Christmas Candies and Nuts "the world" speaks of the advent of Christ thus: “The greatest event of _,all history ~ the greatest in every view. politically. suicially and mcrally. .110 has than religiouslyâ€"occurred in 1 the rei n of Augustus when Jesus of Nature h was born.†Education, phi- lanthropy, science. art, morality. ne- ligion. civilization. all receive their greatest impulses fmm the teachings and spirit of Chrstianity. If Christ had not comeâ€"â€" '.' Our faculty-o. vea- son breaks down beneath the burden. Wercannotcopceive of_ the ppssihility.‘ The land of the nativity iics in the same latitude as the southern half of the United Slates. Tho the air is} seldom bitterly cold. there is often heaiy snow fall. It was. mid- wintei and in snow-clad ï¬elds near Bethle- hem, six miles south of Jemsalem she herds \Ieio keeping \igil over flier flocks folded safelv from mm! and evil beasts within rudely construe ted sheep -cots In this locality Ruth had leaned behind the reapers and} Davi, the sweet singer of Israel had: led his flocks beside the still waters many long years before Perhaps? these shenherds thought of these things as they guarded their flocks b3 i uig ht and watched the sum or talked! ofg the traditions of the past. Littlel «lid they dream that the great Shep-l herd was so near. Suddenly a hea- venly messenger stood in their midst. Trembling with fear they received a, For “HER†this season we will have a ï¬ne as- mtment of box candiw. Candy is always appre- listed by the gentler sex and the better the candy the more it is agpreciated. We have the best,â€"~ gflorseâ€"Bunteâ€" emptation. Chirstmas Nuts of all kinds to ï¬ll the stock- W or put on the table. a In â€comment of splendid Christmas men, holly MW. Bathrordereaflyuthcaupply Ollr Landau me Lord Saï¬sbury Piedmont. Fatima Pull Md! Philip Morris Herb"! Tlreton Mela-trill. Camels mi! 9â€â€œ “brands-" A pipe smoker will argue for hours re- garding his favorite “mixture,†cigar and cigar- ette smokers are just as particular. We have the best brands, get a hint from him as to his favorite and then buy here. Gig-reflex by Tobacco f o r Cigars by the the package or pipes those box are always anon. who “roll their welcome.- 101 South Main St. REPAIRS REASONABLE, CONSISTENT WITH PRICE OF MATERIAL USED. Harness Shop. :AL' PASTORS WRITE CHRIST- MAS MESSAGES (Continued from Page Dom mow mun ow M0155 AWAY' CHRISTMAS TREES C. PENNER Plow Boy . Cigar Ohm;- Velvet Prince Albert Tuxedo Lucky Strike Serene Mixture Sweet Till! Union Louie? aimiliur to that which we faced on the 6th of April. 1917." On that day we suddenly faced a crisis that made ux see clearly the impossibility of remaining in a new lral position. Immediate action was Enecessary, and for immediate action we were unprepamd. But the cums ,of 1917 dili‘ered from the crisis of this ‘ycar. Was then a crisis that involved iour position among the nations of iEumpe. The resent crisis involves ‘the stabilitv 0 our own government Sand the safety of our‘own‘peopie: : In our dismayâ€"we cannot look with conï¬denCe toward those who are ad ministering our government. The va- cillating policy adopted by them is disheartening. Conferences predestin- ed to failure. Commissions unable to do more than give futile advice, the imposition of extraordinary taxes to compensate for extravagence and “'11" In! waste, officials who invoked the law to restrain workmen and avoided _ m nThe man or woman least interested public affairs is no longer blind to the disturbed condition of public affairs So disturbed are theyp that In a stabement issued last week by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York is was said that. “the business men of the whole nation believe as a peoplq ye are now c0n< fronted in the world of morals and in the World of Made with a. crisis nimiliur to that which we faced on the; am of April. 1917.1" By Eneas B. Goodwiï¬, Pastor of St Joseph's Catholic Church. mess: which brought assurance and joy. char not; {or belgok}, I ï¬xing you news of great joy to ail Male; for unto you is born this day in t 0 city of David, a Savior who is ( hlist the Load. " He came. Let earth again rage-at the story. Immanuel (God wit us) is His name. “Joy to the; work}; the L91" has come. ilk-(earth mceh'e- her King. Let every heart prepare Hlm room And Heaven and natum sing.’ will be a happy one if Old Santa leaves in his stocking some- thing to smoke. Those who worship at the shrine of “My Lady Nicotine†are yery particular about THE Smoker’s Christmas Downers Grove. Ill. THE NATIONAL CHRIST- MAS HOPE Little Tom Gil Barnard (Jub‘ Special Tainan“ Cub-no Ton Ptlner Robert Bum Dutch Mater: IA Azor- Eeliy's_ Bonn-c La Rest: Special DOWNERS GROVE REPQBTER, DOWNEIES‘ GROVE2 ILL'INOIs we cannot say that any one is unint- erested in them. for ever one in some way or other is personal effected by them. This coumty t. only a short time agoy hardly knevy _ the meaning of internal dimension, Is now convluscd with factions) strife of the most omnious signiï¬cance. Capital- ists have begun a systematic war av lgainst trade unionists. Unionists and ;Capitalists. by the vicious victories ‘of one or the other, have raised pri- 1cos so high that the people who am neither capitalists nor unionists have been driven to war aginst both comâ€" binations. Socialists, Soviets and Ro- dicals, academic and virulent, are forming organizations that will dis- seminate seeds of discontent from San Franciseo to New York. And these are the tribes. septa, races, clans, and the more subtle but no less dangerous associations of religiously exclusive membership that, fearful of the light. are sitting in the shadows waiting for the'days when this good land of ours! will be tossed and turbulent. It will take the chill oil colil mornings and the draught» out chilly evenings. It. will provide instant heat without tutu or dirt. It will protect lie-lib and insure comfort at all times. If a‘senaible. practical. thoughtful gift. is desired. we suggest a Gas Room Heater. The grandparents mother or dad will ï¬nd us! congenidlty in a If they do, it’s easy to quickly gratify these young- sters. While father and Does your 12-year-old-boy â€"â€"baseball fan-or your 18- year-old good-looking, well dressed daughterâ€"or your 5-year-old little oneâ€"ask for “my part†as Chicago’s Most Popular Evening Paper reaches your house? “I want ‘Mutt 8: Jeï¬'!" â€"are these insistent de- mands heard every evening as The Chicago Daily News arrives in your home? "Dad Pâ€"please give me the Sporting Pages"â€" “MotherLâ€"maz I have the Women’s pages ?