annular-auras sun. A brilliant ball, accompanied by great merriment and jolliï¬eation, was held last Monday evening in the pavilion at Fort Sheridan Perk, Highfvood.‘ The occasion 'wal the celebration of: the "weeping victory of the members of the People’s ticket over their opponents of the ,Citiun’e ticket. It was a “Grand compli- mentary administration ball, given Ly the oflicerrelect of the village of Fort Sheridan to the friende' and supporters of the People’s party, †and judging from the large at- tendan'ce, the administration has many supporters and .friends. for a larger assemblage never before gathered beneath“ the . roof of the pavilion. muw IW Amumsru'nox BALL. In. Any Hollbitd, wbq hu'ban A brilliant ball, accompanied by ill for some tune with mhm, hoot areat merrimeut and jolliï¬cntion, again. 10 For the hungry a booth had been erected in a corner of the hall, where refreshments were furnished; while a stand outside furnished light re- freshments, such as pop, etc, to the thirsty. ' '3 ï¬ne orchestra from Chicago fur- nished the music and the principal feature of the evening was dancing. In the grand march over one hundred and twenty couples partieipated._ . Among those present were many from Lake Forest. Highland Park, Glencoe, Winnetka, ijertyville, ‘Deerï¬eld and Waukegan and~a very large percentage of ‘the population of Highwood and FortSberidan. It was a very large crowd, and‘all‘ went merry as a marriage bell. Dancing Iasted until midnight, when the crowd dispersed, compli- menting very highly the oï¬ioers-elect for the royal entertainment furnish- ed them. The hosts of the evening were : William F. Hogant president of the village board; Charles H; Gary, clerk; and Trustees Swanson, Benson, Sav- age, Brady and Robergt.‘ ' Miss. Marie Hoey and Misc Bres- enhan of Evanston were guests of Mrs. Quirk this week. ‘ , . . Emma: and m Sheridan. . . m sun-mum ROAD NEWBeLETTER. The Mina quda 01 Chicago, via- it‘od their My, Mn. Blythe. this week. . Mrs. Smith. after h long visit with Mrs. Steward Sheldon, left for Wuh- ingtou, D. .C., this weak. ' Mira. Sergt. E. J. Whiting, who has hon in the south with bar has- band during the winter. is home again and expects the Setgt. to re- turn soon. Mr. J Hugh Foster, of Work Bros, Chicago tailors. has secured the con- tract for making the uniforms for the motormen and conductors of the C. M. electric railway. Mt. Robert Raikee, conductor on the C. 8; M. electric line, sufl'ered a bad accident this week, resulting in a broken arm. Mr. Raikes slipped and fell on the sidewalk at the com pany’s oï¬ica. FOR RENTâ€"Hotel Electric; 20. rooms; suitable for boarding house; near Gray Electric Factory Highland Park, employing a large number of men. Apply to R. W. Hawkins, 90 La Salle St., room ~9O,Ul1icago. [All menu node: the above heudlm Includ in: m clued. Help Watt-(1.1“. Found, In. {Ca-unnu- Special rates “two on W a this once. for not. dun one WJ FOR SALEâ€"7A good fresh c young and gentle. Apply to )1. Ba i. Highwood. FOB SALEâ€"Mob collies. l “I?!†and Cookers. Dogs in m FUR SALEâ€"1897 bicycle, in good order. $10.00 cash. Address A. B. C. Gleneoe P. O. V PARTY wishiug'w dispose Hf ~t\ dining room chairs might ndlruxchlsor by applying to hm 43, ighland Park, Ill. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"-â€"â€"Houso and lot, corner Central and Lindén nos; 9 rooms, bath, steam heat, otc.; lot 120le ft. to allay. H. C." Sampson, Box 5, Highland Park, or 539 w. 14th at., Chicago. W ANTEDâ€"To trade a double-seated TO RENT For the summer, furnish. 'ed; a nearly new, modern 9 room Highland Park, house. 3 blocks . east of depot, one block from the lake; or’will ttade for vacant at farm property. Apply to Dr. G. 0. Taylor, Highland Park, or 207 E.« 44th st, Chicago. ed. best of care. Mrs. Alex 1016 Davin-street, Evanutun FOR SALE. 11) RENT. ETC. carriage for a phaeton. Apply to P. .0. box No. 261,Higblaud Pdrk. fresh cow exam