Hand .w‘iotum" .. 0 mm M» ii dutMMh'M-mlthm heidathhkoehonh‘keWW oatheo. tN.W.l..n..ae heron mud: The Oehheeh Yacht Oldie museuheutepraperauoneterthe caterteinlagotnéhh-a andthelr RiemaIdanhheahieweiiaup- pliedwlthgothetqlew‘alar-gecrowd heapectedtoattend. Itlebeiiewed thattherewiliheath'aetdoouethe nmdxaeï¬tlm than wan thecaaeonWhiieBearIAkelaetyear. Itiedoobttolltany "attain-then counterba- created as much en-‘ tho-inner will have'aemnynew‘ yacht: entered a'e will be entered for thumptummmnewmhu. .knowntobehuildingioeompete for championehlp honors. four are build»1 insinmghlandi’ark’ atthePahnet‘ Boatcm'eehope. Mr. John anee and Mr. P. D. At- mour-plan, howeputup a perpetual challensecupeoeungtmtobeean edtoratOconomowoc. I An Ada, Ohio paper and tho Gina cinnatti Enquirer nonowod one day last week with my mm head- and u‘stoniubora, that “ Godot James M Stewart. when I resident ofAdn‘ and now attonding a niilituy drool in Chicago, 1? dowly, flying of petri- “hie hands and feet are thmed to etone end the disense «m progress until his whole body fat petriï¬ed. (The doeto're have no hopeehd have git enhim up to' die a Qslow end humble deeth. †We intewiewed the genie! “Den†on the s‘nhject Ind he ntterly‘ refutes to admit thet he in deed, in feet he does: Niven wiehto die. He says that the only truth there In in the story in thet he is king tented, {or eentheleeme. end his one girl hes given him the " mirble heert, †hence the petrifeetion Story. AWE!“ N.- fl. A. m IIIIIIIDGI' THE W 3011) REVS-LITE“ ‘ STOVES. RANGES; ., C. A. KUIST, - Pcoplca'nnot he tooparticulnr re- garding the character and purity of the lee they. one and when they are given an opportnni-ty to secure the boot roe, chonld not be content with an, inferior trtielc. ‘ Raflcn Jr Biker, ï¬nding that they could not get a uniform quality of we from the north. purchased nix lots 1n the lenthwcltcrn port of the city, that were obvcredwith'athick growth To: trees ‘and brush and withaeity water main ndioining. - " Building an enrhnnkmcnt they maids 11 main containing about 30.0% square feet, with the bottom above†“II-.Wudï¬r'nuWork DID-ohm. canm‘MrW; ?, THE ICB QUESTION apipoatthebottomr thaywili let the water all out of the 'banin â€my -spring, than securing ‘frea‘b, chat water every your In order to make 'nure that thinyaajtha bent in to be' had, they submitted a mph 0'! this yjototho‘chomiatatflio MM am Unimnity for n Wroclogicnl, analysis, a hedmile 01 which ap: pears b61017. - Thq‘wiliaontinné to have on hand Northern ionic: "than the sheet grade. This dun new. earth basin they ï¬lled'with city wa- ter, and now they be". in hand from it a large quantity of the ï¬nest ice ever out in this city. ‘ By the aid of