†“I want ‘Mutt 8: Jeff'!" insistent de- â€"are these mother are reading the news pages, the comics, sporting and fashions or home decora- tion pages may be handed to the omnivorous youths men- tioned. There is plenty to go thing called “you†and how to kct p it in good shape. The Evening Storiesâ€"reg- ular gripping ï¬ction and in- teresting little every-day ad- ventures such as you have yourself. ALL THE WORLD IS NOW YOUR NEIGHBOR Ask to we the Hot Spot and Radium": Honours. ‘ ’ Wester United Gas ' @and ElegtricCompany {9} This Christmas Gift Brings To Every Boy and Girl in Downers Grove Warmth and Sunshine TO THE HOME! Gas Room Heater THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS I From the beginning of history the ‘supreme ob‘ect of every enuine re- former has en to establis his coun- try on the solid foundation of justice. The crisis in which we are today is the inevitable result of our abandon- ment of justice. Money is worship- ped with a wild frenzy that has turn- ed god like men and women into foaming beasts of prey. The rights of others have no place in the mind of a brute. Creed is driving the capi~ talist to smash unionism, it is greed that is cuusimr the rest of us to envy and hate both. and it is greed that in~ duces governments to crush nations Iï¬hat are weak and ally themselves with those that are strong. (heed means the elimination of justice from‘ It is time, therefore, to stren hten the foundations of our nationa edi- ï¬ce and make it safely habitable a- gain. This is the work of the genu- Ine Ieformer. Radicalism, Russian Sovietism, Capitalists and Unionists uI'e rlanninng plotting demanding, and c nmormg for a change. But the‘ chang e_ they desire is a change from what“ is. to nothing. The are like the foolish man who pulle down his house and when the tempest came hag! no niaceï¬o _go._ the law to aceornodate em layers, these are indications of bewil erment and of the loss of administrative con- trol that increase confusion in the country. and sanction the assumption of arbitrary powers. It is time, therefore, to stren hten the foundations of our nationa edi- ï¬ce and make it safely habitable a- gain. This is the work of the genu- me reformer. Radicalism, Russian Sovietism, Capitalists and Unionists ure- lanning. plotting. demanding, and c nmoring for a chamte. But the‘ change they desire is a change from what is. to nothing. The are like the foolish man who pulle house and when the tempest came had no niece to go. From the beginning of history the the individual and national mind. Justice must be recovered. To a at of religion in this wild scram- be for food and wealth may sound as unavailing'as to softly whisper to a man’sinkinz in the midst of a whirl- pool. But religion im lies habitual consideration of the ri ts of others. it is the only force that can neutra- lize greed, it is the sole reason of justice, It is not. however, something that is self operating. 1! it were, rince it is coeval with man, the pages of histor would not be stained wrth human b ood, nor would they be soil- ed with records of human follies, of down his satanic outbursts of fanaticism, or of industrial oppression. Religion may he lost. or rather, mislaid. When it‘ rs misiaid a moral crisis follows. } The w‘y8 0f H“!th’in‘ Inat appear Irom Gay [0 (la teresting facts about the All for15 cents a week The Home Pagesâ€"indis- For Every Bay pensable t0 thegirl who “1Ҡ. to know what w’bmen are and Carl talking about and to fuss The Motion Picture News around the house. â€"â€"make's y o u acquainted Many Other Boy-and-Girl with your favorite plays and Features~serious,humorous players. and of everyday usefulness The Wm" of H â€"h__; m that appear from day to day. There is plenty to go ’roundâ€"reading- matter for all, young or old, convenient- ly arranged that all may read “their†paper at the same time. MMMMMM LUMBER MMMKLAMM'M if “Christmas Time Is Here Again? 13 But moral crises are temporary on- ly. Disas'frous experiments and ex- Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. 'AND WITH IT COMES THE SPIRIT OF BROTHERLY LOVE AND “PEACE ON EARTH GOOD WILL T0 MEN.†WE EX- TEND TO ALL DOWNERS GROVE FOLKS THE SEASON’S GREETINGS AND OUR WISH IS THAT ONE AND ALL SHALL HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRIST- MAS AND A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEw YEAR COAL 1 Building Materials of All Kinds my; Manufacturers Dealers The Sporting Pageâ€"no boy can hope to keep up with his pals unless he follows the “dope†sheet. ’. L. SWEARINGEN Phone One Five patience: invariably b auntie- adjustment of social no “ions. 0- (Continued on Page 3) Beautiful nulls. separate skins. serge. nicotine silk and [col-gal.“ dresses greatly reduced in prdo. All wall and silk dress goods sold by the yard. Georgette waists and silk poul- coats. also silk hosiery in stock (or Christmas gifts. Order your corsets from me. Guar- untu- ï¬t" one year. 75 North tom! Avenue MRS. EMRICH MILLWORK 19!.