“t } - The annual meeting of the Win- neth Improvement Auociation will baud Thundny evening. October 19th. It 8 o’clock in the Congrega- tional church. for the election 6! oflccn, transaction of business. re- port- of committee: and nwnrding of prizes. . ; g lies Noble Kay’u dlnoing clay: to; children iill open Thursday. Oct. 19th. at 4 p. m., in Prouty hall. The flret University Extension lee- tnre on “ Benjamin kalin, the Colonial Agent," has been postponed two week: on account of the Chicago Day festivities. It will be given Oct. 23rd, in the Congregationnl church at Winnetka. Course tickets for the six lectures 81.50; may be had of nny'member of the cOInmittee or et the drug etore.‘ Last Sunday, October eighth, the sad news reached Winnetka of the death 0! MnJameeA. Hunt. He had been in failing health for months put and at the time of his death was at a sanitarium nest Milwaukee. Mr. Hunt came to Winnetka twelve years ago and though never. entering into the political life of the village, his name has always been prominent in works of a public character. He was one of the most active members of the Village Improvement Society and many at the young trees which the society has planted owe their life to liis conscientious care. I_-Ie was al ways a sympathetic worker- in the Bureau of Justice in Chicago and his timely help will be missed in'hlhe fu- ture as unexpected exigencies arise. His retiring nature prevented his ever taking any part which would bring him into public notice, but many an individual will miss his kindly help and the village in his death has lost a most interested citi- WANTED-SEVERAL BRIGHT and honsst paracns to repre. sent us as managers in this and close-by counties. .Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona- ï¬de, no more, no less salary. Posi- tion permanent. Our references, 81:; banklin- an): tom}. ;t is mainly amoa' work 00:16ch: home, Ref- erence. Enclose self-addressed uhmped‘venvelo . Tn: Dommox 001mm, Dept. . Chicago. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEW8~LETPEE TIN C. Richardson. Coal and Wood. .4 Expreulnc and Furniture Moving a Speculu- FRANK OTTO. FLORIST, P. 0. Box 158. memA Shop: Opp. Cor. Rnflmd Ave... and Elia WINNBTKA. Upholsterlng and Window Shades. . West Elm Street. Winnetka. Goods tailed for and delivered at Winnetka. Glencoe 3nd Kmuworth. . " - , north Shore {lash Laundry E. C. WEISSENBERG; Coal, Wood, Feed and Ice Dre Arthur H. Mufdow, DR; H. C. R. NORRISS; CHICAGO. 0: Can .I. L. flooghtellng, Wlnuetko. On GEORGE BISSET, H. A. LINDWALL, '. ELM 87., WINNITKA ELM ST.. WINNETKA. Pennsylvania on and Gasoline sold by barrel or gallon Datum. Git-cos. - -> - . Big-51.. W1 Livei'y, Bqardlng and Sales Stables. North Shore Vacant and Improved Real Estate. W. Ill 37.. WINNIYKA Peabody. Houghleling Co. \rlumbor. . (m flowers and Plants. . * Palm: and ferns. BUILDING LOANS a. over Meyer’s Store. N E LSON BR US. Proprietary. ALONZO L. RiCflARDSON. ...LOANS No. '64 Durban Street. Hone- nod Cannes 'Fumlsbed tot Parties. Weddingn. Balls. Etc on!“ than no. fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Emma mm VICTOR BECK, Bone-Shut and ï¬lmmaker, 1910 Maple Avenue. LS. ALEXANDER, I. D. 0., V. 8. Vctcrlmwy surgeon ‘I’d DCMllf-u - o Uné’xcelled Accommodation: for Sick Home. « and Dogs. Long Dluam. e Tele hone 216. 1010 avin Street. W In Prob-nor in Chicago Veterinary College. ‘. Willow Street. near Provident Avenue. J. L. HEBBLETHWAITE. CHAS. SCI-IROEDER, Innston Veterimw Huplbl. -' Orders call'ed for and promptly ' delivered . . Valuable Horses Carefully Shod. UNDERTAKER. WINNE'I‘KA. ILLINOIS. Mall Orders have 'Prpmpt Attention Dealer in EVANSTON Winnctk‘. l3