.. DRQWW ‘ . u I!» ' The Hannah: have opened their . must Whome ' 11:. John J eehon has recover- 1 ed from 1i “took 0! measles; MrESWeuswaainl-ed» ' " whflé‘ werking on his lawn on. day. . 0. A. Giles and family .53 again in Lake Forest, after wintering in whethsyjsnpsdvd topsrtiith withsttheytreeslerredtheiret» thelr‘hsrdesrued-eoq than!!! tention tied hreekiyu whiting-to Mead-doth heplshlue, thst obeerJndsswingugonhin seinetwenty hr'einuelnher. bee-me , kicked, hest sndpeunded him until hoieteroue sndnoisy, mulching about he use since! lnsendhle. Finelly the viilnge._snd mekinginsulting re- they left him snd continued their Lmnrks to all whé were outst thet lute dbturhnue‘e until hr into the morn- hour. This sinuselnent not proving ins. when they left (or the bunch. eseiting enough they threw stones Hr. Reektenwsld. elthough hudly nudelube through thewindovs'of 3 injured. in sble to be srouud the meet Insrhet end else through the housesnd will soon beshle to return windows of the your, storeof Ire.- to his duties. .AHJHoqu. Aboutthistilnelr. Therillsgepeoplesremuehin- Reetenwsld. s speeisl oï¬eer, sp eensed over the sleir,snd will insiet pesredontheseeuennd endeerored upon s thorough inveeti gntion and to disperse the disturhere. with the the punishment of the olenders. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee W“ “MOW! Herbert Moore graduated from 110%er Theological Seminary last week. A number of his friends ‘ went down to the exerci'eee.’ ' The Bulletin Prize Debate was we by the Zeta Epsilon society, _ wow representatives, George L. Mallory and J amee Seouller, took the ï¬re! and second prizes reepeo Vtively The debate took place at "the Art Institute last Friday even~ \ ~ ing and was one of the e‘Vente of the year in college circles. ‘ I i tï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬tï¬iliï¬ï¬ï¬tlu WWW 4 Somé éxcftement ‘waa drained. Thursday by $16 ï¬naing of a note in a bottle which washed ashore;- The note stated that “ Bud: Cavi- mm co‘mmited suicide by drown:- ing himself, April 12,1899.†' The bottle was icked up by a_ ' man in the am y of Mr. Gran- or and forwarded-to Capt Coll‘erau '» 61 {he Central Statitm, Chicago hile‘ woriing on his lawn Mon- , ' CIA. Giles sndfemilyhfeiigiin ' '- I Lake Forest, after wintering in ldi‘forniapw .v ' . ‘ Herbert Moore graduated from [(3%er Theological Seminary 1st week. A number oihis friends rent downto the exercises; ' The Bulletin Prize Debate was re Thy the lots Epsilon society, 7 one Arepreeentatifee,~ George'L. [allory and James Scouller, took he ï¬re! and second; prizes respec ,ively. The debate took place at he Art Institute last Friday even~ ‘ ngend was one of the events of] the Min college circles. ‘ Seine excitement was created. , Thursday by the ï¬nding of a note in a bottle which "washed ashore;- The note stated that “ Buck Cavi- uanDcommite‘d' suicide by ded- ‘ ing himself, .April 12, 1899. †‘ The bettle was , inked up by a. man in thee’m yoi'Mr. Gran» er. and forwarded-to Ospt.,Oollemn ' 6f thefOentrul Station, Ohimgo.‘ Mm. Shelby Vdnce mien ' has returned from Pasadena, where she spent the winter with her pa rents, Mr. and Mn. 3. 0. Durand. A Mr. and Mrs.- Durand are still in ;tivdwas 'given it the Art Institute ‘ last night by the'ladies ante " CnmpueImprovement Ass‘ociatiOn. .' It is unnecemery ‘ brilliant success. ’ People always . 'go‘ to the f entertainments of' this ‘ mietion‘Withthe utm ' conï¬- . deuce in the ability of . fto‘provide a“ good time. for them, an ‘Aestrawherryh undies! cream fee-v to report it a e-edies to make them pay for it, _ The Onwentsia .Polo Club She- €119, itsfourth season this week; hey will use their new'ï¬â€˜eldmthie ‘ summer. The ï¬eld is so situated . thetthe observers of the gamectin ~ sit upon the veranda of uthe~club house. This is certainly an advana tugs. over perching upon e‘b’rake, trying to enthuse and m e some "time balance a parasol bet n'the broiling sun and ones’ pink ‘ bedeeke’d hut. There is also the; advent ' x of beingrnea'r the *sta- .bl'es. . e Onwentsia will'be the scene of a National tournament in July. Then we willhaVethe op. ’ poftunity of comparing our men with the other players of the coun- try. Most of the players of former years will play this season. In ad‘- ditiou to these cones Marshal Field withhis No. 1‘ record trom the Hurlinghm team in England;- m SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. Pmdena. Mrs; Martin could no longer restrain her desire to see the pretty new house which has ’open in prose-"I of eonstmction during her absence, and so came oh ih'eadL ' ’ I Fm and Pianos Moved. m When [mm More. Phone“. .thum‘ J. 01.!)NI», I‘ropr. l 0-“. 1m Bother. STREET SPRINKLING, AFianuafltyoi Hay'forSalc (DR. 6W ST- MWAL AV. ‘, A. H. FORC, mauunb max, I“. - - m and“); MN lxcawatlng. '» Evamonflm ‘3 Telephone 31'. Jon Dundee Tele momma. ' a 10m 13am um. quonflntvï¬ 1573 Maple avenue. ’ ; E Professor In Chicago Veteflm Wine A. s, ALEXANDER I. mm s erlm MW . 0111:. m I 30' JLHEBBIETHWAHE. nun-mus“. , _ 19w Maple Avenue. _- “A: _ scam mm OtNIIAL :xrnassmc. ‘6‘ i, ' ‘..;,.“_:", ~ ncflptious dispensed with the M.“ m and chemucm. popum brands of Manama Ilium purchasig 8 mm prim. “IONLAND TBI PI DAILY EVKNSTON.