ION 9m- 30 "I a m “I!" '- m “.W ".3? |- m It!“ u ll LII) u m > pm VILLAGE UEI'IVERH COUNTY "FUN. 05.01 MI? I‘.’ I'lll IN'IID?! '"V- â€All! MN‘IV'III mmt P'mnl llama. Hy- droJ/ncn. Electrolysis. etc. Pram-America Mute mum»! Maw-91mm Halv‘vrmnnmb Iv- nm nl Mar 9| \‘r‘ E- Inmric .\| mluuing hurt-heaven! (Iran. IN!» I: Imfl km. r1. Err". (chum New ' l- rn‘h- (Iran! («his "mm. an -al Immu‘ mum bum-WI.“ \u Mind haun- nlng. Anna'Mnmm-s h] 'M, Harrium u“. HI'MDH 9. l" mu |- m n 3 J. W. R . \V. H. at; anxl‘Hyflql-l. l2. '0 h In I 30 ill! '2‘.†\JII .I U. LU? rank J. Knight ,V T M llull . LinusC Ruth .an Ii Blnssor M. I-‘. anranco .. Juseph M Miser . .. ll. l'. Morgan hon. ll. \Hlsuu . .\lnllor M "I II p m 2. p m ll!- IOJII â€1'- "43$ :‘o: l...-.' 5 mm Ill!“ 1': :I m a p m L." 1 .nm ll. I0 x 435' ‘\{ri \‘o {Cami IL]! a. lil us .\,Ifl