C.:II.:ID:QC.I Qigï¬ï¬iifl GG.GGODOOOIII.D03 Oditfllillfl n â€3:33.... Q.Q.IOD:.'GOI. Q’.:II.OIG§C§COGOODIOCI W Emma or NMLM‘: The people of Glencoe are aroused to the absolute necessityof sewerage, as indicated by articles 111 the New s Law '1': 11. showing the interest taken will eventually culminate in a proper sewerage system. Differ- ence of inion is a great drawback to imm iate action‘ and until we all agree on a pro 1' method we Will endure the ï¬t th ,0! Havana surface sewerage. In my opinion the only true, sanitary way for the present and foi- all time is direct to the. lake with an eventual possibil- ity of ï¬lter beds. A municipal sewerage farm onthe Skokie 13 an experiment which the inhabitants of the village are too poor to con- sider. There 18 no reason ¢whywve should be mart’i’rs to such an ex: periment. Apossihle outlet to the drainagekcanal does not solve the problem Some day when the sewerage 0f four million people is emptied into the Mississippi there will be a great objection in the ' minds of the piople which will change the theory of such a pollu-I ted stream flowing a thousand miles to the gulf. Gannon PARK. "Mr. Calhoun}: has rented his place to Q01. Jzicolm. - The Cinch Club was entertain- ed by Mr and Mrs Tott'en, on Thursday :Mrs. Lluy d 8 children are con- valescilig from a severe attack pf “( hickeu pawn.†Mr. and Mrs. Joanny and Mr. VB Hurford nré exlxacted home today from Florida. ~ ,. ' _ Mrs. G083 is about to repair and furnish )ur house throughâ€" out preparatorv Lo renting Miss Jane Culver has; returned to her Medical studies, but will go back and forth awry day. Miss Mabel White has return- ed to her 11me at St.‘ Louis. Mrs. White 33119.01: to follgw her in about six weeks. w: cuwnoaan mmm . - meme Department . . PARAGRAPI‘IED. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS~LETTEB. ans hurrahâ€"$1.80 pot ,“Fr Invitatinns are out from - The H stml choir of the Wilmet- la Episcopal church, assisted our Episcopal church In their evening service last Sunday. Invitatinns are out from jhp Y: P. S. C. E; for h 7 Yohn‘g People's sociable, to behald «the Manse. Friday evening, March 10th. Mr. G. F. 0rde is making ex- tensiéeimprévements on the old Newberry house. He expects to move in early in the spring; MnAuderson of North Evauston treated the Congregational church to two tenor solos - last ‘Sunday morning. Mr. Anderson is a memâ€" ber of the Philharmonic quartet. The “german†for the children, tollowed by a dance for the Older people, which was postponed some time ago on account of Mrs. Laugh- ray ’8 illness, was held .last evening at the Village Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Vang ban Jacobs are receiving the congratulations of their friends over the arrival of a little daughter» on Feby, 18th. This 18 their third child, two boys having already received parental welcome " The quan’ 8 Guild of the Epis- copal chui'ch will give a “Dime and Measuring’ social on Tues- day evening, March 7th, at the residence of M;. John Parry, A general good time is expected and a cordial invitation extended t6 every one. ~ , The NEWS~LETTEB l’ms been fairly deluged with interesting communicatidns . f r o m " Glencoe, people an the Sewerage queétion. It' is. desired to give. full opportun- ity for discussions of thisdmpor: taut, matter. This paper bag; no pet 'tlxedries to mlvaincé and wishes all sides or! the problempresvnted, requesting only that communica- tionq be made as brief and pointed as (mime so that their publica- tion will not exclude other impor- tant news maflor. Further aim-l nmnicntluhs will appear next week. The tum problem was never more diflcu t of solution tlmp dur, ing the put two tests. Thb utmost vigilance upon the part of local pence 0600!: buy prevented ‘nny worse 03m than home tuthuae begging- Anvv- “AIIW A!" anon HAD W' what premrioun illness in copula- cent. A hand-om: invalid’n table for tuking hu meal: comfortably in bed, wmaontby Mr. A. L. Down. To do the right thing, at the right tingâ€"is it not the highest mark of civilization At the postponed â€annual meet- ing of the Young Ladies Mission- ary Society with Miss Lieter, last Saturday, the following. ofï¬cers were elected: President, Miss May Mnrdow;Vice-preeident', Miss Ethel Parr ; Secretary,MiseNina Howard; reasurer, Miss Eliza- beth Saunders, ' “Lots of good things are missed by people who never ask for them," so thought a Glenooe man who sat him down and wrote to the genial Mr. Kniskern that Glencoe needs another evening train. “Why cero tainl), †said Mr. K, “hereafter the 8 p. m. local shall run to Glencoe [week days and on Sundays the 8 p. :11. Milwaukee train shall stop at Glencoe. †This does the North- Western comply with all reason- able and‘courteous requests. This ,new schedule will go into effect about March 15th. ' Last month the‘Opp‘ortunity Club, the children’s missionary society, tried 'the plan of meeting monthly ht private houses! The result was that largely attended meetings were held at Mrs. Jacob Schnurs’ and Mrs 0. R Barnett-5', but as the club has no other invitations to:private houses it will probably havete meet hereafter at the church. At its annual elec- tion Miss Florence Plummer was elected president of the senior divie slon and Laiiry. Williams, president of the junior division , Hattie Day Secretary, and Jessie ‘Schnur trees. Wm; ‘Landwchr. Dealer in Skfm i.lk :- Mflk. Bum-milk. Change heeae nd Whipped Cream. Hotels. restaurants and ,bmmina house: sup- plied at reasonable men. Pure Milk, Cream, Etc. Devon V. am; 3!. . Minna“.