Boys’ Girls’ and Ladies Stocking Caps. . .. 35 and 50c up to $1.65 GLOVES FOR HER ‘ Largest Assortment of Kid, Chamosette,3 Silk and Knitted Gloves in Town. SPECIAL â€" Knitted Gauntlet Gloves for 'es or Misses in Dark Grey and Heather ï¬ne for Skating. pair .............. $2.00 Kid Gloves ........................ $2.50 Gloves ..... ‘ ' ..... $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Gloves and Mittens at. .35c to $1.25 FANCY GOODS Candle Sticks, Complete Sets. Per Set. . . . $1.35 to $2.35 ""ch‘xidlé' 's'c'iélk' 's'n‘édééj handles, Etc. Hand Mirrors ................ 50c .‘to $1.00 Toilet Sets, “Mamie" and Manicure Sew Hand Made Camisoles. A Pleasing Gift. Beautiful Boudoir Caps These are hand made and are always acceptable. PERFUMES make a tasteful gift, battles. Nashuawool Knapp, Wool and Cotton Blankets. Priced Low at Todays Costs All Linen ......... Union Huck Towels E Stickers. Tinsel Cords. n.4, White a red ‘l‘issue Papers. Crepe Papers, Holly Papers. Poinscttas, All new fresh makes. Thermos . i30ttle [)Iihyï¬evrwlv’gilgvéticï¬. . . for Every Use Make Useful Gifts, Prices 3250, 72.775. $3.90,__33.5o 9nd $4.00 .......... -‘A‘A Mercerized Table Damasks, Per Yard,. . .. .................... $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Colored Damasks, yard ............. 131.20 Table Scarf and. bet of Six Dollies Each, Price per Set ....................... $2.50 White Hemmed Edge, Round Table Cloths Blue J'ap Table Cloth and Napkins to Match Cloths ..... $3.25 Napkins, each. . . .20c A Box of Writing Pagerzsso Makes a Fine Gift. . .............. 10, '1 50, 653ml 75c CHILDREN’S GLOVES AND mms nitted ......... 25. 35, 50, 65, 75c $1.00 LEHMANN AND MICHEL’S'E GIFTS FOI{ ALL BLANKETS FOR MOTHER WLADIES NIGHT GOWNS LEATHER mus Gowns ..... ; ........ 32:25 to $3.00 SILK BAGS Gowns. Special ------ W to 32-50 IMITATION BEAD- FANCY HUCK TOWELS TH ERMOS BOTTLES SILK PE'I'I‘ICOA'IS STOCKING CAPS STATIONERY LIN EN S 23°34‘58“?“ Christmas is Very Close, Make Gift SelebtiomlyOW! nnnnnnnnnnnn moon's , ED BAGS On display only a few 5 -- -- . . . 32.00 to $2.75 . 35c to $1.50 Cashmere Hose ....... 65, 75 89c $1.00 Pair 85c - $3.25 Lisle and Cotton Stockings, For Women Children. . . . . . . . .35. 39. 45. 50, 59. 65 75c [ SILK HOSE Stockings that will bnng de- light to the wearer. Black brown. white. plajn and -dr9p- HAN D . BAGS LEATHER BAGS Silk, Linen Lawns and Cotton Fancies 15c to $1.00 Colored Bord- ers and Em- HANDKER- lnitialed, each, broidered. CHIEFS Gifts for “Her†THE CHRISTMAS STORE "OWNERS GROVE REPORTER, DOWNERS GROV , ILLINOIS 50c to $3.50 " HRISTMAS SHOPPING IS JUSTVa LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM ORDINARY SHOPPING. ‘YOU APPROACH OUR “STORE AT THE CHRISTMAS SEASON WITH AN OPEN MIND. YOU HAVE NOT FULLY DETERMINED JUST WHAT YOU SHALL BUY. YOU SEEK SUGGESTIONS. YOU ENTER THE STORE, I’ERHAPS YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN BEFORE. YOU ARE LURED BY A DISPLAY OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. IF THIS IS TRUE (AND IT IS)â€" WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR CHRISTMAS 0F- F ERIN GS. YOU’LL BUY SOMEWHERE, BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL DOING IT. IT IS HOLIDAY TIME ALL OVER the STORE WITH HOSTS OF PRETTY THINGS FROM EVERY WHERE. MISSES AND CHILDREN’S SWEATER COATS. Each, Turkish Towel Sets. Colored Borders $1.50 Ladies', Misses and Children's H 01:88 Slippers Comfy» ....... 