Mm. Beuj. W in mead. ing a few weeks at Luke Gone" with her father, Mr. Fuirbanh, of Chicago. Hr. Horace L. Winslow won the. ï¬rst . f for class honors (s 8125 set 0} lswbooks) at the commence- ment exercises of the Chung!) Law School s week sgo'l'hnrsdsy The faculty at ï¬rst reported that Mr. Wins10w wu' swsrded the second prize (s 850 set of books) but it has since been lesrned that the faculty was modest at Mr. Winslow's expense, The tax levy.of 811,000 for ed- ucational purposes, made by the Winnetka Board of Education for the current year, has been cut down by the county oï¬cials to $8.662. this being the‘ 2 per cent. limit prescribed by law. This leaves the Board of Education in an embarrassing condition, as all contracts and expenses for the {ear were based on the 311,000 evy. There are three ways out of the dilliculty open to the Board. First, to drop the kindergarten,- manualtraining, music and draw- ing; second, to use funds levied for building purposes for current expenses; third, to close the school for part of the ensuing year. Is it legaL to use money levied for building purposes for current expenses ?_ . Our village has lately suffered «from considerable inconvenience from the deeds of the hoodlum element. It may pay our coun- «cilmen to ferret out and make an example of some of these oï¬'end- ers. -Lnst' week a large tree on Elm . street was scarred, holes bored and salt put in it. When later the tree was covered with straw to protect it some incendiary set ï¬re to this. The latest outrage of this class is the breaking "of the red dangepsignal lantern and some water pipe in front of. Prof. Fa- vonr’s new property on Elm street. The plumber,' George Bissett, is supposed to ‘snï¬er for accidents caused thmugh the absence of this red lantern. But he will take care to have a witness to the plac- ing of the ( signal. In thatâ€"case should injury result it - is evident the city would be ï¬ned and there is no doubt that the offender would be caught and dealt with to the full extent of the law. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER: The ï¬rstmeoting under the un- pices of the newly formed Hens' Club will be bold nt the Congn~ gltionnl church J nne 4th, in the evening. The program will con- sist lugely'of a consideration of the Peace Conference, by Mr. J. W. Plummer and several others. Mr. William pmmisesaome appro- printe special numbers by the choir It is earnestly hoped that this new enterprise will meet with en- Coal and Wood. .ï¬ Twin WI“. Pennwlvania Oil and Gasoline cold by b FRANK OTTO. FLORIST, W. Wllow Street. near Provident Avenue. P'0-méï¬m. m 5mm «a Plants. <- Palm and 1m. ma C. Richardson. On North Shore é’acant and Improved Real Estate. Kiwi-inn und Furniture Movlna I Specialty. OrCare .l. L. Electric Light Wiring G. 'Wbitney, Prouty- 131k" Winnetka. sent â€in the form of a large . Pennaylvmia OH and Gasoline mid I Mr Iâ€. Glam ’ - ~ . ,- Peabody. “oughleling 8: Co. ‘ ‘ Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables. Let mvé "ï¬gure on »Wiring your Houseor Store. First class work. ‘- Prbmpt service. Reasonable rates. ' BUILDING LOANS "@1925;- No. 164 Deodor- Street, ALONZO L. RICHARDSON. CHICA 60. Winnetka. . Emu-I and Carnage. Fumhhed for , Puma. Weddings. Bulb. Etc attendance. Mr. Henry P. Williams, ‘vho huhednpeeillpreplrntion In a choruseondnetor, hungreed to take charge 0! the chem choir and conduct it rather an a Choral Union, with 0 View to the carehl study and notion othigh clan choral vor , such as cantata, etc. All persons «ring to take up such work are cordial! invited to attend the reh at the Con- gmgatiounl church thie(8ntnrda{) evening at 8 p. 131., Ind 'to .tn 0 in the specie! number. (or the Men's Club program. by barrel or gallon. OD. WINNBTKA. ILLINOIS. Man Otdgn have (1me Attention ited to he Cou- Itnrdai)