Mentién of Dr. Bergen ' in an- other column’in connection with a Chicago operation should read Dr. Stehman. The for-inel- was un- able to be present. Do you read? 1 Try the Circulnt~ iug Library-of-Chicago for the now- ost ,books and magazines. , Call or send for circular and cataldg. Hu- shall Field Co. Bldg'..3l Washing- tdn St, Chicago. Rev. Bo‘M. Rabb will speak on “Christ the cruqiï¬od†sunday mornï¬ng at the Baptist-church. The evening subject will be,‘ “I pray thee, have me excusedâ€. It is the universal sentiment of the many friends of Congressman Foss 1n the Park that the taking of Lake county away from his dis- tri'ct would be an outrage, both to Mr. Foss and to the voters here, who are proud of the record he has‘ madé at Washington. - . to: cicnflr Ind analog. Circulating Library, Mauhall'Field 00., Bklg. 8| Washington St" Chiéago. -- The hostesses for the lecture re- cital on the " Music of the Ameri- can Indians†ai'ï¬le HighlandPark Club on Tucsday evening; are Mm. Daniel M. Cobb and Mrs. Thomas. qubour Brown. It is to he‘hope‘d the memberswill no; miss this. opportunity-of enjoying a ptdgi'a‘m of unusual merit. The question' is again being agitat- éd of having a grade crossing bu Vine a've, so as to make a direct means of communication with Golf club fdr persons living inthe north- ern part‘of town. All these people now‘ have to drive around by ‘tbe crossing at. the E.|ectric__light station; The Park Cinch Club meet: next ‘ “BRIT W Thmday evening With Mi“. Aletterh‘om Edinburandinna, VThomi'o" m Chwngo written I) a former resident, 11'. Members ofthe Ringling club Edmund 011013. to 111.600. B. have lanued an infernal danceat Cumming. oxpm theany in. the Jighland Park Club tonight. domment ol'the ingestion of the n n 1 oh» NuwRJ mum mumuim flu: Mrs Laura A. Baker, the survi’w iug head of one of the oldest families in Highland Park, was stricken with paralysis at her home on Central are. last Monday. The' shock was not as serious as had at rat been feared and Mrs. Bake‘r' Is mgressing nicely under the watchful cars of her children. ' THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSLETTER. unwary on mean. \ nu supranat- er and Perrymnn in the recent life saving incident, by tendi them a ï¬tting tastimouial, Spa lug of Mr; Van Riper, Mr. Norton says: t‘Van don't stop to think of him- self when help is needed."- In clos- ing My. Norton says; '“ I enclose 810.00 toward my recognition of appreciation." ' _ Lake Forest University is to erect a memorial tablet in the col- lege memorial hall to commemo- rate the eflo'rtn of our Park lite savers. The Evanston commander of Knights Templar at a recent gath- ering passed unanamuus resolu- tions of congratulation to Mr. Van“ Ri per tor his bravery in rescuing the Lake Forest students frOm their perilous redicameni on the ice flees of t a lake. .The Catholic order of Lady For- esters held a very pleasant e11ter-. tainment 111 their hall on Wednes- day evening to celebrate necessions to their organization which have brought the strength up to ï¬ft3. The lady members and their es- corts played progressive euehre for a couple of hours and the'h en- joyed 1.111 elegant spread Which had 3 been prep'ered for their delectntion A musical rogram of several 1111mâ€" hers Was afso given. The winners at euchre were Mrs Frances 0011: red 111111 Jas. Mooney. Mjss M11- bel McDunough 11ml1 E. Farmer enrried 11wn3 the boob} prizes. JAMESW’“ UFFY Express, Baggage... . 1111111 PamIMlvew‘ Trunks 2513.:par11la1101 :_ to or from any part 111'c1ty Goods handled with _1zr1 atest 1 are 1 Furniture and Pianos Moved, PACK :0 AND B†I PPED Are responsible for all goods while in our hands Prompt attention amen all ‘1. unlcm. 1TF1.1191111N1: 7.16 J. H. DUFFY, Mgr Palmer Boat Co., DIOlGNERS ‘ AND BUILDERS 0V The teétimonial subscription is growing apnoe- and in another Week thisqmper hopes to record more deï¬nite information regarding the amount subsorjbed and the char. actor of testimonial decided upon; [ Mr. ‘Spaulclipg'of Cliicflago has my. en the Vail bquse for the summer. Mrs. Spaulding’s brother. Mr. Clark, a Chicago bariker, has purchased the Russell. prnpej'ty on Central avenue. Mr. Clark will. tear down. the old Russell house and erect a line res-i- dqnce similar i'n' '9;er to the sub- LENTEN DIVERSION. DR. H". H. 30me “anti-l Imam at Mr. W. B. White, that Iï¬ding a long hoped for improv- men‘ to Central avenue. (mm nod Rn. Highland Hutel'. Bnturiok patterns tor sale at Miss Enlino’s Mr. 'Ptaustiehl ï¬nds that hockey is not the onlv came popular in Tm No. 0. ' Untll0.00A.ll. , Houumighwood): . 12.00101.80P.m 1.00 t08.00 P. l. Fletcher Building. Successor to Dr. 0. B Ufllce : Highlandonlock. Racing and Pleasure Yachts. Painters and Décb‘rators LLOYD MBERGEN M. D. Moo dealers in all kinda of ‘ Poms. Vanuatu-9‘ and Val! Piper; MINI“!!! E. WESGOU. III HIGHWOOD- Dr. Frank M. Ingallx. DREC; fl Promsioul " BRAND BROS» Femald. HIGHLAND PARK The Reliable DEN NS 1'. Dentist. Highland Park. Ill. Highland M. Ill. . 0va “"qu 9 a. I m E r I Umll humor noun Highland Park. Illinois. Tel-phone I0].