89c to $3.0; They Surely Please. TOWEL SETS SUPPER-8‘ MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS Gre , Navy and Khaki Colored. Some men pre er these to any other, priced. .2 to $5.00 Fine, Pleasing Patterns in Wash Cotton Blouses ...................... 85c to $1.25 Flannel Blouses ............. $1.00 to $2.00 Boys’ Dress Shirts. . $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Boys’ Flannel Shirts in Grey and Khaki. Men’s Cotton, Silk, Lisle and Cashmere Hose, Pair, ..-. 25, 35, 45. 50, 65, and 75c and 31.00 " MEN’S PAJAMAS AND GOWNS Flannel and Muslin Gowns. . $1.50 to $3.00 Flannel and Muslin Pajamas, $1.50 to $3.00 Fine Linen and Cotton, ..... 15. 25, 35 50c Initialed ................ 25. 35, 40 and 50c Men’s and Boys‘ Neckwem‘. Silk Four in Hands. New, Nnbhy Ef- fects He'll Like, Each, 50. 65. 75:. 31.00. $1.25. $1.50 ma ms um Men's Shield 'l‘ock Ties ........ 50 and 75c Men's Shield Bows ......... 35. 50 and 750 Men’s Tan Grey Dress Kid Glove'h 52.50 Fur Gauntlets ...................... $2.50 Lined Gloves ............... $2.00 to $3.00 Cloth and Leather Mitts ....... 50c to $2.00 Well Made Boys’ Gloves, Heavy and Warm Gloves and Mittens ........... 35c to $1.50 MEN’S GOODS Suspender and Garter Sets at ....... $1.50 Suspenders ........... 50 and 75c and $1.00 Hose Supporters ............... 35 and 50c Arm Bands, Holly Boxed .............. 25c Men's Slippers, Leather and Felt, 90c - $3.00 GIFTS FOR DAD AND BROTHER Gifts for “Him†MEN'S AND BOYS' GLOVES MEN’S AND BOY." SHIRTS Emâ€"flmeâ€"zc Z<= $.23: MEN’S HOSIERY BOYS’ BLOUSES Dr (3 8 8 Shirts, Plenty of Styles and Colors to Scl- ect from,. $1.00. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. $3.00 and $3.25 g per pound ......................... 38¢ Fancy Large Polished Pecans, per lb . .35: Fancy Large Black Walnuts, per pound 15¢ Fancy Large Hickory Nuts, per pound.l2c Fancy Large Pistachio Nuts, per Tb $1.25 §Nutmeats -â€" Freshâ€"WalnuWâ€"Black Walâ€" 1113uts -l- Pecans â€"- Almonds - Filberts and mm s Fancy Dried Fruits â€" Figs â€" Almonds â€"- Layer Raisins. m Fancy Candies by the Pound or Box. Fancy Cookies and Cakes. Fancy Cheeseâ€"Large Assortment. Large Assortment of Oranges, Tangerines, ae Fruit, Gra x,Bannnas and Apples, by t e Pound or SEND YOUR ORDER FOR XMAS EAR- j "t“ LY AND 11er us TO GIVE You Goon salmon. , - 1 V 3 per: pounH ......................... 4. Fancy Large Filberts, per pound ...... 44 Fancy Large Jumbo Washed Brazil Nutg HEADQUARTERS. FOR .(IHRISTMAS TREES, TABLE TREES, HOLLY, HOL- LY WREATHS. NUTS, CANDIES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS! Fancy Large California Soft Shell Walnuts per pound .......................... 50c Fancy Large California Soft Shell Almonds per pound ......................... 43c Fancy Large Mixed Nuts, Best Grade FANCY LINE, HIGH GRADE CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. You need Rub- bers for out of door wear they are cheap at any price in the long run. Ru!» bers for Every-l WARM FOOTWEAR FOR EVERYBODY. Sweater and Legging Sets. $3.50 to 85.00 Beautiful New Celluloid Rattles. .15 to 50: Infants Celluloid Sets ................. 75c Oil Cloth Bibs and Cloth Sets, washable 59¢ Knitted Booties, Sncques, Hosiery, Bonnets Our Doll Family is Unusally Large This Year. A Doll Show that will Delight the Hearts of All the Happy Little Ones. HERE IS TOY LAND THAT IS JOY LAND FOR EVERY BOY AND GIRL PLAYTHINGS GALORE FOI€ CIiILDlQEN GIFTS FOR BABY OR INFANTS GROCERIES DOLLS f")! 10