{3,51 . Mater pply, , also appo pointed Meme. gBBP PM Millard, F. D. r “VEy'erett and G W Kirk a com ' w , Amines tamiV 0n, the city council end request youtpouement of ,1 "action on the ordinance above : named The city council unani- , mmly concurred in the request of the committee bird recommen- ed that the Water eommisuion 004 , p operate with the ciï¬zens’ commit- ' 4. it†in giving ml: information and _ Mailman {did in their power. A, join: conference was held on ï¬e 231* In; ï¬e city hell by the . Militias and water com- milked. Early in October a meet- fog of the tax-board of health and dammit!“ of citizens was hold' 111 the Y en’s Club building ' endoix y, Oct 10, the citi The committee VII appointed for the purpose of investigating the matter of the City water supply end should the name prove to be contaminated then to ascertain the meet amiable and prnotbel‘ method now in service throngh-- out the country for purifying water, and to report at a future "date to the â€hon With their recommendation on the problem, enhmitted.‘ . ' The city gounoil, at .a meeting held on Se 1. 19, 1899, had under contempl the “option of an ordinance providing for the puri iï¬mtion of “ ty water on 1y byes-be ‘, - eyetémef 5 mod: N mum had been â€a?" ï¬g â€1’ I ‘ - ’ â€(minu’ committee- int. ed uheqnout to the meoto citi- lea! mution hold on Sahib day evening, Sept. 16, 1899, out», lint of Mean. 1?. A Mon , George D. Bonlton, Bo rt M. Patton, J. H. Shieldgl'. C. Brown and S. M. Millard. submittecl’ "I" I): by the water committeemod given the sub- ject a th r 1 investigation,a portion (if M board had spent two years: many studymg the matter and- "3] -_ iffnt doubt are well inlomed in matters of, Highland Park 71319 "water cam. mission mm of six members, Messrs 0 G? Thin?! Daniel. Cobb, H.. Saflaakin, » 0. Van Biper, W; C}.- Btubbe and W. J. Obee. , The (31th meetmg in addi- . tio3; to the committee appointed to investigate the purity of the city THE 8115310â€? ROAD NEWSâ€"LETTER. son's coinmmegrnd water com. milaien'me't. 3W Width thcnhtebonz_ health ,gt- the Greet Earthen. Hotel. "Chicago. By request of the animal" coin- mmeo the auto board of health appointed the following commit- foc "h confer With the citizens Whi girointothecon. ditinud the t] water snpply «(fit [and impure to consult II To run And means of purifying £116 came. ‘ The stnte board com~ mitten is Dr. Florence W. Hunt, and Dr. Jernes A. Gray. secreta- ryof Chicago board of health. lent; that: ethorOugh investigation of the subject is being rude and A meeting of committees, with the State Board of Health will be called ionOotobor 25,1899,“ 8 o’cloixk p. m at the Highland Park club. An observer will at" once a'eo from mounting: held that the appoint- mouttoc the commaniiy at Eighllud Past may rest assured that their mm will be well prom inland: hands It has been saicl lint Highland Park was the ï¬rst city in the state to apply to the State Beard of Health [or info’rmation on this all important“ matter of sanitagy condition ‘of. the lake shore water. although it will be readily admitted that Highland Park water is as gee'd if" not better than. at many other places along the north lake abbre. By our charts to ascertain the ac tual abndi‘tion of matters We have created great interest all along the line. It- him~ become the general topic of oohvereation at the ï¬reside andathe 611:.me of haw shall we , overeome the contamination of the ‘ north choke water supply Shell it I he ï¬ltration of the water supply or " ï¬ltration of the aewere shot enter into the hike, or will it be: Wary .' for all cities along the lake shore to change their new systems and entry westward to the akokie the eewage and by eo operetion unite on a sys. ' . tom that will eeoommodate all the . north shore oitiee mm Wauhegan to Chicago. utilieing the drainage .. canal 39 the means of an outlet. We hope to be able after the meet- ing of the 25th to give more details of the meal View of the ’eubjeet. FOR 5 « cros sell easy V Hig FOR ‘ able Rev mg «. root wet: w ' 0 were: c. Nanci 95 Cm) Few WANTEDâ€"10 more homes to win- Stable warm and sanitary appointments perfect; good city . horses requiring restor-profassion- ‘ ~al attention especially desired; horses called foi- and delhmr'ed; for terms, etc, address George W. v -Turner, 11V S., Higï¬lï¬nd P3 tk, , 111.; ’phone Highland Pai‘k 107. T0 BENTâ€"A ton roamed hairs on Sheridan Road id GEM. .7 3 _Rent moderate. Adm Ba. 33 164. Gleucoe, 111., " M TO RENTâ€"Comfortably " rooms with heâ€, ‘iMWH modern home. pr "In M u“ children, at reason“. “3;“ unfurnished house. 0! 9m modem, to rent to lull Mil): Inquire at Grace Wait" ‘01 o’clock, or address the N318 can. FOR SALEâ€"A numhe'r or ï¬ne-bred WAy'rED ~â€" WANTED:â€" Furnished henna, _ , north lake shore to rent, summer mouths. Ban applicants. Owne'n .‘ please reply in detail. E. N, ' Weart ck 00.111 Doarhorn at. » ' FOB SALEâ€"0r for rent to a desir- abie tenant, the Inman house in Havana. Addrehs W F. Hogan, ,‘Highwood. Ill. Nina or ten large f roomg, bath, and hot and cold FOR SALEâ€"«Fresh now. ‘Aldeï¬nd ' n cross Gentle,:easy. milker. Wi 1 ‘ sell cow and calf together. Terms easy to reliable person. M, box 57 v Highland Park. ~ O J H-AIILITON 3.7 i... SAIL I. HAIILITON Money to loan on thmewgmt property , Telephone 96 Clark St" Rooms 22-» m GHOGIOQ. Fowlers... Cooker- Spaniel puppies. Addreu box 52. Glencoe. Ill. ‘AXTEDâ€" Man to take care of horses and do porter work. Must hit of ugh, Sober and of good chat- Wtf‘E A‘. Welch, Highwood. watei. POI! SALE. 1'0 RENT. ETC. c. J._.;1’AMBLE1‘0N a co.. Manufacturing 5:39 3" ' Optician. éeaiewa 1881;